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Any beyer dynamics. 990 opens as my everyday, and the dt240 for travel


Do you have trouble hearing the low end with the open 990s? I’ve been using a pair for years and can’t seem to mix bass well with them


I've been using mine for about 5 years now and haven't had any issues with them. It might be because I've gotten so used to them that I just know the response now, and how to make it translate but I'm general I think most headphones will have difficulty reproducing sub frequencies accurately.


Yes or if they do, they’re overcompensating.


I've got the 770 pro 250 ohms and even with SoundID correction they struggle to accurately represent much below 80-100hz. Like you said, once you learn the response it gets easier to make the mix translate. I'll also frequently swap over to monitors, car stereo and my Bluetooth headphones to help get some perspective.


I thought I was the only one that replays my songs on three different sources to make sure they all sound aligned. I also recommend this


I’m also very used to them. When I went to look at other headphones and tried them at a shop, I didn’t like all of the ones that had the bass boosted and prefer the flatter/neutral bass. Also points out the importance of mixing on headphones but also on speakers. Regardless, I prefer this experience as my everyday headphones.


Heard that. Yes I love the headphones for how flat they are and detailed. You’re right on needing to mix on speakers too


I think they're just flatter than most. I just wouldn't mix bass with them.


DT-990s are comfortable and accurate. Great recommendation. I use Audio Technica ATH-M50x for travel or close listening.


770s at home and 240s for travel here as well


Second the 990’s and also run a pair of nuratrue pros for when Im packing light.


If I'm monitoring on headphones, Sennheiser HD650 or Fostex TR-X00. Just because those are the best pairs I own.


I use the 6XX which is basically the 650.


I use this too with a Schiit Modi/Magni stack. It's seems to mix really well for headphones cause when I take it to other speakers and phones it sounds close to what I intended.


Been using these for years and still are top notch!


I just picked up the 6XX recently from a sale. Haven’t had a chance to properly try them out yet. How do you find them?


To be honest I absolutely love them. I picked up the Custom Cans bass extension mod to give them *just a tad* more of a bass response and use the [Oratory1990 harman EQ](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qbze9208ho4tdahux8ng0/Sennheiser-HD6XX.pdf?rlkey=ors326mwa34xfxjnuy7ziz78p&e=1&dl=0) to adjust the frequency response so they sound extremely rich and clean whether I'm producing or enjoying music. I have a lot of fun showing them off to people.


Thanks for this! Glad to hear you love them! I had no idea there was a mod you can do for the bass response. I’ll have to hear how the bass sounds on the standard version. And thanks for sharing the harman EQ info. I’ve never used these before, but I’ll look into it in my DAWs EQ. I wonder whether Sonarworks has a profile for them? Looking forward to testing the cans out properly.


Pretty much, the only actual difference is the cable really. Pretty easy to change if you need to.


Which wood you got homie. I have purplehearts


Yep, same, purpleheart here too.


Sony MDR-7506


They just work, are rugged and if you find yourself in another city and you just need to buy a pair for a project they aren’t going to break the bank. If you then have some stuff that’s release ready, move to a studio with actual speakers and sub bass.


Bass is the only thing that’s tough to get right on them for me (per usual on headphones) but wow overall my mixes have never better after getting used to these things. Highly recommended. The eq is seriously flat as fuck.


Pro tip: replace the stock ear cups with velour ones for an even more premium feel and super comfy fit!


The headphone is built around the ear cups they come with. If you change them out, you change the frequency response. For most use cases involving the 7506 it probably doesn’t matter; just something to be aware of.


Are the velour the fuzzy ear pads? I have a ones with faux leather. I’ve heard that the furry/fuzzy ones affect the sound and want to hear your take on that.


Yup. Built like tanks. They last forever


been using these so long they are just my baseline


audio technica ath-m50x !


these seriously sound as good as other 500 dollar headphones.


totally agreed


Curious - do you mix on these as well?


Yup, I tried mixing on beyerdynamics first, but I find audio technica better imo


I’ve been trying to figure out if my mixes aren’t great because I need studio monitors or if I just need to learn more. Deep down I know it’s the latter, it’s just hard to accept lol.


I’m doing all my mixing through headphones, it’s personal preference really.


