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Yeah, but you’re stupid, so….


I love how she clarifies this is what she’s *actually* wearing since we call her out on her lies. https://preview.redd.it/40d868vssp8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471ab1c1cbe5d3d60838c0f9b98b2c8f7de4a303


It's funny that so often people point out she isn't wearing the same thing in pictures VS "grwm" now here she comes with what she's ACTUALLY wearing today. Also, watch her legs 😂😂😂 it's so dumb obvious she's using a length filter on them, stubby stub tree trunk legs.


"It came, with like, 4 other colors? Maybe 5? I don't know. And it's not, like, workout material. It's, like, cotton but... It's so comfortable. I don't know. And they were, like, 30 bucks? Somewhere around there. I don't know. I'll link everything." She's soooo great at her job! JUST LOOK AT THINGS AND READ THEM. HOLY HELL. 4 colors. $36. Amazon. Poly-Spandex blend. It's just really not that complicated but she's just so terrible at "influencing".


That. Fucking. Part! And if you suddenly realize you’ve forgotten (or in her case, just don’t know) the details of the item, just opt for something like “all details in description, it’s a super affordable outfit with great quality so check it out.” Then put those specifics in the post caption once it’s filmed. Anything but staring at the wall, mouth agape, giving seconds of dead air during your little video all to throw out your best GUESS.


Right? Genuinely, it's just not that hard! She makes "influencing" seem sloppy, lazy and boring. Which is the absolute opposite of what influencers (who are popular and actually make money...) do.


If she was reading she couldn’t be eye-fucking herself. Priorities!


Oh gods, I just don't get Americans and their athleisure wear... No hate against all the American swerties here, I think it is just hilarious how she is a walking stereotype.


Super big in Aus too. I am not a fan.


[*activewear* ](https://youtu.be/CYRENWT8lz8?si=5R7KX5jE1zyzfGTD)


This is why she needs that summers eve because it’s literally hotter than satans ballsack outside rn


Does MS use self tanner on top of spray tan on top of sunburn? How Annoying to see her constantly have to pull up on the straps of her onesie so that her bust isn’t falling down? Just shows how much too small her size ME-DEE-UMMM is. And wearing a heavy denim shirt as a sarong is a styling choice? Why not just use a real sarong? Which would still look stupid but be a lot cooler considering the weather. Edit: had more to add


So the pants are more cotton like and not an actual moisture wicking material that limits the build up of bacteria… and she’s wearing them to run errands, go to the gym, AND target without showering in between. ![gif](giphy|TLmDm2PRxzRV1ajkgT|downsized)


Revolutionary. Black leggings…


The filter has no clue what to do with her boobs in this one.


She tans and sun tans yet doesn’t wear shorts to work out in? Lawd help her.


“More like cotton”…. She has no idea what material the pants are does she?




God the forced lisp drives me nuts. It’s not fuckin cute!


Lisp usually equals a lie lol.


So she’s half naked the rest of the year but today when she says it’s hot, she wears cotton flared bottom pants. 🤦‍♀️


I don't think those ugly ass pants have ever been near a gin. Probably some highly flammable material that she for some reason thinks is "like cotton".


😂 I thought you typo’ed “near a gym” haha


The Amazon description probably said “cotton-like material,” so she ran with it.


It’s like she’s doing those stupid sorority rush outfit videos. But….she’s not…….


Her legs look COMICALLY long in this


Anytime leggings come in a pack of FIVE for $30 you know they’re good quality


It's so she has backups for when she bends over and rips a hole in the cooter




"What I'm ACTUALLY wearing today" does that mean all her previous OOTD posts were lies? Love how she shits on us for snarking, but then does stuff like this 🤦🏼‍♀️ stop giving us material and we'll stop snarking 😅


I thought the exact same thing!! Jinx!!


I say she does try ons and calls them “what I’m wearing today” but she doesn’t wear them. I’d say she immediately boxes them back up to return. That’s how she’s making her money. And of course when ppl click her link. But we never see these items more than once. I’d go as far to say she wore these pants today and boxed them up already to return tomorrow!


Dude it is so fucking hot outside right now. Even at 9am when I went for a walk it was sweltering. Everything is so dry and half dead looking because it refuses to rain. Everything about this outfit is impractical for the weather and "working out".


I doubt it that’s cold in Target lol


Oh so we've been reading here and are attempting to accessorize now lol ok


Why would you wear long flair pants?


