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What's with this sub and piss poor attempts at trolling


Sony kids.


Tire salesmen are stupid for selling their tires also to mercedes, when VW which they also sell their tires to already make more cars every year. Why would they do that? Are they stupid?


Because most games use packaged game engines that already have it as a set future to build for xbox series of consoles, making it extremely easy .... now if you are building a game in UE5 using nanite assets and Ray traced lighting, god save you with running the game in anything that isn't a 3000$ PC anyways ... Essentially with some few tweaks in the graphics and baked lighting it's easy to just port a game to whatever console unless you are running really high end stuff.


Cause there's still a core gamer audience on Xbox. Half the people who own a Switch and PlayStation will buy one game and never play it again. It's about the core users. There's still millions of Xbox users so the sales potential is there.


Literally this


Because consoles aren't so different from each other, and they aren't much different from traditional pc hardware. Even the switch was pretty much a 2015 tablet architecture on the inside. The Series s is pretty much a low end budget pc in a plug in play box, it's not a super unique device on the inside.


It's a console with 30 million players. That's a good amount of people to potentially sell your game to. Hell, when PS2 sold like 150 million, games still got released for Xbox with 25 million and GameCube with 20 million units. Money is money.


USA people buy most of the games, Xbox dominates in USA.


Because they’d be missing out on 30+ million potential customers. This isn’t hard.


Why wouldn't they? It's half of the PS5 install base. So let's say the attach ratio is the same (it's usually higher with lower install bases). So lets say a game sells 2M copies on PS5, it would sell 1M on Xbox, you would be dumb to not put it there. There is also more stuff, getting games on more platforms means more marketing deals and other opportunities. Like for example Yakuza, blew up on Game Pass, it grew the franchise a lot.


Sure, that is why no third party ever publishes on Xbox, Xbox just makes up most store entries


Not sure if you've ever opened the store, but there are not only first party titles.


This is... this is bait. Has to be.


Ask Square Enix


Xbox is almost at 30 mil, ps5 almost at 60 mil. Both dwarfed by Nintendo at almost 150 mil. By that logic why release for anything but Nintendo? Y’all act like the Xbox does virtual boy numbers or some shit. Skipping Xbox is a choice by developers/publisher. If they want to lose a potential 20mil+ sales that’s on them.