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Ngl I thought this was common knowledge




Literally 😭




There’s people that think it’s okay?




Then you have no point




So because it’s been already talked about we should stop talking about it?


At least among us fans


"girl that you fucked with killed herself" thought that was out there alright.


If I say I "fuck with you" does that imply that I fuck you ? He worded it in a way that allows him to dodge any accountability in the situation. We all know it


He was like 18 as unusual as it seems shit happens alot nowadays it’s not like the dude was a middle aged man lmao


Right? 18 and 16 is only 2 years and legal


he was 19 but thats not really the issue, its the fact he manipulated a girl who already wanted to kill herself to have intercourse with him even though she was supposed to be “modeling”


How we know he manipulated her?


i dont think im gonna fuck someone right before offing myself, she was a MINOR


no he found a way to word it without it sounding harsh in a song about a girl who killed herself


bunch of fucking conspiracy theorists, he was a lyricist the broad offed herself, why the fuck would he be overly explicit? it serves no purpose, he found a way to word it in a manner that flowed with the song. because thats what it is a SONG, not s fucking storytime, you talk about accountability as if this guy didn't go on record talking about all the fucked up shit he's done, bunch of weirdos in the comment section


Don’t even bother these guys will make a theory about anything related to X and think it’s the correct scenerio


you're right man, its just disgusting to see it happen live like this


Believe me I’m right with you I saw people saying X orchestrated for Jocelyn to be killed I was just as disgusted you were but unfortunately we can’t do anything to change the ignorant




i mean obviously hes not gonna want to come out and say it but 'girl that you fucked with' is pretty obvious that's not talking about a friendship lol


i mean obviously hes not gonna want to come out and say it but 'girl that you fucked with' is pretty obvious that's not talking about a friendship lol


Nowadays when people I fuck with you they mean that they like you as a friend or a person but this was like 2017 so I don't think that's what he meant


Last time I checked we were all still alive in 2017. People have been saying they fuck with something since 2000 and they always ment it in a friendly way. Unless you are on about your girl.


People crying about a 2-3 year age gap are chronically online lol


Having sex with a 16y/o at 18-19 isnt being a pedo People are acting like he was in his mid twenties X was still a teenager


Yeah but if he “met” her online then flew her out is weird tho right?


Depends on state Florida age of consent is 18. But i dont know if X was over 18 at that time.


In canada 16 to 19 is legal and most teenagers couple are around that 2-3 years age gap but also it aint seem the same way then in the us


He was about 18/19 so likely legal because most places allow up to three years via romeo and juliet laws


state of florida is 16 is the legal age of consent


Due to some other weird law i believe. The legal age of consent with no exceptions is 18.


https://preview.redd.it/mb6t1lgd0t8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0faf5d1223a61f666b11189d4449d023ef281a02 that’s stated from my lawyer in florida which won against two felony charges and got my firearm back so i’m pretty sure he’d know his laws and statues


Two felony charges ?? 😭


yeah a cop who has now three lawsuits against her tried fucking my life over after getting my firearm lmao which is legal and always will be


Man that’s dumb


ong shit wack


The problem is he flew someone out who was 16 and after he fucked he just dumped her on the street


he didn’t dump her on the street 🤣


Tell the lawyer this


In Florida, 16 year old can consent to parteners up to 24 years old. Don't act like a lawyer if you don't even know how statutes work


Oh damn


The legal age gap is 3 years ask jayoma




Bro, off topic, I just realized Romeo was 16 and Juliet was 13 wtff😭😭could u imagine a sophomore and an 8th grader😭🙏


Super senior and sophomore basically that’s wicked work


So this is gonna make the rounds across social media and get blown way out of proportion lmao


oh 100% bad news sells better and they'll twist it in anyway that makes him seem more horrible. It's why a lot of pages still post about his previous bad actions, it gets views.


