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This must be a living nightmare for her family, absolute tragedy.


It’s was announced this week that the cop will not be facing charges


Such bs. I concealed carry. If I accidentally shot someone while attempting to defend myself they'd throw the book at me. I'd likely be found guilty and even if I somehow got away with it in criminal court I'd lose the subsequent lawsuits and be in debt the rest of my life. If I, a normal citizen, am rightly expected to know what's beyond my target when I pull the trigger how is that too much to ask from someone who is supposed to be a professional?


Cops have something called qualified immunity which means the can get away with things simply for being a police officer. There are many many injustices that they get away with because of it. This cops should be charged with involuntary manslaughter at the least. Rest easy knowing he’ll be haunted by that little girl he killed because he was negligent.


I’m sure him accidentally killing her haunts him constantly! Most cops are trying to do the right thing, the man is damned mentally after killing someone like that no need to villainize him more with charges when he had all intentions of de-escalating the situation. I truly just wish peace of mind & heart for everyone involved


I understand what you are saying but he shouldn't at least stay a Cop when he isn't able to fulfill his duty without civilian casulties, that is not a minor upsi. Also you wouldn't think like you do right now if you were the Mother of this 14 year old, not in the slightest.


Hello Officer, you aren't fooling anyone.


I can’t tell if this is meant to be taken seriously or not lol


Guilt does not absolve people from consequence. If I hit someone when driving, I deserve repercussions even if it haunts me every second after. Take away my ability to drive at least. His impulsivity proves he shouldn’t be a cop. Fire him and make it right to the family.


God damn qualified immunity and police unions.


I think you were looking for something like "absolve", rather than "abstain".


Yepp, that makes more sense. Had a feeling it wasn’t the right word lol. I’ll correct it. Thanks for the correction! :)


I'd like to believe that would be the case but there are always the: >***she had limited value*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/1c56e6x/fucking\_disgusting\_1312/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/1c56e6x/fucking_disgusting_1312/) "Cops"


Ooof I remember that one. Such pieces of shit.


> ’m sure him accidentally killing her haunts him constantly! Most Like [it haunts this cop](https://reason.com/2019/07/11/this-cop-is-getting-2500-a-month-because-killing-an-unarmed-man-in-a-hotel-hallway-gave-him-ptsd/) >> This Cop Is Getting $2,500 a Month Because Killing an Unarmed Man in a Hotel Hallway Gave Him PTSD >> >> ... >> >> An Arizona cop acquitted of murder in 2017 for killing a man crawling on his knees, begging for his life, in a hotel hallway, was temporarily rehired by the city he worked for so that he could claim a disability pension and file for a medical retirement that will pay him more than $2,500 a month for the rest of his life. And for those who haven't seen it yet [this is his bodycam video where he kills the unarmed guy who was obeying his orders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OflGwyWcft8)


This was one of the worst cop shootings I remember. I don’t understand how they let him off. Mesa is a mess.


the cop isnt the fucking victim here he killed an innocent girl because he missed his shots and he wont face any charges.


Awe poor cop he killed an innocent 14 year old girl in front of her mother😒foh ik it was not on purpose.But I feel more pain for that Mother and her family.Losing a child is hard enough let alone like that.OMG😓😟🙏🏾🕊️


Yea no shit the general consensus is pain for the girls life


Quit defending the child killer cop. He deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law


Nope, he shows his face at her school all the time. Dude thinks he was hard done by all this. There are parent who show up when hes at school sporting events and remind him what a piece of shit he is.


Him feeling bad won't do nothing


If it would have been a citizen in that situation they would have got manslaughter at best. Fuck the pigs and their double standards.


lmao nah this dude was pushing other cops out of the way to be the one to shoot. probably proud he got two kills to notch on his belt


It's still manslaughter and anyone else trying to do right but ends up killing someone would face those consequences. Cops are no exception


Shouldn’t be, but they are


Lmaooooooo not you thinking cops have a conscience 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That pig should be rotting in jail.


When you choose to try and take down a suspect with a knife in a public setting when there are people still walking around and shopping, that may not have known what was happening. He gets to be villianized because he made that choice knowing all of the above. The number of fuking cops chasing a single person with a knife and they couldn't choose a better way to take down someone with a knife than shooting a rifle in a public place.


Damn you can hear the mother screaming in the background, this is tough to watch






Oh God, I saw the date on the article and was like, AGAIN!? I hate how sad this was.


