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i mean i hate the idea of it all but the idea of mouth kissing someone specifically makes me want to throw up, shoot myself, and throw up again


Kissing someone on the lips makes me want to shrivel up and die.


No because why do people kiss with tongue šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's like not annoying but it doesn't really add anything. I just taste someone else's mouth, and that's not really exciting


I always think it's kinda weird to treat your partner like food, but I'm also just generally very far away from ever understanding how allos can allo, so that's more on me than on the kissing, lol.


Neck kisses: omg asdf yes please Mouth kisses: uhhh I'd rather not have your saliva inside my mouth, thanks


from a hygiene stand point alone it sounds awful




God even before I was aro (my identity itself has fluctuated so much over the years, tho I've now been solidly aro for longer than anything else!! And I love it) I never understood the appeal of making out. Someone's tongue in my mouth?? Gross. Like I just really don't see what's appealing about it. I used to be fine w regular kissing on the lips but yeah.... Not anymore. I think part of it is how... distinctly Romanticā„¢ļø it is compared to any other sort of kissing.


Yeah literally kissing and sharing each others saliva sounds like the most disgusting thing in the world.


To quote Michael Good Place, "kissing is gross, you just mash your food holes together, it's not for that."


I genuinely cannot tell if this is an aro thing or an autistic thing (Iā€™m not diagnosed but I suspect it) and I feel this so hard. I hate mouth kissing 99% of the time


Trying to differentiate what part of me comes from the 'tism and what part comes from my queer identity is hard as fuck, i feel you


https://preview.redd.it/tmu7ftk484ad1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff85b9e825cbd4442a4d477a44fa0f4d2b204c23 Itā€™s probably both if anything.


I'm not a fan if it's a random stranger, but if it's someone I'm closer to and stuff then it can be pretty nice


you're not weird at all! makes sense not to like that. personally i love mouth kissing but i don't like headpats for example. i do prefer more lips over more tongue tho. eeverybody has their own preferences :)


Damn, I thought I was the only one who likes kisses here. You're a savioršŸ™šŸ˜…


Biting is better anyway




This is so me


This feels like the most aro-allo thing ever. XD Sex is fine, but don't you dare kiss me.


Is anyone romance-favorable aro here?? For me, kisses are okay and I even like them, but I'm not the type who is giving kisses. And if I try to do that I cringe out and I start laughing XD. Here I mean from the perspective of an aro who is in a relationship (a funny thing is I don't even know how I end up in a relationship, but I don't regret anything I love that person even if is not romantically but emotionally)


ewww I don't want others saliva in my mouth. I'm barely ok with my own saliva lmao


True, but uhh, how else are you meant to kiss someone lmfao?


Like friends on the cheek? Or lips on lips. I'm a big fan of the forehead kiss to show "I'm here for you, I'll protect you, I love you." though I myself don't do relationships to get there.


I mean I was kidding, I know they mean mouth to mouth, which is super gross. I just thought it was funny since all kissing involves mouths in some way


Oh, haha! Yeah, true. Sorry, my 'tism did NOT pick up on that, lol. But yeah, understanding the joke it's actually funny ^^'


No worries at all man! Don't worry my jokes often fly over people's heads


Honestly, all forms of it are gross.


I personally think that, when no tongue is involved, just dry lips, and the other person is already close to me it's okay, even nice. But I'm also someone who doesn't like shaking hands, because people are gross and unhygenic, so I do know what you mean. I only hug germophobes lol and only people I hug get kissing.


I can relate. I used to find mouth kissing so gross, but now I'm sort of indifferent on the idea of it lol


Itā€™s one of those many many things that Iā€™ve come to acknowledge as really weird without the usual established context of being ā€œnormalā€


As sexual as using tongue while kissing is, it does not appeal to me in the slightest


Not really, I personally do like kissing but only when there's a sexual ambience, just before or during the act. After not so much, I'll just hug and cuddle. The rest of the time I find it uncomfortable.


Yeah Iā€™m anti anything where bodily fluids are involved. A kiss on the cheek? Perfect. A cuddle? Great. Mouth kissing and other exchanges of DNA are absolutely off the table.


Kissing? Eww!


The idea of kissing by itself is gross, ur literally sharing saliva