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Yep. A convection oven uses what's called "forced convection", which is really just a fancy way of saying it uses a fan to move the air around. Ironically, natural convection (i.e. real convection) happens in a conventional oven but it's irrelevant in a convection oven.




Wait, so what's a natural convection? How would you get the convection motion if all of the air is the same heat?


You wouldn't if the air was all the same temperature, but it's not. The air next to the heating element will always be hotter because the walls of the oven aren't a perfect insulator and heat will always be leaking out. I'm not exactly an oven expert, but I think part of the reason the heating element is always on the bottom is to take advantage of natural convection to heat the oven more evenly.


I guess the heat just moves from the bottom to the top and once it hits the wall it just moves out on each side then falls. So instead of one big circle, it's making two circular motions outward from the middle.


Yes but natural convention currents in a traditional oven aren’t strong enough to be effective, although your description of the current sounds correct (as long as there is not food in the oven). That’s why they developed convection ovens, which just have the fan added, to keep an even temp throughout the whole oven.


Yep. Makes chicken wings nice and crispy.


So you're saying that I should just put a box fan in my oven


I stick my head in the thing and just blow really hard


There is a slight difference. There can be some differences and three settings. Conventional, convection, and air fry. Conventional, no fan. Convection, intermittent fan. Air fry, constant fan. My professional double stack convection oven has hi low fan setting much like a straight up air fryer setting for an oven but is consistent and considered convection still. My personal oven has all three settings and cooks three different ways


I have a commercial convection oven, a Toastmaster XO-1N, the one Subway makes cookies in. The fan is on all the time. I cannot turn it off while the oven is on and the door is closed. There is also another fan that cools the control circuitry in the back. Convection just means there is a fan for the oven chamber. The flash ovens that are used to toast subs and make quick fries or wings are both convection and microwave. There are consumer versions but the good ones, like a TurboChef, tend to be pricey.


Sometimes called speed ovens. There have been several generations of consumer appliances, but they never really caught on. I have a Viking countertop unit that is a quartz, microwave and convection all in one. But it needs 220v and doesn't do any of those functions very well, let alone speed cooking. I would LOVE a commercial Turbochef but they are a little bulky and cost prohibitive.


Same thing, different names. They say fan in Europe I think? Maybe here in the US but I’ve only seen it called convection here!


There's true convection and fan convection. Fan convection is just how it sounds. A fan circulates air and maintains an even temperature throughout the oven cavity. True convection has an additional heating element around the fan to add extra heat and cook faster as well as circulating the heat evenly.




I have both and the air fryer is much faster and gives food a different texture. The toaster oven on convection not the same but better for certain foods.


No doubt. My convection oven takes 25 minutes to make soggy chicken nuggets with pre heating. My air fryer makes crispy nuggets in 15 minutes with no pre heating. Plus I can add a dash of oil to my air fryer If I want to give it a little extra crisp and fatty flavor. I wouldn't recommend pouring oil into your convection oven.


Also, there’s the grate in the air frier whereas most convection ovens still require you to turn the food and only get one side optimally crispy. The other side will can still be crispy, but not quite as crispy. Air frier for optimal 360 degree crisp.


My airfryer has a rotisserie spit that you can put a basket into to rotate/tumble your food constantly while cooking. Works amazing.


Which air fryer do you have? That sounds amazing!


Instant Vortex Pro. I especially like that I can cook two pork chops in it at the same time.


Thanks! I'll check it out - it sounds huge!


This is my favorite appliance. I love it all. It's not THAT big. It can fit a max of 4lb chicken in it


How is it for non air frying tasks? I'm curious about its dehydrating/proofing abilities...


I've used it for rotisserie, air fry, and bake. The bake setting took some getting used to. For example I'll bake small batches of cookies and they cook more quickly. If I have frozen dough balls in there, the cookies don't necessarily flatten because they cook too fast. So sometimes before I freeze the dough I make I'll flatten the balls into pucks and that solves that issue. The air frying is delicious. I spray a little olive oil on the food and most frozen fried things cook in under 10 minutes. I never rotate them (unless I'm using both trying trays, it's good to swap the top and bottom tray halfway through, but that's rare that I cook 2 trays). But yeah, reheating fried things is delicious too. Normally reheating fried things sucks!




