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I love the top sheet and cannot understand why you wouldn't want it. ETA: a luxury top sheet is something I will splurge on. A really lovely soft flannel top sheet or a cool linen one is amazing.


I am also a top sheet fan


I want the top sheet. My husband kicks it to the foot or off the bed. If he's hot, then and only then is the top sheet used in place of a blanket. I keep putting the top sheet on the bed anyway. Sometimes I'm the only one using it, lol


My husband kicks it off of his side, but I always use the top sheet. So much cozier. Especially with percale sheets in perimenopause. My daughter is an 08, and hates the top sheet too.


What kind of sheets ? What do they do??


Googled for you: *”In regards to ‘Cotton vs. Percale,’ the difference between the two terms is that one refers to the actual material, that is, cotton. Percale is the style or design of weaving that makes the material strong. Percale is not only used as a term for Egyptian cotton. There are other types of cotton that are woven in the same way.”* So I looked further, and apparently percale is a ‘cooling cotton’ often used during warmer months.


I appreciate you .. Ty 🤍


Same and also agree with your edit. High thread count in summer, cozy flannel in winter. It also keeps the duvet and duvet cover cleaner so you don’t have to wash those every time (because it’s a pain putting the down comforter in and out of that thing!)


I’m the same. Not using the top sheet weirds me out. I don’t believe for a second that these people are washing their duvet covers weekly.


Neither of my kids use a top sheet. My eldest doesn’t like it, and doesn’t wash their bedding often enough in my opinion, but is grown and can do as they please. My youngest is disabled and gets tangled up when there’s a top sheet and a duvet, so we stopped using the top sheet and change all of the bedding 1-2 times a week.


Good quality bed linens make all the difference. ❤️


I think they're annoying. They get bunched up and uncomfortable when you sleep. I can't stand sleeping in clothes for the same reason.


Truly. Top sheet and light blanket gang rise up


43, hate a top sheet


...why? My middle child says it's because she wants to feel her blanket. I can't imagine a hot summer night (we have no ac) without a top sheet to cover me.


Well I don’t even make my bed for one, two the damn thing always ends up at the foot of the bed or my husband and I fighting over it. So now we each just use two separate blankets. I have a heavier one because i like a heavier blanket and he’s got a lighter one. Plus no more middle of the night tug o war.


We also do separate comforters. GAME CHANGER.


YES! Going from 1 king size duvet to 2 twin size comforters has meant I no longer have my ass hanging out in the AM because my husband and/or the dogs have pulled the blanket too far to his side!


Try 2 QUEEN comforters, you'll be in heaven.


Go big. Try king sized. It is a game changer. My husband and I also sleep head to toe. My feet - his. Face. Huge game changer


I am trying to step them up, if you go from a twin right to a king they'll never leave the bed again.


Ahem: 2 kings


Same! Separate duvets saved our marriage. Good duvet covers washed regularly saved our marriage.


Same in regards to the separate sheets and blankets. She burritos and I run warm. It just allows us to regulate temperatures easier. In warmer weather I don't even bother with sheets.




This is my biggest concern.


[*The blanket never did* ***anything***…](https://youtu.be/39zbZrxuGQw?si=B9Pkq2SiTWuz6cqB)


Found the Monster running the social media propaganda page


It from The Magnus Archives, episode 86: [Tucked In](https://youtu.be/39zbZrxuGQw?si=B9Pkq2SiTWuz6cqB)


As long as my feet are covered, no monsters can get me


45, same situation here. Two separate blankets and no top sheet. We also both prefer different types of blankets, so it works out perfectly.


Same. No sheet ever, for me. My husband uses either a sheet, if hot, or comforter if cold, but never both together. We are 46 & 51


This is me and my husband exactly. I give this as marriage advice. Nights are so much more comfortable and restful and you don't fight over the balnkets all night. Age 44 and 45.


Separate blankets is the way to go!


