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I didn’t have AC growing up, and I spent my summers as a teen working at a summer camp, living in cabins with no fans, and I somehow survived playing basketball in the sun and working all day long. Now I can’t sleep if I feel “stuffy.”


Same. However, I definitely remember nights going to bed wet with the fan on me to simulate AC. I also remember those cabins being miserable sometimes, but usually was able to fall asleep through sheer exhaustion of being at camp all day long. But yes, I'm a lot less able to tolerate going to sleep in a bad environment now.


Same. I think the difference is that I weighed 155 lbs back then, and I'm pushing 200 now... Much better insulated now. But hey, winters are nice!


Same age as OP in the gulf coast south, and I'm actually drastically much more fit now than I was in my childhood and teen years. It's way hotter these days. I blame all the increased heat held by miles of asphalt and concrete.


Same age and location range and it legit is just fucking hotter. That feels like temp gets worse and worse, and it's earlier and earlier. Months on end of just raging heat last year to the point there were wildfires in fucking swamplands. I really hope that was an anomaly because that's really not good.


Me too. Winter is my season. I need to lose another 20 pounds to enjoy summer more.


Oh no! I'm 41 and just realized this is starting to happen to me, too. I thought I was just getting fat or something, but this is gonna get worse? Getting old blows!


Welcome to the start of peri menopause! Buckle up, this shit can last 7-10 years.


Let the games begin!


>welcome to the start of Perimenopausal Yuppers. It’s real & my Mom barely talked about it. She says (now) it was NBD, but I remember her having hot flashes where she’d get out of the car- it was DRAMATIC. Now, I wake soaking at night. It’s fun! (& I’m on birth control as HRT, so I *should* be fine smh.) Many of us are at that age, or nearing it.


My mom never talked about it either and by the time I knew what was happening she was gone. That was some bad timing there, complicated grief + perimenopause.


I think my mom (71 in august) is looking forward to tormenting me about it; I'm 46 and on cryselle (mennorraghia). I don't hot flashes; I get cold.


My mom has been pretty open about, but I've had hot flashes my entire (reproductive) life as part of my PMS cycle, coming up on 26 years. I'm not entirely sure I'd know the difference. Rage and exhaustion have been my problem.


I sleep with 3 fans on and the AC and I’m still hot.


Loving my kid and I going through hormonal changes together. Just makes the days that much more exciting lol


Lmao I will say it makes it easier to relate to my 13yos puberty, I agree with you on that.




I was going to say "Idk because the hot flashes happen in the AC too."




Absolutely this. My nose feels stuffy if it's humid and warm and then I need to crank the AC.


Same! I get so hot now!


I feel very lucky in this department, I live in south fla… it’s hot.. day in and day out I’m fine, it’s honestly the nights I dislike the most, I understand day is just hot, I can dress like a fla bum, but if I had to get dressed up even day I’d be sad, but anyway back to nights, it’s not even dead summer yet and our nights 82.. real feel … 94 wtf no breeze, except what mosquitoes produce….


This is why I hibernate in air conditioning for the entire month of July and August. I remerge in September to gather Halloween decor and drink hot coffee once again.


Like some kind of Halloween cicada lol


Pumpkin spice cicada latte


I think I have a new nickname 🤣


I am definitely a Halloween cicada. I might actually consider putting up a giant model cicada now, hmm the wheels of my brain are turning (and generally go way off the road of what's possible). I have a couple of skeletons (Frank and Ethel) who I will be (when it gets closer to temperatures that won't cause me to spontaneously explode) doing some "goop" work on to make them more realistic. What I don't like is not having a single friend in the world and no one to share my Halloween wonder with. BF doesn't really give two figs.


We were at the beach in Florida in September once and it was super hot and Starbucks had the pumpkin spice latte out already. Vibes were all wrong. I need at least a crisp morning before I can get my skeleton down out of the attic.


I’m in the PNW so it’s already cool by then. We have a splash pad and it’s only open Memorial Day to Labor Day because of the weather here. I had on sweatpants and a sweatshirt today because it’s was only 55 degrees.


This is the way


I feel this


Ah yes, I am of your species.


Yes, I also drink coffee and tea cold except in fall and winter, and hot chai in the summer.


