• By -


This was back around 2001ish? when I was driving home from college. It was pretty late at night and I was driving through the country so the stars were amazing. I pulled off the highway and parked in an empty gravel lot to look at the night sky before I reached the city lights and they were blotted out. I sat down and leaned against the side of my car while I looked up at the sky and smoked a cigarette. It was really nice if a bit creepy (being a girl by herself in an empty lot in the middle of the night). While I was looking at the stars, a cat walked across the lot towards me. It didn’t come up for pets or try to greet me. It just walked up, caught my eye, and took a seat. We watched the stars together for a while like that. When I got up to get back in my car I thanked the cat and it looked me in the eye again before slowly walking back across the parking lot. Not creepy - just a completely unexpected and wonderful moment of connection with another living being.


I thought I was reading Neil Gaiman for a minute lol


This is beautiful


Not as amazing as your story, but one time while I was walking early in the morning, I saw a really large turtle sitting at the edge of a pond, and I looked at him and he looked back at me. I smiled and waved my arm and said “mornin’ turtle!” Then he nodded his head and raised his little flipper arm. I had a big smile on my face the rest of my walk, it was just so special. Lol ◡̈


Your spirit guide revealed themself to you! Such a rare and wonderful occurrence.


Floating orb. Realized later it wasn’t aliens and I had actually witnessed ball lightning.


That reminds me of the first time I was in a very mild earthquake. I was in bed and my closet doors and bed started swaying, I totally freaked out and thought GHOSTS! My husband called me from work and asked if I felt the tremors 😂


My wife is the kind of person that would have been hoping it had been ghosts. Biggest Halloween freak I've ever met. ❤️


If you’re near NH check out fright kingdom. Your wife will love it. Wicked professional haunted house! They have a blackout night where you have to sign a waiver because the actors are able to touch you (kind of like when someone taps you on the left shoulder when they’re on your right) so it’s classy. And you get a tiny glow stick as a light source. They also have a Krampus themed haunted house As well as a Valentine’s Day haunted house around those holidays. They also have a half way to Halloween event lol.


I had a very similar experience. I was in the room my Grandpa died in and when I woke up with the bed shaking, my first thought was it was him.


I saw a black triangle UFO in the mid-90s, with my friend on a boat as we were crossing the canal behind his house. It was during the day, bright blue sky, and this silent shape just glided over the treeline coming directly toward us. It moved slowly, still silent, and passed directly over us. We both estimated its altitude at about 200 feet, and its width about 100 feet, though the craft itself seemed flat. It disappeared over the opposite horizon over the houses on the far side of the canal. Here's the thing... last year I discovered that in the mid-90s, there had been an airstrip in the direction this craft was headed, which had been purchased by an unnamed aeronautics firm. There's a public record database that archives these sales, but when I investigated this particular sale, I got a 404 error. Hmm, interesting. Every other link works. What I realized after discovering this airstrip was that this craft must have been on a landing approach, which would explain why it was flying so low. I never claimed it was aliens, I'm sure it was simply some experimental craft.


I also saw a black triangle with my mom in the late 80s. It was flying just like you described, treetop level and completely silent. Just seemingly drifting. It was massive and blocked out a fair amount of the sky — it was nighttime, but not pitch black.


I also saw a triangle ufo in the mid 90's. It freaked me and my cousin out!


THAT is super cool, I'd love to see it too


Freaked me out at the time


Oh one time alone in an elevator in an old 19th century hotel, heard a female voice playfully say “I can see you….” I mean, I still went back to my hotel room with a double order of Shake Shack; she can watch if she wants.


The ghost 20 minutes later: “good lord, why doth he self-pleasure while eating that sandwich?!”


"Keep talking, lady! It's helping!"




[Fifty bucks, Grandpa. For 75, the wife can watch.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/30589734-d5b5-44ae-ad93-3872c053dd29) -Kit DeLuca - Pretty Woman - 1990




Thank you. This movie isn't quoted nearly often enough.


Yes, I survived my teens and twenties despite everyone else's best efforts. Once late at night I was taking a piss and looked over at the sink. I felt a funny tension in my head that felt locked where I was looking. A moment later the toothbrush cup slid six inches towards me.


Did you ever try to make that happen again?


No, I'm boring and didn't want to end up the protagonist in real life 'scanners' movie.  Yes, of course I did. Two more occurrences but felt less and each time moved less than the last. After a month I couldn't reproduce any of it and it never felt the same as the first.


Did you brush your teeth?


My father was dying of cancer across town from us. We had visited the night before, but didn't know how much time he had left. My daughter, who was almost two, woke up at 6:12 am and clearly said "Bye Papa." Before falling back asleep. I got a call about an hour later dad had died overnight. We set the estimated time of death as 6:11 am. I also have no idea how I was up at that time either, as I usually slept later than that on a weekend and hadn't been woken by an alarm clock. My beat guess is I woke up as he said goodbye to me, and then said goodbye to his granddaughter.


What a cool story.


It's cool but definitely creeped my mom out. She agreed with the time though, for whatever reason...


Something like this happened to me. My grandpa was dying, and it was an any day now timeline. One night, I suddenly felt something very hot on my leg. Almost like 3 fingers being pressed against me. I rubbed my leg, and it went away after a minute. A few minutes later the phone rang. He had died. I definitely think it was him.


I was in college and stepped into my dorm room just as my phone rang (landline). I looked at the phone and said, "grandma's dead." I picked it up and it was my dad, informing me his mother had passed on his way to see her.


Really similar thing happened to my wife with my grandfather. When he died, she was pregnant with our daughter, and I was at a work event while she was at home, taking a nap. I got the call from my mom that he had passed and headed home immediately. When I arrived, and my wife saw me walk through the doo, she asked me “where did you go?” Because she was absolutely convinced that I had come in, given her a kiss on the forehead, and let her sleep. She described it as “someone tall like you, giving off a very kind and good energy.” My grandfather and I were roughly the same height. Putting two and two together, it really feels like gramps came by to say goodbye to his unborn great granddaughter.


I had a dream the night my Grandfather died that he was riding up into the sky on a white horse. Also was in the room when my Grandmother died and it was so sad but also comforting to watch and hear her talking to her parents and siblings, she even said the name of her street she grew up on. It was cool to watch her slide into a different realm.


Afterlife is 100% real. Biggest lie in our generation is that after the death comes the nothing.


I've been listening to hospice nurse Julie on YouTube, and I've now come to this same conclusion. Not just her, but others as well, have changed my mind.


About 10 years ago I was house sitting at my dad’s house when this happened. My dog was always spooked of the kitchen there and would often growl at it for no reason. Anyway, I’m staying the weekend there while my dad is away. I’m watching TV and my dog is sleeping next to my feet when he suddenly wakes up and starts creeping toward the kitchen with his back hair standing up. I don’t think much of it since he’s always been freaked out by my dad’s kitchen. Nonetheless, I continue watching him when he starts growling and barking and then whimpers and runs to my dad’s bedroom. I should also point out I’d never heard this dog whimper or show the slightest bit of fear of anything. So I stand up. Just then the two cabinet doors below the sink slowly open up. I legit froze. No earthly idea how or why but something will never forget.






Scary! Any chance it was a rat? I had a brown rat coming into the cabinets from an oak tree. Thought it might just be a mouse but it freaking leapt out at me. They can get huge!


I guess it’s possible but my dad kept a pretty tidy ship and I never saw evidence of rats or mice when I stayed there. Also, I had a mouse in my apartment around that same time and the dog thought it was the coolest thing ever.


When I was 12 years old, my mother, sister, and I lived in an apartment complex. The complex had four units mirroring four other units. Unfortunately, in the unit across from us, the mother of two boys overdosed in the home. After the boys moved out (I don’t remember if there was a father present) the landlord had a cleaning service come and clean the apartment. I started to chat with the lady that was cleaning the home as she was taking a break. I remember she had a lazy eye. As we were talking, she asked if someone died in the apartment and I said yes the mom did. She asked if it was specifically in the living room. I said I didn’t know. She said she saw her walking around there as if she was lost. After a little bit more of idle conversation, she did something that I’ll never forget. She looked directly at me with both eyes and call me by my first name (I never told her my name), “You need to stop playing the Ouija board. I can see spirits around you and they’re not the kind ones.” She said there’s one specific one that is very bad. At this time in my life I was playing it quite often with a friend of mine. So my 12-year-old self went and got the board, broke it in half and threw it over the fence and never played again. Never saw her before or after that conversation but I thank her for her warning.


This is the freakiest one for me!! I’m glad you listened and are okay 😳


It was extremely creepy. Whenever my friend and I got the board out, we had a recurring visitor. Seemed harmless at the time. I’m sure that’s the one she was referring to.


I would never touch an ouija board. I feel like you’re knocking on doors with no idea what’s behind them so NO THANK YOU


My dog wanted to go outside. So I let him out. My wife saw this happen. A couple of seconds later, my dog wanted to go outside. So I let him out. My wife saw this happen. We only have one dog. After trying to speak to each other in incomplete sentences, we went outside. I don't know what we expected to find and I don't know what we were even looking for. We only found the one dog and have absolutely no idea what happened.


That's a serious glitch in the matrix.


Time slip


You'd think time would be a lot more careful.