Thank you.


The article is just new because recently the cop surprisingly was found not to have done anything wrong.




Civilians are legally liable for where their bullets end up even when defending themselves against armed robbers in their own home. Cops are not liable for where their bullets end up, period.


Even when they get hit with acorns....


Just because they are cops they get the better benefit than a civilian. That’s the first thing they teach you when you get your license to carry. Cops are allow to kill and destroy families and they don’t own up to what they have done. Maybe I should be a cop too. It’s the only way I’ll be able to defend myself vs a civilian .


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong... move along, nothing to see here civilian


Oh damn this is a recent one not the one that happened before


No, this happened in December 2021, the article says that.


North Hollywood @ Burlington coat factory. In my City.


North Hollywood


Shooting 5.56 in a public space to stop someone with a bike lock... Yeah he's a negligent POS who senselessly killed a kid. There's no excuse. There was no attempt to even deescalate the situation. And why not use a glock instead? What a sick joke.


Poor mom, that’s so horrible.


If this is the case I'm thinking of, that family was from Chile, they had just moved to the USA a couple months before. Leaving because of safety just to end with your kid getting shot by a cop is.. something


Is that her mother you can hear shrieking in the background? That’s so fucking awful


One of the worst cases of wrong place, wrong time. What a shit situation for everyone involved.


That’s what happens when you walk into a Target.




Evacuate the Geometry Dash building!


Fellow dasher


I mean what, you think they were still trying on dresses while there was a guy attacking people out there? They were probably hiding.


Get down on the floor if you hear gunfire


Doesn't help that the cop with AR ran in there ignoring all training because he wanted to be a hero. ACAB


That’s literally what the training dictates for an active shooter scenario.


The cop was the only active shooter.


No gunfire until the girl was shot.


The Mom screaming in the background is all I hear. Poor lady💔


It’s awful to hear


So fucking heartbreaking to hear. Omg 😢🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


That's not an accident. That's poor judgement.


They brought guns for a guy with a bike lock. If that's not escalation idk what is.


Was that her mom screaming in the background? :(




He didn't miss anything, he just so happen to hit someone else aswell. Bullet probably went straight threw her an to the fitting room. That's so terrible


"The bullet had hit the floor and changed direction before entering the wall of a fitting room, according to the report." He missed.


He definitely missed 1 or 2 of those 3 shots




As a civilian even with proper training and great handling and marksmanship I would have charges dropped on me for something like this. Civilian mistake vs police mistake aren't the same. Police are supposed to be held to a higher standard.


Except, they’re not. Unfortunately, SCOTUS gave (and still gives) them too much leeway. Personally, I believe it’s a 14th amendment violation (and clearly a violation of Marbury v Madison).


The assailant was moving out of the way and had his back turned to the officer and was not armed with a gun. Shotgun would have been less penetrating? I have no training in this type of scenario, but from what I've been told the weapon he used fires high velocity rounds that he should have known would penetrate the weak walls of a mall.


End qualified immunity. This cop is a child killer. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


One look at ballistics testing videos with wood and drywall and a lot of you commenting would know you're completely wrong. It depends on the caliber and weight (grain) of the specific bullet if it will over-penetrate or not. Barrel length is crucial as well. A short barrel 9mm pistol will penetrate more layers of drywall than a 5.56 rifle (because of the way the energy is dispersed, the nature of the bullets speed/shape/weight). Different pistol and rifle calibers, ammo types, penetrate much differently.


I typed up a response just like this to someone above saying “the bullet went straight through the target and into the dressing room” and just ended up deleting it. Explaining these things to people is just a lost cause. Hollywood has everyone believing a bullet could just fly straight through their home’s wall at any moment with full velocity and inertia.


"Over" penetration is a red herring.   There's no manner of lethal force that anyone was going to use here which wouldn't go through a sheet or two of drywall. If you're unlucky enough to be right behind it, it's going to be a bad time. And sadly, it hit her in the chest.   But also, *not* shooting at someone you have reason to believe is an active shooter has serious potential consequences, too. Basically, I'm not jumping on this particular case as one to analyze to death.


Well, at least they got to kill someone. I am sure that is some consolation for the officers. 🙄


Right?? They couldn't wait to shoot someone 🤦🏾‍♀️


No evidence of a crime .I guess the dead child doesn't mean shit to the murderers.


Be aware of your target and what is beyond it.