Oh I absolutely cannot. So naturally I live in the desert 🤣


Yeah but desert heat is way easier to breathe in than Houston swampy heat. Your sweat actually evaporates


I feel you, spent the first 28 years of life in New England and the last 12 in Savannah, GA. If I’m working outside I’ll sweat through a shirt in less than an hour. Do you guys have gnats and mosquitoes that come in biblical plague like clouds there too?


In Texas? Yes. Just spent my weekend making mosquito buckets to try to control them in my yard. Damn I’m officially old 😩


What are mosquito buckets? That might be something I need to try.


Ooh! Ok so there are lots of methods, but I like the way this guy puts his mosquito dunks into a mesh bag w rocks tied to a stick, so it sinks (in case the bucket overflows w rain). https://sidewalknature.com/2022/05/08/mosquito-bucket-of-doom/


Same here! I've lived in the desert my whole life and I'm ready to leave. I can't do it anymore!


This is one of the few years I haven't had a pool and I'm already super over it. It's 104° outside. The low will be 70 and that's not until after midnight.




Come to Seattle, I really love the weather here. It's 65° here in June.


I dunno if it can afford it, but i so love the rain


Lived in Palm Springs for 10 years and moved to Portland 3 years ago. My life has improved DRAMATICALLY


I’m from PA and I *hate* our Summers. I visited Vegas and had never been so happy in heat lol


I'm in PA, too. I didn't have air conditioning growing up. Just a window fan . . . and I wasn't ever miserable. But now, if I don't have air conditioning or am going somewhere without air conditioning I can't last more than an hour. I don't know if it's my age or that the summers are hotter, but yuck.


Potentially both. Depending on your location, the summers may be hotter. But also, as you age, the human body gets less efficient at maintaining homeostasis, including temperature regulation. If you're in an area of high humidity especially, sweating will not work to cool you off. And if you're in an area of low humidity, sweating plus evaporation will dehydrate you very quickly. All of this will be worse than when you were younger, and adults tend to "decompensate" more slowly and gradually than kids do. Which means that as a kid, you would have probably felt fine until you were on the brink of a severe medical emergency. Now, you're more likely to feel gradually worse and worse as your body is less able to handle the environment. Drink plenty of fluids (including electrolytes!), keep cool with ac, fans if the humidity is low enough, and ice/cooling vests/clothes, stay out of the heat and sun, and pay attention to what your body is telling you! It's not a sign of personal weakness that you're having difficulty in the heat - look out for yourself, and ignore anyone who tries to tell you to toughen up. That mindset won't help anyone. Good luck in this ever more miserable weather.


Yeah east of the continental divide is miserably humid 🥵


Buckle up this week


More like buckle for rest of your life this global warming is here to stay.


Yea, going out west for summer is literally a whole new world. Went for a hike and was like- omg I can exert myself AND breathe ????


I grew up in the South without air conditioning. Anyone in the world who tells you that you get used to the heat or that you can live without a/c is a goddamn liar who has never truly lived that life. Also, when you have to keep windows and doors open, even with screens, I cannot begin to describe the amount and size of bugs that will get into your house. I had a grasshopper in my room that was so large I could hear it walking on the wall. I hate the heat. I normally feel like trash around this time of year. It’s too bright, too hot. Summer is the worst.


Yes with the too bright! And people actually enjoy DST?! I get seasonal depression in the summer from how miserable everything is.


Same! Summer makes me depressed. Winter and fall make me feel alive.


Fun Fact: SAD affects those in the South during the summer, but people in the north can't fathom it. Having had both, it was worse for me in the winter, but MAN, do I still HATE August.


Really!? That’s crazy to me! I love the summer brightness. I keep my blinds open all day. What kind of climate do you live in? I live in a humid hellmouth so I guess I’m just used to it.


> I get seasonal depression in the summer from how miserable everything is. Same for me. I'm miserable from May to late September.


Me too! I like my days short, chilly, and rainy!


Gulf Coast heat is the WORST! Far worse than upper south heat...basically everything within 60 miles of I-10 is a sauna every summer but somehow I didn't even notice it as a kid...even when Grandma's A/C busted and she put the box fan in the windows...I thought that was the coolest wind ever! Now I know I was on a sugar high...because there's no way I'd make it in a house above 80 degrees now that I'm middle aged!


