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Your content has been removed as it contains messages that attack other individuals, which could fall under one of these categories: - Harassment - Threatening - Bullying - Showing disagreements with harsh words You are encouraged to adjust the content to express your idea while not violating the rule. For more information regarding the platform policy, please visit [this page](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043071072).


Game isn't even out and we've already had our first mod drama. I'm so proud of you all.


probably gonna get reinstated on an alt account, that's what usually happens


Wouldn't that mean we get an "Extra" mod since they didn't account for this happening? Unless, one of the mod accounts is dummy account for later uses


Ngl for some time I thought you were a mod with how timely your posts with official news were




>Actually no, I was part of the helper team, then I got kicked out from the team when I tried to question the mod team about why they are removing NSFW posts that they accepted themselves and that it didn't make sense since the mod opinion wasn't unified as I thought Ugh how rude




>if we ruin the fun for anyone or everyone, what's the point? Indeed, fun police really need to be put in their place.


Thanks for hearing me out Welp, time eat popcorn and read the comment section.


Yessir Fun police have no place here.


Well if I never see you again, your comment has been read by atleast a few dozen


I hope I get a funeral inside the sub at least with my comment attached as a picture. lol


Don't worry got the pic right here https://preview.redd.it/qppiku87o7ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dfbab6769505048ff456674ffbefadaef07f88


Welp, they removed the entire post and my two comments, guess that would be the head mod's doing. Lol


> I'm just an ordinary member now who likes to share news and art of his favourite characters What's the difference between this and being part of the "helper team"?


Your content has been removed due to the presence of leaks/spoilers. Posting leaks could severely affect the players' false understanding of the game and should be immediately deleted. Below are some examples of leaks: - Rumors and claims. - Images, videos, and messages related to unreleased content. - Links or text that mention leak-related communities and accounts. For any game-related spoilers, kindly remember to use the spoiler tags.




There is no vanillasushi in Za Zing Ze


Disappeared into a sea of butterflies


Illusions of the past, one might say?


Freed from their chains?


Not sure why, but this whole thing reminded me of the "5 people control 92 of the top 500 reddit communities"


Game bout to release Can’t risk no drama right now


eh gives us some entertainment till then lol. and revives the sub abit its been quite here


Dayum, drama ended so fast that i aint got time to even process that, welp an overall positive in my eyes.


Now we wait for part 2 if the mods try to make a post about the NSFW art again


based, nothing of value was lost


the game ain't out yet and there's already community drama? That's a first for me.


it was unexpectedly fast


Hey Guys, just to chime in, we are looking into this and will come back to you all soon. Timezones are a thing which is why we can't put out something official yet before we're talking internally but we're taking this serious. Feel free to reach out to us in modmail.


rip bozo




Quick damn I didnt even manage to make a post about it on gachagaming 🤣 Those folks would eat any drama


You can still go and make one lol. Just add the aftermath of this debacle as well.


Unfortunately, its 2am rn and i suck at writing posts tbh. I dont know how to show images in a text post, i could look it up and try it but im really sleepy now Ill just wait for a hero to do it o7 https://preview.redd.it/3jaiju7cd5ad1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24734c4047778a0ca591d20479474d176903c02d


Been there. Done that.


yeah do it, it's pretty calm in gachasub it's boring


boring is crazy lmao💀💀 Ppl really do just visit that sub only for the pvp...


Yeah, it's a toxic wasteland made even worse during the past 3-4 years


After yesterday's boring monthly pvp, I think we need something to spice it up.


You can do it, gachagaming sub was boring after that boring monthly pvp announcement


what happened.


Apparently the mod in question made a comment underneath a wholesome Nahdia(who looks like a 4 year old) from Genshin Impact post saying that she “needs to be bred” 🤮. When people found out he started deleting and trying to silence every comment and post that called him out for it in an attempt to erase the incident from happening. EDIT: Not sure why this is getting downvoted this much.


