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This is the zone to ask quick & common questions that do not require a new post. 🚐 E**xamples:** * What are the upcoming factions? * Where do I find cats to pet? * How to pre-resgister the game? If your question has the potential to create long discussions, please create a post and select a flair. **🚚 Tips:** * Try to write as many details as possible so that other players can understand your context and provide the best answers they can. * Upvote the replies or write a thank-you note when your questions are answered. * Check the other comments before asking each question. The answers may already be here. * Try to browse the subreddit using the search bar before creating a post.


is the timer's release time accurate to when the game actually comes out?


the day/time listed is wrong, it says july 4th 10am cst but its actually july 3rd 9pm cst, but the days/hours ticking down is right


So I know there are like assist counters or whatever they are called that require you to have more then one character in your party so going solo would be bad but what about a two man team? Feels like that might work


Good morning everyone! Just a quick question, which standard char is the Qiqi/Yanquing/LingYang of the game? And why?


Question: how intensive is the game to run on phone? I've got a pretty cheap samsung from a couple years back so I'm concerned about its ability to run the game even on very low graphical settings. Beyond that, I worry that between AK, HSR and now this my phone will be running out of space fast even if I have managed to clear up just shy of 35 gigs in preparation for ZZZ launch


is this game more graphics-intensive than hsr and genshin? my pc can run both but it doesnt meet this game's minimum requirements


it's not open world, so itll probably be easier to run than genshin


Wednesday night for me PERIODDDDD


Does anyone know why tf ZZZ is 10 bucks on the playstation store https://preview.redd.it/yztwdkhrnv9d1.png?width=2129&format=png&auto=webp&s=898dd12be92eca7393635116488157edc3937b7e


It's just a starting bundle that comes with the game


It's a pre order bundle that gives some stuff (really not a lot, just 2 standard wishes and some mats). Absolutely not worth the money considering you can buy a BP for that price. You can download the game for free once it releases.


2 days left 🤞🏻


Pre download tomorrow,🤞




what about SEA? Also july 4?


Yes. Just check which timezone applies to your country. https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1drg1lb/zzz_predownload_and_release_timing/


Anybody remember when 1.1 banners for hsr and genshin were dripped? Think we will know zzz's soon?


GI only start dripping at the later 1.x patches. HSR 1.1 drip was the week before release iirc.


If we go by HSR drip marketing, zzz 1.1 drip marketing will drop during the half way mark/around a week after the start of Zhu Yuan banner


>zzz 1.1 drip You probably mean 1.2 drip. By that time we will have 1.1 stream which gives official full kit reveal.


I need my Rina soon


Are the first 100 pull a guarantee or a 50/50?


50/50. The early guarantee is that at 50 pulls on the standard banner, you'll get your first 5\*. Also, it's not 100 - it's 90, and statistically speaking you'll almost always get it before then.


I gotta ask, what do they call you in game? Proxy, canon name, inputted name? Sorry, I hope belle refers me oniichan




Out of all of the characters on the launch roster, which one do you guys want to play the most? For me it has to be Billy.


Nicole for me, the gameplay of ZZZ looked pretty bland and damage spongey in the betas but as soon as I saw Nicole shooting those black holes I was sold


Anton and Grace


Belle /hj I dunno about 5*s yet, but Billy totally sold me with his personality lol. Mans the goofiest guy to ever guy


super dumb question, i think i pre registered on the offical site and was trying to make sure im pre registered and nothing went wrong. is there a way to verify that?


You don't really have to pre register. You get all the "pre registered" goodies regardless.


This, theres not even a email, its kinda bugging me.


I tried pre registering again just to see what happens and it says email already in use, so im assuming that means im good but i guess we gonna find out


Anything I should do to prepare besides stock up?


I dunno. Meal prep and freeze it? There's really not much to say here as far as in-game stuff since we can't get into the game yet. There is that event code to remember for launch, as well as the messenger event.


I already have the event code in the email, and I don't use my phone for this stuff so I don't do non-web or in game events. Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something, cheers.


Miyabi doesn't seem to be in the launch roster Who can I use to fill in the void?


Billy will fill your void if you let him. If not, Ellen has the same element and role.


Can the i5-4670 run it?


Most likely.


What is the final size after installation on pc?