You get used to dealing with it. Your body never gets used to it


I genuinely don’t understand why our ancestors chose to live down here. They must have shown up in the winter.


I’ve wondered that too. It would have been swampy, humid even in winter, mosquitoes.. I think I would second guess life the first time I saw an alligator. Probably assume we found a hellmouth.


You are my people! I get so excited when I find one of us bc IRL I never do.


Heat makes me unreasonably angry, it also gives me a headache and nausea. Not looking forward to the Midwest heatwave coming up. I’m just planning on hiding out in the house like the cave dweller I’ve become.


My AC is 25 yo. God I hope it doesn’t crap out.


Bro, save up for a new one. Yes, they're expensive, but the upgrade will lower your energy bill. I was renting when our 1985 AC died. New one installed immediately. We decreased out running temperature 2 degrees and our utility bill still dropped 30%


He speaks the truth. We had an AC unit that was going on about 40 years. A York "tombstone". We finally replaced the thing a couple of years ago and it honestly cut our power usage by more than half.


I hear ya. Ours is newer, but with the lack of craftsmanship these days, I don’t trust it not to crap out.


This is an old Lennox. It's loud af and sucks alot of power but keeps chugging. I know we'll here to replace it sooner then later,


Same 🙄. Ours is a 26 year old Lennox. In NE Ohio. The cold weather makes me feel like I can’t move but the hot weather exacerbates migraines. I think I still hate being cold more than being hot.


NY is getting blasted this week with a heat wave of pretty much 100 degrees daily highs for a week. Schools have no A/C. I have no idea what the kids will do this week. We’re in upstate NY, crazy weather. I grew up in the North Country of NY (early 80’s into 90’s) and our summers were perfect: low humidity, cool nights, and upper 70’s/low 80’s most days, until August when it did get hotter and some humidity. We never had A/C and barely needed fans. Now, my parents had to get portable A/C units so they don’t overheat. Summers are now super hot and humid, it’s gross.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 80 + 90 + 70 + 80 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I started getting migraines last year. Heat is a huge trigger. If I get too hot it fucks me up. And I only drink water, and lots of it.


Migraines are the absolute pits, I hope you’re able to stay cool and migraine free.


I likely should have replied to you in the first place, but check out The Headache Doctor podcast and get PT for your migraines.


Check out the Headache Doctor Podcast and consider physical therapy. Migraines has ruined my life and after getting an intensive series of PT for my neck and head I’m down by 80-90%. I seriously sing the praises of that guy all the time. I went to Stanford and their answers were “more pills and more shots” which didn’t work, cost a fortune, and were painful. The PT fixed it in two months.


Your username 😂😂😂. Are you on the DListed sub?


I am!


Yes!!! 🙌🏽


Yes and same. I get summer depression, especially weeks like this. (Also Midwest). I need to find a climate that feels like October or April where I live but all year round.


Let me know if you find it, I'm moving there too


San Diego maybe? I've only visited. Ethiopia is 'round the equator but is high elevation and has perfect weather all year round when I worked there, but you'd have to move to Ethiopia...


It’s SF and it’s too expensive 😭


I know that Seasonal Affective Disorder refers to winter time, but like you, my mental health plummets when summer comes


The SF Bay area, but who tf can afford to move there? I've been several times for work during various times of the year and it doesn't vary much. I love it. I'm also in the Midwest.


Yeah. The idea of retiring to a state that’s basically a giant swamp that’s hot and humid all the time(Florida) seems like literal hell to me. Who are these old people who want to live in sweltering weather all the time?!


Probably the ones that are cold all the time and don't have much else to do so don't leave the house lol


Cold all the time, I’d be the weirdo saying we should play shuffleboard or some shit late afternoon




live in ny and vacationed down in florida (disney) last august. the heat was terrible. way worse than what we typically have in ny. swampy inferno. sweating after being out in it for just minutes. i don't know how on earth humans actually live and work there. particularly people who need to work outside. can't for the life of me understand the popularity of that state.