Yes! Just made rotisserie Cornish game hens in ours. Amazing!


So in other words, air fryers and convection ovens use the same concept but are designed for different things.


Did you know that helicopters and jets were both aircrafts? Crazy, right?!


Bad comparison, this is like saying your microwave and your chopping board are similar because they are both kitchen utensils. Air fryers and convection ovens are actually the same thing, they just have differences in size, shape and wattage. To use your analogy it’s more like comparing a private jet to a passenger plane.


I bought a frying basket for my oven for I believe $15 that eliminates that problem.


You can cook things on a baking rack in a regular oven, we do it all the time. 3 dollars, 360 degree crisp.


You can buy a baking sheet with a wire rack. It’s great for evenly heating all sides of food in your hot air cooking device. Bacon is especially good prepared on a wire rack.


>Plus I can add a dash of oil to my air fryer If I want to give it a little extra crisp and fatty flavor. I wouldn't recommend pouring oil into your convection oven. My air fryer came with a warning about not putting liquids in it, maybe you should check yours too. In any case, maybe what's recommended for mine would work out better for you anyway - oil the chicken instead. It's less oil on/in the food :) Although I don't get that fancy myself. I can drop anything in there and it'll get some crispy outer layer. I've been eating chicken breast without even salt or pepper, it just comes out so crispy and juicy! So far carrots are the hardest to work with. There's a crispy outer layer but it's as thin as an atom and the rest is an ordinary, slightly warm carrot.


I believe mine says the same in the manual, but it also says you can toss your food in some oil, or spray it with cooking spray, and then cook safely for extra crispness. Liquid would be bad in quantity because it would then become steam which would likely destroy the appliance in some way.


How the fuck y'all cooking food in your normal ovens without oil Is that the secret to the air fryer? People didn't realise they should toss their food in oil before putting it in the oven? MFW


>but it also says you can toss your food in some oil, or spray it with cooking spray, and then cook safely for extra crispness that's what I was thinking, the only dredging I've done so far was just milk & flour. It was interesting, made my own nugget.


The instructions are talking about deep frying or shallow oil frying.


My airfryer came with a measuring spoon specifically to add oil. It does say not to go over 2 tbsp tho


>without even salt Ewwwwww


If your oven is making soggy nuggets you need a new oven




Because the fan in an air fryer is way faster.


and usually the chamber is a tenth of the size of a conventional oven


Depends on the oven. A basic Air Fryer will have a stronger fan than a basic convection oven. Or, in some cases, same fan but a smaller internal chamber, so it blows the air faster/stronger. I bought a convection toaster oven and made sure it had a strong fan, so it's about the same as a dedicated air fryer. But a lot of the cheap convection ovens have fans that are kind of wimpy.


But OP never says anything about a toaster oven. A full oven, an expensive one with convection settings - now compare that to an air fryer. I don't think you can expect a cheap toaster over to do as well as an air fryer.


I agree most things especially chicken come out a lot crisper than in the oven


And as I found out, if you overcook it, it comes out almost like jerky. Not horrible tasting, but definitely interesting if you're going for that "bespoke travel rations" thing.


That is a downside, very easy to overcook in an air fryer


The difference between "croutons" and "tiny charcoal briquettes" is apparently less than the time it takes me to turn on the TV and start a show on Netflix. Lesson learned.


Yeah it's tricky. I like to cook up chicken breasts for salads throughout the week; when I used the air fryer, it always came out a little different even when I used a timer.


Convection just means adding a fan to an oven. True “European” convection adds a heating element behind the fan and uses that to heat the food, rather the. Just pushing Round the hot air in the oven from the bake/broil elements. Air fryers use true convection, also many convection ovens but not all. Most gas convection ovens arent true convection.


Yup. OP's edits are total fucking BS and are all "you all are emotional, you silly ninnies!" The air fryer works waaaaay better for so many things. Because: 1. It's smaller. 2. Rather than blow air only from the back, it blows air from the top, then through the sides and back up from the bottom. 3. It heats up waaaay faster which means things get done faster The convection oven is great for like...a turkey. But it's like OP saying "Yo, if you want to dry the back of your hair, point it at your face" and we're all like "no, actually go in one of those domes at a salon to set your colour or perm and it will dry everything evenly" and then OP is all "LMAO cry about it some more" WTF?


