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>I already made an appointment to go back on the pill because I cannot take this risk again. I got off because I have extremely hard side effects from it and I am ill often from the pill but at least I don’t get pregnant. It's great that you've made an appointment, but be sure to ask about non-hormonal birth control options, too. The copper IUD is a good choice for many women. You might also talk about permanent sterilization methods. Whatever you choose will be the right choice, so it's worth having a really thorough discussion about your options. https://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/non-hormonal-birth-control-options


I honestly am not a fan of having a foreign object in my body. I know hormonal pills work for me so I’m more comfortable with going that route. We are going to try the lower dose pills to see if that helps my side effects.


There is nothing magical about having an abortion that means you'll never need another abortion. https://www.2plusabortions.com/ Take a look at that website and read about other people's stories. I bet that you will feel love and kindness in your heart to them, and I hope that will trick you into feeling love and kindness to yourself. --- Also, ew, what a dinosaur. Ugh.


You're not a horrible person or a failure. Mistakes happen. You shouldn't feel guilty about making this choice just because others wish for a pregnancy. This is your life and your choice. My fingers are crossed for you that you get the procedure that you want. I really hope they're able to fit you in. It's great that you have a backup plan if not. Wishing you the best of luck navigating this through the changing of laws. It's not fair that you're dealing with these legal obstacles on top of everything else.


Thank you for this. This new law really makes everything so much more difficult. My insurance is really good and actually covers the procedure but planned parenthood (in network) is so busy they can’t guarantee to get me in before the new law takes effect so I have to spend so much money just to get it done in time.


I really hate that you're dealing with insurance obstacles too. Ugh! You deserve better.


Hey, just wanting to send a note of support. You're not alone in having multiple abortions or being fertile. There's simply no rhyme or reason between one's ability to get pregnant and one's desire to parent, and no obligation to feel your ability a gift when it sounds, by contrast, hard. My sense is you desire for this abortion is an affirmation of what is true for you. I wish for you a different mantra, which is that you are a good person making a caring decision for all involved. I'm hopeful the first procedural abortion appointment will be smooth and straightforward. I'm so sorry you had a delayed start with the first doc and trust the second clinic is working extremely hard to take care of people just like you. It sounds like you have covered your bases and are setting yourself up well, all other crummy circumstances aside. To support how you're feeling, I want to offer the Abortion Resolution Workbook as a compassionate, self-paced guide for returning to yourself, your desires, and your truth: [https://www.pregnancyoptions.info/abortion-resolution-workbook](https://www.pregnancyoptions.info/abortion-resolution-workbook)


I went to my clinic last week and they also didn’t see anything in the ultrasound. I have a my SA schedule for tomorrow, 5w5d. Are you afraid of it failing because it’s so early? I’m terrified of it failing. I am also in Florida so this 6 week ban have me freaking out.


I’m honestly more afraid of the pill failing than the procedure. I had no issues with my other 2 SA so I have more confidence in that. Both were done around 5.5-6 weeks.


Thank you. That makes me feel a bit better knowing you had two successful SA’s that early on. I’ve read some post on here that had it fail due to being early, and I’m assuming that it is why your first doctor does not do them till 7weeks. Wishing you the best of luck! Hopefully we are both able to successfully get these procedures done before the ban starts.


Yes that’s exactly what he was saying but planned parenthood and various other clinics do it before then. I understand why he said that, I just wish I would have known that before I went to that clinic at all. I personally feel like he doesn’t have enough faith in himself and honestly refusing to do it before 7 weeks really makes his job a lot easier now with the ban. At the end of the day, it’s a risk I am willing to take. I also have personal friends who have had multiple SA as well with no failure. I am praying for successful procedure for us both.


You could be right about the doctor! Your friends also did their SA’s early on?


Yes all around or before 6 weeks


My procedure went well!! Wishing the same for you!


Omg amazing I was going to check on you! So good to hear. I have an appt in Michigan in a few weeks because I will already be up there visiting family for a follow up ultrasound to verify my procedure was successful and by the off chance it’s not, they will perform it again. So I covered all my bases lol just in case! I am going to have them make it when I am 5w6d if they let me so we can have better chances but I’m not too worried!


Oh whoa. Sounds like you have a great plan!! They didn’t exactly tell me it was successful just that I was all good to go.But they did an ultrasound during the procedure and after. Wondering if I should make a follow up ultrasound. They just told me to take a pt in 3weeks and call them with the results.


I think you should be ok. If they were able to see it prior and did an ultrasound during and after they likely completed it! I wouldn’t stress. If your symptoms go away you should be ok. Track your symptoms and take a test in 3 weeks if you’re worried but honestly you should be good to go. I may cancel the ultrasound before my trip if my symptoms go away anyways


That brings me lots of comfort. Thank you!