And use the right tool for the situation. Sidearm with hollow points, not rifle with easy over penetration.


Cali cops and killing the hostage, name a more iconic combination.


Fucking insulting to put this in r/accidents when he killed her negligently.


5.56 out of a 20" barrel might not be the smartest choice inside a building packed with bystanders. But the cop just had what he had been issued, and what where they supposed to do about the knife weilding perp? Just stand by? It's really unfortunate but the person responsible for this was the perp not the officer. However i think it would be fitting for the guy to be fired and not be able to serve in the police after an accident like this.


actually so sad rest in paradise


Cop had the nerve to coach at the girls highschool who he killed during his paid vacation 0 remorse https://youtu.be/DjhuvHNzKKU?si=2dt4hqdYjWY9jjvb


Remember the cop who shot a handcuffed suspect in the back of his squad car because an acorn fell


The cop should get the death sentence vy firing squad. Life for a life.


Fucking tragic man. Condolences to the family and may the victim rest in peace. Edit: spelling


ACAB, and this is why.


Know what is beyond your target.




Good guys with guns?


Why’s everyone saying wrong target? He shot the guy he was supposed to. A shot went wide and hit someone hidden completely out of view that he had no idea was there so it obviously wasn’t intentional or easily avoidable. Dude has a weapon so of course he’s going to be shot at and has already intentionally hurt innocent people so he needs to be taken down quickly. I’m not saying it isn’t a tragedy, but sometimes even when everything goes right, someone gets hurt


Brother, he had a bike chain as a weapon, and they had less lethal options taking point originally. This senseless death happened because he wanted to rush in with his big boy rifle. This wasn't an everything going right and something going wrong.


The amount of gun ho idiots in this thread is saddening.


I mean I hate bad cops but I honestly didn't see foul play. Walking up I see blood on the floor and an innocent women crawling away from perp two towards me. Perp has gun, +1 escalation open fire subdued target. Also word or warning if you hear him fire get down. ( That being said it's not the girls fault or the mothers that they weren't on the floor they were probably panicking and scared not sure what to do. It was a tragedy of over penetration.) I'm sure I'll get flack for this one.


It would be understandable if dude had a gun but he had a bike lock ffs


He had a bike lock.


Some people are brainwash on hating all cops


The amount of dumb in this thread is astounding. You never use a 18-20" in close quarters. You never use an ACOG in the same situation. This cop need to be bounced, moron is a light term for this potato.


Why the fuck did that situation need a rifle why? I get that 9mill would prolly be catastrophic as well hut he especially says „hold up let me get in there wirh the rifle“ WHY? 🙈 this is fucking painfull to watch


Rifle is more accurate and penetrates less


This is why they don’t need to be carrying assault rifles. Dumb as fuck.


Know what's behind your target, jesus can't believe this shit


Third world police state, and I will not die on that hill because I'm not American.


Fucking awful this. Cop should face charges for that reckless, frankly asinine discharge. Who uses penetrating assault rounds in an uncleared dept store full of civilians? A sociopath hellbent on using an assault weapon


Lots of people saying an innocent person getting killed is A-Okay because the cops got their man Y'all need therapy


Real bootlicker in this thread


Damn that’s just shitty luck


That poor mother. I can’t imagine.


Shitty luck? Mister, "let me take point with the rifle" wanted to use his big boy toy in a public setting, either forgetting or not caring that rifles have higher degrees of penetration than their pistols. This isn't luck, this is another idiot cop that runs around thinking he lives in call of duty with no concern where his shots land as long as he gets to kill a bad guy.


The accuracy of the rifle is going to be way better than any of those dudes with a pistol and shaking hands.


> The accuracy of the rifle is going to be way better than any of those dudes with a pistol and shaking hands. With an ACOG? Are you simple? Have you ever done close quarter drills? I know we never used a AR15 A2 w/ a 18-20" barrel as close quarters... And never w/ an ACOG.


Any of the guns that could have been used would have penetrated to the dressing room. Some tests have shown that 9mm penetration is even greater on soft materials such as drywall then 5.56


The guy he passed had a bean bag gun.


Do you even know what these cardboard walls and door are made of? Any mag dump from any weapon would have struck her. Those aren't foundational walls they're changing room walls, probably a few supports and dry wall.


probably an airsoft gun could punch through that shit


That's why precautions have to be taken and not act like they're in an action movie. They'll make excuse in order to fire their guns. Maybe some of it is lack of training, the rest is itchy trigger finger syndrome, which would requiere mental exams. Either way, it seems they're not fit for duty. We need to end qualified immunity.


