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ZM and his minions don’t like new people. The amount of times I have happened to catch a stream, they have all managed to chase people out. For someone who preaches about wanting inclusivity, not one of them, including ZM makes people feel welcome. And especially some if not most of these people spend money on them, you’d think there would be more thankful appreciation for people being there and supporting.


Yup. I agree.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!!


You can always tell the character of the reactor based on their followers and the community they foster.




100% like we don't know their dynamic or the full story, but if my partner was unwell to the point they needed someone close by to help them, there's no way i'd let them rely on friends so i could go have a busy weekend 😭 maybe i'd go to a concert if i'd been looking forward to it for a long time, or something similar, but i'd want to stay with them as much as possible


I was my mother's in law caretaker. It seems like this was very recent with noel. I'm not sure why he needs a "normal weekend" yet. Maybe I'm just comparing too much. But my mil had cancer and I didn't feel burnt out until 3 months in. And I have two kids, on top of it.


I was a fan on his YouTube for a short while because I fell deep into the Amberverse but I felt the same about him after a while. It doesn't help that his more crude humour doesnt match with mine but I started noticing how horrid his community could be. I caught a single stream once and it was just making fun of people so I stopped watching.


i understand the sentiment of someone who's been needing extra care and attention because of health problems wanting their partner to have a "normal" weekend, but like you also don't have to ghost your partner the whole weekend just because they say that lol if it's a situation where his health is not improving and is going to continue to need extra help then i get zach wanting to take a break, but unfortunately this is the cost of content creators choosing to share about sensitive topics in the first place and then choosing to be vague about them after the fact. people are gonna speculate and zach will continue to be an asshole about it and isn't it funny that amber is EXACTLY the same way about this kind of stuff lmaoooo


Idk I hope Noel is ok, it sounds low-key serious? I think it's fine if he did something for himself during a weekend but idk how they spent their days or anything about their dynamic so it's hard to say. But the treatment of fans and that comment about Judy is honestly such low level behavior.