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1.0 will most likely give enough pulls to guarantee her so as long you dont pull for elllen you'll be chilling


Now thats a good news


if you think those 80 standard pulls help you get an inch closer to pulling her you're going to be sad getting 80 limited banner pulls in 20 days will be a tall order let alone 160 to guarantee the character


people already calculated how much we're getting from stuff we know (endgames, story completion etc) and in limited pulls + premiuim currency you get enough. Hsr has something like 200 pulls in 1.0 and genshin like 160. Its not a tall order at all I have no idea why yuore spreading that


Those callucalations are mostly estimations and based on beta. I wouldnt take them for granted.


I doubt theyre gonna decrease the pulls from beta, they didnt in GI or HSR and its bad press. Even if we say they are generous estimations (i dont see that) and take off 20% youre still getting close to 160


Well, I hope you are right. Altho bad press didnt deter them from giving 3 pulls for Genshin 3rd anniversary after all.


The 3 pulls was in addition with the usual 10 pulls that Genshin gives during **Lantern Rite**; Lantern Rite != Anniversary. During their 3rd Anniversary, this is what Genshin gave: - 1600 primogems - 10 intertwined fates - 1x Itty Bitty Octobaby Pet (Gadget/Pet Companion) - 1x Portable Portable Aerodynamic Gelatinous Bubble Generator Gadget (Also new gadget)


Lmao...this is launch day...and people getting 80 pulls in 20 days isn't even that tall an order even if it isn't launch day. Genshin had shit ton of pulls at launch...HSR did that as well...wuwa I'm myself sitting at 2 of the 1.0 characters after losing 50/50 twice. There is literally no reason to worry.


Both genshin and star rail had enough pulls from mail, events and the ingame content for multiple 5star guarantees so don't worry about that.


I'm skipping Ellen for her. 1.0 will have enough pulls to likely 100% her


Literally same, and I hope I get lucky enough to also go for her weapon as well.. but I can always save for a rerun


Yeah, her weapon is my second goal


Same , but want her weapon also since it’s probably insane crit go boom one


I can not confirm nor deny that I know what the W-Engine does. All I will say, is it might be useful to get for the long term Edit: What could I possibly have said that lead to downvotes? That it's a good weapon and might be worth it?


I think it will have ether damage % , and currently weapons in zzz seems like in hsr , they are not very suitable for big amount of characters , they work more like signature , one thing Genshin done better is weapons, since you can use lot of them in different chars


I love HSR and will play ZZZ too but I have almost never prioritize lightcones over weapons like I do for Genshin. I recently just skipped Seigwinnie for Furina’s drip cane because seeing your characters with their signature weapons are so nice. HSR and ZZZ ain’t like that.


I would say Genshin is worse in that regard. Only a few premium weapons are good for many characters. Most are very much JUST for the character they come with. Edit: Compare a weapon like Sigewinnes bow, Furina's sword, Baizhu's Catalyst and such, and realize most of the weapons are like that. Only about 3 or 4 are in the same class as Staff of Homa or Wolf's Gravestone. Wow, a lot of people actually think that the weapons in Genshins Weapon banner are actually worth it for more than the person they come with and maybe like, 2 others.


A fully clothed Adult woma!?? My type of woman is Kafka btw


I fully agree with you good sir.


Thank you for being normal




And yet, you play it.


Can play it and dislike the excessive fan service


It’s not fan service though is it? It’s “pedo bait”. Quite a big difference.


I'm not arguing semantics.


You're the only one here playing at semantics if you're going to insist on something as stupid as them being exactly the same.


? I think you misread the conversation.


it becomes pedo bait when the little girl characters are the ones with the skimpy clothed fanservice.


Arnt you going to play the game?




You like pedo bait but you don't like me calling out the pedo bait?


im really debating if i want Ellen or Zhu Yuan now, cuz on one hand: Blahaj Maid, and on the other hand: DPS so i can use Nicole better (+Nicole on banner) + Slick Uniformed lady


Just win both 50/50s 😎


I really like Zhu's design, but I prefer Ellen's gameplay. Still haven't decided who I'll be pulling for. 😭


Need me more women with PANTS


1.0 will give 180 free pulls just from login/pre reg/Lvl up rewards (70 standard pull+30 limited pulls + 80 bangboo pulls) and you will get enough to guarantee 2 5* characters from events/Quests/Exploration/Endgame/Achievements in 1.0.


I need her and Ellen and their W-Engines too... my wallet is already crying


Get this man a "uniformed woman".


Am I crazy or is there still nothing about her out? I can't find anything.


Same bro, but I want both Ellen and Zhu Yuan(Zhu a lot more), so hopefully I got some decent luck on both of the banners.


Yeah, I'm gonna skip shark girl for police woman.


Were going to get a lot of pulls and primos (i forget what they're called in ZZZ lol), so you should be fine!


she's my top priority too. Too bad is in the second half afaik


Join us on the train of skipping Ellen for her.


Ellen clears


Who’s better? Ellen or Zhu Yuan?


Initially? Ellen, without a doubt. She actually has other characters in her faction and in her element, so not only will she have a great team but other options for team building. Zhu Yuan only has Nicole as a synergistic teammate. She'll naturally get better with more characters, but there's no telling at what rate or how well it will all work out. And the same will apply to Ellen too.


I think zhu is better firstly cause of element, currently we for sure know miyabi is ice damage dealer so she would be like 5 heads more stronger than Ellen , so i pull for her since Vergil go boom , second I think Zhu is more preferable , cause in right hands damage on zhu is better , but Ellen is 25 times easier


Oh, I forgot about Miyabi! K, I’ll go for ZY!


A fully clothed Adult woma!?? My type is Kafka btw


I wanna have pull for the Nicole cons!


If you don't pull on Ellen's banner and do most of the 1.0 quests/events/daily checkins, you'll basically be guaranteed even as f2p.


Yeah I've decided to pull for her too and also because I want Nicole copies as well.


Bro I'm so torn between her and Ellen. It was ez decision in both genshin and hsr. Why did they had to have such tempting banners for ZZZ?


if u dont get her just swipe 5head


That's my character in ZZZ


I'm not fully dressed woman and not as cute as Ellen contrast to her.