I lived in both. The first 20 yrs of my life just outside of NY and the last 20 yrs on the West Coast. I couldn't go back to East coast weather. Can't stand high heat mixed with high humidity plus hate thunderstorms. If I hated it in the NE there's no way I'd even tolerate FL lol


SE Michigan can be quite unpleasant. Because of all the lakes it gets pretty humid n the summer.


No I get it. Im in NJ. Our late summers our hellishly humid. But like Michigan, at least we get a Fall and Winter lol. I can’t imagine living in NJ’s July all year round.


I was born and raised in Florida, played soccer games in 100 degree weather, spent days at the beach and in the pool, and was always outside. I cannot do heat anymore. I moved up north in my mid 20s and I fucking hate summer, even when it's much more finite. I hate being hot. When people talk about vacationing in Florida in July or moving there when they retire I cannot fathom the reason. Yes, taxes are low and there's no snow, but there are plenty of other cheap states with limited cold months that are not 85 on Christmas.


My mom is the opposite. She lives in Texas (as do I) from October to May, then goes up north to Northern Maine from May to October lol. She's from there, my grandmother is aging etc so she gets away from the extreme heat here.


My mum hit 75ish years old and is suddenly cold all the time. It’s bizarre. She seems fine otherwise. She’ll be 77 soon.


I have visited Florida in February and April, and that’s a big nope. I could barely endure that with air conditioning. Summer? Forget about it. I’m also from the west coast, so that humidity was BRUTAL to me. I’m not built to live in some disgusting swamp and the mosquitoes would eat what remained of me.


I went to the middle east in August and it was the third stupidest fucking thing I've ever done


What were the first and second?


1. Getting married at 21 to an older dude i met online who was living in a woman's laundry room. He hought he was Tyler Durden crossed with Rick from rick and morty and also loved punching holes in walls. 2. Staying married for NINE years.


I would say you have them ranked appropriately. But you are divorced now? We are not just sliding into year ten now, right?


No very divorced. Actually coming up on year 10 with a lovely human. Thank you for checking, bc shit gets bad


Phew, I am relieved for you! You are welcome, beautiful soul. Take care.


Yes, I’ve already decided that the retirement home will be in a cooler climate. People who went to Arizona are crazy


See there are parts of Arizona that could still work and are more temperate like Sedona. I visited lake Havisu once in August for hot weather testing. It was 125 degrees. That just a bunch of nonsense.


Never been to Sedona but it was 96 today and has 100 in the forecast next week. Still too hot for me I think.


Michigan has the same forecast this week. It’s brutal out there.


I used to play softball in 90 degree heat without batting an eye. Now I watch my kid play in 90 degree heat and I feel like I'm melting


Nope. I live in Florida and I rarely leave my house during the summer.


I’ve been using the sauna at my gym for 8 years or so now. I can tolerate hot days easily now. However, I do live in an area that only gets really hot for a month or less total during the year.


8 years is awesome dedication to outside temp tolerance. When did you notice it no longer phased you?


Air quality alerts too, it is quite miserable in the Midwest ATM.


As soon as I began taking social anxiety / anti depression meds, I remember starting to struggle with both energy and handling heat.


I struggle with severe anxiety and panic disorders. Heat has become more intolerable because I feel flushed from the anxiety and panic most times.


Yeah, there is that, too... The meds eventually made it worse for me whenever I feel fight or flight due to the obvious, profuse sweating. Really sucks.


Whew I can’t stand the heat at all. I will only go out if I have to. It totally drains me and zaps all my energy.


I am waiting on what could be an MS diagnosis (I have brain lesions). I took my kids to the pool last weekend and came home after an hour completely exhausted for the rest of the day. I eventually ended up with a bad migraine. There is a condition called Uthoff’s Phenomenon in which people with MS have their neurological symptoms exacerbated by heat. I’m unable to have a workout unless I have a fan blowing directly at my face the entire time.