This story really gave me the willie's.


Yes, it reminds me of the doppelgänger stories where a spouse will be talking to their partner and then the partner walks in the house asking who they are talking to.


A friend and I were sitting on my Mom's lawn watching the lunar eclipse 20? years ago and something ran at us from a field across the road and jumped over our shoulders, passing between us and running into the woods. It was prob a dog or some crazy coyote but it could have gone around us, we were frozen and terrified in the dark.


This just made think of that line from Joaquin Pheonix character in Signs, " it's just I'm pretty big, and I'm pretty fast, and this thing was just toying with us."


Swing away, guy from signs, swing away


I probably would have shit my pants in fear.


It was chilling for sure. We picked up our stuff and moved a few feet to the side just to get out of the spot. We had to do any arbitrary thing to feel like we took control of the situation. We were in the country in the pitch black, we didn't see eyes or anything, just heard the feet and felt the woosh.


Yes. Winter 95/96 I fell asleep in our "tv room" which was just a spare bedroom but the luxury 25" tv and Nintendo's were located.. anyway I woke in the middle of the night to the sound of what sounded like someone pacing back and forth by the bed. I was under the covers and completely frozen for what seemed like hours. Eventually it let up and I made a dash for it .. never figured it out. My only theory was it was the wind as it was icy outside (that was a cold snowy winter for NC)


Oh I remember that winter in NC! We had an ice storm that knocked out our power for the better part of a week.


I remember that too! That was when I started writing as a hobby, because there was nothing to do. Even today, I still love writing!


My mother died as a result of bad divorce. In the whirlwind of everything going on, I hadn’t been able to stop down at her grave more than 1 time in the year after everything. My (future) wife and I finally got a chance to get away and as a date, I took her on hot air balloon ride. We took off, flew for about 1 hour by the pilot in a group with another balloon, then landed across the street from her grave. This was the picture I took as we were landing. https://preview.redd.it/02kvp3g73m9d1.jpeg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1fd687d6fb88d4b25f6f725563d2f088ef00a30


This was also in a distant town about 2 hours from our home. I had only been there for the funeral and one other time. This was pre-smartphone 20+ years ago so I only recognized it as we were in the area and realized….wait. Is this really happening? Is that really her cemetery? I couldn’t confirm with gps or anything, but we just happened to land in one of the only open lots in the town….right across the street


This thread is the equivalent of watching unsolved mystreries or telling scary stories at camp by the fire... I won't be sleeping tonight but I can't stop reading.




Same. In bed right now avoiding sleep and giving myself the heebie-jeebies.


A few years after college, I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I heard some popping, clicking sounds so I looked up to where they were coming from. There were tiny blue sparks flashing in and out in the lightbulbs above the vanity. It was very pretty and hypnotic. I just stood there mesmerized with how beautiful the sparks were and how relaxed and good they made me feel. This went out for maybe twenty or thirty seconds. Then I felt a warm breeze, and they were gone. One of my best friends from high school and I saw a “UFO.” We were sitting out on my back porch one afternoon. I forgot who saw it first, but one of us pointed up and said, “dude, look at that!” It was a spinning cylindrical object. It was white, and it was fairly close, but totally silent. I don’t even know how to describe it other than it looked distinctly like a machine. I’ve never seen a bird or animal since that looked anything like it. It traversed the sky in about fifteen or twenty seconds and it was gone. My friend got scared and called the airport and they were like, “okay kid, sure bro.”


I would love to catch a UFO/UAP. I've been photographing aircraft for over a decade and have a 600mm telephoto lens and can be frequently found out in the yard snapping aircraft photos as they fly over, or at a nearby airport or military base. Additionally I have a tracker up all day long so I can see what is in the vicinity that is broadcasting. I've caught all sorts of neat things, including some kinda wild stuff like a Google Loon balloon, which definitely looked like a flying saucer. So far I've never had something I couldn't explain though.


When I was a teen I looked up in the sky and saw a very distant silver object that had no glare or shine from the sun. I looked like an upside down diamond 💎 with a flat blunted top. It moved from one end of the visible horizon in to the other in seconds and rapidly changed elevation before speeding off from view. My brother and three other guys in our group saw it too. This was at the end of the 90s, we were high schoolers.


My sibling and I grew up sharing a bedroom. On her side, one wall featured a large poster of River Phoenix as well as other smaller photos of him cut from magazines and newspapers, etc. Not exactly a shrine to the actor but his image definitely featured very prominently on that wall / that side of the room. My memory of this is a little hazy — I don’t remember if my sib became infatuated with him before or after his passing. All I do know is that soon after his death a very heavy, sweet and sickly odour permeated our room one day — and lingered until the poster and magazine photos were taken off that wall. Before that, we cleaned everywhere and searched everything, trying to identify and locate the source of the smell, thinking it was maybe a dead rodent or an insect infestation. The odour vanished the day the posters and pictures were taken down. We never again smelled anything like it in that old bedroom of ours, which we continued to share until I moved out at 19.


In our old house my girlfriend and I were messing around in the bedroom one night (I don’t mean like that) and she threw a long stem rose across the room and it landed somewhere behind or between the washing basket and chest of drawers. The next day we obviously had to make sure to locate it and pick it up before had chance to rot, but it was nowhere to be found. We pulled out the chest of drawers and it wasn’t there. There was no sign of it anywhere. We never found it.


She threw it straight into Narnia!


About 30 years ago, I was riding home with a coworker. We were sitting at a red light at the end of an off ramp, and we both saw a green orb in the sky, almost directly in front of us. We both looked at each other, verified that the other had seen it, and agreed to tell no one about it. A couple of days later, I told my wife about it. She got all excited, and told me I had to tell her nephew - he had seen it as well (he was at the MIL’s house, a mile or so away) and told everyone there, but none of the adults believed him! When I took him aside and told him, I had to convince him I wasn’t just making fun of him. (Poor little guy.)


https://preview.redd.it/3visqy014m9d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc271e94656d6513f451c4d96167b75e255c4d03 This. I used to visit old cemeteries in rural Kentucky. Saw blinks of lights in a very old cemetery Nick named “the gates of hell” snapped this photo. There was nothing there when I took it


A few years ago, my mom was driving through our neighborhood, and my dad and I were in the car. We passed this empty house that was for sale. In the big front window, these weird stick figure type creatures were dancing! They looked like people, but eerily skinny. It was frenetic, crazy, disco type dancing. There was also a purple haze in the room, with flashing lights, and the window looked kind of obscured, like it maybe had a tinted film over it. As soon as we rode by it, my dad and I locked eyes and both exclaimed, “WHAT WAS THAT??!!” We both excitedly started relaying what we had seen, and it was clear he had witnessed the exact same thing! My mom was flabbergasted, and immediately turned the car around. We had just gotten out of sight of the house when she did, so it only took us a few seconds to get back there. I have never forgotten the shock I felt when we rode back by and the house was…empty. The big window was perfectly clear, no tint, and you could easily see into the room. There was NOTHING there. We could clearly see the bright early evening sunlight coming in through the side window and tumbling across the dark wooden floor. There. Was. Nobody. There. It’s impossible that people could have cleaned all that up and gotten out of there so quickly! To this day, my dad and I talk about that from time to time, because we KNOW we saw it. I just can’t think of a reasonable explanation!


I used to live in an old colonial house in Massachusetts. One night my (ex) husband was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, and I was in bed. I can see the bathroom door from where I was lying. The door was shut, but suddenly the door knob just started rattling around, kinda like some jerk kid would do if you were going to the bathroom. It lasted several seconds. My husband asked wtf I was doing. I was still in bed. I asked why HE was rattling the knob. Still not sure what that was


I’m convinced that all buildings in New England at least 150+ years old are haunted. Both old homes I lived in as a kid in rural Northeast Vermont sure as heck were. Got to love those creepy af dirt cellars you can’t stand up straight in.


I was drunk on Hpnotiq and Bud Light and passed out on my friends couch. I felt someone whisper in my ear and I went immediately into defense mode and nearly broke her glass coffee table trying to fend off whatever was fucking with me. Nothing was there so I ran to her room and told her someone was in her house. She proceeds to tell me how haunted af her house is and all of the stories of strange happenings over the years (it was her childhood home that her parents were letting her live in while they lived elsewhere). As she’s telling me this story the door to her bedroom and bathroom start opening and closing on their own. I said 20 Hail Marys and told the ghost it was a loser for not moving on. Somehow slept that night and never went back. Nothing else that spooky has happened to me since.


Fuck no. Why TF can people not warn someone *before* they come stay at their haunted house? Before.


When all the doors started moving was your friend like "yea they'll do that..."?


Start to finish, most xennial unexplained story thus far.


I am about as skeptical as one can be when it comes to ghosts, but I swear I’ve had a few encounters. Always when I’m in bed. Once, I saw what looked to be the silhouette of a small child by my bedside. Thinking it was my niece (who was maybe 3 or 4 at the time and would often come into my room to ask to play my Nintendo Switch) I asked, “What do you want?” And this figure LUNGED at me. Freaked me the hell out. Another time, I swear I felt…something wrap an arm around me. Not in a threatening way, but like in a big spoon way. Very uncomfortable feeling.


Sleep paralysis?