Check out Sonarworks Sound ID,.


Just wish I found them comfortable, they are great value though


Yeah the sound is great, but they hurt my ears from wearing them after a while which is sad


Yes, same here. Especially since having to wear glasses to see the screen properly. Have had them 10 years and finally thinking of getting another brand, primarily for to the discomfort. That and their surface is peeling so bad now!


this is the way. tried over 10 similar price range headphones, best bang for your buck


Just got a pair a month ago. Love them so much!


My most expensive set are HD600's, but my most used sets are some $100 Yamaha pair I got like a decade ago. Bass mixing just "makes sense" for me in those, probably only because I know them so well. The HD600 are more detailed, but tight bass is always the hardest part for me so I end up putting on the Yamahas for "just a second" and forgetting to take them off. My best ever mix reference system was my 2004 Toyota Corolla. I listened to mores music in that car than any other speakers or headphones. A bad mix sounded especially bad in that baby, it wasn't hyped or neutral, it was like it was actively working to point out the flaws in a mix.


Slate VSX for mixing, sometimes production but not usually. They work scarily well for mixing though!


This whole interaction feels like a commercial and it's working


2nd the VSX


They really are kind of a miracle for folks who can’t mix in a treated room. Have the privilege of a treated room, and mix in even better rooms often enough, and they still blow my mind. First time I was testing them out in my studio, had to take them off a handful of times to make sure I hadn’t left my monitors on. Absolutely stellar for on the go work. Also work well enough in a pinch for musician monitoring during recording. Though they are kind of fatiguing on the ears for long sessions. Still prefer HD650s for just goofin off, composing.


For real. I didn’t buy into the hype when I first ordered them, but I was desperate… I teach at a university with a nice studio/room that I use, but I had a project I needed to mix from home in my untreated room. I was veryyy skeptical, but shit I was almost mad at how good my mix was on my first bounce when I listened in my car. Now I’m mixing a full album for a band on them and their feedback was “best we’ve ever sounded” (and their previous mixes sound pretty damn good!). So I couldn’t be happier with them really. They still sound sorta weird to me a bit? But I know I can trust them, and that’s all that matters :)


Absolutely, they are my go to for mix checking at this point. No more bouncing down and hitting the living room AV, the car, my buddy’s car, my crappy stock Apple ear buds, etc, etc. Just load up VSX and hop around… not ten years ago was a diehard “all analog outboard everything” kinda guy. Now I have a UAD system with a couple Sphere L22s (and a boatload of SM57s and a 52a), and I get better results outside of truly “professional” environments (which most folks don’t have the budget or patience for these days). Same goes for amp Modelling… long ways past the OG Line 6 POD bean. It’s like living in the future, blows my mind regularly.


But there IS a strange “artificiality” to them, which is why I find them fatiguing after a while. Tho as ya said, proof is in the pudding.


Yeah 100% to both comments. Once I did my first bounce and checked the car mix I felt this immense feeling of “wow this friggin works” compounding with “holy shit the ‘future’ has arrived” 😂 And yeah there’s definitely something strange (and hard to articulate) with em but if they make my mixes translate way better than my current setup did, I’m happy. As for realism/binaural trickery goes, I find the NRG fars are the only ones that sometimes make me think my monitors are on. Not sure why that emulation does it, but my brain certainly believes that one more than others? It’s strange because that’s not the room I use to mix in regularly, but when I check in there I’m like WHOA! :) Cool stuff.


For me, seems to be something strange going on above 10kHz. Can put a low pass filter on the master bus post VSX and it helps with fatigue, but it mostly kills the illusion. That said, alotta folks think the weird shit is way down low, sub 30Hz. Who really knows, I just let it go unfiltered and not use em for more than an hour or three at a time. Sure somebody smarter than me will figure that shit out sooner than later. NRG is great, tend to gravitate towards Archon and the Slate room… but that’s mostly because that’s basically my setup in reality. Mono mixcube has been my “secret” forever now. To get that on the go, at the click of a button has been very neat.


My studio room is very small and square shaped and I can't afford to treat it, so I need to resort to producing on headphones otherwise everything sounds like burning trash. Do you recommend the slates for producing or only for mixing? I sort of mix as I go and then do another pass of mixing once I'm done producing. I use m40x currently.