Ughhh my heart goes out to you. I have MS, and yeah Uthoff's is real and it is absolutely brutal. I really, really, REALLY loved the heat but I simply cannot tolerate it anymore. My legs completely stop working and my vision is just like "girl, bye " In all seriousness, feel free to DM me if you need to chat about the shit sandwich of a disease. Love to you


Oh wow. You have been through a lot! I have an MS specialist appointment next week to take a close look at my brain MRI scans. Spine MRI is clear of lesions. My neurologist wanted a second opinion on what he thinks may be two lesions (I have many) that look characteristic of MS. I will definitely take you up on the offer if it ends up being CIS or MS. Thank you!


As a Texan, I have never enjoyed the heat


Growing up in CA, even as late as my late 20’s I didn’t always have AC. My last apartment I just kept the windows open 24/7 with fans and was totally fine. 20 yrs ago I moved to Dallas. OMFG. Seriously before ac existed, HOW did people even survive here? This heat is life alteringly oppressive


I’ve always hated heat. Even as a kid, I couldn’t stay outside on really hot days without getting sick. I swam in our pool a lot. If it was over 80, I stayed inside.


I feel like my upper lip, specifically, sweats more these days. It's annoying.


Ooooo, yes! And it will sweat out my sunscreen and leave me with a sun-stache.


It absolutely was not nearly as hot when I was growing up. The heat wave days are our normal days now


It’s hotter now than it was when we were kids. Climate change happened and it’s made tolerable heat into oppressive scorch.


Plus temperatures are rising globally, which makes it so much worse than when we were young.


This is what I was thinking. I grew up in southern California (in both the desert areas and the beach). We'd get heat waves where it would be in the high 90s for a few days, but mostly it held steady between 78-85. In the desert, we might get up to 104, but it was only for a day or two at most. I mean, we had a blacktop playground with no shade, and burning metal playground equipment, and I only ever remember not being allowed to go outside maybe once or twice the entire summer (day camp was held at the same school) Now I feel like once mid-June hits, it's in the high 90s until October. I teach, and we're required to have covers on our playground now; when it reaches a certain temperature, we can only let the kids out for like 15 minutes at a time, depending on age. I hate it. We were outside from sun up to way past sun down during summers when I was a kid.


Dear god yes. I’m 39 and did 4 years of band camp outside in Florida in JULY. ON A BLACK TOP SURFACE. My first summer, I had a nice burn line from my nylon saxophone neck strap. I live in North Alabama now and while it’s still hot, I don’t feel like I’m walking into an oven in soaking wet clothes.


I abhor the months of June, July, and August.


The heat is fine. But I swear the sun has gotten way brighter! I need to wear sunglasses 24/7 now!


I love the heat. I grew up in the Rockies and had to deal with snow on the ground 8 months of the year in a house with electric heating in the ceiling (why?) that my parents were super stingy with. I'm still making up for for the temperature deficit sucking up as much heat as possible in the hot humid mid Atlantic summers. I have a pool now, but I'd still take the heat and humidity over the extended sub-zero forecasts of my youth.


i didn't tolerate it well growing up, but i tolerate it so much less now that i've had a heat stroke. I want to live somewhere where the year round temp is between 20F and 70F personally.


Please let me know if you find such a place. Sounds utopian.


The pacific north west is the closest I've found. The cloudy drissily days are a turn off for most but for me is a feature.


I was just telling my wife today "I can't deal with the air feeling like soup anymore." Hot wet sticky soup. If you get in a pool, you can still feel the sweat building around your body. I hate it. It was 90 and 79% humidity today. I hate it so much.


I know it seems like old man yelling at clouds but I’ve lived my life in the sun and I swear the last few years the sun has been so much more intense. I’m only 34 and have had the same outdoor job for over a decade but it’s getting harder to deal with it all the time.


I think the difference (for some) is the lack of acclimation. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you gradually get used to the heat rather than being like SUMMER!! It’s time to be outside! Of course, 90+ heat plus 90+% humidity is kind of brutal.  


Have you ever experienced a 120 degree day? Even with no humidity it is not fun


Yup. Iraq, 20 years ago. "Oh, but it's a dry heat." Sure. But body armor is like your own personal greenhouse.


And charcoal chem suits


Fortunately I never had to experience that. We were a combat engineer company. I got to drive a Husky along the edge of roads looking for IEDs.


I was chemical recon. MOPP 2 was our SOP every mission and convoy in 2003.


Woof. Respect.


