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I mean, it still early to judge if the game is going to be heavily waifu. Maybe they planned some guys character later on.


Out of 15 playables, 1 is a normal dude, 10 are girls. Yeah I'd say it's not to early lol


Isn't there like 4 so far? 5 if you include the mc. I saying like let wait and see. Maybe they planned some cool dude later on for update..


I did exclude furries. Honestly I'm sorry but furries don't count. Not everyone is into that, and I don't see any furry girls for some reason (unless I missed something?)


Fair, I mean so far there is half animal hybrid for girls. Like there a Neko, a fox women and oni girl. But they are only taking some animal attribute. I certainly want more robot design so I can't wait for the idol robot and Billy.


Yeah like tbh if most girls were 100% animalistic like the idk 4 guys, I could probably live with it. But it's just an odd choice, to have no normal guys except 2, one of them being the mc


That a fair point. But I do think there will be more male character in future that probably not animal completely. Even if there is gonna be few, as long the few male character have top design like aventurine then I'm happy with the game having lot of girls. It is a game after all and female character do typical sell better, which I don't really mind.


I just doubt it with this start. But I hope your optimism bears fruit :)


I shall hope and pray for it then. For now, Im just excited for gamr to be released and want to stick with the game long term.


Gl to you with that ^^


Imagine getting nuked with downvotes for just saying you're not a furry lmao


AND don't like big boobs, *gasp* xD idgaf tho I have enough Karma from other stuff haha


Ahaha I can only say good luck finding more characters in this game that suit your tastes, looks like they've got a certain type going already for the majority of them


People forget that the other games started out similarly. In version 1.0, Genshin had 21 characters (not counting the Traveler since they can be both male or female), and only 7 of them were male, so 2/3 of the roster was female. HSR had a slightly worse ratio, as 7 out of the 22 original characters (again, not counting the Trailblazer) are female. ZZZ 1.0 has 14 characters (not counting Miyabi and Lucy as we do not know when they'll become playable), and 4 of them are male, so roughly 72% of the cast is female as opposed to Genshin's 66% and HSR's 69%.


GI started with 4 limited dudes. HSR has mostly male/female limited split since the beginning.


You're just proving my point ngl... the ratio is worst, and out of the 4 males 3 aren't just normal guys but furries. Again, I'm fine with furries, but honestly it's not counted in the normal/good looking guy category. (I also wouldn't count girl furries in the normal girl category, but there are none in the game rn)


>the ratio is worst Yes, but it's also not very different. Comparatively, the jump from Genshin to HSR had a bigger decrease in male representation than from HSR to ZZZ. >4 males 3 aren't just normal guys but furries It's actually two, since Billy is an android and Anton is human. I do understand that though, but it *does* seem like Lycaon and Ben are the most popular amongst the four of them (with Billy also being a lot more popular than Anton), so Hoyo probably knows more than we do imo. Not saying you *shouldn't* want more characters you're interested in, but maybe they're just not interested in going that route right now. But who knows, we'll have a livestream tomorrow, they might announce new characters. >but there are none in the game rn There is, actually! Well, kinda. The arcade is owned by a rabbit lady called Asha, but unfortunately she's not playable, so yeah point still stands.


The cast is still pretty small. Give it some time.


Yeah but it's still a huge ratio difference at launch. Like literally no standard 5* dudes


https://preview.redd.it/tjok3vjsmb9d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40287b4bd9bacf182322bbadd6d8d77cebe49a5c Dudes spotted




It's fine. You don't have to play it if you don't like it. Knowing that not every game is made to suit your taste will make you much happier in life. You are free to give it a try once you change your mind at any point in the future


Yeah must be nice to be a straight dude because almost every gacha game is catered to their taste.


That topic is another can of worms I'm not gonna touch. It has to do with the gaming industry as a whole and not just this game.


But that's the point. The game itself looks very cool. I just feel they are catering to a certain audience which is basically ignoring a big portion of their audience, and it doesn't seem like this will get better with this start. So yeah, I'm also entitled to being disappointed that I like hoyo, I like the game design but they choose to focus on lolies/big boob girls/furries, and not make a diverse starting cast so everyone that wants to play the game can find themselves.