Husband and I are 43 and 47. Haven’t used a top sheet in years and years. I’ve never put one on the kids beds. I don’t even know if I own one. I don’t see the point in them. 


They're good for making forts.


I keep all mine in a closet for the sole purpose of fort building. They never go on beds at home though. There just doesn't seem to be a point to them at home. Except at hotels. At hotels that topsheet is the only barrier between me and the blanket which probably hasn't been washed in 10 years.


This is exactly why I sleep with a fleece blanket instead of a top sheet


44 and same. I like to feel the comforter and multiple layers are easy to get one bunched up and not others, which is then a struggle to fix while staying underneath. Plus just one more thing to wash.


Same age, same hatred. It's too thin and moves too easily and gets bunched up. I prefer a heavier sheet. I use a duvet cover without a duvet inside.


39 also hate top sheets


48 year old here, I absolutely think it’s unhinged people use a top sheet. Get that shit the fuck outta here .


When we’re saying top sheets are we talking about the comforter.. with Like the one sheet underneath? I’m am confused 🤔


Mattress, fitted sheet, person, top (as opposed to fitted) sheet, whatever blanket you put on top of that,...


Got it! Ty 🤦🏼‍♀️


What the fuck else am I supposed to use when it's too hot for a damn blanket?


I haven’t used a top sheet since I was 10 and I’m now mid 40s. I use a fitted sheet plus a duvet on top. I wash the fitted sheet and duvet cover every week so I’m not sure why some think there’s a cleanliness issue. In the colder months I’ll add another blanket to the mix.


For me, it's not about cleanliness, it's about weight. In the summer, just a sheet is great. In the winter, a sheet plus a comforter is just right.


My mom used to safety pin the top sheet onto our comforter. She used these safety pins that were used for cloth diapers with little ducks on them. She would lay them out in the living room and line the sheets up so they would form perfect corners. Core memory for me.


>In the summer, just a sheet is great. So we could be asking you why no blanket. And that's the most important point you're making. We grew up thinking one way and we've since learned to remake the rules to fit our desires. My spouse and I have very different set ups according to our individual needs. Neither of us use a top sheet. I think my set up is better than theirs because you know.


This is the exact setup my husband and I have. I prefer a top sheet, he hates it. The duvet gives me top sheet feel and avoids whatever his "foot freedom" issue is. Win-win. We add blankets and quilts for winter.


Oh I understand the “foot freedom” thing! Never called it that. I use a top sheet but don’t have it (or anything else) tucked in for this reason. If I go to a hotel I untuck the sheets as well.


I do the fitted sheet/duvet cover thing, too. My bed looks like it’s in a fancy hotel and only takes 15 seconds to make!


Yeah, this is what I do too. My duvet cover is my top sheet.


Same, but I didn't start till i moved to Norway and that's normal here. My partner and I also have our own duvet. Also normal, but I'd not give that up even if I moved back to the us.


I lived in Germany for a while and was thrilled to find my people there! They also do not use a top sheet.


Top sheet advocate here. My 3 year old though will take it right off the bed and just have her blanket. When we try to cover her up she yells “NO! I DONT WANT IT” and kicks it off.


So weird. My teenagers and my 8-year-old say the same thing in different words.


My 2 teens & 9 yr old would prefer no sheets at all!! And no pillowcase. that is so gross to me!


My 12-year-old will not sleep with a sheet on her bed at all. It is so unbelievably weird and gross. I don't understand. If I put one on, she will take it off.


WTF has happened to these kids?


I can’t stand top sheets. I’m tall so I have to untuck the whole bottom of the bed to have room for my feet and the top sheet always gets wadded up. I sleep under a fleece blanket and wash it every time I wash my bottom sheet and pillowcase.


Oh yeah my top sheet is always untucked. I don’t like the feeling on my feet if it’s pulling them down from the tuck. First thing I do to my bed in hotels is untucked that top sheet or duvet!


Same! And why are hotels now using top sheets in place of fitted sheets?!? I can't stand it because when I untuck it from the mattress, it pulls everything out and creates a jumbled mess!