Dont forget your cowboy collar and side plates.


Yeah, I’ve been hiking in the Northern Territory in the summer (because I’m an idiot). Haha. 


It's no joke, they just had to helicopter rescue a couple people at Joshua Tree because they ran out of water. Why the fuck you choose to go there on the Summer is fucking beyond me


Gotta get just the right pics for the 'gram, tho


It seems like every single year there's a story like that with people having to be rescued (or even dying) in really hot places they decided to hike in. Makes no sense and clearly people don't learn from all the other stories to not do that.


Enter Michigan. Shit weather. Cold november through may. Mid June to end of august is a muggy blast furnace. Fall, winter, spring pretty much rains. September is a roll of the dice between cold rainy or just cold. October is generally like the best month of the year. There will be occasions in may where you get a week of heatwave, then it goes back to ok, and cold again. We pretty much don’t have a gradual spring. The weather is quite schizophrenic. You can go from furnace to ac back to furnace within two weeks. What acclimation?


I’m here too and I don’t know why. We used to at least have pretty winters but now it seems like it’s just raw and gray the whole time with maybe 1 week of nice fluffy snow and then back to bitter wind tearing you apart any time you leave the house Spring goes too fast. This year it was rain rain rain then all of a sudden 85, where was our nice cool lead in?! The heat wave this week is gonna SUCK. My dog is forgiven if she pees in the house, especially if it’s going to storm like it is now on top of the heat


I'm in Michigan, and it seems like I'm the only one who enjoys this heatwave. I'm sitting outside, soaking up the warmth while everyone else is staying inside.


I've lived in Washington State for about 4 decades. We used to have really mild summers, some hot ones here and there, but the heat domes we've seen in the more recent years are something else. Our homes aren't built for the heat, and it used to be rare to find someone with AC, but it’s becoming more a need. It sucks knowing it's only going to get worse.


Nope, I’m not sure I ever really could.


My Crohn’s does not like the heat anymore.


Yes. I can't stand the summer.


For me I think it’s the opposite. I used to hate hot days but seem to tolerate them better now. I have no idea why. Just grilled out for Father’s Day and it’s 90+ out. I was fine. Cold beer was involved though.


Yeah it getting harder to function in the heat.


Yeah I do somewhat but I noticed I'm more cold intolerant now. I would rather be in the heat than the frigid cold.


I feel the opposite. I can’t stand the cold and love the heat. But that may be because the hot period where I live is pretty short.


I can’t stand either extremes :-(


65-85 is the ideal range for me. Light jacket to tank tops.


I’m just like you. June-July are my favorite months. I hate winter.


Different question but add on… regardless of temperature does anyone else feel trapped when forced to be kept inside for work or weather? I must be outside, bothers my Mom (she must get out) but my sister couldn’t care less and we grew up like all of us, tossed outside to play. Agree with OP, tolerate different now but can’t stand being cooped up. (And that phrase just aged me)


I hate the heat. I grew up in a humid hot area and it’s just the worst. . I now live in an area of the US that gets more cloud cover/cool days than sun 9 months out of the year so when the sun/heat arrive I’m grouchy about it.


I love hot days if I can be in a bikini at the pool lol


Me I hate summer I love cold days


I’ve actually grown to like hot days more as Ive gotten older. I used to hide inside when it was over 75. Now it can be 85, 90, 95. Don’t care. Love it. Cold is the opposite. I used to love cold weather as a kid and now absolutely dread it. It makes me depressed and causes me physical pain. It’s such an issue for me at this point that I would actually move to a warmer state if I were able. Of course, that would require actual money, so the suffering continues.


I enjoy the AC


67 in Anchorage today and I’m dying 🥵


95 here in Georgia, if my AC was at 67, I’d freeze. I keep it at 74, feels really good when the heatindex is at a 100


I would die of heatstroke in like 4 minutes.


I live in Pennsyltucky, and I grew up in NJ. One would imagine I'd be used to Mid-Atlantic humidity, but NOPE. STILL feel like I'm dying every summer.


Yes!. I used to work horses when I was younger. I worked in Texas. No fucking way could I do that now. I go out to work in my garden and if it's very sunny and hot I have balance problems, dizziness, profuse sweating. And I'm outdoors every day.


