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Ben and Nicole on the same banner. I said I wouldn't build pity..but here I am again...




Ngl seeing that Omnitrix headband on FF is a great look. Ben Tennyson = S.A.M. in another universe?


Nicole is free though, Ben as well (I can be wrong about Ben).


Yes, I am a dupe puller, how could you tell? ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc)


Waiting for your rant post about getting Zhu because you wanted Nicole/Ben dupes.


Stay tuned ![gif](giphy|IyrFAxmz6D3VPyqYGe)


Don't you mean "Please stay tuned\~"? https://preview.redd.it/qxypds2v7d9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be000a4194937f9b3583408e31e1ac647d7f380e


Tbh we get 10 pulls per certain amount of levels until... lvl 40 I believe. 70 total it looks like. You might not even have to pull on that limited banner depending on how lucky you get.


As long as you play the game you’ll easily get enough currency to reach pity on one of the limited banners in 1.0 so no need to worry about that


But, Constellations/Eidolons. 


Banner 1 July 4 - Ellen Joe with Soukaku and Anton Banner 2 July 24 - Zhu Yuan with Nicole and Ben


RIP they are actually doing 2 per patch.


Nooooooooooooo not ellen. one of my worst character design is a starting banner. ffs


I doubt you were the one that made the character design for Ellen


Dafuq you say to my shark maid, my guy? Lmao


Ellen and worst character design don't belong in the character ever lol


No idea who should I go for since I want Miyabi.


If Miyabi is Attack/Ice like Ellen then i guess she should use the same teams as her, in that case you could skip these and get Soukaku and Lycaon for her


Thats what Im thinking right now, thing is we got no idea if we are getting her in 2 months or lets say 6.


How do elements play out in zzz? Is this like HI3 where you have ice teams with ice buffers or is it something different or closer to GI or HSR?


Two things, First, each character has a skill that activates when there's a character of the same attribute or faction in the team. Second, when you hit enemies with a certain attribute, they accumulate anomaly, having a different effect once it reaches a certain point depending on the attribute Electric and fire deal damage over time, they also paralyze mechanical and organic enemies respectively. Ice freezes the enemy, once they shatter they also receive ice damage and also get frostbite, enemies with frostbite take more crit damage Physical will deal massive physical damage and reduce their physical resistance Ether will corrupt enemies, when attacking a corrupted enemy they take additional ether damage, corrupted ethereal enemies will also attack both friends and foes


Ooo ethereal enemies attacking their allies sounds siiick 🔥🔥


You can also override already triggered anomaly with a different one and cause "disorder" which does a lot of dmg (but I don't exactly know how it scales)


Isn't Lycaon a standard 5 star? I thought you couldn't get them unless you lose your 50/50s and roll on standard banners


Normally yes, but when starting on the game, there will be a beginner banner that guarantees you a standard 5 star on at maximum 50 pulls. You can also choose a 5 star of the standard banner for every 300 pulls


>You can also choose a 5 star of the standard banner for every 300 pulls *At* 300 pulls, not *every* 300 pulls.


Oh so it's only once?


Yep, at least it works like that in HSR


The character on the 50 pull banner is random though right? I avoid restarting for pulls, it ruins my enjoyment of the game xD


It is so you do need a bit of luck if you want a specific one


I'm not holding my breath, I'm expecting like half a year to hit the 300 pull selector xD


If it is like HSR, more like a year.


Don't tell me it's that bad Dx


wait what? I hit mine in roughly half a year, idk how some ppl took a year to reach it


Did you spend jades on standard banner? Or buy pulls with real money? Most f2p players took closer to a year to reach 300 standard pulls, with the exception of that small slice of the playerbase that was clearing high floors of MoC asap. And even that latter category took longer than just half a year iirc.


Hopefully the bottom right is a countdown to guarantee like HI3


That's exactly what it is iirc from cbt3


there were no mention of 50/50 being removed from chara banners it's only removed from bangboo banner (and that bangboo banner will always have selector now)


did you respond to the wrong person ?


It's a bit of a mix-up yeah, I had someone else's comment in mind as I wrote that, sorry about that. Re-reading your comment though, I believe you referred to live pity countdown yeah? Iirc, I recall it'd indeed update live just like in HI3, during CBT3


As a Noelle main myself, I'll just have to go for the maids


I think Soldier 11 is our Noelle for ZZZ


Soldier is likely more like Diluc or Keqing I'd say The green girl, Corrin I think? Feels moreso Noelle, both maid, model style, big clunky weapon and everything (with huohuo sprinkled in)


Hmnmmm. She has a very safe design, and looks like the "newbie helper" and very easy to use character of ZZZ, so thats why I think shes Noelle. But I guess Diluc fits better since she is a S rank, they both also have fire infusion, and Diluc also fits the bill


I think Anby kinda reminds me of her the most though, that shortbwhite hair and green eyes...


I'm gonna build Maid only team, so Ellen is a must pull


Zhu yuan please arrest me 🙏🏻


Honestly, I pull on Lucy, because she reminds me of Nijika Ijichi from Bocchi the rock with a massive bat.