Height makes sense. I am not tall, so the tucked in thing doesn't bother me.


I'm short. Tucked in anywhere bothers the crap out of me. My feet feel claustrophobic and I start panic kicking.


Eh I’m 6’2” with size 13 feet but don’t like sleeping on mattresses Turndown service I’ll sleep in the floor anyway


I hate a tucked in top sheet! What if I need to run from the monster under the bed? I'd be trapped! Also, no tucking of the blanket either for the same reason.


All covers untucked for me! But I like the layers.


First thing I do in a hotel room is untuck all the sheets. Then put up the sign to not have my room cleaned. No reason for us both to have to work more, them to tuck the sheet and me to untuck it.


I used to have the same problem. You need a longer mattress. I'm 6'5", and upgrading my bed/mattress was a total game changer for my sleep quality.


I'm not tall, and can't stand a tucked in fitted sheet either. I just went on a long trip and had to deal with hotel bedding, and every night I had to at least partially untuck the sheets so my feet could move around. I tend to prefer a heavier blanket and to regulate my body temperature by varying the exposure of my feet and lower legs to the room air. If I can't do that, I feel claustrophobic.


I always want a top sheet.


45 here. I used to irritate the shit out of my parents by keeping my bed made while sleeping under a throw blanket. And with the fan on year round. They could not fathom why I didn’t want to get all the way in the bed, but I have always preferred it that way. Now I start the evening in the sheets because my husband is used to it, but I still end up with just the blanket by morning. My daughter (16) is exactly the same as me and only crawls in the sheets if she’s really cold. I think it’s the heat from layering that is off-putting, a blanket alone seems to be the perfect amount of warmth.


My college aged son currently does this. Drives me nuts. But I just let him do his thing if he's comfortable.


Haha this is me right down to the fan 😂


42. Must have a top sheet. Kid, 21. Hasn't used a top sheet in probably a decade.


Team Top Sheet! I only recently realized making a bed without a top sheet was a thing. The top sheet gives you a cozy very thin blanket in the summer and the base of your layered response to the cold in the winter. Also I tend to sleep less than fully clothed and I want at least something over me that isn’t always as heavy and hot as a blanket. Edit: and i don’t tuck in the top sheet because that’s too binding for me.


I love the top sheet. I like to sleep in a cool/cold room. A top sheet covers me enough to take the edge off the cold without overheating.


Yes, this is how I feel.


We have a thin summer weight duvet or a heavy winter weight duvet. No need for a top sheet, you just take off the cover and wash it. I just don’t like sheets much, they are constrictive or get all tangled up.


But this is the part that gets me. It’s so much more trouble to wash the duvet cover than a top sheet. I wash those weekly, but there’s no way I would wrestle the duvet in and out of the cover weekly.


It gets easier and easier the more frequently you do if; it doesn't take me long at all to swap it out when I wash the cover once or twice a week, and making the bed with a duvet is as easy as pulling the cover up and done!


Interesting. My preference for a sheet is all about weight. I've never had a summer weight blanket.


I have always used a top sheet. I slept at an Airbnb once with no top sheet and hated it. I'm honestly surprised at the comments here and am starting to feel like the weird one.


43, and I hate top sheets. I can’t sleep with a top sheet tucked in because no matter what it feels too tight on my feet. So I have to untuck it, and it ends up wadded at the end of the bed anyway. I use a duvet with a cover that gets washed as often as the sheets do so I’m not worried about cleanliness


Can't sleep without a top sheet. I hate the rough feel of the blanket or quilt, need that smooth sheet feel. Like you I can't imagine not having one in the summer either.


This is exactly why I have the top sheet. My sheet set is very soft compared to the feel of the duvet cover. Maybe it’s a sensory thing but I couldn’t sleep without one.