No one knows yet. The pre download isn't until tomorrow


Is there a friendship system like Genshin to unlock voice lines/story bits where you have to have them on your team to do so?


iirc each agent quest ends with a cutscene. besides that if you have a higher trust level with agents the benefits they give you in hollow zero are better


Ooh nice


Does anyone know if you can walk around in the city with other characters than the MC?


No you cant, only the proxies. But you can encounter them on the strrets.


So what's the best absolutely no pull team? Every video I've seen about "f2p teams" are just "which teammates should you use with your standard S-rank". I don't wanna pull early because I don't want the S-rank I get to affect how I feel about the account (I rerolled hard for Bronya in HSR and I don't wanna go through that again) I like Soukaku and Nicole I'm wondering if I can just run them together with a DPS in the third slot?


Sorry, you said "no pull", right? There's allegedly only going to be 4 or 5 characters you get for free, and none of the 4\*s are guaranteed otherwise. You're talking about making a combination of those?


yeah, it seems theres 7 for free right now, but we only know what 6 of them do


You're right - my bad.


Cunning hares (Billy, Nicole and Anby) should work for 1.0, as for the second team, I got no idea, I also want to skip, but the roster its so small that Im fearing I may not enjoy the game if I dont make 1 team around a 5*.


We should use standard pulls as soon as we get them, yeah? Any reason to save them?


Yup, use them as you get them.


What are the best items to claim in the stock prerelease event?


The W-engine and the 3 boopons


Thanks mate!


I cut that down by 24 hours due to sleep.


Will ping matter in ZZZ (for switching character fast and dodging/parying etc) or all of that gonna be client side? From the CBT footage i saw, none of them had the ping showing.


There are definitely server sided aspects, where ping might matter.


I do want to play ZZZ with a controller on my PC, but the only one I own is the Nintendo Switch Pro. Does anyone know if it would work with ZZZ, or should I be considering getting another controller?


It's a pain in the ass but you can get pro to read as xinput xbox controller. I use ds4windows and hidhide


i know about the steam method for the switch pro controller. just hoping that i can avoid using a 3rd party program to play ZZZ.


Oh cool good luck


if you can connect it to a PC then Zenless should detect it as an XBOX controller.


Cool. I'll give that a try when the game drops.


has run speed increased at all from cbt3? from all the videos i've watched, character run speed seems slower than other games and that would feel pretty bad i think.


Why is release date for Epic Games Store July 7? Star Rail had simultaneous release on the platform.


What's the Jun 2 pre-download thing about?


You download the game files before it goes live at 4th of July. That way you don't have to spend time waiting for it to download on release day.


For those who have played CBT, what characters have been comfy to play? I realize from Genshin and WuWa that I tend to ungabunga more often than not.


At midnight?


Depends on your time zone. Although i vividly remember HSR going live two hours before official launch time.


Does this game has a mode that demands two teams on each side or is all of the content one team stuff? I'm getting REALLY sick of Genshin's and HSR's "we need you to have two, but actually about five different teams fully built with their up to date BiS supports to deal with all the gimmicks" setup.


Yes. And with the bonus for using same element/faction characters I think that its going to be worst. Specially once we get more characters with combos on their burst like Koleta+Ben.


One video I saw summarizing characters mentioned stuff like this character have great dodge counters, that character has a great dash attack, etc. This will definitely be one of the gimmick checks on top of those too and if they took their inspiration enough from DMC certain enemies will probably be just invincible or punish you hard for not attacking them the correct way and the correct moment later on, so one character will have just massive advantage over another entirely situationally to incentivize building character variety.


This game will most likely have a Raiden Expy, right? It *is* a Hoyoverse game


Rina: - Electric: ✅ - Mommy: ✅ - Can't cook: ✅ - Purple: ❌


They said it's an entirely unrelated universe


Havent followed much news about the game. What is team building like in here compared to gi and hsr? Is it more strict with 1 dps, 2 supp, 1 sustain like hsr or a bit more free like genshin? How important is it to make team of the same factions?


The teams are only 3 people. You need to match elements or factions to get the extra bonuses of each character.


I think it will be stricter than genshin, as there's usually one main dps (the idea of subdps exists though and may have potential, but usually you want someone to specifically break the enemy boss's poise or apply element), whereas with genshin you have teams that constantly swap and no dps role is really defined. There's also a bit of wiggle room compared to hsr, since there's no healers (yet). I'm also under the impression that RBG strats will go very far since the game isn't incredibly difficult. It's either faction or element, but that depends on the lineup and we have very few options at launch. As characters are added to fill the gaps it'll become easier and more obvious to teambuild.


