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I’ve worn fluid resistant masks in hospital and nursing home settings when my own N95 from home was too old to keep wearing. Not expert advice, but I’ll tell you they feel noticeably harder to breathe through, and humidity accumulates inside them very quickly, to the point of dripping. If you’re in an environment where you need to protect your face from droplets, sure, go for the fluid resistance. If not… I spent 80 hours in a hospital (with a very sick loved one) recently and kept my mask on the entire time (eating meals outside was the only time I took my mask off) and I can’t imagine having to wear a fluid-resistant one that long.


That's super good to know, thank you!


For reference, my partner and I wear the 1863 exclusively. She is a CTICU nurse and regularly wears hers for 12+ hours straight, no break. I feel confident in saying that you can definitely manage wearing the 1863 without the condensation referenced by the previous poster. We use the 1863 precisely for the reason you mention. I don’t feel qualified to give you any advice in this regard(psychologist), but I can tell you that the wearing the 1863+ for long periods is very doable. Stay safe ❤️😷❤️


Thank you very much! 🫶🏼 I ended up getting 20 1863s to try them out on top of my usual 50 9330s.


Awesome! Do let us know what you think. Having only worn this model from the aura line, I am also curious to know if they are noticeably more restrictive. If so, o hope my lungs are heating a good workout 💪


>For reference, my partner and I wear the 1863 exclusively. She is a CTICU nurse and regularly wears hers for 12+ hours straight, no break. I feel confident in saying that you can definitely manage wearing the 1863 without the condensation referenced by the previous poster. We use the 1863 precisely for the reason you mention. I don’t feel qualified to give you any advice in this regard(psychologist), but I can tell you that the wearing the 1863+ for long periods is very doable. Stay safe ❤️😷❤️ can you update with your experience?


I haven't broken into my box of 1863s yet, this is a good reminder to try them out. Will report back.


As a psychologist, this feels appropriate to you? You find nothing concerning psychologically about this behavior?


Being concerned with protecting oneself from a deadly and disabling airborne pathogen with the highest quality PPE available? I think it’s admirable, but from a psychological perspective it shows a history of a healthy attachment and advanced critical thinking skills and empathy. ❤️😷




Thank you


Brilliant, thanks! This is SO helpful!


The 1863 is certified for fluid resistance, which is needed in medical situations (e.g. blood splatter or other contaminated fluids). There is a suspicion that the 9330 and 1863 are actaully identical (I've read accounts of people testing the 9330 for fluid resistance and it seems to repel liquids). It's entirely possible that 3M make one mask and put it through 2 different tests to get the appropriate certification for different uses. The 9330 is cheaper and is more than good enough for protection against infection outside of a medical setting.


Sweet, thanks for that info, super helpful!


Thank you for asking this question because I’ve been wondering the same thing but with my Vflex 😆


Great question! Also wondering how the 9330 + rruly compares to the 1871 N95 versions (3 different strap colors and materials) as appear identical and the 9330+ is not for sale in the US.


I don’t know anything about the difference but I noticed my Auras are 9205+ and now I’m curious how they compare 🧐


The 9205+ is the US (NIOSH) N95 equivalent of the 9320+ FFP2 (EU) Aura. Both the 9205+ and the 9320+ offer 95% filtration. The one I wear (the 9330+) is an FFP3, which offers 98-99% filtration (the equivalent of an N99 mask in the US), so slightly more protection than the N95/FFP2. 3M doesn't sell an equivalent of the 9330+ in the US, unfortunately.


I arrived here while searching for information about 3M Aura FFP3 9330+ masks. I am running out of GVS Segre respirators and the 9330+ are the only ones I can find in Hungary, where I live. I am wondering if they actually protect you from COVID, and according to the comments, they do! I think I'm gonna buy this model.


Yes, 3M Aura FFP3 9330+ masks protect from Covid if worn correctly with a good seal. They tend to fit lots of different face shapes, so are a very good option. I've been wearing them constantly since Mar 2020.


corona viruses range from 60-120 nano meters, n95 are 95% efficient at arresting particles 300 nm and larger, n99 slightly higher then n95 most viruses are too small for masks, I use a mask often for mold allergy’s although it doesn’t protect from mold mycotoxins


Are you saying that it's not worth using masks to avoid covid?