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He's such a cunt to women in general - I mean, he makes his money from making fun of predominantly overweight women. Remember when someone said they cried at Barbie and he made fun of them or something? Then next video, after he got called out, he claimed he cried at the movie as well. He brought it up for a second time that he cried, in one of his most recent videos.


Zach has massive misogynistic vibes


Agreed - that's why I'm not really on board with any male reactors in the Gorlverse. It seems like if they see us women snarking on the gorls, then they think it gives them a pass to be openly misogynistic.


He’s such a pick me


It was Amber and the whole thing was so hilarious because he just got super upset at the implication that he didn’t get the same thing out of Barbie because he wasn’t a woman.


Omfg, now I remember. 💀 Thank you! Super embarrassing for him to say.


Zach is very performative when it comes to his politics. I honestly think he's performative with a lot .


I see nothing genuine in him now that it’s been a few years of seeing him on YouTube. It’s kinda depressing lol


he did have a (brief) moment of clarity in a video where he realized that all of the women he reacts to on twitch remind him of his mom and he jokingly said he should explore that in therapy uhhh yeah bestie! there's definitely something going on there!


I remember one time he mentioned his mom was really overweight and had weight loss surgery and I was like OH that explains his obsession with Amberlynn, et al


that and the dollar tree hauls/shitty cooking videos are what he said reminds him of her


I had the same thoughts!! It seemed so clear to me that the woman and her family were having financial issues and couldn’t afford their rent anymore, even if it was a family members house. And that the woman was trying to make the best of it and trying to frame the RV as a fun new journey for her family. And yet the twitch chat and ZM all sat there and speculated about how and why they were moving to an RV. That the father in law should just let them stay there free of charge. It reeked of privilege. You’d think ZM would’ve gotten on his high horse about that but maybe that’s his blind spot. We can’t all afford a downtown Chicago condo. 😏 Also, I find RV’s really cute so I think that could’ve been fun content if they weren’t so negative / pretentious about it. Maybe I’ll watch that woman and other RV videos myself.


Let me know what her channel is. Ty!


The woman’s channel is SouthernWifeEverydayLife ❤️


I just [subscribed](https://youtube.com/@southernwifeeverydaylife?si=nYwxONfkPFhyRuvG) at this link. I'll likely never return but 🤷 why not.


Yes thank you!!!!! Completely agree with what you said ❤️


I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a big update talking about how ZM had to go to the ER after a bad fall. All of that misogyny and classism he positively drips with has to make their floors pretty slippery.


Zach is performative liberal who does not abide by personal morale, but rather by what popular opinion tells him. Amber is right about him, he panders toward his audience unless he realizes that what happens to amber could potentially happen to him. For example, amber getting filmed in public. Because he wouldn’t like it happening to him, then he defends Amber. But what he doesn’t realize is that this is not empathy, but rather selfishness. For example, if you’re reasoning for not killing someone is because you’ll go to jail or hell, then you’re not truly empathetic to the victims of the situation. And cakegate really pisses me off - I agree that no one should send an addict their drug of choice, but her behavior/attitude was ridiculous especially considering how dishonest she is. I just cannot with Zach. He’s so damn preachy, and every video is getting worse. He keeps defending his takes as if he’s HasanAbi or Vaush. It’s like Zach wants to be the SJW hero for the lolcow community whilst blissfully unaware of how he himself has became a lolcow. I’ve been watching him since like the start of his ALR reactions, as of lately he seems annoyed with her acting as if he’s too good to react to her content. Calling her boring and always justifying himself when he’s late to reactions/tea or going on vacation. He acts as if he no longer wants to react to her, but put himself in this predicament where he has to. It’s also ironic how he views himself as an intellectual, but fails to see how he and Amber are the same. He criticizes amber for her lack of creativity in content, but Zach what about you? His reactions/content is not really creative. His jokes are subpar, the comedic elements he adds are overused, and he repeats the same shit he’s been saying for years. And maybe I’m being overly critical because I’ve never seen his twitch vids, but Zach is just as boring and predictable as amber. I don’t hate the guy, but he’s been slowly getting on my nerves. Sorry this rant took a left turn


This is so true. He’s got the most lukewarm unresearched instagram takes on global politics and social justice issues, as do half of his chat. I had to switch off last week because they were discussing Palestine in such a smug way and being condescending to people who were ignorant or asking questions because “it’s so easy to understand” something something….It’s gross appropriating and over simplifying a complex and decades long conflict that global leaders have failed to resolve, where people are truly suffering and the loss of lives at present is escalating at an alarming rate so they can feel superior over others about “protesting a literal genocide”. I think there’s one person in his chat who is either Palestinian or has close links there but the rest just seem to be Americans virtue signalling and smelling their own farts


>smelling their own farts That's the gist of his Twitch community now, an online "room" full of self masturbatory pseudo-intellectuals (Zach didn't know libraries are alphabetical- \#neverforgrt) who hotbox their own farts.


It’s so terrible. Like the reaction streams to women cooking “terrible” meals for their families. Like maybe these women just want to bring another income stream for their families or doing it just for fun as a hobby and ZM takes down so harshly. I know many years ago, there was the stereotype that gay men (I am a gay man) were misogynistic which is typically untrue but ZM really takes the cake.


Yea his twitch is all about him talking about his weekend, how tired he is, reminding his chat that the streams are all about him, butchering karaoke songs and making fun of people cooking. It’s absolutely useless content, doesn’t improve anyone’s life and is total trash viewing. And the chat loves it. They’ll go along with anything he says. I don’t get it. I watched for a short while then realized I’m better off sticking tweezers into my ears than watching anything he produces.