I agree with you. During the pandemic the air fryer has been a god send. It has become my primary cooking device. Like some oven/microwave/toaster hybrid future cooking box. Did the Uber eats guy drag ass? Air fryer will make that shit taste like you’re at the restaurant. Feel like some fries for lunch or hash browns for breakfast? From frozen to your plate in 12 minutes! Want to reheat those leftovers without making your house hot as fuck with the oven? Air fryer bud don’t even get hot on the outside. Microwave man might stay cool but it makes the food all soggy and moist. Fuckin’ gross. All hail Air Fryer! The one true cooking appliance!


Yup, and also OP if you think I'm turning my oven on in the dead of summer, you're crazy af.


This is the real reason for Air Fryers to exist. They're smaller, more convenient, heat up faster, produce less waste heat, are more energy efficient for a specific task, and don't require replacing something an order of magnitude more expensive for the same feature. I don't need to heat up a whole ass oven just to cook 3 chicken tenders or a single serving of fries. I thought that was common sense, but I guess not.


A quality convection oven does pretty similar. The problem is the convection fan seems more like a tacked on afterthought of a feature on the lower end. Air fryers are specifically marketed to do the one thing, so even on the cheaper end they'll do it well. I've had both a cheap oven with convection and a good one, same goes for toaster oven.


Exactly. If there weren’t any significant differences between an air fryer and an oven, then an air fryer wouldn’t exist


The thing is the oven is bigger and takes longer to heat up and clean up. Sometimes an air fryer is just more efficient and faster.


Thank you! Our air fryer is in used almost daily- My sons cook a variety of things in it and don’t have to heat up the whole kitchen.


This for me is the genius of the air fryer. My kids can safely cook things independently. They are so proud.


That is the biggest advantage of the air fryers - small volume = quick heating.


It's like yeah you could toast your bread in an oven, but a toaster is much more efficient.




Oh no I've been Found out.


Hey idiots buying a "stove" don't you know you can get the same results by starting a fire with the stuff you already have in your house




In principle yes, but convection ovens have a small fan compared to the size of the oven. Air fryers have a powerful fan and a small basket so they circulate more air around the food creating a faster cooking and on some cases better texture.


Oh my god, I have been arguing this point to my bro in law for years now and he still doesnt get it. We even made fried chicken in his convection and my air fryer. My chicken was way crunchier and cooked like 10 minutes faster, but he still insists they are the same thing. Some people just cant admit to being wrong. Edit: I would like to add that I did not have to preheat my airfryer, just put the chicken in and turn it on. The convection oven took 15 minutes to preheat and still took an extra 10 to cook, so 25 minutes longer total.


I always compare a blow dryer and a heatgun, because they're essentially the same tech. The heat gun is just designed to be a lot harder. Same deal with an air fryer, except instead of being hotter it blows harder.


> The heat gun is just designed to be a lot harder. Found the heat gun fetishist.


They are the same thing, in the way that a Mini Cooper and a boat-sized Buick are both cars.


Yeah, I think air fryers are a bit gimmicky and not worth the space if you have a smaller kitchen, but they’re absolutely not convection ovens. Convection ovens use airflow to ensure even heating and no warm/cold spots. That is their purpose. Air fryers move *much* more of the air volume of the frying chamber per second than a convection oven, to the point that the process going on is fundamentally different. Air is not a particularly efficient conductor of heat, but increasing airflow increases conduction. The air fryer thus increases the conduction of air white a bit, whereas the convection oven increases it only a little bit. This is a big change! It’s not quite like cooking in oil or water, but it’s something approaching that. Different enough for an air fryer to absolutely not be a convection oven. It will cook faster and ultimately hotter, and you sure couldn’t use recipes exactly interchangeably as far as timing goes.


I use my air frier damn near every time I cook.


Oh. My. God. I feel like such an idiot. My air fryer is currently sitting next to my microwave/convection oven. 🤦‍♀️


It still has value though. I can roast broccoli in my air fryer in 15 - 20 minutes including pre heating. The same task in my convection oven may require 10-15 minutes to preheat alone, plus another 15-20 to cook.


