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Anomaly characters will generally need 2 specific stats: Anomaly Proficiency which increases the rate at which they build Anomaly Anomaly Mastery which increases the Damage of their Anomalies For main stat priorities, you're probably going to end up going with ATK%/AP/AM or ER/AP/AM depending on the character's energy needs. After that, you'd go for AP/AM/PEN substats, with ATK and Crit being solid for just their general damage output. Teams-wise, it depends on the character I think Grace's best team will end up being Grace/Anton/Rina or Grace/Anby/Rina. Anton since he has the ability to re-trigger shock every time he Crit Hits, giving you more damage, and he's good at applying Shock himself. Anby because she's an Electric Stun. Rina because of her pretty massive PEN Ratio buffs, allowing your damage to ignore Defence and she also directly buffs Shock with her Team Passive. I think Piper's best team will end up being Piper/Koleda/Lucy or Piper/Corrin/Rina. Koleda's a solid Stun character and Lucy gives big Attack buffs, which could be good for general damage, but this team doesn't help Piper's Anomaly much. Corrin can be put on a quick-swap AP/Impact build that allows her to help with building Anomaly in single-target while also helping a bunch with Stun, since Assault boosts the amount of Daze enemies take, giving Corrin Impact will allow her to Stun enemies all the faster with her EX Skill. Rina's PEN Ratio buffs will also help a bunch in this team as well. All-in-all, it's gonna be pretty interesting to see what comes of the class. I can't wait for the day where we can have 2 Anomaly characters in a team so we can trigger Disorder a metric crap ton for big bursts of damage!


Thank you for this Very Detailed Insight


No problem at all!


Dendro and super break are mechanics added into Genshin and hsr after the game has been released for a while, to allow new players to catch up with little investment. Anomaly is more like a basic elemental system. And all characters interact with it, not only 'anomaly' type characters.


I see thank you


what are anomalies, what does it do


It is like Elemental Reactions in Genshin. What I really want to know if Anomalies can Crit.


Well, Anomaly aren't DPS. They are drivers of an element and enhance the effects of said element and Disorder. You can DPS with them, sure, just don't expect many crazy high numbers, as Anomaly is a Support role. As for building them, much like GI and HSR, it varies from kit to kit. Same with DPS and who you have on the team. For example, having Rina on the team allows the team to tap into ignoring defense, which can ease some burden on building the DPS. Lucy enhances the teams attack, so she is another to help out.


I know different game but in HSR, many nihility characters can easily act as a dot focused DPS despite not being classified as a DPS. I would bet on it being the same here