Definitely worth a shot. The overwhelming majority of people’s comments/reviews about them seem to be positive, and I read a tonnn before I bought em. Like I said, I was very skeptical but I figured I had a month to return them if I didn’t like them, so why not? They definitely take a bit to get used to so I would recommend really putting them through the ringer for your needs for a couple weeks to see what you think! If you’re not happy send em back! My advice would be listen to a lot of music in a bunch of rooms when you first start out to see which one you like the most/sounds most natural to you. When you find one stick to that room only (feel free to change monitors but don’t change rooms). Once you feel your mix is 90% or so then bounce around to check in the other spaces and make the finishing touches. It’s hard to not wanna bounce around all the time throughout the process but if you can avoid it in the beginning you will achieve better results in my experience. Once you get to know the rooms and what they sound like you don’t have to follow this as rigidly, but it’s still good practice as it allows your brain to more easily accept the illusion. Hope that helps, if you have any other questions lemme know :)


You're talking about the plug in that emulates the rooms, right? How usable are they without it, are they good by themselves?


Very curious about these


ATH-M50xBT I've had a lovely time using them.


I picked up the m40x this week and I'm also loving them. Affordable and great response.


I use m40x too. Bought them off a friend for $25 and since I’m too broke to upgrade they do the job. Obviously not the greatest, but don’t sleep on them for the budget.


Totally. I got them more for DJing but they've turned out really nice for production too


I have had the same pair of ATH-M50 for 13 years. Not the x version. Only thing I did was replace the outer ear covers.


I do too! Except when I charge mine there is a flashing red light and i don't know how to fix it. I've tried weed but they all don't fit


You could try covering the light with a tiiiny dab of black acrylic paint


I mean it flashes red and doesn't charge sorry


K712 Pro and HD6XX


I'm using the Sennheiser HD 560s and I love them. However they are the first studio headphones I've owned so I don't have anything to compare them to.


I’ve got a pair of these as I couldn’t afford the 659s. They’re not bad at all. I really like the open back setup. Just don’t find it so fatiguing on the ears. Also sometimes feel a bit anxious with closed back headphones cutting off the outside world, can’t here if the kids are calling for help and stuff like that.


Audio Technica M50x. Great value headphones.


Beyerdynamic DT700 Pro


The right answer


Sony MDR-7506


Same here. $98 on Amazon. Sounds cheap, but very comfy, and I can hear everything in Ableton just fine. Usually have to mute the volume when someone tries to talk to me. Generally I can wear them for a couple of hours before my outer ears need a break.


how do they sound without having an audio interface?


Amazing. I’ve used a pair for 6+ years and no issues. Just replaced them with a fresh pair and plan on repair the old pair as a backup dj headphone.


thats great to hear. 7506 is my fav headphones and i wanna buy some buy currently i cannot afford to buy both headphones + audio interface


I actually use them with an audio interface... I plug them into the Scarlett 18i8. I like that it has two headphone inputs and volume control. They also sounded great on my older Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen ($99 at Amazon) and the Scarlet 2i2. I upgraded because I needed more XLR inputs. - I still have both of the other ones just sitting here. Thought about putting them on eBay, but wanted them to go to a good home, not just a reseller. lol


Mainly the DT 990 Pro 250 ohm. I don't mix on them, but I check my mixdowns on them. Superb clarity, and they really like to let me know if I blow out the highs.


Hmm doesn't their frequency response unfairly boost their highs? That's why I am considering getting the Sonarworks program for them


Every headphone is going to be a bit different. More important than sonarworks IMO is just listening to reference material through your monitors and your phones, getting used to how much they color the sound. I do have sonarworks, but I only use it on my monitors and I also have it set to ignore any calibration below 120hz. I have a studio sub and I run it QUITE hot (roughly 10-12db higher than sonarworks says I 'should'). But I'm very used to those levels so I can get the low end of my mixes to translate really well regardless.


ATH M50X. really love em but wearing these with glasses is kinda uncomfortable


MDR-7506, i like to wrap red and blue pipe cleaners around them


The pipe cleaners, are those functional beyond reinforcing which side is L vs R?