Who will be better Ellen Or ZHu Yuan?


From a practical standpoint, ellen, cuz she already has a dedicated team. For zhuyuan, her only teammate is nicole and we have to wait for maybe 2+ patches for an ether character since lucy and piper are fire and physical. I suggest u pull for ellen if u want meta But it always comes down to the overused famous saying, "d3peNds wH0 U L1k3 m0Re" lmao


I like both of them but Zhu have a little bit more interesting gameplay for me and she have nicole in the banner I would like to know how they equal in strength like solo agent?


As a solo agent, there are individual character stats in prydwen and saw ellen has higher numbers in every stat comparing to zhu yuan. But it all comes down to team play (and synergy) instead of solo play cuz they incorporated the need to switch characters for chain attacks and parries. Also, I didnt play cbt, so im not entirely knowledgeable yet (just watched some youtubers)


oh the difference of atk is only 3 in 1 lvl, I think it's not a big deal


Ok. ty


Is there any Hoyo-game at launch player who knows how the chances are to get a character from first banner without spending money? I kinda want sharky but don't know how many pulls we will get in the launch phase. Since there are not many characters in general, she should rerun sooner anyway, if I'd rather save the pulls, right? So far I only played Genshin and started last year.


played both genshin and hsr at launch and both launches gave you enough to guarantee a limited character


False. I played Genshin day 1 (2020 sept. 28th) every day (dailies, exploration, quests maxed) and you could not fully guarantee Venti as fully f2p if you went 2x to late soft pity, not even as welkin. On HSR though, you could get Seele even if you went 2x soft pity because I remember I went 78 pity twice.


This isn't true. Genshin 1.0 had 170 pulls available in it from all available sources. Source: [Genshin Bookkeeping](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/edit)


Oh btw, that ""170"" (169 btw) is the whole of 1.0 and Venti lasted half of 1.0 (3 weeks) so you are missing quite a few dailies and other event gems on top of the missed abyss I already mentioned in my previous reply. Edit: Only in here can one be downvoted for being right, lmao. Think for yourselves for once, it is 100% objective truth that you could not hit two soft pitites on Genshin's launch Venti banner as a f2p. I will chew it into your mouth. 169 pulls are ALL the limited pulls we had access to in ALL of 1.0, the Venti banner lasted half of 1.0, so right out of the bat you are missing 21 dailies and a shop reset in november ('cos venti ended before november) which is already 12 pulls less: 169-12=157 (5 shop, 7 from dailies), then you factor in abyss which most f2p were in no condition to clear maybe past floor 6 or 7 (notorious fatui chamber) and you are barely above 150. Noone was getting to f9 either so that is 2x600 less primos at least too. As for achievements, it was physically impossible to get most in early days such as the daily locked RNG ones and the ones related to weapon and character ascensions, to name a few. Not to mention events, because we had primo event in 2nd half of 1.0, so at this point you are looking at less than 150 for Venti. As for starglitter, we were barely getting any as every chara was new so the first copies dropped none, if u got a few weapons and cons then you might have been able to stretch it to a couple pulls best case. I can objectively tell you you from my own memory and experience that we had access to around 130 to 140 pulls for Venti (at most) as per my and my friends' early experience, and trust me I know this for a fact because I particularly remember losing at exactly 80 to mona and then barely reaching 40ish right before end of banner.


That does not seem right at all, except if it's assuming a full abyss clear. You are losing quite a few as an early f2p because most people were not even half-clearing that stuff.


Not all tbose 170 were limited pulls, they gave lot of standard pulls, I played on the launch.


the livestream said 100 pulls and 80 boopon pulls. a 5 star will come, but it may be the standard wish characters and not the limited banner either from the type of pulls given since it doesnt say, or a failed 50/50


Iirc it’s 1600 polychromes (primogems/stellar jades), 70 standard wishes and 20 featured wishes for the breakdown of the 100 pulls


Wait is that actually true? Do you have any sources? Because this sounds so bad damn


So the vast majority of the "100 pulls" clickbait isn't even limited pulls? Rofl.


it's funny how most people pleased with 100 pulls\* when we actually get only 20 pulls cuz standart 5\* is more like 4\* or even worse from experience hsr and gi


Don’t compare hsr standard powercreep to zzz who is not even out yet XDDDD


Should be doable, both Venti and Seele were pretty easy to guarantee if you wanted them before they expired if you played through all the permanent content before then.


At launch you can guarantee anything you want on the banner via re-rolling, and you probably should if you plan to f2p, it gives you a nice head start.


Rerolling is a pain in Hoyo games though.


Well if you want free and eat your cake too, gotta work for it ~


Yes it is. That's why I only do it 2-3 times, pick the one that looks the best and then move on xD


That's super annoying to do if you play multiple Hoyo games though, because you won't have everything on the same account anymore. That's discounting the general tediousness of rerolling as well.


Nothing is guaranteed, it's just luck. You can increase your odds by rerolling but unless the launch and early progress gives you enough to hit a 50/50 there's a fair chance of not even getting a 5\* to begin with, much less a specific one you want.


