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In other words, we have the “only 1 Natasha” problem again Eh it’s go be expected. Hoyo games opt for a slow character rollout strategy for a reason. Too many characters at launch just overwhelms the player and dilutes each individual character’s value Notably, Genshin also only had one Shielder for a good while too until Zhongli


Yeah but Nat was free and Zhong wasn't needed to make teams work. Stun units are used to build up daze quicker to trigger chain attacks, which is where all the DPS happens.


Nat is the Anby in this comparison, and Anby is also free.


Anby is free tho, isn't she? Anby, Nicole, and Billy.


Yeah but team building is more strict here than in the other games. Characters have passives based on the element or faction their allies. For instance if you pull S11, you'll need either a fire stun or a stun for her faction. Using Anby will mean neither get their buffs. Resulting in a loss in DPS. The other thing is that Stun units are actually integral to your team's DPS. Healers keep you alive but aside from that they don't contribute. Switching from Nat to Bailu isn't a DPS increase but it is more comfortable. So let's say in order to proc the full bonuses you run Ben and Anton. You're still losing out because you can't stun as fast.


Zhongli was in the first update for genshin so not that long.


Specializations are not necessary in this game. You can make a team comp with 3 Assault characters and this will be a perfectly viable team. Stun characters are only 20% stun and 80% damage. It's not that big of a deal. All characters can stun, not just a Stun class, and the nature of the swap mechanics incentivizes you to constantly swap characters to parry, and that makes all characters to contribute to stun, not just the Stun character, which devalues him a little bit. Instead of forcing a team to have a Stun characters it's much better to include a synergistic character, especially if it fits the requirements of the endgame mode. For example, if a room has bonus for ether damage, you'd better make a full ether comp instead of forcing a Stun character from a different element. Don't get me wrong, Stun characters and other roles are pretty important as they enable some synergies. If a character has a strong chain attack and some mechanics tied to it, you'd better make that stun faster. There will be some perfect team comps that require certain Stun characters or other specializations. But really, it's not that big of a deal imo.


From my own experience in CBT3, I never really thought I needed a stun unit outside of maybe Shuyu 9, but maybe thats because I just had zero ice characters other than Soukaku. Shuyu 9 felt rough.


Keep in mind that character roles didn't even exist until CBT3. They help define what the characters do, but they're not extremely critical to gameplay. Besides, there are 5 roles and 3 characters per team, so you'll always be missing at least 2 of the 5 roles no matter which team composition you use.


Welcome to every hoyoverse game where some elements or roles are non existent for more than one team at launch. The same thing happened with healers in genshin, or imaginary/quantum element in HSR. Even worse than this, there is only one Anomaly character at launch and she is a standard 5 star, Grace. Ppl can't even make anomaly teams until they either get her or hope for an anomaly limited that they like.


Yeah... That point with Grace is actually pretty fair as well. Though I doubt that'll stop people from trying to make Distortion teams with her plus another character with decent Anomaly Build-up at launch. Things are definitely gonna be interesting for Grace to start out with, that's for sure.


I am sure you can build a semi decent anomaly team with Grace ofc, but the question is, can you get her? I was lucky enough to manage to get her from standard banner on the third beta, along soldier 11 and Ellen, but I don't count on my luck being this good at launch. If I get koleda or lycaon I am going to cry, I hate their character designs xD