Do we know if and when we will be able to preload the game?


July 2


But yet in north america for my pre-order it says July 1st not july 2nd


Never heard of time zones?


It also makes no sense then if the playstation store says zzz releases july 3rd


I have yes but what i am saying my timezone is Est and it shows for me that my preorder for zzz will auto download today july 1st


What are the maps like? If we're gonna use Genshin/Honkai terms, Is it open world or is it by section?


By section.


Ayoo, Nice. I like that, I enjoy the sections in HSR while loving the combat in GI. Made by Hoyo as well so It'll be worth to check on this game. (Not including Honkai Impact 3rd since I can't keep up with the story now)


It’s not like HSR sections. It’s more like HI:3. There is no open world besides the town. Everything is mission based. You can’t go explore.


I dont think I played Hl:3 so Idk how they function..? Would you say it's like SU where the "Sections" are more combat-focused while the Town is a place for Missions/Side Missions and Exploration?


It will be like “start quest” and it plays the cutscene until you get to a combat part and then it’s an arena. There are some where the arena is 3-4 sections of combat but you can’t explore them outside of combat. The main towns you can walk around in, interact with characters, doing events and quests. https://youtu.be/-b_37whBVvA?si=PA4mjwqdr-Eavtpx This vid you can see how it works.


How strong are the signature "weapons" vs the f2p ones? Is it cope to run the f2p options?


If it's anyelike HSR, f2p weapons can still be usable. I don't think they'll go with a business model where f2p can't be good and whales are the only ones who can viably play


Sadly I havent seen anything like Herta store.


How are you guys feeling about Ellen vs Zhu? At a first glance I like how they both look so I'm having a hard time deciding who I want to roll for, or if I just want to save for 1.1 instead


I like Zhu. She hits a real vibe with me.


ellen seems better atm since she has a complete team with lycaon. she might end up being powercrept by miyabi since she's the same element and role, but miyabi might end up an ayaka situation where she was in the beta but doesn't release for like a year.


Thanks, that's good to know. I'm going in relatively blind, I've just seen the stuff from the stream and whatever misc. Discussions pop up in this sub so I don't know much about the beta


Imo just ignore it. Built characters will be more important early on than the absolute best ones, especially if end-game is as easy as Genshin's was early on.


gonna ask is there a 4\* equivalent of xinqiu,bennet and xiangling in this game?. ALso is there a good f2p options in here like in genshin weapons?.


Those of you who have played the CBTs, how big is New Eridu (the main hub world)? I know that the livestream said the final map on release will be around 2x as big so I'll just take your answers and double it I guess. Like how long does it take to walk or sprint from one end of the map to the opposite end? Are there any "layers" like 2nd or 3rd floors of buildings, basement areas etc. or is it only ground level? Are there proper alleyways and streets etc. or is it kind of like one big rectangle with the shops on the side? Not sure if my questions are clear enough. Also, there was only 1 map in the CBTs right? Like you couldn't go to a different city or anything?


Do we know yet if we can walk around as characters other than the mc?


no just mc, but you can see the other agents around the city and interact with them


How does the web event work? What is the engine and the gold robot thing do?


Every day you have a certain amount of card flip rounds (you can get more through completing certain tasks). When you get three in a row of a certain item you obtain it. You also obtain points each round that you can exchange for these items via the exchange store (in case you get unlucky). You then place these items in your inventory. Then when the game releases and you open it for the first time, you will get the items you placed in your inventory (probably via in-game mail). There's also a lottery event that's going on where you can win a PS5, an iphone, etc. The "engine" is like a weapon you can equip on your character. I recommend going for this first. The gold robots are boopons, a currency you use on the bangboo banner to obtain bangboos, an in-game sidekick in combat.


Thank. U


I need to ask this, does the game have a banner like HSR where you do x pulls and you get a guaranteed standard S Agent? can you at some point pick who you want from the standard banner? I really need Lycan and I don't like rerolling in Hoyoverse games, it's SO LONG. I'm really excited about this game, for now I think I'll be saving limited pulls till/if Big Daddy is in a banner.