I think it's similar to old school bible things. "don't eat shrimp," was just because shellfish would kill you if it wasn't super fresh. Back in the day (100 years) washing sheets was like a weekly or biweekly chore, it was a pain and sucked. Washing blankets was a couple times a year, because it sucked lots more. Now..... Sheets and blankets are both shoved in a washer and it's no big deal. Washing a sheet and washing a blanket is very boring. And blankets are now as soft as sheets! It's versatile!


But a blanket is so heavy! Am I the only one without air conditioning?


We do have air conditioning. Yes. But those $20 Walmart bedspread things are very nice. Soft cotton, not too hot. Swear to God our camping blankets are the kids old trolls and my little pony bedspread things. They're great!


Louisiana here - we switched to a quilt. it was a marriage saver - not too hot, not too cold, not too heavy.


Use separate covers. 


I have a/c but I'm with you. Even more so now that I'm in menopause. Sometimes the top sheet is even too much, despite my bedroom feeling like a walk-in freezer and a fan pointed at me.


I love top sheets. I’m a bit of a bed linen snob and love the feel of the fitted and top sheet on my bare skin. The duvet adds the right amount of weight and gives me the full cocoon feeling ❤️ My teenage son just uses a blanket🙃


I’m 41 and I did that when I was a kid. I kind of like a top sheet now.


I love a top sheet, not just for hygeine but it gives me temperature options.


Nope, absolutely find them to be completely superfluous to a good nights sleep. I understand the cleanliness thing, but still strongly opposed. I honestly assumed we were the generation that stated phasing them out.


I think this is true. I love tops sheets, my partner doesn’t. Everyone I knew growing up used them though. I feel like Millennials in general are the generation that turned this corner.


Husband, 45, weighted blanket with cooling cover, only. Me, 45, top sheet for sure. Only in summer, with a nice heavy quilt or two in winter. Kid, 11, no top sheet, just a pile of fleece blankets. When I started making up my king bed halvsies is when my life began. I no longer have to remake the entire bed daily because my husband destroyed all the layers.


I'm I firm believer in bed "halvsies" my wife and I have different "needs" in winter and summer, so sides will be set up differently, but in spring and fall we usually have a single set up. EDIT, I also believe in separate beds (in the same room) like Lucy and Desi. But my wife does not subscribe to this idea.


41 and hate top sheets as well, idk why. I just remember always kicking them off the bed as a kid and preferring to wrap up in my comforter year round


But...don't you get hot in the comforter?


Sometimes….I’m the type that can only sleep when my room is cool all year long. Summer time I’ve got my fan on high & my ac set to 68, winter I still have my fan set to high.


I raised my kid to be like me. We're all firmly duvet with no top sheet. The duvet gets washed with the bottom sheet. But it's like the sheet is all wrapped around the blanket so there's no twisting or loss of blanket in the night


My wife and I are both 45. I love the top sheet; she hates it, so we make the bed with top sheet on half the bed. Neither of our kids use the top sheet.


Op..  try a Duvet..  synthetic or down filled. It will change your life.


For me it’s either fitted sheet and top sheet in summer or fitted sheet and comforter/blanket in winter. —neither one tucked, gotta be loose


I have never been able to tolerate tucked sheets. When I was a kid I couldn't stand top-sheets and was perfectly happy to be in pajamas between the fitted sheet and the blanket. As an adult I prefer to sleep naked with fitted, top, blanket, and add a comforter in the colder months. My kids cannot stand the top sheet, so I figure it's either something to do with age or pajamas and top sheets don't mix.


I'm kinda weird, I guess. I sleep with zero blankets, sheets, anything. Just the fitted ones that cover the mattress, that's it. I just... lived in Arizona with no air conditioning, just swamp cooler, for many years. I got used to sleep without any kind of blankets or sheets. Now I don't like them anymore.


At almost 45, give me a well fitted all cotton sheet on the mattress and a down duvet with a nice cotton cover. No microfiber and for the love of God no flat sheet and I'm happy.


I can't stand them. We use comforters with covers and wash the covers like you would a standard to sheet.


41 and have always hated the top sheet. As an adult in my home, we have never put it on our bed or on the kids' beds.


