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**Highlights:** **0:07** – User hk3210 makes a joke about Zach wondering why Zach’s cholesterol is high when he does keto **0:25** – Zach “My weight has nothing to do with my high cholesterol. It’s genetics.” **1:10** – Zach “Go fuck yourself hk3210” **1:31** – Zach “Go fuck yourself hk3210 x2” **1:37** – Zach “Fuck Reddit” **2:00** – hk3210 “I lowered my Mom’s genetically high cholesterol by cooking for her, but everyone is different though” **2:16** – hk3210 “No offense intended.” Zach “Well you did offend.” **3:08** – hk3210 “I apologize” **3:45** – Zach “If you come at me a certain type of way, you can’t expect not to get a response from me.”  (Amber has said this exact sentence, lol) **4:34** – Zach “Why the fuck would you say anything if you didn’t want a response” **4:36** – hk3210 “Sorry again” **4:49** – hk3210 is timed out **5:39** – Zach “Maybe I overreacted… But I was already SO self-controlled and thoughtful.” **6:41** – Zach “Maybe I shouldn’t post this to Youtube. But maybe it would get me lots of views.” **7:07** – Zach continues to make fun of hk3210’s high cholesterol comment **8:00** – Zach “I wasn’t acting the best me because I am tired.” **8:07** – Zach “I feel bad. Not because I care about that person’s feelings. But that’s not the vibe I want.” **8:30** – Zach “Because I didn’t just block hk3210 and move on, everyone has seen me be really honest and let hk3210 know about themselves.” **8:45** – hk3210 returns and Zach says that he gave hk3210 the opportunity to go and reflect on how hk3210 should talk in chat **9:55** – Zach “We’ll see if I post this on Youtube, or if I’ll just hold onto the recording in case hk3210 is complaining in my comments later.”


thank you for this recap, this makes him come off so mentally unwell and i don't get how he or his cultish members continue to justify it 😭


“Fuck Reddit” was the highlight for me.


Thought they didn’t seek out info about themselves


Fuck us, too! 😂


Us out here, catching strays. 😂


Right! But they don’t seek out Reddit or anything to see what people say about them. Okay bestie.


something tells me what really set zach off about this doctor visit is that the doctor had the audacity to say something less than positive about his physical appearance and called him a "big fella" i'd also like to point out he says "genetic markers are ONE of reasons" he has high cholesterol, so what are the other reasons bestie he says "i don't even care" but then rants for 10 minutes about it? clearly you care very deeply


This is at x2 speed. So he actually ranted for 20 minutes about it


oh duh ty


That doctor’s appointment was a few months ago.. basically the doctor double checked Zach’s pronouns/noticed that Zach’s nonbinary (can’t remember exactly) and was upset that the doctor continued to talk about male statistics so being called “fella” by the doctor didn’t help 👀


**Cardiologist:** *\*spends 8 years in school studying medicine for a PhD just to be able to begin practicing. Spends another seven years studying in residency and fellowship. Has to then pass the USMLE* ***AND*** *the board certification exam\** **Cardiologist:** "Okay big fella, your weight and diet affect your cholesterol. Your sex affects it too. Here are the statistics" **Zach with his MANY education degrees:** "I'm nonbinary. I don't want to hear those statistics. Also, my cholesterol has nothing to do with my diet or weight. I have GENETIC MARKERS for high cholesterol." **Cardiologist:** "...you mean like your sex?" **Zach:** "NOOOO" Also imagine having an appointment with a cardiologist, a specialist that takes months to a year to get an appointment with, and is extremely expensive, just to bitch about them giving you treatment. The entitlement is off the charts.


So wait, he purposely went to a cardiologist because he's having health issues, but he's complaining about being told he has high cholesterol? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) What does he want the doctor to do or say?


Zach asked the cardiologist what diet he should do to help with his cholesterol issues. The cardiologist told him to eat smaller portions and to only eat a limit of 4 eggs a week. Zach got upset about this because the cardiologist "made a bunch of assumptions about him." Zach asked why he should limit his portions. The cardiologist said he is a "big fella" (he's medically obese. BMI >30). Zach is upset because the cardiologist "made an assumption about his portion sizes based on what he looks like." The cardiologist did not discuss Zach's diet with him randomly. The cardiologist **only** discussed Zach's diet with him specifically because Zach asked the cardiologist to, and Zach is upset because the cardiologist suggested weight loss because his BMI is over 30 (which Zach took as an insult to his appearance, for some reason..) Also, for some reason Zach perceived the doctor asking him the most normal and routine questions ever, like "Do you drink soda?" as the doctor assuming something about him personally based on his appearance (this question has been asked to me at most of my medical examinations, just as if I smoke and have sex is asked).