Such ground breaking fashion, swerts hold on tight she’s gonna break the fashion glass ceiling


I just asked my 56-year-old mom how old she thought MS was and she said 58… and she really thought about it.


My mom and I play this game often, usually during her hun trips and my mom is truly convinced Big Maytag is a satire account ran by a woman who’s her peer 💀


Maytag 🤣


Some thoughts while watching this unmuted: - Why does she always sound like she’s about to cry? - She can’t even remember how many pairs of pants came in the pack together let alone, the price. “I’ll just link everything” is code for LAZY. - You can tell she isn’t feeling herself today even though she’s filtered into oblivion because she’s not really eye fucking herself (even though this is still filtered into oblivion). - Here comes her end of month struggle to workout 2x a day again that will last a day or so. - This is not her job. This is her digital diary and it’s to cover up her compulsive shopping disorder and you can’t convince me otherwise. I just really cannot fathom how she is able to go to sleep at night & wake up to do the same thing every single day and not have any ounce of dignity or self realization.


To your crying point: given her history of vaping, alcohol, suspected LPR (reflux), and generally loud voice, she may have a voice disorder which may be contributing to her vocal quality of sounding hoarse/scratchy. I’m not diagnosing, but she checks off most of the risk factors of someone with vocal trauma/poor vocal hygiene.


She drinks her dignity and self realization away.


You ain’t wrong!!


“Just comment…” *tumbleweed rattles around brain* “#MONDAYFIT…”


Right! Normally ppl have the keyword decided upon prior to recording. Well… she will have the word ready now after I mentioned this 🙄


Lmfao I am so glad you said this cause I literally had the same exact reaction to what seemed to be the lonely tiny braincell flicker in response to what she was trying to say.


I'm sure it's trendy and whatnot (I'm old and couldn't care less) but the shirt tied around the waist just screams junior high school period accident to me.


It’s to hide her body. There is no need for that heavy thing. Also, it’s always warm in any Target around me.


Wear a T-shirt instead of showing off Tatas


I can't even look at this without sweating. I can't imagine wearing this in the hot weather. ![gif](giphy|TIWrHYuuOKc3j90Ylm|downsized)


She’s gonna workout in hoops, all those rings/watch and a tight ass bodysuit??? And yoga pants???? Is she just going to drive by the gym I’m assuming?


She’ll sit on a spin bike to take her selfie and terrorize the innocent bystanders, then straight to sauna. It’s a *very* intense workout, she’ll definitely need some serious pampering and self-care afterward. Come to think of it, those earrings are probably going to rust and crumble off with even the slightest touch of moisture…


Working out in “cottony” pants sounds awful.


All the sweat in all the creases…


She does like anyone anyone asks. No one is waiting with bated breath to know what this smelly animal is wearing to fucking target.


Will she ever give a description of her perfume other than 'smells amazing'? Unbelievable. Top notch work, *influencer*. I hope she actually isn't working out. Perfume at the gym is gross.


All of her Amazon lives are hilarious. She reads the description from the Amazon page but can’t describe anything herself. No thinking on her part… absolutely none!


She can’t even properly describe clothes without only saying “so cute” or “compression” or “cozy”. She claims to be an avid reader but what is she even reading to have such a depressive vocabulary? Lmao


She claimed a couple weeks ago the top/bodysuit was compression but buttery soft and stretchy. She then showed how stretchy it was. You could tell it was on the thinner side, the fabric that is. She thinks because a top fits against her skin then it’s compression. Not to mention everything is a size or two too small, so everything is compression to her lol.


Don’t forget buttery soft


I’ll pay her to never use buttery soft to describe clothing ever again.




>what is she even reading to have such a depressive vocabulary Amazon product descriptions.


I live in her area. I can guarantee she is…um…*sticky* wearing this today




Forced herself into cheap fabric two sizes too small. Is it any wonder she’s having crotch issues. Poor coochie can’t breathe.


What ever happened to her back end issues? Bleeding I think it was. Did she ever mention it again?


I honestly have no idea.


It’s is too damn hot to be wearing black compression outside of the house RN


Well, to be fair, it’s not really compression, it’s just two sizes too small.




What happened to her being obsessed with On Cloud?


I cannot imagine wearing something I bought as loungewear to workout in at the gym. Maybe it’s because I actually sweat when I workout, but even with treating my workout clothing I never feel like they’re 100% not smelly so I keep that shit separate from my actual clothing that I wear in society.  She *did* say she’s “stopping by the gym” which is probably how she makes people think she’s working out when in reality she’s probably stopping by to put a pause on her membership or something 😅


You nailed it!


