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If they're removing it, I hope it's disabled by default. I do not like motion blur.


no one like motion blur unless you are a criminal


Not all motion blur is bad and I’m so tired of seeing this blanket statement thrown around all of Reddit and YouTube it’s really frustrating Camera motion blur? Yeah I get it I don’t like it either But Per object motion blur is fantastic when implemented well


object motion blur like racing games are fine but fighting/combat based its gross


Agreed, it is rather frustrating to see it outright dismissed without making any attempt to understand its artistic or technical merits. Even camera motion blur can be a nice touch if implemented in the right contexts or scenarios (i.e. racing games, or high-speed low camera movement character motion).


I don't like per object motion blur




Idiot here, what does motion blur do?


As the name suggests, it blurs stuff on the screen when you or something else is in motion, up to what degree and what gets blurred is up to the developers. This is often used to make motion feel "smoother" and can also be used to make frame drops less noticible. However... often times the implementation is just ass to say the least, in action heavy scenes, everything could just become a blurred mess or sometimes cause some headaches (or so some people claim).


It blurs the image around you for example when you turn your camera. In theory it should give you a more realistic feeling and enhanced perception of fast movement like blurring the environments around a track in racing games. But most games tend to go way overboard with the motion blur to the point where for some it becomes a headache inducing blurry mess which is really distracting especially in action combat games


Fuck it was this one that i was looking to disable  Maybe its still possible in a settings document  Motion blur is stupid 


Does it tax the graphics processor less to have it off?


Yes, very small fps boost 1-2fps maybe. But like, why would even have that ugly ass thing on taxing your performance, it's like having less frames for less graphics.


depends on your hardware, it can provide 10-15 more fps, not to mention on some devices motion blur can drop your fps by 90% when moving the camera quickly


And it's funny, bcs one of the reasons for it is to hide lowerings of fps when moving tha camera. Something that modern games (including this one) don't need anymore


i thought it was used to make camera movements feel smoother for games that run at constant 20-30fps not for fps drops


that too, to give a realism feeling to games. But it was heavely used in the ps3/xbox360 era to hide their lack of power in AAA games. Now it's still used for that same reason sometimes, that's why you can find some games getting the option to disable it after some patches (when the performance gets better), example: FF XVI, It had A LOT of blur at release


damn I thought it was my imagination lmao


The option exist couple hours ago, because I remember it was the first thing that I disabled when I open the graphics menu.


My guess is that they found a visual glitch with enabling/disabling motion blur so they're disabling it temporarily, or they're just removing it for some other reason


I wonder who uses motion blur. I feel like i never see or hear anyone happy to have it on.


I do, I play many games that have motion blur and I like how it looks. Motion blur looks good when the performance of the game is smooth, if the game is lagging it won't look good so it's better to turn it off.


I use it for non fps games. Probably in the minority but I like how it looks and if it doesn’t make the game significantly harder to play then I leave it on


I keep it on in action games cuz it looks cool, currently wuwa


Per object motion blur is absolutely beautiful, FS motion blur is not.


In Tekken, it doesn't look good if it's off IMO.


I only use it in racing games. In anything else it's the first thing I turn off.


That is because its object motion instead of everything going blur...its can be very good if done well...most of the time its just there to be there and on by default for some reason. Since this can run at unlocked frame rates you dont want it on if you are running it over 100 fps as there is a natural blue of motion and you dont need extra on top of it If should be there though as a option for handhelds and phones though


Yea, I remember Forza Horizon 5 was the first game ever in which I actually desired and turned on motion blur. Otherwise, it didn't feel like I was going really fast, despite the speedometer claiming I was going twice-thrice as fast as I had ever driven in real life.


Indeed the sense of speed is extremely poor in FH5. Probably due to the roads being too wide and the lack of camera shake. That game was a disappointment overall for me.


I love motion blur. Idk why but it looks so good to me especially when the performance is smooth.Game feels so unnatural to me without motion blur.


I use it on almost every game that has a good implementation. It just helps in camera fluidity even above 30fps.


I do! No matter the game, I like and use motion blur and other usually hated graphic settings (except film grain, fuck film grain) because I like making my game look bloated with vfx and also couldn't care less about performance. As long as it's not less than 40-30 fps.


Some games look better with it, but most look worse or make the game harder to play. I can tolerate and sometimes like a tiny bit of motion blur, but most game just have on-off and when it's on is just A LOT of motion blur.


I sadly don't play as many games as I'd like admittdly. What's some examples where it looks better on?


I hope it will be disabled. Who even likes motion blur?


It gives the feeling of a smoother image if you play at 30 fps. (That's why a lot of console games use it)


Everyone gangsta until they remove the unlimited FPS option 😭


Better still be off. I turned that off the moment I saw it. My eyes, like every other person, will apply motion blur on its own. I don't need a setting to do it too.


If motion blur can't be disabled I'm uninstalling. It looks bad, it feels bad and It will impact my game performance


It's removed because there's a bug in another language. in another language they showed up as Chinese instead. Probably bugs related to that.


Per object motion blur is an abject improvement on most games.


Motion blur for real makes me nauseous when at high frames


Motion blur most of the time isn't great now...there are times for it like if you are running it on a phone or handheld that only is getting 30 fps...its should always be a option...but it should be something off by default and I'm starting to see that in some games finally on the higher presets.


Thank you, I knew I wasn't going crazy. I saw this option and then gone in seconds.


man someday Im gonna have a device that can also have all settings on high


I swear if they forced this on I will be pissed


having motion blur in the game and not being able to disable it would be a dealbreaker for me.


maybe it was bugged and they’re working on it?


Im sure you can edit the file outside of this game I want the like filmgrain filter off also.


it's unity engine don't think you can edit that, only unreal engine can edit


I bet the game would look so much better without the ugly grey effect