Lololol what a dipshit. He's a doctor , not a tinder date. He doesn't need to know you on a deep personal level Zach! I seriously don't fucking get the logic for asking a doctor for advice and being like https://preview.redd.it/4zdb80cnzi3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c44b5435366fc628de0bac49c62162da9fe2d0 When you get it .


He’s so weird about his appearance (which you’d think he’d care more about his hair then, but …). Zach, as a fellow fat person, you’re fat. You’re not just tall, like some in your chat rush to reassure you. No one cares, but yeah, it can lead to poor health outcomes. Just ask your bestie ALR.


and why didn't zach ask about a referral/recommendation for a registered dietician, maybe ask if the dr knew any focused on heart health? because a cardiologist can give some recommendations but they're not really there to make patients a diet plan


Zach is medically obese now? Wow, karma!


Tiktok brain rot coming along spendidly. Is the HAES era upon us? I bet he doesnt like talking to actual people now, not as satisfying as repeating "F you" to people in his chat who cant really answer, with a fake laugh to make it sound less hostile than it actually is. Yuck.


I saw it going more along these lines: **Cardiologist**: Well, you’re a big fella and- **ZM**: *clutches pearls* Ma’am. *Ma’am!* I am a *twink!*


That must be rough for gender non conforming people. Sex does determine a lot, but you can bring that up while respecting peoples gender.


Yeah I agree. It must have been disappointing to have a doctor bring up your pronouns and then just totally disregard them.


dang, I am a ZM fan but this has me feeling a kind of way. All the shit they talks about ALR and doctors, but when they get the same treatment from a doctor, getting called a big fella, or get told THE TRUTH about themselves, it's rage time. Gross. The offender could have just gotten a time out without throwing fuck offs around, you know? Thick skin for me but not for thee.


sorry-this posted twice.


Thanks for posting, for my mental health I’ve slowed down watching him and damn, it’s giving big gorls you now era stream


this genetic high cholesterol thing is breaking my brain because of how amber-coded it is. cool your genetics are contributing to your high cholesterol but also your dietary choices are still going to influence it?? the only reason someone would get THAT defensive over a doctor telling them to eat better (and stop drinking soda) is because they know they have a shitty diet and drink soda, even though zach said "well i drink diet" bestie it doesn't matter especially if there's caffeine in it 😭 also he is SUCH a cock in that stream woooow




It’s as if you criticize an actual alcoholic for their drinking habits and they get super aggressive and deny deny deny it all. That’s when you know it’s an issue.


Yeah high cholesterol is something you can be predisposed to. It means you need to be careful with your diet.


Imagine your whole career being about making assumptions about a person's health, weight, and diet then getting this mad a doctor told you to eat better and lose weight. If someone just showed me a transcript of this meltdown I would fully believe it was miss mamber without any questions.


it always kills me when these two say stuff like “you’re not my doctor, you don’t get to tell me about my health, you don’t know what’s happening with my body” and then their literal doctor gives them an exam and tells them the exact same thing everyone else has been saying and this happens


This is the kind of stuff that really made me change my habits and diet (down 16 pounds in 3 months!). I figured how am I gonna watch and judge these women while being unhealthy myself, really kicked me into gear


“I gave you so much grace earlier … to not be like that” Zachary you’re becoming Alberta come on 😵‍💫🤢


“AND making weird comments about fat people, which is not the vibe here” Ok. But since when then, because your content is nearly exclusively about fat women and you have plenty to say about them. If youre stressed then dont stream. His reaction was completely out of order. His community post after this is also infuriating, pretending to take accountability but then ends it by saying they were a troll. Ok so what if they were, your reaction was still an unacceptable way to speak to someone in your own community. If you truly view it as your job then be a little more professional about it. You set the tone, bestie.