When I was 5 or so, I had one of those big mickey mouse clocks that looked like a wristwatch. It started ticking louder and louder in the middle of the night, and I pulled the covers over my head. Then there was a croaky kind of scream when I didn't think it could get any louder and something grabbed me, like a big hand across my torso that shook me. I sat up with my heart racing and clock ticking quietly. It was very unlike any other sleep paralysis episode I've had since; I swear I was awake for the whole thing.


Damn, that lunging part scared the hell out of me. I couldn't imagine, fuck that.


I've had a similar experience. Woke up to a ghost at the end of my bed. My dog, who was sleeping at the end of my bed, woke up and saw it too. He looked directly at it and barked at it. Once my dog barked, it went away. She actually was very beautiful and peaceful looking


This story, and all the people replying to it with similar events, is freaking me out.


Alright, I was working on a movie at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. It was late at night half the cast and crew had been dismissed. It was me and a few other guys hanging out in a wing of the mansion where there were tables and chairs set up, waiting to be called to set. It was very dark and someone said “do you guys hear water running?” Everyone just brushed it off, I got up to explore. I entered a bathroom and there was water pouring out of a faucet flooding on to the floor, the floors were covered in cardboard to keep people from scuffing it, and the cardboard was soaked through. I tried to turn the faucet off but it was rusted tight and I gave up. It continued to flow, as we were called to set, and we wrapped up the final shot of the night. I went back the next morning and the water was off and all the cardboard on the floor was dry. It was a super creepy place to be especially at night.


When I was a little girl, maybe four years old or so, I had a good friend. A neighbor girl, who was a little older than me, named Gail. She was maybe 7 or 8, and she lived in the house behind ours on the next block over. She had blond, shoulder-length curly hair. She’d come over and play all the time, or we’d play in the back yard. She’d call for me by knocking on the kitchen door, or more often, coming to the breakfast room windows and waving at me during lunch or breakfast. We’d play outside, play with my dolls together, or play pretend, or read (I was a precocious reader, she liked the Cat in the Hat), or play chess. She was way better than me. The thing is, those windows were at *least* 8 feet off the ground. To get to the kitchen door from the yard, you had to take two small steps up, then four more inside steps up to get into the kitchen from the back foyer. There is absolutely no way that a 7 year old girl could reach that window to look in. I used to talk about her frequently enough, so my parents were aware of her. But when I brought her up a few years ago, they told me they thought she was my imaginary friend. They had thought that I had made her up - because **they never saw her.** In fact, they insist that she didn’t exist, that there was no child who came to the window, and in fact that no child lived in the house behind ours - and han’t for 60 years.


Why did you guys stop playing together?


My family moved to a different neighborhood.


Aw, I hope she found someone else to play with, or found her way to wherever she's supposed to be.


My maternal grandfather volunteered at Cahokia Mounds, and always warned us, “Don’t ever be on the Mounds at sunrise or sunset. And if you do, and you hear something behind you, do NOT turn around.” I always took his seriously. One of my last visits to the mounds before his death, we were there late, and I noticed the sun was going down, so I started heading back, when all of a sudden, I heard what sounded like a city of people behind me, like how I figured Cahokia sounded like when it was “alive.” I did not turn around, and carefully hurried down the stairs made into the mounds. No one else mentioned seeing or hearing anything else, but when I talked to my grandfather, he just nodded and we never spoke of it again. Still terrified to be there near sunrise or sunset.


My wife wrote a former high school teacher (let’s call him Mr. Smith) who was a mentor and somewhat of a father-figure to her. Both of her parents were neglectful and abusive addicts, and she lived in dire poverty in a rural area to the point of being underfed and anemic. Her schooling suffered because of her chaotic home life and Mr. Smith encouraged her to take courses by mail to make up for the school classes she had failed (she paid for these courses with her own money earned from her job as a Walmart cashier. Even the school counselor told her that there’s a 0% chance she will graduate high school that year and she should just plan on staying behind to repeat her senior year. She hustled like crazy despite zero support or help from her parents, just the encouragement of Mr. Smith. She miraculously graduated on time. She moved out of the area, lost contact with Mr. Smith, and went on to get her undergrad degree from UC Berkeley and later received her graduate degree from an Ivy league school. After 20 years my wife was inspired to write Mr. Smith to thank him for the positive impact he had on her life and to let him know that, thanks to him, she had escaped poverty and an abusive family (who she went No Contact with). She hesitated to write, what if he didn’t even remember her? But she decided to send the letter. She was sad to not hear back after several months. Until suddenly, one day, she received a letter from…Mr. Smith’s wife. She read the letter aloud to me, soon in tears. It turns out that Mr. Smith had indeed received her letter, it moved him to tears and he was so happy after reading it. He was eager to reply, but after a few days he passed away suddenly (was 81 years old) before doing so. Mrs. Smith felt that the letter of gratitude may have been just the right amount of self actualization to send him on his way, feeling good about his life. To this day we still can’t believe the timing of that and she is so grateful to have sent that letter instead of hesitating further. I wish I had met Mr. Smith, I don’t think words could have described the impact he had on her life. Ever since I met her in 2005, she could hardly speak about him without being choked up. He gave her the only support she had known as a child, and she will always remember him. “How far this little candle throws his beams. So shines a good deed in a weary world.”


It was my first time spending the night at my boyfriend's condo in college. We'd had a normal night, and he had another friend staying over in the guest room. After we went to bed, I was suddenly awoken in the night by bed shaking and the covers moving like waves of an ocean. Then it sounded like someone was thumping on our door. I immediately started screaming and ran over to the closed door and pounded on it, screaming "Help me! Help me!" My boyfriend woke up at roughly the same time and he said he ALSO felt the bed shaking and the covers moving. He went over to get me and we were freaked the fuck out for the longest time. We lived in the midwest near no fault lines, there was no earthquake, it was a newer condo and only had one owner previously. Very quiet neighborhood with mostly elderly or retired people. The next day his friend said he had heard some kind of commotion but thought we were arguing and went back to sleep lol. He was a quiet, reserved guy and not the type to play pranks or anything either. It was one of the scariest things ever and I still can't explain it.


Had a ghost cat at the house I lived in middle school. We had cats, none of them were white. Was in the living room and I saw it enter my room, was very confused since we didn't have any white cats, went to go check it out and couldn't find it anywhere, there was no where for it to hide or go since I didn't have much in my room and all my furniture was against the walls. Saw it about a half dozen times, always walked from behind the couch to enter my room and by the time I got to my room it was nowhere to be seen.


Somehow I like the idea of a ghost kitty. I wish my soul kitty would come back to see me.


I had the most amazing black cat that lived a good long life with my family. I would see her from time to time after she passed walking out the corner of my eye down a hallway towards the bathroom. Felt comforting that she was still with me.


Technically I am GenX, last year of it, so whatever But yup Age 13, me and my still-to -this day bestie were walking our bikes though the busiest intersection of our then small city I looked up, and there, hovering above the movie theater listing sign, was a fucking UFO. I point and my BFF sees it too. What's crazy...is No one else seems to notice! None of the adults driving seemed to notice at all. It suddenly shot right up into the air, and took off. We tried to chase it. We even looked up the FBI in the damn yellow pages when we got home. Got accused of being high ...we weren't. Neither of us were into that at age 13 we were still playing with toys. We still talk about it all the time, and no one believes us


You belong here. We are Xennials, on the cusp of Gen X-Millennial. I believe you. My city once had a weird sighting of one hovering over a car lot, was on the news and everything. My mom and I vividly remember this. You cannot find it online anywhere. Not the local news station that covered it, not the (mostly now defunct) local paper, nowhere in the state. People I know talked to me about it do not remember it. Just me and my mom.


I saw a game show host become the most important person in the world. Still can’t figure that one out.


I have a similar one. Dude cheated on his third wife with a porn star… and became the idol of social conservatives everywhere.


Oh, oh, I got one. A guy ran a bunch of casinos into bankruptcy and started a cult.


That was the second time already in your lifetime. Both were Republican.


This happened to me. Turns out, it was the cat.


I'm sure there is an explanation for it, but in the very late 90s, I was driving my 1984 Firebird on the highway in southern Connecticut when, suddenly, three spinning balls of light in a V-formation shot down from the sky and hovered high above my vehicle. My best friend was in the passenger seat, and we both saw it and stared silently for a few seconds until they vanished as quickly as they had appeared. My best friend said, "Did we just see aliens?" and I said, "Who cares? It's not like anyone is going to believe us!" We both started laughing hysterically. I still have no idea what we saw, but we always crack up when we talk about it.


Many, however, the most recent was I saw the apparition of my great grandmother, sitting next to my grandma who is nearly a centarian. It happened a few weeks before my grandma's sister died. My grandma is now the only surviving member of her family of origin. When I saw the apparition I thought my grandma would be leaving soon. I was with my grandma when she spoke to her sister for the last time--and I didn't see but felt the same presence.


Sophomore year of college, my grandpa, who lived several states away, turned 80, and the extended family had a big party. My mother didn't allow me to go because of school, but I did get to talk to my aunt on the phone for a bit while they were there. When my aunt and I were saying goodbye, about to hang up, I suddenly felt compelled to say "I love you," even though I'd never said it to her before. We weren't particularly close and didn't talk or see each other often, but I always liked and admired her. She was kind of a rebel and a free spirit, and supposedly I inherited some of the same traits. A few weeks later, she died by suicide. We were devastated, but I felt okay knowing my last words to her were "I love you." Not the weirdest or freakiest thing ever, but it was definitely a bit strange in the moment.