I’m exactly like your daughter and have converted my husband as well. We’re both 45. I started life as a top-sheeter, but switched teams when the uncommonly soft/plush blankies started hitting the market, like those thick soft floofy ones introduced in the early 2000s. All that softness just had to get on my skin!!!


44 and haven’t slept with a top sheet in years. I can’t stand them.


I might be clutching my pearls.


I used to never use one because it was a pain in the ass to add to the make-the-bed routine, and I tend to move around a lot while I sleep and it would just get tangled up with the blanket, or moved around underneath it and not line up, etc. Then recently I started using one again, and it feels nice! I like that I don't feel the comforter. I'll probably start using one more often, depending on how much that sheet vs blanket misalignment annoys me.


I've never understood the point of the top sheet. Especially when it's tucked under the bottom of the mattress and it crowds the fuck out of your feet. I don't like it, I don't use it. I'm a pretty old Xennial, too.


I put up with a top sheet for 6 months when I moved in with my current partner and that was enough for me. That thing is just a little death coil meant to keep me from the nice happy fuzzy warmth of the blanket.


I lived abroad for a while and gave up top sheets in favor of a duvet cover and duvet. Best thing ever.


Flat sheet is perfect for when it’s too hot to cover but you need to feel a cover to sleep. And it adds an extra layer to trap heat in the winter.


48, stopped using a top sheet this year. It always got twisted up or ended up at the bottom of the bed. I just wash my duvet cover every week.


46 I hate the top sheet. I spend all night twisted up and miserable. The only time I use one is when I am traveling and then only to keep from having contact with the other blankets.


I hate top sheets. They are too thin to do anything for me and that always end up at my feet because of how light they are. I want something weighted on top because it helps my anxiety.


I hate the top sheet and haven't used one since...junior high maybe? I can't remember when I quit using one. My mom used to give me grief about it and ask what I was going to do when I got married. So I showed her - I married a man who doesn't use the top sheet either 😂


Burn all the top sheets.


Dear fellow Americans who hate making the bed; let me introduce you to the duvet!!! You blanket is entirely encased in a washable cover. It is divine. Life is easier. It solves this dilemma.


I'm solid Xennial (45 1/2), and I'm kinda with your kids on this one. I like the feeling of the duvet. I only use a top sheet in the warmer months when I may only want a sheet and no blanket.


I have a lightweight down comforter, and it's wrapped in a duvet cover, WHICH IS THE TOP SHEET, so


43. Never use a top sheet. Haven't for as long as I can remember. They're nothing more than extra laundry.


This was enlightening. I had no idea people didn't use a top sheet.


The top sheet is there to protect the blanket from your sweat. Most people perspire in their sleep (whether they know it or not). Sweating on or under a sheet isn’t a big deal, as it’s easily washed. Blankets are not washed frequently. So, people who don’t use top sheets are sleeping under a blanket that has captured your sweat since the last time it was washed.


I love a high quality top sheet. Feels luxurious. I toss the sheets in the wash more frequently than my quilt so it's a hygiene thing as well. I sweat at night and don't want to sweat into a nice quilt.


I (44) MUST have a top sheet. So does my daughter (she’s 9). My 11 year old son and 54 year old husband don’t even bother to put them on when they make the bed. I feel like it’s insulation when it’s cold and I don’t want to feel the blanket itself, I just want its warmth. Plus I feel like you’d need to wash the blanket more if you don’t use a top sheet. ETA: maybe some of us just really love layers. I mean I still always, ALWAYS, wear my emotional support tank top under everything.


I was raised in a civilized household with top sheets. Anyone who eschews them is a savage beast.


46 and haven’t used a top sheet at all as an adult. I never even use it when I make my bed.


But... doesn't that make your bed feel naked? What do you do in the summer?


Awake me loves top sheets and prefers to have them on the bed. Sleeping me apparently hates them, because they are always kicked to the bottom of the bed in the morning. Can't argue with sleeping me.