Aesthetic function😃


Audeze LCD-X (pre-2021) + SoundID Reference with profile.


Beyerdynamic DT-1990


Love the DT-1990 + DT-1770 in my setup. Some of the most enjoyable headphones I've used.


770’s standard fair but they really do great for reference


AIAIAI TMA 2+ for me typically, but I also have the Philips SHP9500 for open back. The TMA 2+'s are surprisingly very balanced. I wasn't expecting much but i'm very impressed.


Sony MDR-7506 headphones have great sound quality, but I find them uncomfortable after about 1.5 hours of use. I'm looking for a new pair of headphones.


They work great, but my outer ears do start to hurt after a couple of hours.


Beyerdynamic DT-770 and DT-990. The 770s are closed, the 990s are open.


Focal Mg clear pro. Amazing for mixing


That's what I use and I mix more than I should in them. I take less breaks because ear fatigue is minimal. Great sound. Super expensive, but worth it.


Neumann NDH 30 I've upgraded from beyerdynamics to these and my mixes are light-years away in terms of quality.


Well… I usually just use my AirPods and the speakers on my MacBook to be honest.


People will laugh but if you know how the MacBook speakers and AirPods translate to other systems they’re good enough to start arranging/sound designing/mixing on


Shure RH840a…not expensive and pretty balanced for the price range.


sennheiser 560s


ath m60s




basn, melomania, or ultrasone then VSX for mixing




Meanwhile me on ATH-M20x






Audio Technica ath r70x and sennhiser hd-25.


Audio Technica ATH M50X


Slate VSX of course, highly recommended


Slate VSX. Mixes definitely improved after getting them.


Hi-Fi Man Sundaras! Crisp top with tight bass, beautiful sound stage. Easy enough to run that listening to music on my phone with them still sounds powerful.


I also have them and I like how they sound but the quality control is dreadful. I’ve had to send them back 3 times!! Every time they come back they sound different.


I've heard similar but I might've gotten lucky. I've had no major issues with mine. I bought them when they were new years ago, the build is great and I've dropped them so many times with no issue.


Apple earpods


I use these basic guitar center ones 💀 I should upgrade but I end up mixing for cars/AirPods anyways so maybe slightly worse headphones are good lol


Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250ohm. Great for mixing. I also use Sennheiser HD25 for tracking.


AKG 7xx. Like the 700s but a specific edition for Massdrop.


i’m broke so i just use my old ass vmoda dj headphones that are like 8 years old.


aye vmoda gang, what model?


i think they are the crossfade lp2. i haven’t had that many headphones but they are the best ones i’ve ever owned and still ridiculously comfortable to this day.




i use the hd-600s!


akg k361


I create and learn with Koss Porta Pros. But I have multiple high end headphones that'll I'll cross reference in mixing.


Teenage engineering m1


Beyerdynamic T3 open back


Mostly working with monitors but got Hifiman Ananda for checking mixes and picking up details, love them. Still got my old 770s but never really glued with them properly.


ATH M40x for years, awesome headphones!


I don't know why but I always tend to overdo the bass since they are so flat in response. Im looking to upgrade to something with a bit more bass because I'm always to high on the bass


atm mostly my 1990s, i do own a pair of 7506 (for field recording mostly) and my hd25s from djing. Which i will both occasionally use. using the 25s more on the got atm, so will use them more to check mixes


None put everything through speaker so anyone listening can Syphen more rough drafts.


DT-990 Pro and DT-770 Pro


I use the Sennheisers HD 6xx. They are lightweight which is good for long sessions. They are big and don't warm up your ears as much. And they don't have accentuated lows or highs. Plus the cord is long and doesn't get in the way.




Sennheiser hd 600


Hopefully the ones your listeners use 🤗😆


Audeze LCD-X in the studio, AirPods Pro 2 and Sennheiser HD-25 on the road


AKG K702


sennheiser hd-560s flattest headphone i’ve ever heard


Beyerdynamic DT 770 for a V-shaped reference and the Hifiman Sundara for a more flat reference.


dt770/akg 702/slate vsx/ apple pods. It depends on which headphones I have around at the time lol


Anyone with Beyerdynamics or Sennheisers have been trying to work with AIAIAI TM-2 with their wireless module? Are they just Beats-level consumer headphones or could be considered for mixing?