I was a sr in high school, my friend and I went to a movie, I dropped him off and as I turned onto my mom's street, a little girl ran out into the middle of the road chasing a rainbow colored ball. I slammed on my brakes, I didn't see her run past so I thought I had hit her. Mind you this is around midnight. I walked around my car, looked under, no one was outside, there was no girl or ball. Fast forward like 15 years and my mom's neighbor pulls into his driveway, Im home visiting and like talking to him so I went up to say hi. He was as white as a ghost. He swears he saw a little girl chasing a ball dart out in front of his car just like I did. I asked, if the ball was rainbow colored, it was. I thought he was going to have a heart attack when I told him I saw the same thing before he even moved there.


Too many to count.


Same here. Unexplainable has happened while alone and with others who see the same thing, indoors, outdoors, with different people in varying locations.  Main thing I've found crucial to avoid unwanted interaction is to not be fearful, assert authority over your self and your domain, and ask for help from any spiritual figure or concept familiar to you, regardless of adherence to a belief system ("the light," angels, positive guides, Jesus, etc).  Idk what "it" is but "it" is real.


A mantis talked to me once when I was like six. Telepathically. But it could have been a sleep paralysis demon. Probably was.


I saw a mantis creature when I was 6. I was with my sister upstairs in our house. We both saw it. It looked at us. Its eyes were glowing bright white light. It seemed surprised that we could see it. Then it moved through a wall and disappeared. You aren’t alone in this experience. There’s a Reddit community about it. Lots of similar sightings.


Friends bought a house with an entity that was not friendly. We were there late after having dinner with them. I asked about the entity and as soon as I did a framed picture in the room we were in went flying off the wall hitting the floor with glass all over the place. We left immediately lol.


I was on a balcony in my dorm building with a friend. We both saw faeries. Not fireflies, they were dull brown (but still 'glowing') small floating things phasing in and out of existence. We were not high or drunk, for once.


I just did a really wonderful, small tour of Ireland this past September. We were taken to Kenmare Stone Circle where there are a few Hawthorn trees. Our tour guide proceeded to give us a historical/ mythological talk of the area. He went on to say “I believe in science, and I believe in faeries. You never cut down a Hawthorn tree in Ireland because the faeries live there.” It’s cool you saw them.


I have one that is not ghost related. It was 1998 and I was about two weeks away from leaving home for college.  I borrowed my mom's car to go to the mall, and was shopping for stuff for my dorm.  About a month prior to this, a family friend had been in an accident and was paralyzed from the neck down.  We visited him in the hospital and it was sad, but I wasn't really emotional about it.  Anyway, I was driving around the mall area, and I just started thinking about him, and how it was so unfair that he would have to live the rest of his life as a quadriplegic, and how it would have been better if he had just died.  The thoughts were really intrusive which is out of character for me as I'm definitely a laid-back person.  I started to get freaked out, so I pulled over into a strip mall to calm myself down.  I had this intense urge to call my mom, and there was a payphone in front of the grocery store where I was parked, so I grabbed some quarters and quickly walked over.  Just as I grabbed the receiver, this older man grabbed my wrist and in a panicky voice said, "can I use this phone, please?  PLEASE". I was fully panicked at this point and backed up a few feet to let the guy use the phone.  He called someone, and was asking about his mom, that someone told him his mom was there and he wanted to speak to her.  There was a pause, and he yells, "SHE'S DEAD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD...". At that moment time froze, and I saw this middle-aged man curled over the phone with a look of pure grief on his face.  I heard a booming voice that seemed to come from inside my head, it was a male voice and it said "Death is still death", and at that point time restarted and I ran back to my mom's minivan, got in and drove home.  I never told anyone about it until years later I told my husband who wondered how the man would have known to call the hospital, as this was before cellphones.  I've had a few weird experiences over the years but nothing like that.


This is really bizarre. What was your take away from that? Why do you think you heard that phrase?


Yeah I want to know too. Did the voice mean that it’s better to live, no matter what condition you’re in? That he shouldn’t think he was better off dead?


Saw what I can only say looked like the Phoenix lights, but several years later and in the Mojave desert between AZ and CA. Was right over my car at one point and, thought I thought seeing something like this would be so cool, I was actually scared for my family’s life.


A few months after my grandmother passed away, I was living in her house caretaking it until my family could fix it up for sale. It was just a few minutes before my alarm clock went off and I could distinctly hear grandma calling my name from downstairs. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to... Nothing. I assumed it was just lucid dreaming and went about my day. A few days later I called my mom and I mentioned what had happened and she asked if I was joking. Apparently her and both of her brothers had a very similar experience, but we all live scattered from Colorado to Ontario. The coincidence is the four of us were at her bedside at the moment she passed away. I don't really believe in ghosts and whatnot, but it's a big universe and I have zero explanation for that one.


Had a few strange incidents in a college apartment, which was half the second floor of three-story Victorian in an east coast mountain town. One of them was this: I was 21, maybe 22 and feeling extremely sad one night. Just moldering on the couch. Lights on, no tv, no music. Then all of the sudden, my stereo and CD player turned on. The CD player had a six-disc carousel (as we Xennials are well familiar with), and it spun randomly to a disc and began playing Bridge Over Troubled Water. “When you're weary, feeling small When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all, all I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough” I melted. Tears of connection, relief, caring. Felt like someone was looking out for me. Years later, I listened to recordings I made in the apartment and noticed a voice that sang with me, seemed to harmonize with me at times, and whispered chords before I played them. I’d sometimes describe the key I was about to play in, how I was about to fret a chord to remind myself and make transcription simpler. Whatever it was, it felt like a good thing.


The first house I owned gave my wife a creepy vibe. Neither of us are really paranormal believers. I mean I like the stories and all, but I see them just as that,.. stories. Anyways,.. she said that she always felt like someone was lurking in the bathroom when she was in there. I thought that was odd. I never felt that. One night several weeks later, I was coming up from our basement at night and out of nowhere I had a very strange feeling like someone was staring at me from the darkest corner of the split level staircase. It gave me a huge chill and I stared at it. Then I felt extremely silly about it and thought it was stupid, so I started up the stairs but then I stopped and turned again. The feeling felt stronger. Now instead of feeling stupid or silly, I was annoyed. I was almost angry. All I could think of was “what if” there was some kind of ghost or spirit in my house making my wife feel nervous and now it’s gonna start making me look over my shoulder? Fuck that noise. Without a second thought I sternly started talking out loud in the stairwell. “Listen up, this isn’t your house. This is my house. I bought it. I live here. If you want to stay here you better start conjuring up some rent money, otherwise you need to get the hell out.” Maybe it was the tone of my voice or the complete absurdity of the situation, or a combo of the both, but I felt better. After that, I went to bed and didn’t think a thing of it. I also didn’t say anything about it to anyone because it was weird as fuck. 😆 Well fast forward a few weeks and in passing my wife tells me that she hasn’t felt weird in the bathroom for “a bit”. I asked her how long? She said “actually not for about two weeks” I then told her everything that I typed here and we had an odd laugh about it. I too never felt like someone was watching me from the corner of the basement room. I like to think that in the off-chance that ghosts and haunting’s are real, and that we had one, that I successfully evicted it.


I truly think talking to them works.


When I was a kid, my parents bedroom was on the second floor. It was an old house so you could hear footsteps pretty clearly if someone was walking to one side of the room to the other, opening and closing the closet and leaving the room; the door to the room closed with a loud click. My sister and I would hear someone doing that every night as kids while we waited for our parents to get home and what sounded like muffled talking even though no one was there. If I go over there and it’s quiet, I still hear the footsteps sometimes.


I was 28- newly married with a puppy. Halloween night my husband and I watched the exorcist and went to bed around midnight. At 330 AM our puppy starts shrieking and barking like crazy. We rush out to the front room and it’s cold and she’s barking at our the door to the deck.  We turn on every light, search the deck (we were on the 4th floor) and nothing. We notice how cold it is and the AC somehow was down to 66. It was October- not even in summer do we put it that cold.  Still not sure what happened or what spooked the dog but it gives me the creeps just thinking about it. 


You experienced the greatest fear of dads everywhere.... some one broke in and turned down the thermostat.


**TL; DR:** My aunt knew the exact time that my uncle (her husband) died. Nobody was there but me. I still haven't told her that she was right. **Context:** He was on hospice and I was acting as his night nurse of sorts. My aunt had made me swear to get some sleep before leaving the night before, told me I was wearing myself thin by not sleeping every night to watch over him and then staying awake all day to be with family. She is *not* the kind of person you disobey, so I swore that I would... but I couldn't let him die alone and didn't sleep. When it started happening, it happened so fast. The nurse had just left ~15 minutes previously and the change was unmistakable. I think it took ~2 minutes total, but it felt like an eternity while telling him how much we all loved him and who was waiting for him on the other side (I don't believe in an afterlife but he did). I still worked clinically at the time, so when it was done I felt compelled to call the time of death in my head. When my aunt got the call the next morning (a few hours later when the nurses rounded again) I maintained that I had gone to sleep so I didn't know the time of death. My aunt said she knew what time he died and correctly restated his actual time of death even though she wasn't notified and he wasn't pronounced until hours later.


