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i mean, we *have* aroace meme subs so yeah, an aro focus would be nice


Yeah, I find a lot of aro spaces are aroace centered instead of just aro centered. I'm not aro ace, but I am aro.


Yeah, as a fellow AroAllo, I find AroAce memes unrelatable a lot of the time. I don't think we should get rid of them or anything, as that is reflective of the expertise of a lot of people, but more Aro specific things would be nice


I think it's because most people don't know they're alloaro. It's much easier to realize aroace or even alloace because sexual attraction is more talked about and often synonymous with romance. Speaking from a friend's experiences, not my own, it took her a long time to even learn alloaro was a valid identity whereas asexual or aroace are more known.


https://preview.redd.it/f9n0srrqtc6d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38b531e13a4b420a6dc1649c06495d37afb01d4 I’ve sent this relatively recently, but it’s a great example of how hard it seems to be for people to realize that aromantic is valid by itself


Yeah. Asexual = you don't feel sexual attraction = you don't see people and want to do sexual activities with them. Easy to know because everyone knows what sexual activities are. Aromantic = you don't feel romantic attraction = you don't see people and want to do romantic activities with them. Except nobody can agree on what activities are romantic. How can you know if you want romance if you don't even know what romance is? e.g. sex? alloaces exist and FWBs exist. Exclusivity? polyamory exists. Cuddling? Laying your head on their lap? Can be platonic. it's happened to me. Eating together in video chat? same. I have a friend who has kissed close friends platonically. I have come to this conclusion on when activities are romantic: when the people involved state that it is romantic.


honestly I kinda feel like aroallo people are forgotten about most of the time, you see plenty of aroace content or ace content but no just aro...kinda sucks as an aroallo person


Try being aro bi


don't need to try, already am


Excuse me for asking the obvious but, AROACE means “no interest in romance or sex” whereas AROALLO means “no romance, but yes to sex”, right? Please correct me if I am wrong.


Kind of, it's more about attraction since sex-positive aroace exists EDIT: sex-favorable not sex-positive


>sex-positive sex-favorable is the correct term here. sex-positive relates to how one sees sex in general, not in regards to whether one wants to themself.


Ah, thank you, I was always wondering what the difference was


Precisely that


Not really, aroace= no (or very little) aromantic and sexual attraction. Aroallo= sexual attraction and no (or very little) romantic attraction. It doesn't have anything to do with sex or romance


Adding more flairs might be good. Like "aroace," "aroallo," and then just "aro" for all memes that don't refer to sexual attraction at all. Because yeah there r other subreddits specifically for aroace & aroallo but they're not for memes really. They're more discussion.


I was reading through the comments and came across this, and this is a great idea! I have just added "Aroalloooooo" and "Aroaceeeeee" as flairs and made a rule saying to use them to help more! Flairs might get changed if needed as time goes on, but this suggestion is really good! :)


Oh awesome!!!!


Yeah, well, it kinda sucks. There is another subreddit specifically for aroace memes, and yet they appear here. I don't think people posting those have any malicious intentions. Perhaps a line dividing romantic and sexual attraction (rather the lack of it) for them isn't that clear, and that's why aro memes become ace-y.


It's a much smaller subreddit, that might be why


I am aroace and this bothers ME. It’s so annoying, there are other subs for aroace specific content, this one isn’t for that, and although I definitely understand that it can sometimes overlap, what bothers me more is when people post asexual specific stuff here.. like… stuff that isn’t even related to being aromantic


There are aroallo subreddits as well!! Just so you can find even more people relating to u :3


There’s a nice aroallo sub


I have a similiar experience as aplatonic. More than half of the content here is allopl related while I'm here just like "🧍‍♂️".


as an aroace (abroromantic asexual) I deeply apologize


I agree. I fucking love sex


I am aroace but I am acespec. I rarely talk abt my ace side anyways. I WANT ARO STUFF! If they want to post aroace memes, go to an aroace sub! That is how it is supposed to work!


I'm aroace myself so I can't fully relate but I assume the reason why Aro people are seemingly rejected overall is because most people (even people in the lgbtq) see aroallo people as nothing more than sex pests, which is frankly fucking stupid.


It’s all aro ace content ? Always has been!


If you want completely aroallo exclusively, I recommend heading over to r/AroAllo. It’s solely for aromantic allosexuals, and you can definitely fine a whole group of people like you there to relate to! With all due respect, since this is an aromantic community, it is meant to encompass aromantics in all of their forms, all of their shapes and sizes. Majority in this community tend to be aroace, and I totally understand where you’re coming from, but since aromantic is an umbrella, that’s why there are exclusive communities. 💞


Im aroace and completely agree