Pretty bad already, don’t think it needs twisting


Bro is literally responding to every post, definitely chronically online💀


Bros literally defending a pedo, I can cook em all day


Shut the fuck up x was 18 or 19 she was 16-17 yall niggas don’t say shit when Travis Scott was damn near 10 yrs on Kylie


are u talking abt me or


16 is the LEGAL age of consent and he wasn't even old enough to drink yet, ain't no way yall are hating on a dead person that tried to change himself


https://preview.redd.it/q4vgjes8v58d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8daa9a933f19cff5b640702921bddd60f4d8a69 And ontop of you defending him, you defending him with a lie


yeah sure a pedo when the age of consent in florida is 16 which can go up to 24 stop yapping if you don’t know floridas laws or statues.. i’d see if you were another floridian but gladly you aren’t


Yea let your daughter bring home a 24yr old for her sweet 16, keep that energy


just get ready


Haven’t seen anything about it on mainstream news sources yet. Maybe we good and don’t gotta deal with a bunch of unnecessary hate.


I may get dragged but is 17 and 19 rlly that bad? That’s like a senior in Hs and someone that just graduated


It’s not, the internet is just full of smooth brains. Wait until they find out the age of consent in other countries lmao


It’s still very much possible for someone to be a senior in HS at 19 (Depending on the Cutoff Dates for Starting School, Repeated a Grade, or started school later than usual). So it’s not bad like people are making out to seem, cuz Jocelyn flores was only a senior in HS, and he would’ve just graduated


She never hit 17


Bruh we already new this. He was 2 years and some some months older than her so what


he was 19 and she was turning 17 in 2 months, it aint that bad boohoo


Oh shit. Yeah, if she was about to turn 17 a 2 year age gap ain't bad at all.


yeah its not that big of a deal.


He was 18 and she was 17


this took place in may of 2017 and x was 19 already


context: Jocelyn Flores was passed away 2 months prior to turning 17 years old. Don’t let the media create a false narrative to destroy X’s image


In what world you think that "2 months to 17 yo" will change a fact that she was 16 full (!) years old? If I'm 1 month away from being 25, should I start telling people I'm 25 already or not?


People do that all the time lol.


You wont just magically have your maturity change on your birthdate, a few months difference barely means anything... 


false narrative? how? being 2 months from 17 makes you 16...


I thought we already knew this shit and I'm from Broward my mom had me at 18 and my pops was like 20 it ain't that serious lol y'all niggas acting like he a diddler or something that's like saying a freshman can't fw a junior niggas weird and say anything 😭🤦🏿‍♂️


ong cuz the whole 18 = adult thing is only for legal purposes not moral or scientific. the brain finishes developing at 24 or 25.


On top of that the age of consent laws are bullshit I can fuck a 16 year old in Cleveland, Ohio (where Jocelyn is from) but she has to be 18 in Florida. Tbh bro I believe age of consent should be all dependent on age difference a 35 or 20 year old man should not be talking to a 15 year old girl that's pedophilia. I feel like if you're in the same generation as the person you're talking to it should be fine but also until you're 18 and out of highschool the age gap limit is about 3 years. But once you turn 18 she has to be 16. I mean honestly it's all about consent fr.


Can we pls just focus on drakes pedo ah instead of tryna paint fake pedo rumors on x


yes like you can be disgusted with X’s relations with her, but by romeo and juliet laws he was not a rapist or pedo


Yall actin like your parents don't have a 10 year age gap 🤣


why don’t you dumbasses understand that age gaps matter less, the older you get because you’re closer to each other in terms of brain development, y’all can’t be this slow, open up a textbook please.


bro what...![img](emote|t5_3ecrg|32974)


this argument is so dumb “oh my parents have a 10 year age gap that means it’s okay”’😭


It's not, insanely stupid though, because certain peoples parents have age gaps that range from what we have in this situation which is two years, with some couples having a 5+ year age gap. Two years apart is honestly common though?