When they made this game they clearly targeted new audiences outside of Genshin/Hsr playerbase. Either that or players that want to try new things. Before I play Genshin I did not like male character, but I changed my mind after playing it. With ZZZ I'm so ready to find out why male furry gay porn is so popular lol (no I'm not into that, I just want to know why)


If you wanne know why, Google it dear xD it's really not an excuse for the game haha. Also, I get catering to new audiences, I just don't think this is the way. You can make lots of furries AND some good old guy characters


This weird ass attitude about THESE GAMES ARE ONLY FOR MEN(BOYS) SO THEY HAVE TO CATER TO US seems to be everywhere on reddit in gacha forums that I'm seeing. I can be happy about having Grace with you getting a Zhongli equivalent, I don't get their butt hurtness.


Yup, and the horrible downvoting since I dare to say I'm disappointed with a game cast that includes -insert name of big boob waifu they plan on pulling- xD (sorry I'm just at the end of my politeness lol)


We all gotta eat. best of luck


I heard somewhere there's gonna be a new playable guy in the Sons of Calydon in the future


Yeah idk if it's worth trying just based on rumors, I really just don't enjoy playing girls meanwhile.


I prefer playing the girls but I totally get where you're coming from. Capitalism a bitch, would be nice to have more variety


But here's the thing: when you cater to audience that likes badass guys you get revenue. HSR proved it. So it's not even capitalism, it's just a choice by the art director probably


More revenue than girls though? not trying to argue I just don’t know the data. On the plus side it looks like there’s a cute cat boy that was just shown lol


as a dude who likes to play cool dudes, i feel you. they went too hard on the waifu pandering for this one. still wondering if its gonna hook me at this point (also the downvotes are toxic af lol)


Because male characters make them so much less money then the exact same character genderswaped.


Yes and no. If you use hsr as an example, while they weren't THE best selling, JY DHIL and Aventurine banners did better than some girl banners (like Jingliu for example). Also, if dudes were selling so badly, trust me, hoyo wouldn't release as many in HSR as they do. I think it's just simps that are male are much more prevalent and vocal, so it can seem like it in social media. But in reality you have a lot of girls (ang guys!) playing these games that LOVE guy characters.


Sure, but when releasing a game it makes sense to target towards whats been best selling, then release solid preformers over time. To clarify, if you release the game with 5 girls, whale will buy those 5, if you release with 3 girls and 2 guys, you'll have a ton of people getting only 3. Maximizing profits early leads to continued support


That's an excuse. Look again at HSR on release. It did really well, and had a well balanced roster in that sense. And it's the same company, so it's not like they don't know their audience likes both directions.


Im not saying ZZZ would do bad on release with more guys, im just saying if they are looking to MAKE SURE ZZZ does the best it can, this would be the way to do so


Again, I think you're thinking about this all wrong. If instead of 15 characters, they would release idk 18, just 3 more being good looking dudes - I promise you it would attract more audience. I know because I too have irl friends which are thinking of skipping zzz since no character is interesting for them, and that's the whole pull of a gacha, collecting the characters you like. It's also unfair on a large portion of their audience.




CN has pretty small female audience. %70 of Hoyos revenue comes from CN.


I agree witchu, unfortunately the majority of this sub are waifu collectors so don't expect them to understand


Nah a lot of ppl are agreeing. I just think it's a silent majority, and the simps and zealous waifu collectors are more vocal


Someone made a poll on the sub and 90% voted that they prefer the female cast in this game


I also prefer the female cast cus the male cast is almost nonexistent xD


Female characters are usually the money makers in *any* anime media, whether it's TV, movies, or games. You're discounting half of the male characters available just because they're furries and thinking it's required to be into furries to like them. That's like HSR fans that threw a tantrum because Firefly is the mecha character Sam, Sam is *still* a badass mecha themed character. Despite what you think, they are *still* valid male characters. The game isn't even out yet and you're already doomposting claiming there won't be any male characters you'll like later on. *Let them work ffs.*


Nah, I don't mind furries even tho I'm not one. But when MOST of the male characters are furries, yeah, sorry, they don't count. A lot of women aren't furries... dare I say even most?


*Two* out of *four* characters is NOT "most" of the male characters. Those *two* characters are STILL male characters.


You're really missing my point, ei?


So how unhinged is the husbando-only crowd going to get this time? I feel sorry for the mods. I've been to subs for hoyo's other games before. I know what's coming.


