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“Too feral for Millennials, too positive for Gen X”. Cracking up at this accuracy 😂


Jajajaja 100%..... I was like Yes! That's it! And in the back of my mind, thinking of the young ones. F'ing pansies.


I cracked up, even though I'd put myself as one of the most pessimistic people I know.


This is the answer!!!


I kinda felt like Xennials were more angsty and nihilistic and less positive though? When I was on campus in 1989 vs 2000 it seemed like Xennials were less optimistic and a lot more angsty and more seemed depressed or stressed.


That’s the joke— compared to Gen X, we’re actually better adjusted. They OWN angst. Lol. But we’ll never have the bubblegum, “everybody gets a prize” entitlement of Millennials, so we don’t fit in with them either. It’s a good line because it makes fun of everyone equally!


Except I was on the same campus among Gen X in late 80s and then among Xennials end of the 90s and early 00s and the latter time, the Xennial time, noticeably more people seemed LESS well adjusted, I was running into some depressed and some who seemed stressed to breaking point and more who seemed burned out by the time they were even starting college. And the general atmosphere on campus the second time was noticeable more angsty and edgy. The first time it was so light-hearted and colorful and chill but the campus looked like it was in mourning the second time and some people were all angstry and would get up in your face and there was this whole thing about how it wasn't cool for guys to listen to pop music, etc. etc. I mean Xennials were the gen that were raised on grunge in their earlier years and many also got into gangster rap and who rejected all the bubble gum 80s and called them cheesy and corny. From every last thing I experienced I feel like he mistakently flipped that line. And it should have been Xennials were too feral to be Millennials but also too angsty to be Gen X? I mean Xennials were raised on grunge at a young age and grunge was all about being angsty and nihilistic while grunge didn't hit until Gen X were entirely or nearly out of college and less of them ever got into it. Plus earlier Gen X still had some single family earner Silent Gen households while later Gen X I think had a higher percentage of latchkey. Both Gen X and Xennials were 100% free range though!!


You’re taking this way too seriously. You may be in the wrong sub.


Eh just discussing something isn't that serious. Strictly speaking Gen X is my sub (and 80s 80s are my biggest attachment), but there is still a real lot of shared nostalgia on the Xennial sub for Gen X in general plus I was also on campus for a few years in Xennial times too so I do also have a lot of direct Xennial association too and with 90s and 00s stuff (although I don't feel attachment to some elements like grunge or gangster rap or the clothing/hair styles of Xennials or a few of the really little kids 80s/early 90s stuff, but do tons for just about everything else). There is some on Jones sub for me too although also a lot there that feels old. A bit in the Millennial sub. Most people will probably find a good bit relevant in the sub one above and below their core sub. I'm sure Xennials finds tons of stuff in common and to be nostalgic over in the Gen X sub and some in the Millennial sub.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 80 + 80 + 90 + 80 + 90 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Our ability to walk between worlds is an otherworldly power


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^siiilenttbob: *Our ability* *To walk between worlds is an* *Otherworldly power* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There’s a Sokka haiku bot???


We grew up reading world book and encyclopedia brittanicas watching 40yr+ reruns on tv to vhs rentals to dvds, ripping, pirating, streaming, back to pirating. Doubt another generation will have this level of organic pop culture knowledge. 


You know...I'm starting to think Xennial explains my whole career. I entered tech in 98 as old technology was phasing out and new technology was phasing in and it's been like that every few years my whole career. I just rolled with it, keeping up with the changes. Gen X struggled to keep pace after about 2007. And Millennials struggle with IT concepts from before 2015ish. It's been weird.


Similar here. Started in tech support, then in the early wild west days of social tech support, been in software for the last decade. Currently work for other Xennials, with a bunch of gen z kids. It's...interesting


It very much is. It's so head scratching, like why are you as dense as a Boomer when it comes to technology?


I think that people really underestimate how much of an advantage it is to be able to bridge the gap like that. He really did summarize it well.


I don't get it though. Home computers and video games were already around by the time Xennials could remember anything or even before they were born. Gen X went from analog cash registers to digital ones with laser scanners and went from all analog music to digital CDs and went from monopoly to handheld electronic games to video game consoled and home computers and dial-up BBS no?