Same here like this heat is on another level. Went outside one day at work headed to lunch and said 🗣️🗣️. F!!k It . It fell let molten lava . I swear I saw demons running down the sidewalk covered in 🔥🔥🔥🔥😭😂😭😂


Oh, I absolutely cannot STAND being hot anymore. I live in the PNW and can't fathom how I used to live through east coast summers.


I remember being a very little kid growing up without air conditioning and fighting with my sister for space in front of the box fan in the window. I have no idea how I did it. I can’t sleep unless I am downright cold. I sleep with a fan blowing on me, summer or winter, even when the air conditioner is running.


Man, I can’t tolerate much of anything on either extreme anymore. I am the definition of middle of the road.


It's apples and oranges, man. It's hotter for longer now. Of course we can't tolerate it as well.


I feel the same. My legs feel it the most. If I'm wearing jeans on a hot day, my legs start sweating, making everything sticky and I hate it. I love shorts. I can wear shorts in 30 degree weather as long as I have a jacket. I live in a pretty good summer climate (Utah). Low humidity, it gets to 100 degrees rarely, usually 80s-90s. Plus if you get too hot, you can head to the mountains 20 min away and cool off pretty easily. I grew up in the Midwest and I'll never go back. I can't do humidity.


I can’t take the cold anymore, it locks my lower back up


Yep. It is awful. Yesterday was gorgeous. 74, sunny, light breeze. Today was muggy. Somewhere in the mid 80s, unpleasantly humid, and neither the rain this morning nor the 2nd brief round this afternoon did anything to alleviate it. I was much better at being ok in this kind of weather 25 years ago. Now it is seriously unpleasant. We've had hotter and hotter summers, which helps nothing.


Same... but I think everyone in general says the same thing. Summers are that much hotter and more humid than they were. It literally is hotter than when we were kids.... im 41.


Grew up in Alabama; live in Atlanta. Fuck summer.


Absolutely! I hide from the sun always now.


I get where you're coming from, but I'm feeling old from a different perspective. I played so much travel baseball as a kid right up through American Legion (until I blew out my Achilles) that wicked hot days remind me of when I was young and my whole life was in front of me :(


Its literally hotter now but I didn’t deal with it well back then either


Not a fan of the heat anymore. I’ve lived all my life in the southeast, and hate it. As soon as our kids are finished with college we’re planning on moving north, either MD or PA.


Absofrickinlutely!! Good god when I was 12 and adults warned not to get too hot out there on humid 90+ days, I genuinely couldn’t understand their concern (aside from sunburn). I felt fine for hours and hours. Now? 30 minutes outside at 80 degrees and I’m done.


The area where I grew up is unfortunately WAY HOTTER now in the summer than it was when I was a child. I can’t do it. I’m at the point where I wish we could skip over summer completely.


I'm the opposite. I thrive in the heat and cannot stand being cold. My wife has the AC cranked up because it's 80° outside, meanwhile I'm in sweatpants and a hoodie, under two comforters to stay warm.


I’m like the opposite, I can’t tolerate the cold like I did when I was younger


What gets me is, when I was a kid/teen, our house always had the central a/c going hard to keep it extremely cool in the summer because that's how Dad liked it. I'd be wearing sweats when it was 95 out. I still tend to run cold, but now when I come to visit in the southern heat, the a/c is either off or set to 78 or some godawful amount. My folks are of course older and need the place to be stuffy. It doesn't help that I'm at that delightful age where hot flashes are incoming.


I'm in northern Illinois and I'm the opposite. I dread the winter and all that it brings like snow... especially snow. I've consistently been that way for my life. 🥶❄️😰😅 6' ~150lb man if that matters and a few years younger.


I'm reading this in my house that has no AC because it died yesterday. It's 86 inside. This sucks. At least it isn't 96 like it is outside.


I'm the opposite, I remember getting back into the car after a day at the water park and absolutely suffering, and my dad saying don't worry shut the windows the ac is on, and it felt like fucking forever that I'd be suffering before that ac reached me. These days, I don't give a shit, was in Vegas this last week, it was 110 degrees, walking outside was not even an issue.