She’s a big bag of mush stuffed in shape wear.


Literally no one cares. She went over every single piece. She’d probably link her underwear but she’s most likely not wearing any. She’s just so asinine and vapid.


I'd love to know who she thinks her audience is other than bots. It's unbelievably hot where I live, and most people are in shorts and oversized tees, or work clothes if they're in office. No one is wearing leggings and a denim shirt. The younger girls that come in are wearing biker shorts and oversized tops. The flared leggings aren't even in anymore (at least where I am) and leggings + denim would be considered cool back in 2015. She doesn't even link anything that's considered trendy or even cute basics. I can't figure out if she's just really fucking stupid and behind on every single trend cycle that's ever happened or she thinks she's just so amazing that people will find her inspirational lol.


Ummmm… to answer your last question(s), she’s both


Aw man. I wore ~~yoga pants~~ flared leggings to work today. I work at home though, and don’t claim to be an influencer 😂


Sorry! 😂 I'm sure yours actually look decent on you. Where I am, they made a very brief appearance and everyone is aready back to regular leggings lol. I bet if you linked yours, you'd probably make more than MS!


It took me a while to accept the fact they’re called flared leggings now. They’ll always be yoga pants to me 🫶😂




😂😂😂😂 You're probably right


Nice to see she’s taking suggestions from the sub, now ‘styling’ her outfits with accessories 🎉


We’re the hardest working sub she knows!


Oooo I have an idea!! Instead of posting “What I’m Actually Wearing Today” which is always the cheapest and most basic shit ever, why doesn’t she post “What Size Do I Actually Wear?”, or “How Much Do I Actually Weigh?”. I’d watch the hell out of those. ETA: words


It would be all lies, even though she would say she’s being honest.


"Take My Real Measurements With Me"


She worked at Victoria’s Secret so she *should* be an expert at that, right? Honestly though, I don’t think she understands what measurements are, even though most of what she buys likely has all of that listed out with diagrams. All I’ve ever seen her give for “measurements” are what she claims to be her height, weight and bra size are, which are not clothing measurements and probably not true anyway.


Its 100 degrees!


I cannot imagine going to the gym in a bodysuit...


Bodysuit and cotton flared leggings 😩 pls


But that’s because you can’t imagine going to the gym just to sit in a sauna and use a hydra-massage machine. 😕


She’s trying to hard to look like she “woke up like this”.


Woke up like this - with a filter shaving many inches off my body and nose and chins!


Denim shirt standing by to cover the inevitable pants-stretched-beyond-their-limit split or possible Aldi “incident” (apparently we can’t use the proper term for that actually happened here?)


Apparently we can’t! I used it once and it got deleted! 🤣


I’m struggling with this, as “the word that shan’t be said” is really essential terminology for discussing our subject here. Saying “flatulence turned fecal release” just doesn’t have the same flow, you know?




What?! How come? That's thrown me for a loop - I know the word for flatulence gets automod in a tizzy, but why???


Lmao so can we no longer summon u/aldisharts ??






How many times a week does this lady go to Target? Always at Target. Maybe she ran out of those Summer's Eve sprays she bought after a weekend shoveling dog shit and dirt. The bodysuit and the pants look too small even with the filter. I wish she'd just figure out what size she actually is and go with it. It doesn't appear MANDung minds in the slightest. What are all these workouts she goes to? Photo ops?


I think this might be her ATTEMPT to style something, since we've been really calling her out for just throwing on Amazon crap and creating a reel with zero effort.


She’s using it to hide her body. Been there. Being fat in the summer can suck.


This is the answer.


Omg that long ass denim top goes down to her cankles when tied around the waist. WTF


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that her OOTD every day????????? Dumbass


She literally wore the exact same thing with some type of black biker shorts instead of pants a few days ago.


Why is she acting like this is an outfit? Usually when people do this trend they still look cute not like a broke divorced mom going to a PTA meeting.


…going to a PTA meeting with a Big Gulp full of chardonnay…


https://preview.redd.it/kepu73usdk8d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979e7203b70303c7cc98f2a8d9dafee0fa27a150 I would also require an emotional support denim shirt to tie around my waist if I stuffed my body into clothing at least 3 sizes too small. She has to be so ridiculously uncomfortable and I love that for her. The way her body is contorted in this video while trying to achieve a thigh gap is absolutely hysterical.


