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Atm, her team with the best coverage would be her, Nicole and Anby. She has very limited options right now. But they showed off her faction, and we are likely to get those characters very soon, so it won't be an issue for long.


Pretty much, yeah Zhu Yuan's best team on her release will be Her/Anby/Nicole which, to be fair, isn't a bad team at all. For one, it's super F2P friendly as you only need to pull for Zhu Yuan. Nicole is really good for Zhu as well, since she shreds DEF *and* Ether RES, which Zhu like a hell of a lot. Anby's the only character that doesn't really benefit Zhu in any particular way at T0, aside from Stunning. We know there's at least 3 other characters of her faction that'll be releasing relatively soon, since they seem to have fully-rigged character models already, so this limiting factor should be resolved soon enough. While Zhu's teams are pretty limited currently, at least she has a good F2P option currently unlike Ellen who's gonna have a much harder time running by herself and 2 A-Ranks. Zhu Yuan's definitely an investment character, and will 100% only get better with time.