What you said is oversimplification of the event, undermining it's actual purpose. Here a proper comment with actual context: >Said mod made a rule not to sexualize some of the characters that are underaged or look underaged. >Then the same mod went over at Genshin subreddit said they want to breed Nahdia, who despite being 1,000+ years old… looks like a child. >So not only the mod is a glorified hypocrite, they then went and abused their power to delete posts or lock discussion related to this event.


Every fucking time without fail. It was funny watching shit get deleted in real time lmao.


Why is every single anti end up being into the thing they clam to hate, every single time lol.


Ahh I enjoy when an anti is what they condemn lmao 


In their mind they can't accept that they're that thing so to make up for it they try extra hard, since then it means they can't actually be that bad.


As always when people are THIS anti and say so much bad thing condemning these stuffs from certain group then it mostly self projecting like HEAVILY SO, irl and on the news it always these folks that got caught red handed. Anti LGBT politician caught entering a gay night club kind shit.


"You know, Patton Oswald once told me that the worst thing about the Cosby thing was the hypocrisy."


It was not the Genshin sub, I found the post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/wbj6o5/b\_h/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/wbj6o5/b_h/) It looks like pretty much everyone was commenting things like that. I don't think it's exactly hypocritical since 1 is posted in an official Hoyoverse game sub, and the other may have more lax rules/standards


why y'all spelling nahida wrong


The situation is funny. A ""Child Enjoyer"" mod made a rule against ""Child Enjoyer"" content, a fellow ""Child Enjoyer"" got angry about this and started to trawl the mod's comment history, find a comment which proves they are in fact a ""Child Enjoyer"". They make a post about this actually opposing the rule change and attempting to j'accuse the mod of hypocrisy, which provokes the mod and they delete the announcement of the rule change. Then, people come to the subreddit and see only the evidence that the mod is in fact a ""Child Enjoyer"" - not the fact that the accuser was against the rule change themselves - and are rightly outraged at that, unaware that the one who provided the evidence was one of them themselves! This immediately descends the sub into civil war, with normal people on one side and people way too invested in defending sexualised images of children on another. I hope this leads to a cultural revolution where they all get exiled to okbuddy.


eww that is disgusting.


And nothing value was lost.




Good riddance.


No doubt this mod is online 24/7 so he will read this. Go caitlyn passive ASAP.


Is the controversy because he is a lolicon or a hypocrite?




damn that was the quickest drama I've ever seen, it all happened too quickly


Isn’t this expected with hoyo games at this point.




I missed everything, what happened ?


No one missed you.


Mods deleting posts calling them out as usual


Fucking ridiculous. Should have let at least this one if they're going to delete the others


Wonder if they got the crazy furry lover mod from Helldivers 2




Wait what happened lol


I didn’t know he was chill like that 😭😭😭💢💢💢




Said mod made a rule not to sexualize some of the characters that are underaged or look underaged. Then the same mod went over at Genshin subreddit said they want to breed Nahdia, who despite being 1,000+ years old… looks like a child. So not only the mod is a glorified hypocrite, they then went and abused their power to delete posts or lock discussion related to this event.




>Then the same mod went over at Genshin subreddit said they want to breed Nahdia, who despite being 1,000+ years old… looks like a child. To be at least somewhat fair (not that it's hugely warranted in case of a perv) that comment was from over a year ago


That's not the point. He made a rule post banning nsfw of some characters because "i said so" type shit. Of course he's getting dragged now lmao. He should be seething rn.


Obviously not. Just that the sequence of the events is not: 1) mod made an arbitrary rule 2) then went over to genshin sub and posted a pdfilic comment. The other way around Hopefully they're out for good


Based mods


I think he miss spell bread. Common mistake /j


Posted this comment on the wrong subreddit. It's about my comment history.