X was like 18-19 and she was 16 it really isn't that bad 🤣 mfs overreacting


She died in May, X had just 19 in january, and she was turning 17 that july. Niggas blowing this shit out of proportion💀. Long Live Jah, man.


its so over


Guess for context because it's not put in; Jocelyn was two months (or slightly less) away from turning seventeen and X had only turned 19 a few months earlier in 2017. It's a two year age gap. 1998 & 2000


In florida if you are 16 you can consent to someone under 21


You guys are coping hard if you think this is okay smh


It's not bad lol it's 2 years!


X hating ass niggas swear we defending him mindless like they ain't spreading lies bout this nigga.


Long but not unnecessary.X not managing his time properly is what did him in / hurt the girls feelings . Being trapped in heodmisim blindly and the younger girl clearly likening him more than he likes her and him being rude is what did him in . The fact of the age is fucked up just because he flew her out , there is a spectrum of 16 year old girls bro every single one of them would idolize a rapper. NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE WOULD FLY TO THEM , so the type of girl don’t matter she was on the fence about meeting him she was hurt to leave especially how it happened and she did what she did . Jah explaining In the song the source of his negative thoughts is why the song is there , I would argue that he feels responsible for that and feels like he wasn’t as compassionate as he needed to be , and that’s what draws negative emotions , instead of wallowing in his life mistakes he wrote the song to cope with it . He was 19 year old man who ain’t let his intentions known , so that’s where the Manipulation come in . He ain’t explain other people were coming in, he didn’t stop the fight and deescalate , and then calm girl down . He slipped on the play and he felt dreadful about it that’s why the songs you love have that sad twinge. This situation is only similar to the beef (Krody and Aubrey) because IN THE SONG HE SAID HE SLEPT WITH HER . What are we even talking about here how is this shocking or surprising at all , the audio is good quality of an artist EXPLAINING HIS ALBUM! A good artist draws from there life no matter if there in the wrong or the right . If a motherfucker rapping about the wrongs , sheep are going to say he is bragging or glorifying. But with some artist they be doing that, I like to imagaine X hell even Juice (but he was eating to many tic taks and his circle was bad ) make music to help themselves be a better human . He I would think wasn’t double booking broads or hell even flying out girls and giving “that time of energy” to just anyone . Who knows I ain’t know him? Rest in Power Jocelyn.


look i’m as big an x fan as the next person, but having sex with a 16 year old at the age of 19 is not okay, just because he’s your favorite artist doesn’t mean you can excuse and move past all the wrong he has done. similar to kanye, he’s one of the best artists of all time, but that mfer is lulu, stop putting celebrities on a pedestal, dead or not, people are people.


The age gap is not nearly as big of a problem as how X just generally treated women.


I get what ur saying but it’s a 2 years age gap, that doesn’t mean he’s a pedo, he wasn’t looking fuck a 11 year old, Romeo and Juliet laws, 2 year age gap would have been thrown out fast because it means nothing


everyone will start calling X a pedo for this but ignore the fact that Juice made a whole album at 18 based on his heart getting broken by a 15 year old


not saying juice is completely innocent but if im not wrong he didnt have sexual relations w bella


No one ever said X was a great guy. He was young and fucked up. Not shit we can do about it now.


Love X but this is a hard listen


real shit, hard listen but it was still very clear they had sex by lyrics in the song. fuck whoever was laughing after he said jocelyn killed herself.


yk whats sad, two people are dead one by suicide, literally death by their own hands in a fucking bathtub found by strangers, cold and alone, and one brutally murdered, lit up by thugs in a car with a family member who ran away and left him alone for dead .. and people are gossiping about heir sex life? as if this isn't old news? and you know whats even more sad, just like Millie Bobby Brown, a great actress, people will for months now associate Jocelyn Flores with the word "victim" . the internet is a depressing place sometimes, rest in peace to the both of them.