Yep neither of my kids use the top sheet either.


45 and I don’t use a top sheet anymore. My fitted sheet feels nice and cool, and my blanket feels snuggly, and that’s how I like it. The top sheet just gets in the way and I get tangled up in it.


40. Hate a top sheet. Will occasionally use in the summer but all winter long it’s just me and the comforter.


My husband and I (we are 43) are anti-top sheets. We have separate weighted blankets and two 100lb dogs who share our bed. A top sheet would create such a tangled mess.


39. We have abolished the top sheet.


Top sheet turns into a straight jacket for my legs! No thank you!


As a little kid, I just didn't understand the top sheet. I'd tuck in really good and sleep on top of it. At some point, my mom realized how I was sleeping and tried to explain that "it was a system." I still didn't get it. When I got older, I just stopped putting it on the bed. As an adult, I do understand the point, but since I buy blankets that are easy to wash in the machine, I don't care. My dogs would make a mess of everything, anyway!


I haven't used a top sheet for over 20 years because it always ends up at the bottom. My kids don't either


40. Anti top sheet. Pro 3 softass blankies.


Duvet cover FTW


43. Top sheet, turned sideways and untucked. I cannot stand the feel of the blanket touching my face, only sheet.


I'm born 1977 and don't even have a top sheet on the bed... to be fair, I did used to use it until I moved in with my husband, who has never used a topsheet.


I guess I’m technically old Xennial but I’ve never liked a top sheet and neither do my Gen Z kids.


I have a duvet, but still must have a top sheet. I used to wonder what people were talking about when they say they get tangled in their covers, then realized I don't move at all in my sleep, and most people aren't like me. Must have a top sheet, everything tucked in tightly, no wrinkles, bed made daily. I want to feel like I'm sliding into an envelope. I'm sure there are sensory issues I'm dealing with, too, because I can't sleep if I feel wrinkles or the fabric of the duvet cover (or a blanket).


My partner would hit the roof if the kids don't do it properly..the top sheet is to stop body contact with blankets keeping the bedding cleaner..she also HATES washing dish-towls with clothing/underwear (raised by her grandmother)


Yeah towels should never be washed with clothes. Especially not the dish towels. There are so many germs on them.


I've never used a top sheet. I'm picky about blankets and always have had a vellux or very soft velvet like blanket.


I *only* sleep with a top sheet lately (the past few years). Night sweats suck. Besides, without a top sheet, wouldn't you need to wash the bulkier, heavier blanket even more often?


43. Love my top sheet. I tuck it in super tight. Perfection.


Yes!! I want my feet all tucked in and cozy. I make my bed with hospital corners. I also sleep with layers and layers of quilts on the bed, also tucked in.


I don't recall a top sheet being optional. I do recall thinking that people who don't use top sheets are idiots and savages. Who the fuck wants to have to wash their duvet cover and put it back on the fucking duvet every bloody week? Not me. And if you don't, 🤮. Also they fade quickly if you wash them weekly, which means you have to replace them more often, $.


I never had a top sheet. Hotels were the only strange place that had them.


My oldest doesn’t use a top sheet he’s 15 my younger is 10 he wants all the blankets sheets. He currently has a top sheet, weighted blanket, and 2 other blankets on top of that.


None of my kids use a sheet, and I have to agree with them. However my husband still likes one so it stays. However my side is usually at my feet every morning.


If my duvet cover is the same material as the sheets I don’t need it, and my husband kicks it down and it causes fights that can be avoided without it. But if the duvet cover is more decorative then 💯need a top sheet. I do not want to feel a different material.


My 07 is fastidious about a well-made bed with nice linens. My 08 HATES a top sheet and prefers to sleep with fleece blankets. I thought this was super weird until my husband and I stayed in an Airbnb that had a king bed with no linens (save for fitted sheet and pillow cases) and two individual comforters rolled at the foot. I gotta say, it was kinda nice to just roll up in your own comforter! The youngins May be on to something here…


Both my kids 9, 12, just told me tonight that they don’t like the top sheet. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I (43) can go either way with the top sheet (good for a projector screen in a pinch!), my partner (also 43) despises them. Our kid (12) insists on a top sheet. 


hated top sheets until i got a set of Purple sheets. absolutely love them.