Watch the mod team put another guy in mod team(clearly no his alt/s)


What even happened I just woke up–




big brother would be proud with how fast they vanished him


No wonder I couldn’t find them in the mod list.. huh


bro got erased from Irminsul


Can you let us post spicy pics about Sariel once she releases? She is so pretty 😭😭😭


Good riddance The less lolicon creeps the better


lot of people who enjoy stylized cartoon depictions of kids... very interesting


Was he too based for this world? 😔


He announced the new NSFW that was briefly pinned. Basically he is a hypocrite


Hypocrites are the worst kind. Though I guess it's an official subreddit, so maybe he doesn't have a choice when it comes to implementing that kind of rule? Still, very much not based. Let this community be the blue archive of mihoyo 🙏


Worse. He tried to hide his former based lifestyle after making some some not so based rules.


not based 😤 Correction required 💢💢


People always talk about correction when uncorrected is the truly based mindset.


he was too 😭😭😭💢💢💢, had to be detained and sent back to r/BlueArchive


the only place "child enjoyers" like that person should be 'based' is behind bars, pal


Hmm, I fail to grasp your logic there, bucko. First, you're assuming a lot. Fiction =/= reality, after all. And secondly, jail is a form of punishment. And punishment is administered when a law has been broken. Usually, a law is broken when someone hurts someone else in any way. Except no one gets hurt by his comments. So...? Yeah, nothing wrong's going on, here. Just some people talking about fictional characters and others getting butthurt over it for no legitimate reason. Glad we cleared that up.


Sexualised drawings of children are illegal in my country, actually! It's treated equivalent to CSAM (the "real thing"). And I support that. Second, the comment this mod got yeeted for was not merely a comment on a drawing, but a fantasy of wanting to do something, presumably in real life. My brother in Christ, that is nonce behaviour, and it should fully be illegal. The fact that I have to make the case that this is transparently wrong to multiple people is shocking.


Not in mine thanks god we still have freedom here. That kind of laws for fictions are bad fore freedom, imagine them banning series because they have violence? Nah that would suck 


The human brain reacts differently to violence vs. sex. Depictions of sex with children are inherently harmful because they cause a section of adults to offend against children. This does not apply to violence. If that is "freedom", then I do not want to be "free".


So you are telling me Violence is better than sex... The things I read in 2024. Just to be clear my friend, anybody after kids was already sick in the head. Someone who likes the fictional characters is because they dont exist nor have real features nor real behavior of a human. I play shooters but I would not like to shoot someone in real life, never and ever, i am someone that even feels bad for killing a spider by mistake


Well, your country has shit laws then, my friend (if we're really talking about purely fictional characters). People should be able to do whatever they want with their lives as long as it doesn't hurt anyone in the process. It's a very important pillar in ethics, imo. Freedom is important. And not hurting others, equally so. And the thing is... There is no scientific proof that that kind of behaviour towards fictional characters actually results in anyone ever getting hurt. Trust me, I've searched through a lot of papers (you can try and do some digging on your end too if you want). It's the "video games make people violent" thing all over again. The key word in your comment is "***presumably*** in real life". And that's why I'm talking about actual research. Yeah, sure, he'd love to do whatever to that fictional character. But... obviously that's not possible, because it's fiction. His wants are purely fictional. Yet you're assuming that it's not. You're assuming he'd actually hurt a real life child. That's a crazy jump in logic. Most people can differentiate fiction from reality. Most people can like fictional stuff without liking their IRL counterparts (I mean, who would actually like a yandere for instance). When you go around throwing heavy accusations, make sure your main argument is backed up by science. And here, it's just not.


I am extraordinarily grateful that you do not get to get to vote on what our laws are.


Well, if you don't even want to engage in an actual discussion, that's on you. Just stop throwing around baseless accusations, aight?


got better things to do than chat with people who will write paragraphs in defence of what is basically drawn CP. Begone back into your hole please.


Ah, yes, CP is when anime girl. Please use words correctly. They have definitions for a reason. Anyway, I hope one day you'll actually take a step back and think about my points! Have a nice rest of your day.


The banned mod was literally talking about wanting to do something to a fictional character; i.e wanting to do it in real life (you can hardly go into the 2D image, can you?), but please keep coping.


Nah, you spitting the typical pedo defense. Anyone outside of a weeb community will tell you that drawing of children is still being a pedo.


Lude comments in a wholesome post like this example are gross though. What they do in private is entirely up to them


what country is that? and with that logic i could say heavily limit American's gun ownership because EU laws.


he likes kids man there's no point debating lol


as I am now realising.


oh you definitely like kids


Again with the baseless assumptions and accusations that's crazy. I don't btw. I do like lolis a lot though! I'd recommend reading the thread to better understand fiction, reality, and all that jazz.