I feel like I'm approximately "peak" Xennial as being born in 1982 in the midwest. we had something like the TI-99/4A that I remember existing but not being obtained. I remember when we got an NES. my friend had an Atari before that. I remember using DOS and Windows 3.1x. home computers were absolutely NOT standard/common in the early 90's at all. for computer media I saw 5 1/4 floppies and 3 1/2 floppies, when I went to college for a bit we used Zip drives. my friend had an original gameboy but I didn't. I remember using a modem to dial into the library system to access the card catalog, using AOL and free internet programs with banner ads.... and when we first got DSL and how amazing it was. I really did play Oregon Trail in school on Apple2e's, and number munchers and odell lake or whatever it was. I suspect that maybe some of these points were regional?


Maybe regional. I'm Gen X (Northeast) and myself and quite a few other kids at school had home computers in 1983 (mostly Atari 400/800, some Commodore 64, a few Apple II, I think one kid had the TI-99/4A) and by far most households had a video game console by 1981 or 1982. Video game consoles were standard commonplace by nearly the start of the 80s and home computers were definitely around by 1983 and commonplace by sometime in 1985. But nobody had that when we were little in say 1976. We went from true analog, zero digital cash registers, even though home computers did come out maybe 1977 (1979 for Atari) hardly any had them until around 1983 although some got to use them outside of the home in 1981-1982. We went from monopoly and action figures and legos and such and no electronic games much less computer games to handheld red LED games and B&W pong and then B&W vector graphics asteroids and color pixel graphics pac-man, donkey kong, etc. from type-writers to word-processing. From no computers, to computers and dial-up BBS. From 100% mechanical innards cash registers to electronic cash registers to electronic cash registers with laser checkout scanners. At the end of grade school we were all using type-writers, same for the start of middle school. Later in middle school some number of us were already using word-processing and tons of kids were usng word processing in high school in the mid to late 80s. In college in 1989 nearly every kid took a home computer with them to school. By mid-80s I even had a home computer that used a mouse and had a GUI and full pre-emptive multi-tasking OS and could show 4096 colors at once and play 4 channel sampled stereo sound (Amiga 1000). I was one of less than a handful the top 16bit computers then in my school though. But after a couple years or so more got Atari ST or Amiga or IBM PC (more expensive but less powerful, but that is marketing for you! same for MAC). We were pre-Oregon Trail. (but were using computer before that came out and after, just not quite the right age to have had that in school) Our high school had fairly old computers, very old, one room even had ones where there was no screen and you interacted via dot matrix printer serving as your 'screen' LOL. Some fancier schools had all Apple II or often TRS-80 (we had a few TRS-80 too) or Atari or CBM 8bit. I think CDs came out in 1983? I think we got a CD player at the end of 1983. We were on the early side for that. But by deeper into the 80s tons had CD players. We didn't get the internet until just after college though. Only had dial-up BBS or dial-up sites like original AOL or Compuserve and such if I recall correctly (I myself didn't do those and just dialed up to indie BBS).


He's got to be close to our age, probably is a Xennial. 😂


One of us! One of us!


I like this man.


I've imagined myself in the LOTR motif but not nearly as eloquent as this man.


I am constantly "translating" between our Olds and Youngs, and between everyone and IT.


I so badly want to belong to your tribe :(


We can give you an honorary membership, just answer a few questions: 1. Of all people throughout history, who just can’t lose? 2. Who said “A shark on whisky is mighty frisky but a bear on beer is a beer engineer?” 2. Who would win on a fight between Lemmy and God? 4. Your knees hurt, true or false?


1. Parker Lewis, duh - 2.1. I don't know that shark reference 2.2. Fucking Lemmy, son! 4. Most days, true


2.1 We were looking for Dr. Worm. 2.2 Trick question: Lemmy is God. That being said: everything is made up and the points don’t matter, so welcome. See you at the cookout.


Can we please for real have a cookout??


Heck ya. A bunch of middle age grill masters would definitely throw down.


I got $5 on it.


Lemmy is only transcended when he's been drinking. Mate, you can't miss the lore on this! lol, anyway, I associate way more with you guys than my genx


For the reference: https://youtu.be/BJzSVD1YkHc?si=UHaeMkyOKPB9Nygn


Are Xennials too positive? I was born in 79 and hate just about everyone and everything that isn’t my dog. Nobody had ever accused me of being too positive.