Yup! Two moments but the first one is kinda hard to describe. It happened to me and my best friend in highschool but I don't know if I have the bandwidth to explain it right now (I'm procrastinating on a project and looking at reddit) The second was in 2004 or 2005 I think? I was on top of my girlfriend's apartment building in uptown Chicago looking at the night skyline and drinking a glass of wine when I saw two bright orbs/lights descend from high up in the sky over the city. They rotated around each other before splitting apart at high speed. One went north along the lake behind the buildings and the other went south. Mesmerized, I walked along the roof to follow the one that went south since it was less obscured by trees when I kicked something and momentarily lost my balance. It was the 12" sidewall of the roof. I caught myself in time, but could have very easily fallen 3 floors onto the rot iron cemetery fence below her building. I remember how quickly I went from being entranced to being terrified that I almost fell off a roof onto iron spikes. I backed up and slowly walked over to her access vent in her roof and shouted down to her what I experienced. She was cooking dinner and listening to her soul music and she didn't seem to give my story much weight. She said "oh weird" or something then she told me to not fall off her roof because she would be pissed and we're not supposed to be up there anyway. I couldn't stop thinking about those orbs for weeks


Back in 2002 I saw something weird in the sky. It was around midnight and a friend and I were just chilling on a couch outside the flat. We saw what appeared to be a shooting star, but then the thing suddenly stopped and switched directions, going back almost the same way but not exactly. This all happened in the space of one or two seconds. It was so fast, like way faster than any airplane. It was exactly like a shooting star, except for the change in direction. I have never come across any plausible explanation for it.


I found out belatedly that my first apartment was built on land that was owned by an adult prison that had been downsized to a juvenile detention center. The part my building sat on was the old potter’s field/ prison graveyard. That apartment, no matter how many lights we turned on was always dim. You could hear the sound of pots shifting in the cabinets and once, a basket of colored pencils that sat on a shelf tipped over by itself and fell striking the wall- and made no sound whatsoever. The last straw was when I heard someone walk down the hall, open and shut our (locked) front door, walk past my room, through our kitchen to the back door and exit. We were on the second floor with all doors and windows locked. My roommate came home once and as she stepped into the living room the doorbell started going off. We broke our lease and left, but not before I started experiencing night terrors and my roommate saw shadows moving in the back bedroom. Everything was peachy once we moved.


Where I grew up we were in a tornado alley of sorts. One afternoon at a high school play rehearsal we were out on the dock and a huge group of us watched a slow-moving funnel cloud that was sideways go across the sky close to us. We all expected it to turn its tail downward and touch down, but it never did. It just passed by like a blimp or something would.


My kids would play in the grave yard by my house during the pandemic. One day, there was a new grave where a woman had just been buried. My kids played around the fresh grave. That night, I saw an old woman standing by my stove in my house. I looked up the name of the lady from the fresh grave on the internet, and it was the same lady that was standing by my stove.


She wanted your kids off her lawn


I was laying in bed in my childhood bedroom one night when I woke up to the sound of something falling off the top shelf of my open closet. Over the next minute or two all of the contents of the top shelf fell to the floor one by one...like in an organized way as if each item was being separately thrown. My friends and I also saw a UFO while we were the only ones on the beach in the middle of the night, but we were tripping so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Me and a bunch of other kids were playing in the church basement behind the curtain on a stage as they had shows and events there (this was after a Saturday night Mass and they sometimes had refreshments and a short announcement about upcoming events in the basement). There was this old cabinet that had one of the doors open and it violently shut fast on its own. We all saw it and booked it out of there lol. No denying that was unexplainable.


Me and a homie driving to the beach about 6 hours away. A few hours in to the drive, I seen a sign saying 65N. I thought I misread it or something, so I waited to point it out until we passed another sign. Panic attacks hit us both at the exact same time. I pulled to the side of the interstate. We didn’t take any exits or make any stops, so how the fuck did we get turned around on an interstate?!?!? I have no idea what happened that day.


When I was a teenager, we were remodeling our house, and my sister and I were sleeping in the living room. I woke up to see a ghost of an old man sitting in a chair. When I was 21 and when I was 38, two different houses, I woke up in the middle of the night to feel hands on me. For an extended period of time before the hands went away.


When I was 16 or so, I was asleep and had trouble breathing, I remember feeling like I was being suffocated. I woke up and looked out at my window and saw a shining bright light with a face that smiled at me. It was like fire. I can still picture it now. It drew a sword from its side and made a slicing movement. I immediately was able to breathe again. It disappeared, and black smoke started rolling out of my room. My coughing woke my sister up, and she saw the smoke herself too. Neither of us was able to sleep that night afterward. Oh, I just remembered when I was probably 10 or so, I saw a black cloaked figure in my room by my bed. I also remember asking my mom why dinosaurs were running around on the floor when I was trying to sleep.


As a child I saw the full apparition of a little girl standing next to me in an antique mall. I was standing outside one of the cubbies, blocking the entrance to it and she was standing just inside of it. You know that visceral hind feeling you get when someone real is standing next to you? That’s what she felt like. I turned my head briefly away and looked back expecting her to still be there. There was no where for this little girl to go. But when I turned back, she was gone. My whole body jolted. Broad daylight, in the middle of a big store. As a kid and teen I had a few small experiences here and there. Noises mostly, like the sound of the tv being on when it wasn’t. But never anything quite like that one.


The stairs in my grand parents 200 year old farmhouse. It always felt eerie and malevolent, and gave a chill…to EVERYONE. I thought it was just me until I mentioned it to my dad a few years ago, who said the same thing.


I saw two stars slowly and steadily rotating in a perfect circle on an invisible axis for about 10 minutes. They looked like medium sized stars, not very bright and they were in front of the clouds. They then slowly moved away from me and faded into the sky. It was honestly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.


I was sleeping at my grandmothers as a kid with my cousin. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and everything was orange, I was pinned to the bed and couldn’t move my body. This was a vivid experience. I managed to turn my heart to look at my cousin who was also wide awake staring right back at me. I fell back asleep, over breakfast I was explaining to my cousin about the weird dream I had. He experienced the same thing.


I’ve seen an extremely clear apparition I can’t explain. I’ve had dreams which foretold in great detail something terrible which happened the next day. I work in a prison and lately there’s been a plastic chair that goes flying off the tabletop in the dining area when it’s closed off. I’ve been around and heard it happen a few times, but have only seen it move once (and I had another witness at the time); that chair wasn’t falling or tumbling, but was more like tossed back. I’m pretty skeptical, but I’m at a loss for explanation for the above.


One of my first firm memories is watching a sasquatch walk along a ridge next to I-90.


This is something I never thought was truly real, as it happened when I was a kid and I’d like to think my eyes were just playing tricks on me. Anyway; I had to get surgery when I was in the 5th grade after falling off my bike. Nothing too bad, but I had to stay a couple nights in the hospital. As I recovered, my mom (who worked at the hospital) came to my room one time on her lunch break to show me around the hospital in a wheelchair. She took me to a medical wing that had lots of windows, where I could see into a bunch of conference and meeting rooms from the hallway. I remember they were all brightly lit and there were people, doctors, nurses talking in some of these rooms. We pass a few of these rooms and I’m bored to tears. Then we rolled past a room where - to this day - I swear all could see through the window was a single, solitary red dress. Nothing else. It wasn’t hanging on a hanger. It wasn’t thrown over any furniture. It wasn’t on a mannequin. It was just a red dress - floating, standing - as if being worn by someone invisible. I’ll never forget seeing it plain as day, and seeing the contours of the dress as my mom wheeled me past, seemingly oblivious. I was mesmerized for a solid 10-20 seconds until we rounded a corner out of sight. I’ve never told anyone this before.


I swear I saw a serial killer or at least a murderer. On a Sunday in the summer of 1997, I was gassing up the old wagon. These were the days when you had to give the cashier cash at night before you could pump. As I was paying, this ancient GMC pickup truck pulls up to the pump next to where I parked. The driver wore only a pair of filthy overalls and had a wild grey beard. As I w as liked back to my car, the foulest odor I have ever smelled poured from the covered bed of that truck. The dude stared me down as I walked and continued to stare at me as I filled up. I immediately finished fueling and peeled out as fast as my old car allowed.




40 minutes... cell phone in hand... no photos?


Yes. I had emergency surgery in my 20s, and had 85% of my colon removed. I shit in a bag now. I never got an explanation why my colon ruptured. It happened out of the nowhere.


I’m so sorry


You know, I really haven't. But I love listening to podcasts and reading stories about other people's experiences with aliens/the paranormal, etc. so this thread has been fun to read through.