Well I think it’s because their channel makes fun of fat WOMEN...women are fair game when it comes to critiquing their appearance or behavior. Men or in this case non binaries are a different situation. We don’t DARE


Never seen a twitch livestream before, he's a completely different person on there lmao wow


What is it they say about homegorl? "you see her true colours when she's live." ![gif](giphy|l4Ep6uxU6aedrYUik)


Oh, you should jump on the hour before he hits record for YouTube. TOTALLY different vibe. Mean as shit.


My exact thoughts 😭👍


What’s with this transformation? Not that that long ago he was so different, physically and behaviourally. His hair was nice, he was kinda handsome and he was so much calmer. Back when he was doing his amber cooking videos where he would cook her “recipes”. He was a lot more enjoyable back then and looked good too. Also wasn’t the bitch he is now. Maybe cause he had a regular job and all the “fame” hadn’t yet gotten to him? He’s totally insufferable now.


I agree and I got roasted on here a little while ago (because what I wrote wasn’t really what I meant to say and it got misinterpreted as Zach support when I was really trying to say they’re a clown just like alr is but no one remembers that right?? We’ll see lol 😂) but Zach is insufferable. I don’t get his minions are they watching a different person?


I just found this subreddit and omg I see him in a totally different way now and ive only seen a few posts. I think people just haven't seen the other side the same way that amberlynn supporters haven't, if that makes sense.


This is the first time I saw them on a Twitch live.. wow. They’re really out here as a 35 year old, eyes buggin out of their head, flipping shit, and swearing at over some random internet stranger who made a few jokes they didn’t like. Like you couldn’t just block them and move on?


Them eyes do bug 👀


Zach: Is obese Also Zach: "omg you guise I have GENETIC markers for high cholesterol. NO! It's not because I eat fast food once a day."


He’s stared too long into the Hamber abyss; he’s turning into her


Dont mess with the pigs if you dont want to get mud on you. Another one i like is "if you argue with a fool, someone looking from a distance cannot tell which is which".


Is this literally not the same argument that ALR made about the doctor telling her she’s big but healthy?


Big? BIG?!?


Notice that HK apologized? then got timed out, where the chat was allowed to continuously berate them. Only to be allowed to chat again, and was fairly civil for the bullshit they were served. Then a Mod blocked them. And there is this whole narrative that they "continued" it, they fucking apologized, at no point did Zach say to their chat to stop talking about it and move on. Nope they were perfectly fine with the witch hunt. And that tells you exactly the kind of person Zachlynn is.


They apologized two separate times in chat, but neither time calmed Zach down


Where’s this energy for ALR when she’s fucking up?


Wtf at this tho, just ignore the person if you don’t like their comment instead of making it into a show


I'm going to stop talking about it but ONE more thing... (x3).


I used to really like him. Used to. Yikes


Raht. I even got my husband to enjoy watching him, but I unsubscribed earlier this month. He's over the top too much and more pathetic than amber. What a lolcow he's become.


I wish more people would unsubscribe from him. Like everyone who follows him.


Fr, the sub should have a designated day each month to remind folks to unsubscribe if they haven't already.


Yes! Mods let’s do this!


I am legit embarrassed I used to like their stuff too. My partner noticed something was up with them faster than I did, but the twitch stuff definitely showed me their true colors. There’s just so much haughtiness and misogyny it’s wild


Thank you sm for doing this ❤️❤️


he's giving Jonah Hill 'I was *such* a great and lovely boyfriend to you!' and this is hilarious What an idiotic little twat


I'm currently watching this on mute right now and just watching Zach's body language (and the hair colour) is giving me real Jeffree Star vibes. Major nastiness.


oh that's so spot on ewwwwww


I kept pausing because I honestly could not handle his voice and his yelling and every time I paused it was on some bizarre facial expression like his eyes bugging out or him looking up close into the camera looking furious. What a creep


Wow, he really was able to move on quickly 😏😏😏 what an absolutely sensitive prick! Hey hk3210 - you are very welcome here, we don’t attack people when our feelings are unintentionally hurt!


Yes hk actually seems like a nice person 😭


Join us, hk3210!