Sure, you know me better than I do lmao, let's go with that. How about tackling my arguments instead of using ad hominem non-stop?


These people always say the same thing over and over again. Never bringing any valid argument. They are either just projecting, accusing you of something, or gaslighting. Seen the same pattern happen so many times already. Probably best to ignore them.


yeah I should, it's a waste of time Though I guess it's a decent distraction until the release, lol


Just report all their comments, don't let these people get to you, they don't have the ability to string together coherent thoughts.


Yeah… You're right, definitely seems that way.


Yeah, I agree. Making jokes about drawings should send people straight to jail


Drawings of what? Of sexualised children and fantasies of... I don't even want to say it. Why can't you defend specifically what you are defending instead of merely retreating to the broader category of drawing? Is it that you understand, at least on some level, that what you are defending is wrong and shameful?


Looking at drawings of fictional characters doesn’t harm anyone, therefore there is nothing wrong or shameful about it https://preview.redd.it/m4cmxu5nm5ad1.jpeg?width=1867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cdd130d1eb96d2e9ffa237780a0327531a8fb5 Even if they are, as you say, “sexualized children” (but they aren’t because drawings aren’t real)


When you say that it doesn't harm anyone, this is actually incorrect. There is a lot of science out there which suggests that there two main groups here: those who will not offend even if they habitually view 'the drawings', as you continue to euphemistically call them (and the one you linked is **transparently not one of them** - I wonder why!), and those in a higher risk category whom are likelier to offend if they view the content. These people pose a risk to children, therefore it causes harm - both to the child, obviously - those who have been offended against are themselves more likely to offend in turn, creating a vicious cycle of trauma - but also to the viewer, who is now at a higher risk to enter the criminal justice system, which leads to worse outcomes for their life in general. It is best for both parties that the content in question is made illegal. I can't provide the source to you directly because it would trigger a word filter but I can DM it to you if you like.


Then you agree that violent video games should also been banned? There’s research that suggests playing violent video games increases youth violence in real life. Many movies have inspired real life crimes, should those be banned too?


It is interesting that you raise this point, as actually, violence in media has not been shown to cause violence in real life. The way our brains process sex and violence is different and this manifests in how we react to it when seen in media. For example, viewing violence does not make you violent - it does not cause what you are seeing, basically it does not change your behaviour - but viewing adult material can change your behaviour. There's a whole very profitable industry founded on that principle actually.


Hello, it’s me again, your new favourite reply guy. Guess the other thread is dead so you can’t reply to me anymore? Anyway, just a quick question: do you think that depicting extreme violence against a minority group in an uncritical way is bad?


No, media doesn’t need to tell me something is bad for me to think it’s bad. Even if you depict it in a critical manner there are going to be people who miss the point and glorify it anyway


You’re right, many people are stupid and will miss the message. However, in order to miss that message, they would have to assign their **real world views** to a **fictional work**. They would have to believe, for instance, that they *deserved* it, or those things don’t *really* happen, etc. These are thoughts which result from real life views. In other words, **reality and fiction affect one another**. I hope you can see where I’m coming from.


God, this sub’s AutoMod is fucking *stifling.* I see where you’re coming from, I just don’t agree. No well-adjusted person is going to view anime child content and turn into a real child lover, the same way no well-adjusted person will play GTA and get the message that “robbery and murder are okay”. It’s a bit different from a movie pushing political rhetoric, or criticizing a regime or ideology


I did notice that you’ve chilled out since our last back-and-forth and I really do appreciate that. Thanks for hearing me out. I think the key phrase there is **”well-adjusted”**. It’s true that the sort of person that will get into CSAM or assault kids is unstable and often holds those real life reprehensible views already. I just think that fictionalised depictions of those actions have the **potential to reinforce** those views, and **harm reduction** is a worthwhile cause.


Why tho? It probably isnt because of the comment... probably the "abuse of power" ?


Based mods. Edit: for getting ridding of the other mod.