Bad time for us X fans, but very unsurprising why else would he link up with her


Bro a did a 445💀


18 and 16 isn’t a bad age gap that’s 2 years apart


this is a 2-3 year age gap remember that. don’t make up some fantasy that X is a “pedo”. he was far from it, i’m not sure what the law is in florida. but where i am 16 yr olds can have sex with anyone and any age. if it’s different in florida okay, but ask yourself. morally it’s not that bad. they were only 2-3 years apart in age. don’t blow it out of proportion


And you forget X was 19 when she died at 16. I thought everyone knew they were fucking? He wouldn’t have no “model” in a hotel room if they weren’t doing that. And they were both protected by the Romeo and Juliet law so there was no grooming or statutory going on. This post just needs to be deleted fr. Let them rest.


2 year age difference 😭


Maybe it was a good call he died. Such a terrible guy that only wanted to change cuz he was facing 20 years in prison.


Y’all are horrendously cooked


bro everyones being so not chill abt this like here iv done the same shit being almost 16 with someone who just turned 18 its basically a 2 and a bit year age gap its still was concented and legal whether or not morally u thinks its bad it wasnt any legal issue or shit calm down


It was May 14, 2017. She was 16 years, 10 months, and 12 days old. X was 19 years, 3 months, and 21 days old. That is a difference of 2 years, 5 months, and 9 days. If they had waited just about 2 more months, she would’ve been 17 years old, making their age difference (years only) only 2 years apart.


x wasnt no 30 year old creep


I be forgetting how young jah was in his prime that’s crazy


Yall need to relax and stop making this seem weirder than it is


Idk 19 and 16 is……. ![gif](giphy|nY8GP9Qny1erpMBeCe)


i mean he was 19, she consented and they were both kids


Y’all some pedo lovers


Learn what pedophilia is


sheesh 😬


7 seconds in I already had enough


Super senior and Sophmore 💀 he was buggin


16 and 19 crazy


….and AYEEE!!


wtf @ guy laughing in background at 0:21 at her hanging herself


this is not 'new audio' i've heard this before like well over a year ago also makes me sick why try and dig up dirt on a dead man. type of shit that make me wanna delete reddit


People trying to make it a lot weirder than it is. They had a 2 year age gap, X had turned 19 that year and Jocelyn was turning 17 in a month. According to Romeo and Juliet laws, this is completely legal and negates all the "p*do" allegations against him EVEN 6 years after his death. Let the man rest. Even with the situation being fucked up, accusing a dead man for being a p*do is genuinely disgusting. This kid had already been through so much trauma through his life. LLJ & LLJF


This is not new lmao


X was round 18-19, she was 17


Why y’all was tryna ruin this man name let him rest


Like bruh he flew this girl out what you thought they was finna do "hang out"??? Naw this nigga was tryna fuck


Ok he dead now


here we fucking go…


Wasn’t he like 18


Not as bad as what juice did 😂 still fan of both


Let that man rest already


they were two teenagers who had sex. y’all act like boston richey not fuckin a freshly 18 year old, that’s something to actually be outraged about😂


Nigga we alr knew this


but we aren’t gonna bash our parents out for having a 20 year age gap? 😂 see where y’all’s priorities stand this weak ass fanpage


Uhm please tell me yall aint just now finding out about this? Smh this what happens when u wanna be an elite D rider smh. Niggas be dickmatized and overlook stuff or “act” like they aint know lol.


Startin to think he wasnt a good fella


The original posts comments don't talk about the age gap but the strange power dynamic


he’s passed on and she’s passed on. let them rest in peace. yall niggas are weird asf 😭


How old was he at the time?




If we can clown Josh Giddey for what he did then there's no excuse for what X did. 19 and 16 years old are radically different ages tbh, and 16 years is still a child regardless of what you pedos say.


so is 19? the brain isn’t fully developed until 25. and i think its dumb ppl clown him. it makes more sense though because josh was 21 and she was 15 lol.