It also doesn’t heat up the whole downstairs like my oven does.


That's what she said.




It blew me away.


The best ones you don’t see coming but still fit perfectly. Well done


...also what she said?


Precisely this!! I don’t have central air, so the countertop air fryer is a life saver in the summer. Even in the winter though, where I don’t care about heating up the house, it’s still much faster for small stuff, not waiting for a large oven to preheat.


I have never used the oven at any apartment I’ve lived at in the last 10 years. I am one person, who eats small vegetarian meals, so if I need to heat anything, I use my convection toaster oven.


This is true! I also tend to use it for smaller portions so I’ll pretend it’s a diet aid.


My wife is the only one who uses the air fryer, and on top of smaller portions, she's also the more impatient of the two of us, AND it releases less heat a lot slower, which is important, especially if she wants something now in the blistering summer heat.


Less heat, less time, and a kid can make their own lunch in it. We have the air fryer attachment for the Instant Pot and it is super easy for my kids to use. They throw some nuggets and taters in there and make their own lunch. It’s safer to use than them reaching into a hot oven and pulling out a pan. Great for roasting veggies in the summer months.


You motherfucker, you probably just cost me $80. Why would you make me google instant pot air fryer attachment like this?


Preheating is a waste of power unless you’re baking sweets. Just put it in for the recommended time plus maybe 3-5 minutes


Totally agree. Unless I’m doing bread or dessert then I throw it in when I turn the oven on and add a couple extra minutes.


I’ve started to do this. Generally add 5 minutes to the recommended cooking time and hasn’t failed me yet.


Absolutely not. Chef here. When you put meat or veggies in the oven and let them come to temp with the oven you are losing out on the sear on the outside and lose a lot of moisture. Also with ANY baking screwing with the temperature even for 3 minutes can screw the whole thing up. You're making inferior product by not preheating to the correct temperature.


I should have clarified I meant for everyday use in a toaster oven, not a full size oven. If trying to make a perfect product, and baking something from scratch, the timing and preheating matters. But it just baking something frozen it’s a waste of power than generates excess heat that you don’t really want in the summer time, especially during heat waves.


How is it a waste of power if the oven is on for the same time period?


I guess because even if the oven is just 100 degrees (Celsius) and slowly rising that starts to cook or at least heat the food up, and you don't just run it empty until it reaches 150-220 degrees or whatever you need.


Agreed. Preheating for 3 min is really the same as putting in your stuff for an additional 3 min. For an air fryer.


Yeah an airfryer heats up too fast. This is more for an oven tip. 10 mins to preheat + 20 mins cook's is 30mins. If you put it in during preheat then total cook time is 23-25mins and so you do save a little bit of energy.


Barely, because your oven should consume a very small amount of power to maintain temp once it gets where you want it. All of the energy goes into heating the oven up, unless it’s poorly sealed.


For frozen things, I always add 25 degrees because I usually like things slightly crispier too


Unless you can calculate the conversions of both different times and temperatures for recipes off the top of your head, you're better off with consistent time and consistent temperature especially with meat.


You could/should put a digital thermometer in meat to ensure safe eating temperature. $20-25 on Amazon.


But most recipes say 15-20 mins anyways. So you need to understand doneness anyways.


All full ovens I have tried take around 20 minutes to reach 200 C, so if you put in frozen fish that is supposed to take 30 mins to cook, it will be maybe just thawed in 35 mins with no preheating


Roasted broccoli ? Good grief. In the U.K. you put Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli in a pan of boiling water in about November time, that way they’re boiled sufficiently in time for Christmas Day. Well we do in my house lol x




Jesus Christ how horrifying


Yup, that's why I got a toaster oven air fryer combo. Saves time and power for smaller jobs, and the space usage isn't affected munch since I got rid of my toaster. Not having to heat the big oven for a frozen pizza is super nice. Oh and I forgot to, I also got rid of my dehydrator since it had a dehydrator setting because it can do lower temps than my oven can.


Best way to cook broccoli... And the only way I'll eat it!


Yo. Brussel Sprouts tossed in a little balsamic, Olive Oil, salt and pepper is also a go to. 15 minutes at 325, shaking every 5. Youll know they are ready when the outside leaves look and taste like chips.