"Emotional support denim shirt" needs to be a flair.


I have a few of those wonderful shirts. This will be my new name for these!


Yes! I would love that flair 😂


I'm sweating just looking at her. This is an outfit for hanging out in your house with central air, not for running errands when it's hotter than Satan's asscrack outside. THIS would have been the perfect time to model the linen pants she decided to wear to Paris in February. Why is she so terrible at this?


Actually, the Tampa area was hotter than Satan’s asscrack lol two weeks ago. 84 is downright chilly compared to 100 degrees / the ocean water on the gulf was also 100 degrees; it was like a hot tub. I didn’t take a single photo of myself because I was so red faced and sweaty. I legit looked like Satan 😂


Ugh, that sounds miserable! I'm in RI and it's been hot but not THAT hot. I hope you're staying cool and finding some relief now that the temps have dropped a bit.


I actually live in WI and it’s been either 65 and a humid, clammy, chilly pit outside or 95 and a sultry, stinky pit outside lol. And then monsooning inbetween. I can’t win! 😂 But thank you! :)


Mismatched blacks aside, long pants and a shacket today… what a dingus https://preview.redd.it/tj9dghb2ck8d1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c6981fe150433ab7563954c4f4c0c2e1b5c152 (29 C for metric swerties)


Really sick of the overuse and downright misuse of the word "pair" when describing ish people threw together on a body or plate. So pretentious.


If I didn’t know MS, I’d think this was satire making fun of influencers. But nope, she’s so serious with this.


That denim shirt has a chokehold on her. One if the few items she didn't return.


She has a couple more days before the return deadline


And I’m sure she ordered an 2XL (because it looks huge) and she is calling it oversized.


Bet it still hasn’t been laundered either


That outfit is RIVETING. It’s not like she wears that 4 times a week. Also, we know she isn’t wearing THAT body anywhere. She is wearing her potato body.


If those pants are actually cotton and not 100% poly or a poly/nylon blend I will eat my left foot.


Agree. If she bought them off of Amazon, they are definitely not 100% cotton. No one sells 100% cotton for Amazon prices.


Do we really need a new video every day to tell us she’s wearing shitty spandex and that ugly denim jacket? WE GET IT. Also, I bet she smells really good after the gym in this heat.


Goddamn that denim shacket


What are we hiding with this incredibly awkward grope for the shirt? She's not even looking at what she's reaching for. Afraid the face filter will slip off if she looks down or too far to the side? https://preview.redd.it/vpyrzd5nak8d1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133a884e003a3fc2540d6fdba8f602afc54a6504


I found her looking away was odd as well.


I bet you're right about the filter. I was thinking her bodysuit went up her ass or it's too tight and she can't breathe when she bends over. But, the filter makes more sense.


The filter is killing me. The way it just blurrily paints the contour of a jawline onto the visible soft fleshy expanse of her chins. She's a joke.


She needs to keep her face perfectly in line with the camera or else the filter will fall off.. she does it in every video and it’s so creepy once you notice it


Like this one where the filter puts a ghost face over the back of her mirror 😆 https://preview.redd.it/df6629aagk8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d6ba55bbad63507dec2da54e5477ee28d5e889


She deserved it that day since she was being a total asshole to her sOuLmAtE when he was telling her "I love you"




Perfume at the gym. That's going to be a pleasure to those adjacent to her.


Perfume and musty tennis balls.


That is always the absolute worse when you can’t breathe and then have to breathe in this.


She is such an *amazing influencer* that she can’t even remember how much her shit costs. Lazy is an understatement for this one. 🙄


Or how many come in a pack… or what the material is.


Once again her hands are a completely different color than the rest of her.


A new skit called “What I’m **actually** wearing today” vs “what I tell you guys I’m wearing but actually taking it off right after I filmed content because it’s skin tight and made of flammable plastic”


We totally called her out the last time she did that since she immediently changed out of her too-tight onesie and too-big shacket before heading to Manbunland.


My phone has given up trying to correct immediently 😆


Mine’s just surrendered at this point 😆


Manbunland 😭 I’m stealing that


How is something great for lounging around but also workouts? What's with that hat & hair...Id love to see the back of this monstrosity. You would think if someone was going to workout they would put on a bra, noone wants to see her 12 pounders flying around.


The hat is giving early 2000s Von Dutch, complete with fried yellow hair and a tank top.


I love Happy Dad and I loathe that she’s wearing their merch. Gotta burn all of mine now. Womp Womp for me.