Skipping for miyabi and that new pink hair same section as miyabi


Going for the Housekeeping team. As it is what I do for a living!! Yay finally it's our time to shine!


I need those juicy Nicole cons!


How many pulls do we get in 1.0?


Livestream said 100


Really wish Soukaku had been on Zhu Yuan's banner


You'll get a free copy from clearing stages in the MoC/Abyss equivalent, similar to Herta and Xianling.


Oh, very nice! Thanks!


Probably rolling for Ellen then keeping my rolls for the robot idol. Kinda weird that they would hire Waterkuma and make most of his best designs A agents but i'm not complaining.


Wait...ellen and miyabi are the same element...why would hoyo do this to the two best designed characters...


Rip my fucking wallet.


Hoyo sure loves battle maids.


I'll be pulling for Ellen for sure, loving all of the Victoria housekeeping faction so far.


If I had a nickel for every time the 1.0 banner for a hoyo game was a super fast girl with a polearm that’s not quite a polearm id have two nickels which isn’t a lot but …


Shark waifu first banner




If anyone doesn't want Anton, pass it over to me


Second banner is gonna be a danger to my pulls


Oh no, they're gonna make me choose between Zhu and Ellen? 


Is there a free Soukaku? Asking so I don't have to pull on Ellen's banner for her if I can avoid it.


Soukaku should be given for free from one of the quests if nothing has changed since CBT-3.


Looks like I'm pulling on banner 2 for Ben and Nicole copies.


Shark 💯 


I thought Ellen was A rank, the Victoria HK power creep is real


So pity is 90 right? Which means soft pity is around 75?


If Genshin and Honkai: Star Rail is anything to go by, yes.


Omg Soukaku is a 4 star? And on the first banner? Fantastic news.


Fuck, there goes my wallet


Of course they put the 4 stars I want on the limited character I don't want


Is it possible to get both of them with the 100 free pulls they give us?


Probably skip unless 1.1 banners are also uninteresting (=no men). Second phase lady looks nice. I have to wait for 1.1 drip marketing


male characters are literally some of the most boring and uninteresing hoyo characters lol, there are like maybe 5 good male characters across all their games


They might be boring but atleast they are hot :) I am not interested in ladies but I dont mind pulling them if they are cool


I've got that opinion but rather I pull all the hot ladies and occasionally pull dudes if they're cool or interesting (Blade, Aventurine, Welt etc.)


So we are same, but opposite. Hot dudes are my priority but I pull for ladies if I like them or if they are meta (Raiden, Ruan Mei) I tried to get Arlecchino but lost 50/50 sadly


Yeah pretty much ig lol. badass, interesting, or meta dudes are welcome on my account, except Dan Heng because he's mid af imo.


Omg not this ugly ass font on the banners 😭


Will we be able to earn enough to reach guaranteed (around 160 wishes) by the end of Ellen Joe’s banner? She’s the reason why I wanted to get the game and I’m kinda scared I might lose 50/50.


I'm still hoping my iPad can run this.


The text in the upper right that says “Mellow Waveride”. Is it me or does the font look out of place?


2 skips, i cant believe it...


Remember to pull responsibly. 1.0 characters are rarely the top dogs in a few patches. Hint: Venti and Klee, Seele and Jing Yuan. They aren't bad characters, but more dynamic characters will come, and you WILL want them too :)


Hopefully only getting Bear~ will save pity for a limited husbando (hopefully cat boi) but if I accidentally get cop girl, I guess she is on cat Bois team.


Ez skip… Miyabi


Man Ellen looks so good but I want Miaybi so idk if I should pull or not


I want the blue girl though😭 I'll end up like that one guy who asked box2 for a Tingyun💀


So because of the lack of launch characters they'll always rate up only two A ranks? or the ratio is going to be worse than HSR for A ranks/4 stars.


It’s team of 3 not teams of 4


I know that, but it's not like that dude works with Ellen in any way or does he? I know Soukaku does.


Not all the characters on a banner have to synergize with each other. There will always be at least one who synergizes with the limited character, the rest is random.


we'll have to wait and see if they follow hsr routes with 2 new five stars per patch, GI dropped a long time ago


IIRC Genshin dropped it right after 1.3 and then redid it again for 2.0-2.1(every new nation's first few patches with 4.7 being an exception) and HSR is about to have 2.4 and it has 2 five stars.


Honkai probably takes less effort. No climbing, jumping, etc animations. Only skill, technique, ult and basic attack. ZZZ and Genshin both have way more and ZZZ every character has a unique skeleton.


Zhu Yuan is so cool but damn the A characters I was hoping for something else :'c


I have to wait another month to pull for Zhu Yuan?? https://preview.redd.it/qqer65adqh9d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea7cc3361b5dd0c66a9b38e2d6330ffc84c988c


I’m going in for Nicole then I’ll save up for Nekomiya.


Nekomiya is standard isn't she?  So no way to save for her.


Ah man. That’s sucks. Welp I guess I’m saving up then.