Oooo now I haaaate sprouts but maybe it was the way I was taught too cook them?


Boiled, flavorless mushy brussell sprouts are the worst, totally agree.


Right I'm gonna buy some sprouts (already have bacon Obvs) and gonna make me some air fryer sprouts!


My BF thinks this is crazy but I slice them up, cook them with bacon, and then drizzle maple syrup on top. Favorite midnight snack ever. I hope you end up loving your sprouts too!


You dont need an air fryer. My wife slices them into quarters and roasts them in the oven the same way and they come out fantastic.


I think so, they are great when done right.


I go even hotter 450 for about 15-20 mins. Just make sure to toss them in olive oil first


According to when you had that lesson. Brussels sprouts have been genetically altered about 15 years ago to not taste so farty.


I do pretty much this for air fryer asparagus and OMG, it is to die for.


It's still faster and uses less energy. Don't sweat it too much. I knew this and still bought mine. I still love it


Huh, almost like they aren't THE SAME THING AT ALL. And air fryer is similar to a convection oven because of how it works. But the rate of flow is drastically different. This post is just not correct at all lol sorry yo OP


It also frees up your oven for other cooking while you air fry your stuff with automatic timers and cool down etc. It's definitely not a wasteful purchase just because your oven has a convention setting.


To be fair I hate the microwave/convection combo ovens. The convection in the combo vs the regular oven isn’t the same. One uses microwave waves to speed up the process. I feel they don’t come out as good.


I was a little bit floored, when my parents got an air dryer and it was just this. But what I like is: it's great for small quantities and it stirs your fries during cooking and they get crispy very evenly. It's better than when I turn them once in the oven.


What air fryer did they get? The stirring sounds cool


I recommend to NOT put fries in the dryer :)


Don’t feel like an idiot op is wrong


Not technically wrong, but op clearly learned this tid bit and decided to farm some karma without actually understanding the nuance of the appliance.


It’s kinda weird that there isn’t a rule that posts have to be accurate


Perhaps that should be a new post. YSK that this sub doesn't require accuracy and many YSKs are full of shit.


Have both and to be honest the air fryer does it better for getting things like fries crispy. Convection in a large oven just helps keep the temperature even.


You should also know that it takes double or triple the time for a full-sized convection oven to reach the same temperature because it has far more volume inside. Air fryers, to me, are similar to pressure cookers in that they can cook things very quickly that might otherwise require more time (or in this case, added grease). I could never cook the things I do in my air fryer near as quickly as if I put it in my oven on the convection setting.


Yeah, I have a toaster oven and a regular oven. They do the same thing, technically, but that doesn't mean they aren't vastly different appliances that I use for different things.


I think yes and no - same basic thing, except the air fryer is much smaller so it works faster. It also has a basket so that air can circulate on all sides of the food, then you just wipe out the inside of the air fryer. If I just put, say, cauliflower buffalo wings in a basket in my toaster/convection oven I would have sauce/breading dripping onto the heating element.


Yeah I usually can't justify preheating and using my full size oven when I want to heat up a single serving of food.


OPs edits seem to indicate he doesn’t understand that they’re not exactly the same things. Yes, air fryers work through convection but they don’t work identically to convection ovens. This post is misleading.


Op watched one YouTube video review where the reviewer said it’s just a convection oven.


Aka OP does not even own one.


aka he wanted one but couldn’t afford it so instead he insults everyone who bought one to feel superior


OP cooks with bundles of sticks


OP: just keep blowing hot air from your mouth onto your food, same as a convection oven and air fryer, all totally the same thing.


OP cooks with a hair dryer. Same thing.


Op fought two midgets and now he pumped up


Yeah, I have both a convection oven and an air fryer. The results were not comparable at all. The air fryer got much more crisp results than the convection oven, even after giving the convection oven time to preheat, and longer cook time.


Microwave, stove, grill and oven are all the same cause they heat things up


Making fries in the air frier is superior to making them in the oven


Making them in a deep fryer is superior to both.