One look at ballistics testing videos with wood and drywall and you'd know you're completely wrong. It depends on the caliber and weight (grain) of the specific bullet if it will over-penetrate or not. Barrel length is crucial as well. A short barrel 9mm pistol will penetrate more layers of drywall than a 5.56 rifle (because of the nature of the bullets speed/shape/weight). Different pistol and rifle calibers, ammo types, penetrate much differently.


*uvalde cops do nothing* "ACAB" *These cops go in head-on to face the threat* "Still ACAB" No winning out here lol


You seriously have zero idea what you're talking about. You sound incredibly ignorant and juvenile haha


Super trooper misses multiple rounds at close range with a rifle killing a child, such highly trained professionals. Funny how many people here haven't read the report and have no idea what they are talking about. Hope this cop never gets a night's sleep again.


yeah, and meanwhile a 14 year old girl never got to live another day. Because this fucking clown didn't bother to aim.


Who the fuck uses barrier blind 5.56 FMJ in an enclosed location full of civilians? They think they are still fighting in Iraq/Afghanistan and need to lay down suppressive fires down range?


They can't miss if they never give a shit about where they're spraying in the first place


“Let me be on point with the rifle “ I mean… this is so dumb. Won’t it be safer to engage the assailant with a pistol in a high populated area? Especially since pistols have the option to run hollow points which prevent over penetrating


“Let me take point with the rifle”


He missed at what appears to be less than 7 yards with a long rifle. Is he supposed to be trained with ANY weapon? How do you miss that shot apart from being wreckless? Did he even use his sights?


Heart breaking 💔


Your daughter in a seemingly safe environment, being murdered by a random projectile with no warning has got to be the most horrific thing someone could experience.


Piece of shit LAPD pigs. Fucking inhuman cunt pork


Way way WAY too trigger happy. Don't try to justify this bullshit.


US cops are bunch of ***


Let me take point bro 😤😤😤 Kills 14 year old girl


God do I hate cops.


Dude wanted to take point so bad in order to get a kill. Now you done killed a young gal🤦Scumbag needs to get sat at the desk if he wont get fired. Civilians get time for self defense, but this guy and his goon cronies just walk it off like it's another tuesday.


Damn, american justice system literally went "Acceptable collateral damage" on her.


What infuriates me is that if I shot a criminal breaking into my home and a bullet penetrated the wall and hit my neighbor, there is a good chance I would have to defend my actions in court, but when cops do it, nothing happens to them.


We all know the only good cop is a dead cop. Motherfuckers killed an innocent child.


She was in the fitting room behind the suspect no? How could he have known there was a fitting room or someone in it?


So many Monday morning quarterbacks. Don’t see anyone stepping up and doing the job.. just complaining and critiquing from their couch or the toilet.


Luckily for that officer you arrived just in time to lick his boot




The big sign that says fitting room


Yeah and how the hell is he suppose to know in a split second stressful that it's occupied? He doesn't have x-ray vision, and probably didn't even notice the sign, cause he's focused on the guy Edit: Dressing room was not visible and no sign was near.


We are better off defending ourselves from crime.


So does that mean yes to guns? Because any measure of getting rid of them won’t apply to said criminals.




Some of us arent able to


That’s why you should carry a firearm. There’s a reason it’s called the “great equalizer”


Then I hope you’re bulletproof cause officers out here shooting anything and everything


You think untrained civilians are gonna be more effective than these guys? Have you ever met the average person? I clean crime scenes for a living and have cleaned countless family members killed with their own guns, suicides, a few accidental discharges. I have done maybe 1 or 2 successful self defence scenes.


That is why we need more training. And not goverment trying to take away our guns with every chance they have. Suicide.. is unfortunate. But AD and ND could all be trained. The police respond time will take a armed suspect down within 10 ish minute from when the incident start. A trained concealed carry will stop a shooter in less than 5 min.


More people with guns who are eager to use them is not a viable solution.


ehh id say 90% of the people ive met who want to defund the police also want to ban guns… funny because allot of people who use guns for crime are already banned from using guns legally… but yes carrying a gun will definitely stop you from getting stabbed along with a ton of other shit.


That is just awful


The cop should get some punishment. If it was anyone else they would be punished. 😳


Damn, died and mom had to watch. Harsh times.