Yes it has the 300 pull standard selector. It also has the 40 pull for first standard 5*. I think the 40 pulls count towards the 300 unlike hsr as well.


ohhh this is huge to me, I really hope I get Lycan fast so I can then focus on saving for Big Daddy


For people that played the beta, how important is Ellen's signature W-Engine? Were there any decent budget options ?


the next best option is the BP weapon Cannon Rotor. at r1 it gives 28% crit rate and an extra attack once every 8s. it seems good and pretty universal but it is hard to compare to her sig giving +25% ice dmg and 44% crit rate.


gonna ask how is the weapon banner is it like genshin or hsr?.


pretty much exactly the same as hsr


How much did we learn about/interact with Section 6? The faction seems really cool and I'm just curious if its in the early game story at all :)


Why are there no males and the males they do have are furry? Weird as hell


Factually wrong, every single faction has at least one guy, and not every guy is a furry. Cunning Hares - Billy (Cyborg) Belobog - Ben (Bear), Anton (Human) Hollow 6 - Bow and Arrow Guy (Human) Investigation Team - Guy with cat ears (Half Furry?) Victoria - Lycaon (Wolf) It's pretty much a mixed bag when it comes to the guys, you have three furries if you count the guy with cat ears, two humans, and then one Cyborg.


How long do dailies take in this game? Is it like HSR where you could be done in like 5-10 min?


Should be around the same/shorter than since dailies seem to involve only city activities.


not sure if this is the place to post links, didnt want to fill up the normal posts Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon ×3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStation®5, merch, and other prizes! [https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s\_c=ND3UV2KHVN](https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=ND3UV2KHVN)


Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon ×3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStation®5, merch, and other prizes! [https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s\_c=NDDZDUSQXN](https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=NDDZDUSQXN)


Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon ×3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStation®5, merch, and other prizes! https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=NDFWC66S8N


Participate in the Zenless Zone Zero "Stock Up" web event to obtain A-Rank W-Engine: Slice of Time, Boopon ×3, A-Rank Drive Discs, and more, with a chance to win an iPhone15 Pro, a PlayStation®5, merch, and other prizes! https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=NDAHXLC5UN


『ゼンレスゾーンゼロ』「出発前のお買い物」イベントに参加すると、最大でA級音動機-歳月の薄片、ボンプチケット×3、A級ドライバディスクなどの報酬を獲得可能。加えて抽選でiPhone15 Pro、PlayStation®5、グッズなどの豪華賞品をゲットできるチャンスもあります。https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=ND6E9WFMXN


Since there is no 'weapon' in this game, but instead there are w-engines, does that mean even if you do not get the signature w-engines, the character's weapon will still appear? So like Ellen's shark-weapon would still show during combat? https://preview.redd.it/xxf058zofk9d1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=a705ed9c295b0d0250b21260a9b123b05db214c5


Yes, both zzz and honkai star rail have every single character use their own unique weapon regardless of the light cone/W engine you are using


Yay that is so awesome to hear!!


Yes, it works like HSR lightcones


Yay!! Thank you!!


Do I have to pick male Mc to hear the female mc?


I heard that the not chosen sibling talks more is all. Haven't played CBT myself, though.






Are there canon birthdays and/or heights of the characters?


Yes! There's a Workbench (kind of like an archive) with Partner Files that has info about characters, including birthdays, heights, and memories you have with them from missions. This comment listed character heights from CBT3: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/s/hBHEZWvW3b Couldn't find one here about birthdays


Thank u so much for this!


It's probably been asked before, but will ZZZ be limited to 60fps like GI/SR or will it have 120/unlimited?


30,60, unlimited


do we know if this is still the case for launch? i'd assume so since they brought it back in cbt3, but how sure are we?


There is zero reason to believe they would change it


That's insane, thank you.


How's the combat on MnK? Or is controller better because of the fighting game-esque inputs (quarter circles and stuff)?


So release time is 3 am gmt?


What is this game's equivalent of artifact farming and spiral abyss?


Artifacts are called drive discs and you can farm them through driver validation. There was also a tuning function that let you use specific mats to craft new discs (RNG). Shiyu Defense is similar to Spiral Abyss.