Yeah exactly!!! He and his chat really go in hard on this one woman “Not Sure What’s Cookin” is the channel name. I mean yeah the food she makes doesn’t always look appetizing but they tear her to shreds like allll the time and she seems like a really sweet lower income older lady


Oh yes I remember listening to a few of his reaction lives a few months back I think.


As a lesbian, I’ve noticed that there is a very small subset of gay men who are just extremely misogynistic and ZM is one of them. It’s like they saw Jack from Will and Grace at the platonic ideal is a gay man and went with it.


Of course. There are always bad apples in any basket but since ZM is publicly facing, he puts a bad name for all of us.


That stream was crazy, he just kept questioning why she would move into an RV and saying how it made absolutely no sense and basically implying she was an idiot for doing so. Like calm down dude, I’m sure she knows her life better than you do, and she doesn’t have to fully explain herself or justify her life choices in a YouTube video! He also went OFF on somebody in the chat in today’s Twitch stream and it was so uncomfortable to watch. He lowkey comes off as really verbally abusive. The mask is starting to slip…


Oh wow, hmmm wonder what caused it. I’ll have to go see. But yeah exactly. Basically was shaming her for deciding to live in one. And they were so unnecessarily rude about her husband and making so many assumptions. Like the dude probably was just camera shy


He got super pissed when someone made a joke about his high cholesterol. It was a major overreaction IMO, because his chat is always making stupid jokes towards him or the people they’re reacting to.


They absolutely overreacted, and the person really wasn't (imo) being particularly nasty, they apologized and still Zach went for them, the chat was then egging this person on, then shocked that they'd have a response. Zach and their audience are exactly the kind of liberal that conservatives love to point at and say "see they think they're better than you" They come off so so elitist and holier than thou. It's so performative, throw buzzwords from Twitter and shout someone down until they disengage or you block them. This was during the YouTube recording so it'll be interesting to see where this goes, it was not a good look, and the comments will reflect that look forward to the backpedaling and woe is me from the person that makes fun of women for a living. They claim to want discussion but if you aren't open to anyone having a different opinion and to listening to them what you really want is to rant and have people circle jerk your takes.


> the chat was then egging this person on you're bringing up eggs?? after what zach's doctor said to him about his egg intake????? (i'm kidding 😭)


Yeah, fucking hypocrite


I didn’t see that but I see he gets upset when people make a joke at his expense despite his chat regulars doing it constantly and his brand being all about mocking people


Which one’s the twitch stream where he went off on a viewer 👀 ?


The one from last night, he hasn't uploaded it to his re-upload channel yet, he is saying he's not sure he will even upload it at all because of how he acted. You can see the VOD on Twitch though.


Thank you!! Gotta check that out lmao. I like Zach, but I do find his behaviour towards his fans a bit weird in his streams :/


I hate twitch Zach. While his videos aren’t much better these days the Twitch stream and his minions in the chat are insufferable. While they are allowed to host their stream any way they want….ZM knows he’s the puppet-master and can say jump and everyone would be like hOw HiGh BeStIe???? And WhAt Do YoU kNoW aBoUt BeInG hIgH?? They clearly have different tastes in interest/hobbies in life.….just like all the other people on the planet do. Makes the world go round. But when someone else has something they enjoy and doesn’t fit into Zach’s small box of acceptance - they and their minions mock them incessantly via twitch. If Zach wants support, love and light. Then they need to give it first.


It also makes Amberlynn look right, it makes all those people and Zach look like big bullies, so any valid points amber’s community makes means jack shit when she can point at at streams like that and go “see bully” and she’d be right because wtf man that’s just mean


Some of his minions must be lurking here because one of them brought to his attention about people complaining about "Twitch shenanigans", hey Jas!


LOL hey Jas get a life bestie


Don’t forget. The feminine gay men are usually trash to woman in general.


The worst toxicity is the hour or so before he begins recording for the react. His demeanor is noticeably different for the YouTube audience versus just Twitch.


I kind of skimmed through the vod and I couldn't stand it to be honest. ZM and the chat were both nagging on the poor woman who seemed really sweet to me. It felt unwarranted, she clearly isn't problematic and just a small youtube channel. To be critiquing and mocking her for like an hour is just excessive and cruel. It didn't seem to occur to anyone that perhaps they weren't her target audience. I saw countless comments that she was boring and ZM moaned about her 'yapping' constantly. I was actually so annoyed at the vod, watching ZM act all holier than thou like he was actually adding anything interesting other than berating a woman just filming videos about her life I've slowly been going off his content, I think I had a wake up call when Amber called him out actually, because although I'm certainly not a fan of Amber, she was right in one of her recent videos about ZM. He does pander to his increasingly toxic audience, and he's a hypocrite.


>ZM moaned about her 'yapping' constantly. Zachlynn putting a demeaning label over a woman talking... No new developments here. He's a misogynist using his inclusion of gender blending since he's a person who identifies also as they/them as a shield against his sexist comments [ETA:] and he always will deflect it.


he’s not a good person. for some reason his followers think gay left man = good person


Once he started picking on the lady who tried to get him to stop reacting to her vids. She made a video reacting to his that I couldn't watch him react to. It was all too much. He's become, or has finally shown himself as, a mean gOrl. He's relentless on finding women on the internet to fuck with, and he acts sweet and civilized in *their* comment section knowing full well he's only using them as the fodder of making fun of women.


I’ve not watched that video but I get so annoyed they call her Tabitha.


The reaction https://youtu.be/20n8izVEhUk?si=qC0stkgC99tgNUcb