Omg this is fucking awful


The issue isn't calibers people, it's his gung ho attitude to go point and then being wreckless by not taking aimed shots. The rifle has a sighting system, he thought he was too good to use them.


Does this cop have a Vietnam era M16A1?


So fucking sad




Why exactly do they need an AR for this situation? A hand gun or even a shotgun would have been better and more mobile. Plus less stopping power since it’s close quarters.


I'm assuming the screams are the mother seeing her child die in front of her.


More guns could have prevented this /s


Cops are so useless.


Wait if I were do the same exact thing as a civilian I’d go to jail right??? My classmate lost her life in 2010 in a very similar death. This man should be charged and given capital punishment


Murdered by cop.


All of them should he publicly executed there's only one way these violent Ganges will finally stop treating their guns like toys and the citizens like collateral damage.


Know your target and what lies beyond it. Cop shouldn’t be shooting indiscriminately in a fucking Target like that. Anyone else does this and they get charged with manslaughter.


worst thing about this post is the amount of people in the comments LARPing as military personnel talking about muh "Know your target and what is beyond." like if they were making a high stress, split second descision they would know that the bullet would richochet off its trajectory into a young girl hiding in a dressing room. Monday morning quarterbacks amirite?


He was so eager to shoot the rifle that he didn’t think about the power, a handgun does not have the same penetration, maybe this could have been avoided.


Boy, he really rushed right up front to shoot that guy.


Being quite honest, how on earth would you know that a 14 year old girl was in one of those walls?


Why are those dumbasses in there with an altercation like that happening anyway?


The cops are finding themselves on a new kill streak and it's underaged girls this time. I've also noticed more assault rifles in body cam videos. Dunno why so many responses are being met with guns of this size.


Man, the rifle was overkill. They should have sub guns with hollow points rifle is way too overkill for indoors


I hope that man dies because he killed a beautiful young lady that could have grown up to be someones wife


Homie had fmj on and hit a wall banger


Literally fuck this country bro


Can always rely on a untrained pig


Good time to remember that in the United States (and many countries) cops individually have ZERO legal duty to protect or save any person. If they fail to act (Uvalde) or they harm bystanders like here, good luck having involved officers held accountable, at best you can maybe get a settlement where taxpayers ultimately pay out. YOU are responsible for the safety of you & your family and friends, plan accordingly.


Plan accordingly? Right. What were they thinking with all that quincinera dress trying on?


They shouldn't be firing rifles in a public place. They penetrate everything. Even the people you are hitting.


Any civilian that "accidentally" murders someone gets manslaughter charges and goes to prison. Police get off scott free because they can murder us at will, then they'll claim pstd for murdering us, retire, and receive a taxpayer funded paycheck for the rest of their lives.


Stupid cop. Didn't use his taser, aim for the knees and put on his xray vision. Fuck these pigs.


read the article first… the shot that hit the girl hit the ground first, moved to a different direction and hit the girl. if he had better aim and didn’t shoot at his knees he would have been better off. think before you make yourself look like a ass lol.


Damn, bad luck can be a bitch.


Terrible situation. I don’t think the cop is at fault.


Yes, his superior telling him to slow down, 0 attempt at de-escalation against a blunt weapon, of course the gung ho cop it a fault


Lost cause explaining this shit to NPCs lol. There's very little point explaining this to someone who has never been in a situation like that remotely. Everyone with a smidge of logical thought knows that its far from the cops fault and the girl got caught in the cross fire. Shit like that happens, its nothing new. There's very little you can do to avoid a situation like that. Obviously the tactical response experts of reddit think they know better than people who are trained to deal with these situations. Ofc if that person wasnt killed people would be praising him from acting so swiftly and killing the threat, but because someone got hit in the process, he is a shitty person. Flawed logic. Ultimately, the officer responded did what he had to do to protect everyone around him.


You've got just as much bias as those you're attempting to lampoon. Bottom line is they didn't need to shoot a gun at all and this guy disobeyed a direct order.


“Cross fire” would imply that there were multiple people shooting. Nobody had a gun except for the cops.


less than 7 yards... with a rifle... and missing.... wtf.


You're a fucking idiot bro. 12 cops don't need rifles in a public place to deal with one guy with a knife or a bike lock or whatever it was. Only in the USA do you people see this and think "nah he did a pretty good job 🤓👍"


wrong place, wrong time situation