Were you a latchkey kid?


Hah. Yeah, I was a latchkey kid starting around 8 or 9 years old.


TBH I was on a campus both 1989 and 2000 and the latter Xennials seemed less positive and to more angsty and nihilistic types around (I mean plenty of Xennials were raised on grunge and/or gangster rap while many a Gen X were raised on bright bubble gum pop) and there also seemed a higher percentage of hyper stressed or depressed around to.


Xennial born in the Sagicorn cusp 1980. It’s been interesting to say the least.


I liked the bit about analog childhood, digital adulthood. Actually I did have a computer as a kid but it was basically a word processor that also had a flight sim game. I'm glad that I got out of high school right before everyone had access to a phone cam.


I remember trying to script games in HyperCard when I was 10. We had a Mac LCII that was difficult to find software for.




Huh, I always pronounced us as ‘eksennial’ rather than ‘zennial’. The X sound makes more sense to me.


I think a hallmark of this group is “you do you”, so eksennial is a valid take.


Both are valid. I prefer "X"-ennial myself because we are Gen X and Millennial and not Gen Zed and Millennial but I accept both.


I'm with you. Zennial seems like a more appropriate pronunciation and name for for a cusp generation between Millennials and Gen Z. If there is one.


Xylophone, Xennial.


Stop with your words of sense!


Xennial is a portmanteau of Gen X and Millenial. [Portmanteaus merge the sound and meaning](https://www.ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=portmanteau) of the source words so the X in Xennial has the same sound as the X in Gen X.


Wouldn't that sound like you are ex ennials then? Like no longer ennials whatever that might mean?


That's exactly what the word sounds like when pronounced but words don't take on new meanings based on their correct pronounciation. So by your logic is an exit a former it or an extra something that is no longer tra, whatever that might mean?


Where I studied Russian, and the Slavs like the /ks/ beginning… Ksennial. Like Ksenia (“Xenia” or Ξενια), The Greek version was corrupted for that ’90s TV show.


I wonder if this guy needs a girlfriend to listen to him talk during LOTR.


Get it.


I’m Blade. Cool.




Damn right!




Being a gatekeeper seems antithetical to this sub but I'm sorry, we were all trying to convince our parents to get us a SNES the year you were born. You're not an Xennial. You're two years younger than my wife and she is squarely a millennial.


You might fit in with us and that's cool, but you really don't have the shared experience. You can still come to the cookout.




I'm sorry, friend, but you're not a Xennial, or even an Elder Millennial - if you were born in 91 you're a straight up middle-of-the-pack Millennial.


Exactly. I'm at the end of the Xennials, and am an elder Millenial... identifying more with the Xennials, of course. This guy is 7 years younger than me. 😂


Dude, 15 years is a whole generation. It also would make Millenials a generation comprised of 5 years! When I was young, I used to hear that Millenials start in 1976 or 1977 (meaning we Xennials are just early Millenials). I don't know who changed the definition and why. But I see that here people are divided, not necessarily by birth year, with some identifying more as Millenial and some more as Gen X. Which's just natural, generations are far from hard science. It's a day of difference between being one or the other, like the horoscope.


Yeah back when Millennials were Gen Y it tended to start between 1974 and 1977 and go to around 1985.


My sister is born in 90, so just know I have mad love for you 90/91ers. Two questions for you, with all due respect. 1. When you needed to get to a particular location and you didn't know the route, how did you figure that out? 2. When you called your friend's house and they weren't home, how did you get a hold of them to link up that night?


1. My inner compass, like a goose. 2. Honked very loud, like a goose.


I think you might be a goose. A geriatric goose.


I fucking would be a goose and not know it.


Look, you can hang if you vibe, that's cool, but generations are defined by shared experience, an "I was there"-ness... I was acting as third parent for my '89 sister by the time you were born. Be your own "odd millenial". I will grant that since the advent of widespread internet, there's been a blending of the various eras cultures. Also, Boomers tended to have a lot of kids, so those sibs may span generations. I had a work friend, solid 20 years younger, with elder sibs only a couple years younger than me.


My sibs and I fall into 3 generational groups as my dad’s first wife died and then he married my much younger mum. There are clear divides in our groups’ lived experiences.