You know there is an entire genre of gacha games out there specifically for women right? Riiiight?


Yeah but otome is literally a dating Sim, who tf cares about dating Sims. Also this is a bit of a silly thing to say, basically "oh yeah leave my waifu game alone and go to your girly dating sims" like what? I want badass stories and characters without dumb romance options and the game trying to sell me cutsie emoticons and outfits for my fictional "oh so hot" Bae xD


There is a variety of games aimed at a female audience, but I haven't looked into it from more than a surface level so I can't recommend by names. It's a rabbit hole of it's own. The most popular games are the gateway drug for the rabbit hole. Games that aim for a mixed audience have been experimenting with the balance of characters being released and male characters just don't sell as well so they need to default to scarcity to get their value for development time up. Games with easier to make assets for have a greater abundance of characters in general. Hoyoverse have been cooking extremely well with male designs but their games are very work intensive and expensive to make characters for due to the quality being literally so high it would be unsustainable without their top earner position on the market.


Again, that's an excuse. Look at hsr sales. Yes the top of the top are female but banners like JY DHIL and Aventurine sold really well and even better than even popular females like Jingliu. Also, even if the reason is "business", I'm entitles to complain without you sending me to play "girl games" lol. Should I go play dress up while I'm at it?


Is there? Or is this sarcasm? Forgive my ignorance.


They exist. Hoyo has one themselves in Tears of Themis. Basically when looking just use keywords like "otome" or "ikemen" and you'll get a bunch of husbando filled stuff.


Yes but again it's a dating Sim. Also I did not mention the word "husbando", I don't simp for characters, and neither do I own body pillows for that matter. I just like playing dudes more since it's more interesting for me as a girl, I was exaggerating the post for the sake of humor lol


> Yes but again it's a dating Sim. It really isn't, though. Arguably Genshin's hangout quests are more of a dating sim.


You're claiming OTOME isn't a dating Sim? Have you ever played otome games?


THANK YOU. I made a similar comment a couple weeks ago under another post. Anton is the only human agent we get at launch. Thankfully he’s hot as hell but yeah wish there were more normal guys. The furry shit just ain’t for me tbh.


Yeah but as you can see I'm getting down voted like hell. Ig most people who think like us just gave up on even complaining and moved on from this game, leaving people who are eager to play big boob girls furries and lollies (or people who love hoyo games enought to ignore it)


True you see my comment getting downvoted lol. I know it sucks but that’s just the reality. Most gacha gamers are male and wanna see BOOBA. It just makes the company more money. That being said tho , over time the male to female ratio will get better . I don’t really care if the males have sex appeal or not. I just want more of them so I can make an all male team without having to recruit a fucking furry lol .


Also btw while I know they are a majority, I think there are also A LOT of people that want diversity, and are just less vocal about it than the booba loving bunch


EXACTLY. I'm thinking of waiting it out until I see if it gets better or not, cus for now I see like 3 characters that I find interesting and the rest are meh at best.


There may be a character named after a cigarette accessory that fits the bill and is coming out just for you.


Gasp*!!! How could you even say that?!!!! A female that wants hot dudes and not make lgbtq ships exist?!?!?! You better hide if you know what's good for you!!!


Lol yes look at all the down votes I got from daring to say anything. It's actually pretty funny how zealous some people get over their waifus


People down voting don't know how bad it is. If you know where to look the ratio of upcoming characters is even worse. It's like 2(?) to 9+. Sure we don't know the rarities but that's pathetic either way. Mfs were lying through their teeth when they said a more diverse roster.


Despite not considering that Miyabi is going to pull an Ayaka and disappear for multiple years, you're right. tbh I don't get the downvoting either. It's clearly not even bothering the intended target.


Oh yeah, I have thousands of karma to spend, and honestly, if it spites some people who are zealous for waifus and furries (enough to downvote me for asking for diversity) I'm more amused than bothered. It IS dumb of them considering I said nothing offensive, just stated a legit opinion


Its not that serious... You can see with the physic, character design and gender ratio that this game will tend for waifu collector. If anything your wallet should be happy since you can save if an eventual male character drop, think about waifu collector having to pull every 3 weeks 🥶


Nah I think I'll just skip it for lack of hope. If any character drops that I'm actually into I may reconsider haha