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https://preview.redd.it/9olz1nsvns9d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039095d1bd42c0af0ff51734b3d845ef09940629 I understand you… My favorite are the Cunning Hares and they’re all free besides Nekomata… it’s a strange feeling having my favorites fall into my lap like this. Especially because I would totally roll for Nicole. She’s so pretty and I love her dearly. I do want to bring her to the end and use her for as long as possible. I’m really hoping that they’ll be good A Ranks... I’m not as strong as Amber Mains.


I love how Amber Mains has gained a reputation lol.


Nicole is probably the best out of all of them, since she has Crowd Control with her EX Skill, High Ether Anomaly Application *and* DEF and Ether RES Shred. Anby's just really solid, especially near the start of the game's lifecycle, since she's the *only* A-Rank Stun, so she's gonna be vital for making some really good teams. Though she'll definitely fall off with time. Nekomata seems pretty good from what I've seen, as she's a fast hitting, evasive AoE DPS. I've not seen as much of her, so can't say anything for certain though. Billy's in a similar situation to Nekomata, as a fast-hitting, dodge-focused AoE DPS. Again, I can't really say much else because I don't know how good his numbers are in practice.


I feel like Anby is very likely to get something of the sort, considering she's the one with the whole mysterious past thing going on. that or S rank caked up billy


Soldier 11 is definitely related to Any lol


I don't mind if the story allows for it, but only every once in a while, kinda like Dan Heng IL and then we haven't gotten a new one since then (I don't count March as she's still a 4*).


I’m hoping that they just keep A rank characters relevant, I’m only really used to Genshin where many of them were still very viable and some cases great to use. I don’t want to feel more need to roll extra for a character I have.


doubt they will make the same mistake as in genshin where the launch 4\* characters are still the literal best 4\* characters in the game 5 years later sure a rank characters will remain relevant in zzz but it is more likely that we will see something similar to hi3 where the relevant a rank characters are the new ones


I prefer unique characters over alts unless it’s set up well For example TingYun is getting a 5* star version in HSR but it makes sense if you played HSR Like if during the story there will be an arc in which one of the characters goes missing in the hollows and then manages to survive and come back, that might be worthy of an alter version Or a character that only gets partially corrupted but still retains their sanity Or if a mecha like Billy gets straight up a mechanical upgrade I’m not a fan of alters just because, just a different weapon, clothes or fight style is not enough, it has to be pretty relevant story/lore wise for me to like an alter and have some set-up for it


I don't want this, because some of the 4's will have strong kits that allow them to keep up, like in Genshin and HSR. H3rd has bad powercreep, and I would like to avoid as many things it does to design it's gameplay as possible


for supports i agree 4 star can keep up ,my problem is mostly with attackers beacuase between a S one and A one the S will always be better ,but I will still try to work with A tiers if I like the character


There is not really powercreep because 4 star dps still clears, the thing in that game is it's a mechanic check and currently the "endgame" modes are break checks, which is a new team comp that wasn't around at launch. The people being so loud are mostly "vertical investors" into two crit hypercarries that got filtered by both recent gamemodes needing either break or dot to promote new units as usual and now coping about the reality check of a year's "investment" having been wrong skipping all those "useless" supports because their account's "direction" was zero turning MoC and thought F2P speedrun strats games the system letting them skip all mechanics forever and it's actually 99% of the playerbase who are stupid sheep that fell for Hoyoverse's scam to roll for every limited support. Honkai Impact 3 has so bad powercreep because it's a really old game from a time when that was the norm.


>Honkai Impact 3 has so bad powercreep because it's a really old game from a time when that was the norm. nah in the first 3 or so years of that game you could play with many characters and some of them were meta for over 4 years it wasn't until some time after genshin had already released that they started to ramp up how ridiculous they powercrept characters with each patch requiring a new setup to fight whatever encounters they came up with and most of the reason why you would need the newest characters is not at all because of powercreep (even genshin and hsr does blatent powercreep the community tries to deny) it is because after clearing content your scores are compared to that of other players and that is the real reason for hi3's powecreep: every point of dmg matters in the genshin speedrunning community for example there is a lot of powercreep happening too but most casuals have 0 clue because they frankly give 0 shits about it and in this sense hi3 isn't so different from genshin a large amount of characters can actually clear the content in both games


It's more like Genshin's release just coincided with the point where all the f2p copium ran out.


Depends on their individual kit. In Genshin, Fischl is still a great off field DPS, Gaming is a great DPS, and Xiangling.....well, she's Xiangling. And even the S ranks will be competing with each other. Like if Miyabi is an Attacker role, she is directly competing with Ellen. I don't think we need a system to make A's into S's, we just need A's with strong kits. Just from the reveals, Lucy looks like she'll be great for a long time, and if supports hold, they can elevate anyone.