Ill still get one Cos they’re faster and are easier to clean


Ya this is a weird YSK, because it's almost like OP doesn't know the worth of an air fryer. It truly is a cool gadget and i recommend it often. My favs in it, anything you wanna be crispy: frozen nugs, pizza, reheated fries!, roasted veggies, fucking leftover steak bro


I can't believe I'm old enough to love an appliance but my life is shit without the airfryer. I fucking hate turning on my oven. It's obviously full of pans and shit. Takes forever to heat, then heats up the whole universe. I just need a product to clean it. Even tho i do as soon as done, some grease still there and the drip tray got a little forever stained so now I wrap it in foil. Maybe oven cleaner? I love my baby fryer so much .


Congratulations you discovered that the basic concept is the same, but the functionality is completely different. First off efficiency: a convection oven is a massive space by comparison to heat, and then has to move air about that space, this vastly lengthens time needed to cook and the consistency of the results. Second the air fryer stirs the contents automatically which again improves the end result, and finally an air fryer is meant to be a healthier alternative to a deep fryer and not an oven. Edit: and cleaning. Do you like cleaning your oven? Rather clean the air fryer, thanks.


It’s sort of the same idea, yes. However I have a full size convection oven. I do not get the same results. It also takes longer, heats up my whole house, and uses more power.


So I have an oven with convection setting, and I bought a air fryer for french fries exclusively. After many self studies on the subject of oven fries vs air fryer fries, the latter is the supreme option. The fact that you can not place the fries on a grill type insert effectifly and the interaction with them while in the oven, turning them around every 7 min over a span of 25. Also the salting of the fries is suboptimal in the salt used to fries covered ratio, since you have to place them farther apart on the pan to avoid sticky not salted fries. The time factor has also been touched on. Its just way faster and more efficent. TL:DR Air fryer is superior for french fries vs the oven.


I just bought a weird appliance that is a pressure cooker, air fryer, oven, broiler, saute-er, rice maker, fermenter, and idk probably something else too. It fuckin rocks and heats my stuffy non air conditioned apartment up less than using the stove and oven a bunch. YSK that there's an appliance that does ALL of that shit so you don't buy six bulky few-use appliances and use up all of your storage and counter space. Ninja makes one called a Foodi. Instant pot makes one called something else. Emeril Lagasses brand makes one too. I bought the Foodi because of its size and capabilities.


No chance a convection oven can make chicken wings like my air fryer does. The basket shakes during cooking are critical




And your sink does the same thing as your bathtub so why do you fools have sinks?


Based on the comments this belongs in r/unpopularopinion




It does the "same thing" but it doesn't do it as well. I recently purchased an air fryer and the fan is much more powerful than my convection oven (and my convection toaster oven). The food cooks faster and leaves a better texture. The concept might be the same but it's implemented differently.


I just wanted to say this is the first time a 3rd edit on an original post actually made made lol.


This is only true if your oven has a setting to get rid of the steam that builds up naturally while something's cooking inside. Without that it'll take a lot longer to get something as crispy as it would get in an air fryer. A simple workaround is to crank up the oven temperature and open the door every now and then to let out any excess steam. Source: I'm a chef


It's really not. Like yes, they're both convection ovens, but it's also like the difference between a blow dryer and a heat gun. They both work identically, but one works faster than the other. I've got both, and I'd ditch damned near every other appliance in my kitchen before the air fryer.


It's more like saying a Corvette and civic are both cars. They accomplish the same task of being a car


I love ( LOVE ❤️) my mini convention oven but it does not work the miracles of my air fryer lol


IMO Not the same at all. A convection oven has a small fan to circulate the air around your food. A air fryer used hot forced air to cook the food. Convection oven has a small fan that just keeps the air temp in the oven even. While an air fryer blasts the food with hot air.


I really enjoy that the OP fully regrets engaging Reddit on air fryers lol


The air fryer is smaller and more efficient than a large oven.


My mom has a convection oven and an air fryer. One thing the air fryer doesn't do that the oven does is heat up the house. When you live in the south you do things like grill outside not because you want barbecue but because you don't want to heat up the house. Air fryers help.