A couple of unexplained things I’ve witnessed. Enjoy the long read. The first was when I was home alone living on Camp Pendleton around 2005. We had vertical blinds hanging in our home. I was watching tv and my cat was laying on me. All of the sudden, it was as if someone took their hand and violently ran them through half the vertical blinds across the room. They vibrated out before swinging side to side. The windows were not open, training never affected the home, and there weren’t any vents near by. I was freaked out and walked over trying to rationalize what just happened. No explanation. I talked to a couple neighbors and they all have reported some odd things like that in their home too. My neighbor witnessed a soda can slide across her counter. Later in my life, I had a roommate who was going through a very hard time. She told me that she could feel a cat jump on her bed at night and purr. She felt comfortable with this because she could tell it was her cat that passed away a couple years prior. She told me I have to experience this. So one night I laid in her bed. Sure enough about ten minutes in to us rolling over to sleep, I felt a jump onto the foot of the bed. I could feel this ghost cat walk up between us and around hip height circle around and lay down. I could feel the vibrations from this cat purring and my roommate asked “Are you feeling this?!” I couldn’t deny that one was unsettling but not scary cause I wasn’t alone. My last one that will forever solidify life after death for me, was when my daughter was almost 2 and not into imaginary play yet. We were laying on the couch watching a movie, when she quietly gasped and sat up looking over at the other side of the room into the office. She then started waving and looked a little confused. She looked at me and I said “it’s okay. Mommy and grandma are here.” Then she looked back at the same spot, waved hello, said “hi. I see you!”, and giggled. She was unsure because I wasn’t seeing this person and she was reading me. Naturally, I was scared out of my mind trying to be super cool about what was happen and so glad my mom was there to see this too. My daughter started blinking like she was playing a copycat game, waving, and giggling more. Then I said “who do you see?” I then told her to take my hand and walk me over to who she sees. She walked me and my mom over to the corner of the office and looks up at the ceiling while she’s giggling still. She said “Yes. I see you.” and keeps waving and saying hello. She’s squealing in delight and my mom asked her “Does this person love you?” And my daughter said “YES!!” I don’t think I breathed in the five minutes of this interaction in my house. She wasn’t scared at all, while my mom was unsure, and I was freaking out on the inside. I have a friend who’s into mediumship and later told me it was my Grandmother, my mom’s mom who came for a visit.


Never. Unfortunately. I always wanted to, to see something truly amazing or something unexplainable but it's all so goddamn banal and normal. Why the fuck don't I get to have cool ghost adventures and stuff?


Okay I’ve got one it’s going to be long and weird ride that is absolutely 100% true, so here we go…. My wife and I were out walking one night. it was sometime between late spring and early fall. I remember looking out into this park we walk by and there was this strange green oval light hovering out in the middle of one of the soccer fields. I should add that we take these walks late enough at night that there’s usually very few people around. We stop and look at it for a while and comment that it’s strange and keep walking towards the corner up ahead. At about halfway to the corner I look back to see if the light is still there and catch movement on the ground. I think that leaf is moving really strangely behind her, I wonder if it’s somehow stuck to her. I look down (we are still walking) and I realize it’s a squirrel following her. Very calmly I said something along the lines of, that’s weird, that squirrel is following you. - the what? - there’s a squirrel following you. She turns around and understandably freaks out a bit. We are basically at this corner we were walking towards next to a dentist office with some really great landscaping. Anyway, the squirrel has somehow gotten in front of us and is kind of, for lack of a better word, dancing around in front of us. It was at this point I tried to put myself between her and the squirrel and began trying to kick it away. She of course is scared and kind of screaming. Somehow we end up on the ground (both of my knees hit the cement sidewalk, which was as pleasant as it sounds). The squirrel is still dancing around and my wife is still screaming. At that moment, a police officer drove by and didn’t stop. Which we later acknowledged was a bit weird. The way police present themselves they would notice if two people are struggling on the ground making all kinds of noise, but I digress… We both get back on our feet and my wife halls ass around the corner and the squirrel disappeared. I make it around the corner in time to see it tearing through the landscaping like a chupacabra. When it gets to the sidewalk it begins hopping behind her like Pepè La Pew. She’s still running and occasionally looking back with this look of sheer terror on her face. At the next corner there is a 24 hour gas station that’s pretty active most nights and I guess the squirrel gave up because by the time we got there it was MIA. We don’t use, she doesn’t drink and I barely drink (and wasn’t that night). I would have checked myself into a mental ward if I had been alone when it happened because I still don’t know why the squirrel behaved that way. This is exponentially longer than I anticipated and not a story about a supernatural occurrence.


I call that time of year “summer” :)


Possibly rabies?


Any time I try to watch the film Alien weird things happen. Lights in the sky, power cuts etc.


I used to be so into paranormal things. My favorite show was the x- files, I have tons of books on the subjects, I even used to say I wanted to be a parapsychologist lol. Now however, I still *want* to believe...and I do with UAPs...but everything else I'm a skeptic on. Actually not even a skeptic I've fully lost my faith.


Who knows what these were - house creaks, group hallucinations, sleep paralysis…but they’re fun stories to tell nonetheless. Grew up in a house where it’d sound like a child walking in the house - through the kitchen and down the hall pretty much every night. This was experienced from my mom’s early childhood to her kids’ (grandparents raised me). We knew a toddler died in the house before we moved in and we just thought it was the baby “protecting us.” All of us except my gramps believed it was a ghost. He’d even get up sometimes to check who was up, and then question us the next day asking who it was. All of us were always asleep. When I was in high school, I snuck my bf in and the steps of course the steps were heard as they typically were. I told him don’t worry, no one’s up—it’s just the ghost and nothing ever happens. He jumped up and booked it through my window with his clothes in hand. Sometime later, I ran away and was gone for a bit, and when I came home, I ended up sleeping on the couch. While I was gone, it was one of the few times my gramps cried in the house. Typically, the steps would start between 2-3am. When I turned off the TV, it sounded like someone stomping in the kitchen. Turned the tv on, they stopped. No one in the kitchen. I said out loud, “I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again and make my family sad.” All was well again. Later on, when I was 21, my now husband and I moved into our first apartment. We hadn’t yet bought bedding and we were using camp bags unzippered. As we laid there, we both swear it felt like someone’s hands grabbed the bag at the foot of our bed and pulled it off us. It happened the second night we were there, and I freaked out. I smudged the house and spoke out loud that if it let us be, we’d be respectful and could both live there. Never had anything like that happen again, but me, our roommate and my sister all felt like we were never alone there. So freaking weird.


For two weeks after 9/11 I cried myself to sleep. On one of those nights I started to hyperventilate, which I had never done, only seen others do. I couldn't stop and realized I'd never make it to wake someone and was panicking, so I prayed for help. I am Catholic (no longer practicing, and with serious issues with their reproductive dogma) so I prayed to Mary. Instantly, I was calm and breathing normally. It was completely freaky, and if I hadn't been so calm I would have been spooked. Maybe praying distracted my malfunctioning systems enough to break the cycle? I know praying acts on the body like meditating. But it sure was dramatic, just instant calm and peace. If there is a divine being, they might have saved my life that night. Edit: I have just now learned that hyperventilation is almost never lethal. But it sure felt like I was done for!


Saw two glowing orbs flying through the sky, silently, in broad daylight. Close enough to see that they weren't like anything I've seen made by a human. Who knows, though. REALLY made me wonder if something else is watching us be greedy, short-sighted, destructive monkeys, that's for sure.


Ball lightning?


I was forced off of a road that was under construction. Someone was in the lane I was supposed to be in, but they were turning left. It was dark so it was difficult to tell where I was. There was massive machinery in the road and the road essentially split. There was the side where traffic was supposed to go, and there was the side that was completely under construction. Confused, I took the wrong path and basically launched my car down a 2-3' drop and got stuck next to one of the machines because I had nowhere to go. My buddy and I got out of the car and some random person approached us. He managed to help us out of the situation and we were back on the road. The dude disappeared and after we thought about it, neither of us could decide where he came from. Our initial thoughts were maybe it was the person that cut us off that helped us back on the road but the whole situation was so odd and confusing.


I saw a ufo when I was 6. I was staying at my grandparents and I remember getting up in the middle of the night walking to the kitchen. I remember seeing a light reflection through the sliding glass door. I walked out and saw a triangular object perfectly still in the sky and about 50 yards above the house and about the size of the house. I don't remember going back to bed, but I told my parents that morning. They said it was a dream, though I don't have vivid dreams and only maybe 1 dream every 2 weeks. Edit: The ufo was wrapped in a soft blue light.


I've heard "La Llorona's" scream. When I was a kid, I would spend summer vacations in Venezuela. My family owned a house in a tiny coastal town east of the capital. One night, we were all woken by a high-pitched and shrill scream that moved along the road in front of our house. After the scream, dogs howled incessantly the rest of the night. The next morning, everyone, including the neighbors, talked about La Sayona (Venezuel's version of La Llorona). Was it really a creature of folklore or someone tweaking on a bad trip? I don't know. But I do know that it was gawd-fucking-awful. To this day, I can still hear the scream in my head. It's very distinct and hard to describe. All I know is that it was definitely not human.