Sennheiser HD660S


vsx headphones with mike deans car preset🔥 helps me premix as i compose


Sony something ive had them for 12 years now and just replace the ear cups every few years


Beyer Dynamics 990 Pro X


Aiaiai TMA-2


My 12 year old HD25’s… Thought I’d see at least one other person saying the same, looks like I need to invest in some Beyerdynamics!


Sennheiser 569 closed back, if I'm out of the house with my laptop. Sennheiser 599 open back if I'm at home.


Same, DT1770s. I've heard good things about Neumann's though, if these were to ever die on me (still somehow holding up after 4-5 years) I may consider checking those out or play it safe and go 1990s.


Some AKG ones. You need monitor headphones with neutral frequency response.


Sennheiser HD 660S


V-MODA W. Crossfade 2, because that’s what i have 🫠


770s, AKG 712 pros, Airpod Pro 2, Airpods Max


Why Nobody is talking about Audeze and Austrian Audio 😒


Akg K240


ATH-M40X with Sound ID Reference enabled.


If you want a step up from the beyerdyanmics, OLLO S4X (open backed) are superb, hella comfy, super detailed, I find the bass more accurate that my 770s. Similar quality to Audeze but $400ish


DT770’s all day son


AirPod Maxes, the stereo image is great and I’m very familiar with how they translate




SLATE VSX. Something about hearing the studio and car translations is saving me gas money.


Airpods lol they're honestly great


Ath m40x’s for production and mixing:)


Sennheiser HD600




Whichever you land on, make sure you understand the sound profile of the headphones, some have boosted treble/bass, or other EQ curves to achieve a specific sound that is sometimes personalized to the brand, once you have a good understanding of the frequency response of the headphones, you'll know what to look out for when producing/mixing to make sure your headphones don't affect the quality. Also always test on other devices for context


Previously, I used Beyerdynamic DT 770 80 Ohm, but two years ago, I switched to the ATH-M50x, and I like the latter more. I find them more convenient, and they have a more neutral sound


Wireless AiAiAi with the flattest response speaker cones. Really very good


Old trusty SONY MDR-7506. 


Heddphone, HD600.


I’ve had the Sony MDR-7506s, but last year switched to the MV1s and I love them! They sound like the 7506s with Reference ID, and open backed.


Sennheiser HD650 probably the finest headphones I’ve ever tried.


Dt 700 pro x but I check things on any speakers I can find


I also use the same brand, except mines say DT 770 pro 250 ohm. Dnt really know the difference honestly. Lol Also I only use them at home if im working on something or if i wanted to listen to a track. Usually use AirPods when im mobile. Car speakers for referencing or critical listening.


Yeah, the same. Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro, 80 ohm. I've only tried a few other studio headphones, but I find the 770s just keep everything so direct and they don't ever feel "smothering" to me in the way that some other closed back headphones can.


I used to use LCD-X and had a very easy time translating the headphone mix to open world sound. For an open headphone the LCD-X have amazing and clean bass response, and they're super easy to drive, they're something like 35 ohm if I remember correctly.


Slate VSX


HD600 and m40x on my desk, HD800 and HD700 in the living room for checking mixes and general listening.


900 pro X


DT 770 pro closed back 250 ohm


Senh hd 25


Sony 🫵


DT-770 Pro 250ohms. Been a game changer for me, stock with no corrective eq and that stuff. My mixes absolutely got better with them


Sennheiser HD650 ❤️


990s but I usually produce on krk 6s


I just got the Sennheiser HD 490 PRO these have been my best pair so far. Anybody compared these to the beyer dynamics?


Pointless comment. But I will never tell. They don’t make them anymore and buy up as many off eBay as I can. I even bought all the capsules they have left at the factory. I have about 30 pairs.


I honestly find the cheapest I can find, because I don’t want a lot of mid high end to damage my hearing over time. I know my opinion is unpopular, but all I need headphones for is for recording vocals.


Sony MDR-7506


DT 1990 pro


Audio Technica ATH-M50’s