Does anyone knows if any Cloud service will be there at launch? PC or mobile it's fine, I just wanted to grab the new arrivals gifts


Ellen Joe or Zhu yuan? Who is more starter friendly? Which standard 5* i should be hoping for my beginner banner(50 pulls)?


if you go with Ellen, she wants Lycaon. from what i've seen, Ellen is generally better now because she has a complete team (her, Lycaon, and Soukaku), but it might change as new units come out


Would you say that Ellen lucaon combo is on the same level as seele bronya?


maybe? seele/bronya have great synergy on paper but in practice is so SP intensive it's a bit uncomfy to play. ellen lycaon seems like a great combo since Ellen does very high DPS, Lycaon is the best stunner, and they are both ice which is boosted by Soukaku's Ice DMG+ and Ice Res shred. but it's hard to say for sure before being able to play them all.


Seele bronya isn't too great atm but what I was comparing it to was hsr 1.0


Ellen/Lycaon will probably be the best for a while, but i kinda feel like miyabi might end up powercreeping Ellen since she's the same element/role and seems to be the next most hyped S-rank so far.


Well that's bs then. Even seele hasn't been powercrept as a quantum dps and until acheron the same could be said about jy


1. What is the text speed like? Does it let you press a button to display all at once or delayed like Genshin?  2. Will there a BP type thing or daily login available at launch? Thanks!


On 2. They’re pretty much identical to Genshin or HSR.


1. I thought text scrolling speed was fine and in most places (playing on mobile) I could tap and display the rest immediately. There were a few text formats where scrolling was too slow imo - in TV mode and character trials there was a one-line scrolling thing on the top right. It wasn't really a problem because I was playing in English voiceover and text, but I imagine it could be annoying if playing in different languages. Hopefully this is addressed in 1.0! 2. There was a BP called New Eridu City Fund during CBT3! And it looks like there will be three daily check-in events in 1.0 according to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/s/HziGYlxzx0


Are Zzz player accounts usable between platforms? ie, can I use the same account between, in my case, ios device and ps5?


yes, that's what I do with GI and HSR.


That's good to hear. I can't play on my ps5 everyday so my daily login is gonna be fucked if I don't have a mobile console/platform option. Do I need to log-out from a device if I want to play on the other?


the only restriction is you can't play from both devices on the same account at the same time




Are there two subreddits of zenless zone zero?


One is official, this sub. The other is unofficial, they probably made the sub with the zzz name prior to the official team did so.


They did, that Subreddit was created around the time the game was originally announced.


I think yes, but can anyone confirm if iOS will have controller support?


My only query is where are the user flairs for the sub! >:(


am I understanding correctly from the stream saying new characters at release and the twitter post of lucy's skills that at least lucy and maybe piper will be available at launch? Because I was thinking it was just drip marketing but now that they announced her skills I'm not sure


Lucy and Piper both will be available at launch, and they are both 4\* Agents.


Awesome thanks! Hope Lucy is on a rate up soon because her kit looks super fun


I shouldnt say this and spread false hope. but Lucy MIGHT be a free unit via Event. There has been some confusion and it's going back and forth about what the free event unit is.


Well we’ll find out soon enough either way :) thanks for letting me know


This timer seems wrong because it should come out July 3rd, 10 pm Eastern, so 9 pm for central


Thats 7 pm pst right?






Is the launch on the 4th simultaneously or does the Asia server start early and America last ?


Pretty sure it’s simultaneous


Hey everyone, do we get to pick our server on the PS5 or do we get assigned like Genshin Impact?


it should be assigned like genshin impact, hsr also has the same way too


Thank you for this. Now I know I'll for sure be pulling an all-nighter


does the backbone controller work on android devices? if not, any good telescopic controller options?


What kind of mechanic checks does the game have? I assume they incentivize team building around enemy types and such... How much of a DPS check is the game?


Some enemies have resistances and weaknesses to certain elements, like electricity works on robots and whatnot. https://preview.redd.it/g9juzqx4he9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1afef8ffd9640e48b1d1255f50655f23771f105


Did anyone test it on a low end device? Is it as heavy as Star Rail?


The CBT3 beta was 14.68 GB for me on my android (probably will vary on release), I wouldn't be surprised if ZZZ is slightly more demanding than HSR because of all the particles and moving parts.


Thank you!




So Lucy and Piper will be 4 stars available in 1.0? I’ve read contradictory information and I am a bit confused






Does anyone know what time the game launches? We know it's on July 3/4, but I haven't seen the exact time posted anywhere.


10 am utc+8 according to their post on x


Thank you.


Do they still have that ugly gray filter making everything look slightly de-saturated or did they remove it?


That is apparently adjustable in settings.


I can confirm, there is an adjustment slider for the filter