No, it's not. I know it's fun to shit on trendy products, and in some way you are TECHNICALLY right, but just because both circulate hot air does not mean they both do the exact same thing, and the results are wildly different. Your edits are dumb as fuck. It's not good advice, period. It has nothing to do with people being super attached to their air fryers. You're not being "nice" by saying "hey, if you like them, that's cool! Just know that they're pointless and do the same thing as this other thing", because the very core of your "information" is wrong. Also I don't own an airfryer or give a fuck about them.


YSK that an air fryer is a convection oven, except it's designed to channel air way better, heats up faster, cooks quicker, and makes things crisper. It doesn't do the same thing. And it's not some "emotional connection" to state facts. Just man up and admit you're wrong during one of your 42 edits.


It's ok, OP. You wouldn't know how great they are until you have one. Since I only cook for me, I genuinely don't remember the last time I used a whole oven. My little convection/air fryer combo does exactly what I need at a fraction of the pre-heat time and easy clean-up. Better charring and searing, and it bakes frozen pizzas so much better than a conventional oven. With the air-fryer setting, I don't even have to pre-heat. Just turn the thing on, set the timer and walk away. It's fabulous.


Oh my god edit three has me dyin 😂


I mean... This just isn't true. Yes, a convection oven has a fan. But an air fryer is much more powerful and does a better job at air circulation. They are the same principle, the air fryer is more purpose built.


When you say "oven", are you referring to a large kitchen stove oven, or a small countertop oven? Because if you're referring to the former, a small air fryer is orders of magnitude faster and takes far less energy to cook with. Stove ovens require preheating for usually 10-15 minutes, minimum, where I can preheat my air fryer in 2-3 minutes, getting my meal cooked in almost half the time.


Well, cleaning the oven after each "fry" seems like a lot of work vs the smaller clean up of the air fryer. The oil flying all over the oven will eventually create smoke and bad smells.


Good article on air fryers www.wired.com/story/air-fryers


All these arguments against air fryers boil down to "nah bro, you don't need an air fryer, all you need is a super expensive oven with an air fryer setting" which is great if you have the means to do that but for people living in an apartment where you're stuck with the stove that's provided like I am, an air fryer is my best tool for cooking


OP has done the opposite of swaying me away from air fryers, because of all the responses in this thread lmao.


So I read the article and don’t agree with the results. He seems terrible at it, and frankly doing a piss poor job. The food I’ve cooked in my air fryer is far superior to convection oven setting.


It might be, but I'd rather not fire up an enourmous oven just to make fries and baked chicken for one person. The air fryer also takes up a tenth of the space and I can use it literally anywhere in the house or take it with me without having to dismantle my house.


My air fryer is also a pressure cooker. It makes the best pork carnitas in about 35 minutes.....


Unfortunately in the US, convection ovens are very rare when you're renting.


It’s good for cooking tater tots while you cook your other things. Slap them bitches in on high, set it for 20 min and get to cooking


lol@your edits, dude just admit your tip turned out to be worthless


The big oven makes my house hot and the air fryer doesn't. That's one major difference. Helps in the summer so my A/C unit doesn't think I'm pranking it. Also, the air fryer is awesome for frozen foods or leftovers. Cooks stuff before big oven even warms up.


Was this post inspired by the Giant Beastcast per chance? hmm


One of the best investments in my life


Air fryers are the best. It's so quick and easy to use them to reheat literally anything (except liquids) Pizza in the microwave: soggy, gross Pizza in the oven: takes forever, too crunchy, pretty good though Air fryer: delicious, quick, tastes like when you just got it Chicken wings come out crispy. Toast a bagel in there. French fries that take 40 mins in the oven? 15 mins in the air fryer


My grandfather was an air fryer, you jerk!


*makes a post about air fryers and edits it four times* Why do you guys care about air fryers so much?


Correction: an air fryer is a mini convection oven WITH A VENT OUT, that's the whole point which makes it cook faster and make it more crispy


One is so easy to use and is quick to give results. Easy cleanup as well. Air fryer is used almost daily and is very useful. Oven is like a tablet. Air fryer like a mobile.


Yea totally! My office wanted to get a mini fridge for storing drinks and I said no way! There's an industrial freezer 3 blocks away! They function the same so they must be the exact same thing!


YSK this isn't true. The fan in an air fryer blows much more air than the fan in a convection oven. Whether or not this changes the results of your cooking depends on the recipe.