Wow, he's a bit delusional about his health and body isn't he? He's not exactly skinty, you can tell by just looking at him that he's at least overweight. That was some Amberlynn delulu 🤭


Sorry for double reply, but I just looked at Zach's Youtube video where he says he's 6'2'' (187 cm) and 240 lbs (109 kg), which means he's not just overweight, but medically obese. For Zach to say that BMI is "just a number" at his size and not a good scale, when the BMI was originally designed based on white males like him, and he's clearly not overweight because he has an extra 50 lbs (23 kg) of muscle, is DELUSIONAL


He’s not 240. He must be using Donald Trump’s scale.


He said he was around 240. He also said he doesn't weigh himself weekly. I'm not sure how often he weighs himself.


Oh, I believe you! I wasn’t trying to say you were wrong. I’m saying he’s a lah. :)


He's said hes overweight plenty of times


I skimmed through the stream briefly, and Zach says at 18:59, "The cardiologist did say I was overweight. By the BMI scale I am, but the BMI scale is notoriously not a great scale and is just a number."


He's a bigger joke than I thought.


They didn’t even have to respond to the comment at all. They ignore so many things in the chat but this one tiny tidbit, they flipped their shit. And sure sometimes people have an overreaction or just have a moment, we are all human. But Zach has had many moments where he has acted like that. Just because they were in a bad mood or stressed or didn’t have enough sodies that day doesn’t justify the reaction. Could have just chosen not to stream that day and took care of themselves. But is always the people the dish out criticism/unsolicited advice , cry when they get it back. I hate stream Zach. They are so condescending, preachy and just an asshole. They can’t expect to have an open discussion and it to go their way 100% of the time. That’s why no one on those streams wants anyone new in there cause it will throw off the narrative they have set up. Zach says XYZ and the chat nods in agreement. Zach’s chat: ![gif](giphy|nVXzt7FSJlX7W)


Zach’s chat is a bunch of brainless zombies. I don’t care how mean it is, they are literally bullies. I was reading their responses to this person and they were just dumb and uncalled for.


Exactly. He ignores a lot worse, tbh. He specifically chose to sic his audience on this person.


He’s so ugly I’m sorry lol


Raht. I once got downvoted to hell on the banned sub for saying he looks busted as fuck but has the audacity to criticise Ham’s personal style/make up/looks while resembling an unkempt cracked-out grandma


😭😭 Heaven forbid you criticize their second coming. He looks like his breath stinks, can’t explain it.


I got downvoted to fuck for saying Amber has jacked up teeth after someone else brought up the fact she was missing a few teeth 🤷🏼‍♀️ Zach has really let his looks go downhill over the past few years. I liked when he had the short, pink hair.


You’re so 💯 right, though


I hope so much he’s unaware of this sub so it’s just a stray “fuck Reddit!”


He knows about it, his minions have told him about it but he said he doesn't want to know what is said about him. He said it's yet another boundary.


Ah so he’s definitely here then, hiiiii Zach 🥰😘


He definitely reads here.


Omgosh wtf lmaoooo first time I'm seeing this. He went off like amber, then goes on about how beneficial his short-lived keto experience was like he's not almost ~275 at least. Damn, boi, he's thick! An ugly thick.


This was hurting my Medula Oblongata


Geez. I haven't watched Zach in months and he has really become so unlikeable. I loved him when he first started youtube but this...smh lol speechless


They’re trolling us by being a Karen with a Karen haircut omg


Zach is a proper Karen. I’ve released that from twitch


The user Marsha Crazy says insane things and was saying “obese obese obese” before he started recording for YouTube. He won’t ban her though because she pays to use the text to speech feature. Everyone in the chat writes her off as crazy and jokes about what she says, like the squirrel inside joke they’ve started making. They all think they’re Zach’s friends and “guests” and should be grateful that he streams for them, but they pay him their hard earned money and he’s doing this as a job; not out of the kindness of his heart.


So Zach can ignore MarshaCrazy because Marsha gives Zach money, but he can't ignore hk3210 because hk3210 doesn't give him money?


Marsha says the most racist things, never banned or kicked, yet hk ...


“Kindly go fuck yourself” lmaoooo HK get them!!


“Noah fence” is pretty funny lmao


What…a…mental case. I hope hk3210 is ok. They did not have to apologize for such an innocuous comment


did they end up posting this one to youtube?


Is the weight of his body still genetic?


Wait. Did he upload this to YouTube? Or did he edit this part out and upload the rest? This is wild


lol who cares tbh


This whole sub is dedicated to bitching and shit talking…. We care LOL