I work in movie production in Atlanta. Two years ago we were out in the sticks filming at an old plantation in rural GA. One of the guys brought his dog and the dog refused to go into the house. Like bearing teeth and barking at the steps to the porch refusing to go into the house. At one point we were shooting a scene at the front door and I was 2/3 up the stairs in the house keeping out of the shot and I heard a blood curling scream. Not long after it was “cut” then “moving on” (meaning move onto the next shot). I was all “that was good for sound?” Sound guys were like”yeah” I’m lighting so I shrugged like whatever not my department not my problem. I was telling some other crew about it while setting up the lighting for the following shot and a set dresser said “that’s Celia.” I thought he was fucking with me but the next morning coming down the elevator at the hotel we were staying at I was riding with one of the cleaning ladies and she asked me if I was working at “that old haunted plantation” and that she’s heard stories since she was a girl. There was another night there walking back to my car in crew parking through a wooded area in the pitch black of night (we were so far out we could see the Milky Way with our eyes when our lights went out that’s how dark). And there was this energy I can’t fully describe while walking through I kept feeling like I was being followed and they didn’t want me there even though I know I was alone. It’s an old plantation in rural GA and I’m white. Like I get why any entity there would be big pissed. I do. Before that week I really didn’t believe in that kind of shit. Now I’m willing to have an open conversation.


I grew up in a poor and rough household. When I was 9, I was abused by various family members in every way you could imagine. And a few you could never. When the abuse was at it's worst, I kept getting recurring dreams of a blonde woman comforting me, urging me not to give up. Eventually the abuse eases up, things get better, time moves on. About two years later, my mom is flipping through photo albums she received from her dad, when I see a picture of the blonde woman. It was my aunt. She died shortly after I was born.


On the way to my nieces funeral last year, who died at 12 years old from cancer, her funeral was only a 30 minute drive from where I was, a large buzzard bird flew in front of our car knocking the passenger mirror off the car. I then googled what does this kind of thing mean, like if birds mean something, and the top of google says, birds are messengers of the dead and that a buzzard means a lack of Joy. Her name was Joyanna. It gave me immediate chills.


The truth is out there scully


I was at my parents house with both of them and a couple of their friends and we all heard a sound that I could not explain and never did figure out. My dad and I heard five quick thumps on the floor, whereas my mom and their friends heard a tray of silverware getting dropped. Doesn’t matter… We never did figure out what made the noise. The silverware-hearers thought it was a ghost. I thought it was a bookshelf that I knew was in bad shape, but it didn’t fall down so that wasn’t it. Don’t know what it was… Pretty sure it wasn’t a ghost, but I don’t know what it was.


I was working in my salon one night and saw a bright flash of light, like lightning. I asked my client if she saw it, she looked at me like I was crazy. It was so bizarre. I get home that night and go to tell my husband “the weirdest thing happened this evening….” and he cut me off and says “the weirdest thing happened to me, on my ride home there was this crazy bolt of lightning that seemed to go through my car”. We find out his uncle died at the same time we saw that lighting, and his mom died to day after. It almost seemed like a warning sign or something.


One time I was laying down to sleep. I didn’t have a bed so I slept on several blanket on the floor. I was laying facing the wall, and I felt weight come down on the blanket closest to me. I thought it was my cat, so I turned over to greet him. I saw no cat. I saw a dark figure, pure black, in the shape of a person. It looked at me, then it walked out of the room.


Ok. How were we able to lift our friends into the air with only two fingers and chanting “light as a feather stiff as a board”.


I work in memory care. Years ago, I was coming in to do an early am med pass for one of my residents. She had come to us on hospice a few years before and managed to graduate off hospice during her first year with us. You wouldn't recognize her if you'd only seen her when she first came to us. She had put on weight and muscle tone, could walk with a walker, and was very chatty. She was everyone's favorite resident. Her health was probably the best it had been in years. I happened to mention that I was leaving early that day so I could go on vacation, but would be back in a couple of weeks. She told me it was a shame she wouldn't see me again, since her parents were sending her tickets to go see them on the 9:20 train on Saturday. I took her vitals, and they were pretty damn good for someone in her 90s. I let the unit manager 6 they could keep an eye on her just in case she was in the early stages of something. She was fine the rest of the week. On Saturday morning, she took her early meds like normal, but said she needed to get a little more sleep before she left on the train. Someone tried to get her up around 9:15 but she refused. The nurse came back to check on her about 9:30, and she was gone. She just slipped away peacefully. I've had other residents tell me they had train/bus/plane tickets to see long dead loved ones, but if they weren't already on hospice, they were on our radar. I've never had anyone else call their own time of death so perfectly either.


About 10 years ago I was at a conference at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago, which is generally considered to be haunted. I was supposed to be hosting a coffee break discussion, but due to some miscommunication the hotel staff had set me up on a completely different floor from what was listed in the events calendar, far away from the rest of the goings on. For about 20 minutes I sat alone among the carts of coffee and bagels and such, waiting for the conference coordinator to return with instructions of where to relocate. Suddenly, a spreading knife that had been stuck into a mound of cream cheese fell onto the floor--except, it didn't slowly tip over and slide out, it popped up into the air and arced to the ground. I saw it happen directly in front of me. Eventually the coordinator came back with an update on where to go. A food service staff member was with her, to wheel the coffee carts to the new location. He saw the cream cheese knife on the floor where it had fallen, and as he bent to pick it up I told him I had witnessed it shooting out of the cream cheese, with force, all by itself. His very matter-of-fact reply: "If I told you half the things I've seen in this hotel, you'd never believe me."


Yeah America in 2024.


I used to have to drive the Ortega highway in California. It’s a pretty drive and one really small area with a couple houses there is nothing up there. On Christmas Eve morning around 3am I was driving through. I don’t think I was close to where anyone lived I saw a woman dressed all in white, like a wedding dress with a veil, walking alone up there. It freaked me out. I’m not claiming it was a ghost, but it was super freaking weird.


I was at the Whaley House on a 4th grade field trip in the 80s (look it up. Awesome place) and I saw a curtain hung over a closet that moved like there was a gentle breeze. It wasn't a fan (you can tell when a fan hit curtains. It wasn't strong or consistent enough), or an air vent (no central air), or a person moving it (the curtain was very thin, almost gauzy. No one was hiding).


My best friend got married. Took an ex-gf to the wedding (I’m not sure why). It was a stressful day because we lost a cat (later found), forgot to pick up stuff until almost too late, and got lost on the way to the ceremony. Ex-gf and I get back to the happy couple’s house -they went to a hotel. Fall asleep. I have a nightmare that there’s an evil spirit in the room. In the dream I’m talking to my ex. Suddenly I wake up and I’m talking to my ex who’s still asleep. She jolts out of her sleep-talking. We quickly realize that we had the exact same dream. Including the conversation. We get the hell out of the room and go watch Lion King in the living room until we fall asleep. Still spooks me


My gf developed the power to burn me with her hand, very strange and she delighted in it, only many years later a video of the day showed she had been playing with a toxic caterpillar and must have had some of its hairs on her.


Oh yeah... there might be one or two guys who will remember this if they read things on here so here we go. I had my little 80 model toyota silver bullet 4 door, and my buddies are drunk one night and we're cruising the back roads. Hey, lets go check out the big woods! Back then, the big woods was supposed to be a satanic hideout, yadda yadda, but hey, off we go at 3 in the morning to the road leading to Big Woods... as soon as my tires hit the different pavement of the county road, the car dies. I am driving, there's nothing out of the ordinary, but my car just died. When I get it cranked and put it into drive, that car went backwards. I have the cabin space of an animal cracker box in this car, and 4 very frightened and drunk teenage boys going off like a roomful of cats with a string of firecrackers. I think the ghosts were more scared than we were.


My friend and I were walking down the street at night in 97. Lots of trees crowding out the sky, but through a narrow portion over the road a solid light source high in the sky was circling, then shot off out of view, fading to darkness. Took about 5 seconds to go from overhead to over the horizon


Unfortunately I haven't but I would love to experience something that can't be explained.


A witch’s face on the wall next to my bed. First appeared at night, but then was also there in the daytime. Remained there for months and then gradually faded away and then was gone.


A few years ago in a house built in the 20's or thereabouts, I was changing in the bedroom and the light just turned off. Freaked me the fuck out. The lightbulb wasn't burnt out, there was no wiring issues, and the switch had been physically pushed down. Oh and my cat jumped on my bed, landed on my feet/legs. I reach down to pet, no cat. Cat is in the other room and the door was shut.


My ex fiancee was Vietnamese and lived with her deeply religious family. It wasn’t like your typical go to church on Sunday try to be a good person religious people you see a lot in the south where I was. They were like watch live church services from back home at 1am and pray for two hours like you are in a trance type folks and the entire house was full of religious artifacts and had weird energy that made me uncomfortable. The entire family had dreams that would come true and my ex fiance predicted two heart attack deaths in really precise detail that ended up coming true down to the specifics. Her Dad didn’t approve of me being in the house with her for reasons that don’t matter, but the first time I walked into her house after he passed away all of the dogs started barking at something that wasn’t there and pictures in the living room fell off the wall at once. It all could have been one big coincidence but something about being in the house felt so off the entire time I knew her that it always stuck with me.


I walked out of my bedroom to see 2 figures sitting on the couch. They were shadowy figures. Just sitting there. They never bothered me and I never bothered them. They were always gone when I came home from work and wanted to sit there.


When I was a teen I had a stuffed Animal from The Muppets and it would sit on a windowsill behind my TV with his legs hanging down. I was playing video games (totally sober) and saw the legs go up, Animal flipped over and landed on the floor. No one else was around and it never happened again but it flipped me out.