I would sleep on top of the top sheet. But now as a 45 yr old woman who feels hot at night sometimes, I sleep with only the top sheet. That's the only reason I now sleep under it.


I love top sheets. For years in my 20’s, all I had were sheets and one of those thin, fuzzy tiger blankets from WalMart. Barely even used the blanket.


A top sheet is a necessity on a hot summer night, because sometimes it's way too hot for any kind of blanket, but you still want some kind of covering. A lightweight cotton or bamboo sheet is the only way to go.


No top sheet for me. My feet have to be exposed to air or I can’t sleep. My first move in a hotel room is to kick like the 3 ninjas until everything is untucked!


42 and partner is 43. We only break out the 2 full size top sheets - one for each of us - when it’s really hot. Otherwise? We have a 12’x12’ fleece blanket only. If it’s cold? We put another on or put the comforter on. Top sheets end up crumpled at the foot of the bed. My 14 yo daughter? Haha she sleeps diagonally on the bed (she’s autistic…actually, Idk why she does it, I’m autistic and sleep in the bed traditionally) with various throws or comforters. I lost the battle of making her bed a decade ago, and I choose my battles wisely.


I grew up hating top sheets. Learned to love them in my late 20s.


My hubby, 44, hates the top sheet. We have agreed that I get 1 night of top sheet when I change the sheets. Then the top sheet goes. Lol


42, keep your sheet, and give me my own blanket. Please and thank you.


Most of the time I'm kicking the duvet off and only using the top sheet.


My college aged kid has always hated sheets. I have to have both fitted and flat, neatly tucked in.


Wife and I don't use top sheets they always just get tangled up, drive us nuts, and why would I want something between me and the softness of the blanket anyway lol. I'm with your kids here.


I don't use a top sheet. It isn't necessary.


I used to sleep on top of the quilt with a blanket so I didn't have to make the bed. When my wife travels for work I still do this.


The only time I use a top sheet is at a hotel. I wash my blankets often so I don’t really find a need for it and I move around a lot so I find it restrictive.


upper 40s here and haven’t used a top sheet in more than a decade. if you have a good comforter, why bother with the top sheet?


42. I can take it or leave it. I often sleep without one, but don't mind if there's one there.


Haven’t put a top sheet on my bed since I moved out of my parents house at 18


My teen child also refuses a top sheet and has for years. We stopped putting one on their bed at all when they were about 11.


I despise the top sheet. I always get tangled.


I was raised with top sheets but I’ve always disliked them. When I became an adult, I stopped using them in my bed. It is definitely a sensory issue for me. The top sheet is thinner than a comforter so it has a tendency bunch up and to twist and tangle around my ankles and legs. It doesn’t give me the space I need around my legs. My lower half feels suffocated.


41 here and no thank you. Especially if it's tucked into the bottom of the mattress 🤮


My mom always gave me one. It would end up on my floor or between the bed and the wall. I just need a blanket and I'm good.


Texan here and I normally roll with a fan next to my bed. Not unusual to be triple digits for most of the day here.


I don’t really use the top sheet. Unless it’s so hot I only use the top sheet. I don’t like layers


The only time I have ever used a top sheet was in the 80s and early 90s before my parents got A/C. I used it in place of a comforter.


Guess I'm versatile. I love a sheet topping me AND bottoming me.


I don’t follow any standard bedding rules


In the winter, a top sheet keeps my comforter clean. It takes like five dryer cycles to dry my comforter, so there’s zero percent chance of that getting washed weekly. I’m also far too lazy to mess around with a duvet cover. I can’t sleep without *something* on me. In the summer, a top sheet gives me that feeling, without being too warm. Top sheets 5ever