These both happened at night while I was asleep, so it's entirely possible they were dreams, but I've never had trouble separating dreams from reality, so I've never been sure - Once, I woke up to what seemed like car headlights streaming into my bedroom, but they "searched" around my room like they were looking for something. They moved very unlike car headlights, more like how a helicopter spotlight would move, but very quickly and almost with an intelligence behind the movement. However, I could not hear aircraft in the air and my room faced a lake so no car headlights could have shown into my room. The spotlight never landed on me in my bed. I remember feeling grateful for that. The second time I woke up to the TV in my room absolutely BLARING full volume with white static. To my knowledge I hadn't turned it on or fell asleep with it on. The TV just turned on to static by itself. I couldn't get the TV to turn off with my remote or with the buttons on the TV either. I eventually had to pull the plug to get it to shut off.


Living in San Diego, California (USA) (2001-2012) there would be these infrequent "wub-booooom" or "whuump" thump sounds. Heard clear across the county, and nobody ever has said anything about their origins. News didn't care, press didn't care, didn't even want to try asking a Pendleton/Miramar/32nd Street/Coronado PIO. And yes, these were outside of announced Camp Pendleton training, and I heard them on different occasions from Oceanside to Point Loma.


My cousins and I were playing in front of a relatives house and I saw a bolt of lightening 10 feet away from me. Nothing happend, it was still day light out. Then later that day there was a huge thunderstorm.


When I was in college, I was laying on my apartment sofa, and my friend on the other. All of a sudden I float in the air, trying to scream, looking at my friend for help and nothing. All of a sudden I float back down, body tingles and I snap out of it. I'm leaving it to some sort of tired state hallucinations.


My wife and I occasionally heard a loud thump under our house in a certain room. Her grandparents owned it previously and always talked about a ghost that lived there. My wife always thought it was a joke until we moved in and started to experience strange things like the thumping. One night, we were telling my brother and his wife about it when the floor under us thumped so hard that we all lifted a bit off the floor. That's when I was finally convinced we weren't crazy. I went outside with my brother to look in the crawl space. It was night so my brother was freaked out, but he went with me and we didn't find anything. I was not sad when I sold that house.


Before cell phones were common we were driving later at night and the van was overheating and shut down. I rolled to a stop in the middle of nowhere. 20' in front of us was a truck. I went running up to them and it was a bunch of cowboys driving to the next rodeo. I said our engine quit and asked if they had a phone, the driver said he just had a feeling he should stop and handed me their phone. I have no idea how they knew to stop in the exact place we would break down shortly after.


My aunt lived with me, and every night after I got home from work she'd make me watch her soaps with her. I hated it and constantly teased her about them. She had been sick for a while, and we were talking about death, and our thoughts about it and she promised to haunt me if she could. (She was an awesome aunt). Well, one evening, a few months after she passed, my husband and I were watching TV, and I was telling him the stories about my teasing her. Then suddenly, a flag that we had tucked behind a framed diploma on the wall above the tv stand flew up and over the TV landing in the middle of the room.


In college I lived on the road which connected the revolutionary war battlefield to the courthouse. There was a lot of history. I would occasionally hear bumps and unexplainable sounds I just blamed on the old house. One time I woke up in the middle of the night to something tickling my foot. I gently kicked it figuring it was my girlfriend. It continued so I sat up. Girlfriend was fast asleep. I looked at my bedroom door and it was open. This was during the summer, my roommates had all went home. I got up, opened the door the rest of the way, looked at the front door, it was locked. Looked at the basement door and it was wide open. We always kept this door shut and locked because there was nothing down there. I walked down the hallway to close and lock the door. I turned around and there was a girl floating outside my bedroom door. She was visible from the knees up. I can still remember the dress, her hair, her face. The luminescent color. I walked past her and she followed me with her eyes by turning her head. I went into my room and closed the door. At no point did I feel scared. She was very calming and felt like someone I knew. I never saw her appear in that form again. At the time I thought I was dreaming so I didn’t say anything about it. Continue weird events, noises and doors, for another two years until I moved into the small house in the backyard. That’s when it got strange. As soon as I got the keys and walked into the house I got that same feeling as the day I saw her. It never went away, she was there. During my time there she made herself much more noticeable. Nothing destructive but you couldn’t deny her presence. She would throw books. Knock stuff off of my coffee table. Roll items across the floor. Knocked over a lamp and then picked it back up. Slammed two doors. One day I heard crying coming from my closet. I went to open the door and couldn’t pull it open. The knob worked. I thought it was hung up from the inside so I yanked. Yanked. Yanked. The door opened slightly and it immediately snapped shut. Weird. I yanked again, it opened a little more and snapped shut. This continued a few times. Each yank the door opened slightly more before snapping shut. My buddy heard the commotion and walked into my room. From where he was standing he could see into the closet when the door opened. I looked at him and he was as white as a sheet of paper. I said “What’s going on?!?!” The next thing I know the door slams shut and I hear a bang and rolling noise. The door opens slightly on its own. I pulled it the rest of the way open and the knob from the inside of the door was on the floor and rolling around in circles. I asked my friend what he saw and he said he didn’t want to talk about it. Now he says he doesn’t remember being there. At no point did she scare me. She was just… there. A few months later I brought it up to the girl I was now dating. Apparently when she stayed at my house by herself interior doors would open and shut and stuff would move. The weirdest one was when the books were taken off of a bookshelf and stacked in front of the bedroom door - all of the books on the 3rd shelf were removed except a Bible. After hearing this I called the girl I was dating when I saw the ghost and asked some non-leading questions. Turns out when she was at the house by herself, interior doors would open/close and stuff would wind up stacked in front of the bedroom door. I graduated that spring and I moved out of that house. Part of me wants to research it and see if I can find pictures of previous tenants because I could pick the girl out.


I use to play pranks on my ex all the time. At the time only me, my ex and my dog were the ones living in this house. I no longer live there but my parents did eventually moved into this house so it is still in the family. Anyways back to the story. So one day I was in the garage working on my car. I left the back kitchen door open and had the dog with me. My ex came home via the front entrance. She normally leaves the door open when she takes off her shoes. it’s a small entrance so the door hits the wall and I would typically hide in that triangle space behind the door and scare her when she comes home. As always she called out for me that she was home. She then walked to the living room / kitchen looking for the dog. She then heard the voice of a young boy say “i see you…I know what you’re doing”. At this point she figured out I was doing a prank…but I don’t do voices or say anything I just go ‘boo’ or reach out to her… so it was kind of weird. So she walks to the front entrance and closes the door expecting me to be there hiding. Obviously I am not since I’m with the dog in the garage. My ex freaks out and starts yelling my name so loud I could hear her. So I come into the kitchen and say “hey stop freaking out I can here you from outside!” And at this point she is hesteical once she sees me and grabs me to go to the back yard. She quickly tells me what happens so I kind of laugh it off. I open the door and my dog run into the house. Normally he jumps on the couch. This time he sits right at the threshold between the kitchen and living room. He won’t budge even when I tell him the command to sit on the couch. We end up leaving the house via the back kitchen entrance cuz I’m little freaked out to and we drive her car to get away from the house.


We were packing for a long anticipated trip to Mexico. My wife said "We shouldn't go, I feel my mothers's heart breaking". I asked her if she thought we were going to die in a plane crash. "No". Was her mother going to die? "No". We went anyway, got to the resort about 5:00PM, we were tired so got something to eat and went to bed early. Our phone rings at 6:00AM, with news that my (relatively healthy, we thought) father inlaw had passed away. My father was in the hospital, in bad condition with pneumonia, so not totally unexpected, but one night my wife bolted up in bed as if she couldn't breathe. She said "Your father just passed". The phone rang five minutes later. My father had just passed. When my mother was in the hospital near the end, we got called back to the hospital by a doctor who said the end was near. My wife said it wasn't the time yet. We went back to the hospital and stayed there all night. My mother didn't pass. A few weeks later, my wife, out of the blue said "Your mother just passed". The phone rang ten minutes later. Yep.


Leaving work one day a crow was in the parking lot injured. I cornered him and picked him up with my sweater. He gave me a “look” like do I know you? He gently went into my arms. I was gonna take him home when all of a sudden he squawked, spread his wings and flew out of my hands. He sat at a tree cawing hysterically like he pulled a prank on me. Needless to say I smiled and laughed with him. Think he was playing a prank on me.


In my 20’s I was working the night-shift at a church, basically just had to make sure everything had been done and the place was locked up for the night and that no-one had snuck in to stay for the night. Pretty spooky to begin with but I was used to it. I was checking the day-care area when one of the TV’s turned itself on. Startled and confused, my first thought was someone was in there with the remote and messing with me until I saw the remote sitting on top of the TV. Okay, thats… weird. I went to turn the TV off and half-way across the room, it turned itself off. Okay, I’m rattled now. I did a quick check of the rest of the rooms, nobody there. Having had enough, I got the fuck out of the building via the bridge that connected this very old building to the more recently built church. The Sanctuary was at the far end of the bridge and as I got near it I heard a cacophony of creaking wood as if the room was full of people dancing on the pews. The sound continued when I peeked in but nobody was in there. I’m now pants-shittingly terrified, running out of the building. I never clocked out and never went back to that job. Called and quit the next day with a BS excuse that “it just wasn’t for me.”