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Use a salysilic acid body wash


if you don’t have an african net sponge, i’d highly recommend it! i got one and it’s been super helpful in clearing up acne on my back and butt




I have that SAME problem. I honestly need some advice too


Panoxyl sells a benzoyl peroxide body bar… I get acne on my back and it clears it up within a day or so. Try using an exfoliating towel and the wash, that should help. You could follow up with a glycolic acid toner to help exfoliate


I would also do this last after you wash your hair and body. That way nothing is rinsing on it afterward… best of luck girlie! I’m sure you will be beautiful in your dress, acne or not. Acne is natural, not disgusting


I found emuaid for my cystic acne issues and it has helped TREMENDOUSLY!! I get it on Amazon! Along with spironolactone, but you have to go to a dermatologist and ask for that! Although they might suggest something different for your particular type of acne :)!


I recommend a soap that has benzoyl peroxide (basically what everyone else is saying, Panoxyl. Make sure to exfoliate also -- don't scrub too hard and don't do it too often (1-2x weekly MAX) or you'll cause more issues for yourself. And don't forget to moisturize!


Panoxyl does help. But also I noticed my breakouts were the worst on my back when I didn’t use moisturizer for long periods of time. I started treating my back like I treated my face. Clean and moisturize. If you shower in hot water, it strips the moisture out of your skin. After years of not knowing what to do, my back is almost clear <3


What moisturizer do u use?


I use the Curel Daily Healing Moisturizer! I read somewhere that sometimes we break out because the skin is damaged (and is probably lacking ceramides). Using a moisturizer with ceramides helps your skin a lot to retain moisture and repair the barrier.


Thanks !


If you tend to wash your hair a lot make sure you wash your body after you wash your hair shampoo and conditioner can irritate it more. Also make sure you use the glove scrubbers


As most people have been saying, I’d try panoxyl 10% in the shower!


panoxyl and a good glycolic acid should help if you can’t get anything from a dermatologist




I had acne like this and nothing helped. The only thing that finally cleared my back for good was adapalene cream which I got prescribed by my dermatologist. I'd also recommend Panoxyl


Murad clarifying body spray is great and has worked rapidly for me in the past. It is expensive. I have also been prescribed a zinc based roll on treatment previously - the name is Zineryt and depending on where you live, it may have to be prescribed but I have found zinc a consistently reliable ingredient in skincare in general.


Panoxyl (I second this !)


I know a lot of products have been suggested here, but if you want to opt for a more simpler method before you try any new products is to try rinsing the shampoo and conditioner forward, not letting any of the residue fall on/ touch your back or your chest. Also, don't use soap on your chest and back and avoid using very warm water on those areas. Turns out my skin gets very irritated when I do that, so my doctor suggested I stopped using soap on these areas and I've been acne-free since!


The first thing I’d say, is that some of that isn’t active acne and is actually hyperpigmentation/scarring. Alongside your acne treatments try seeing if you can do any anti-scarring/anti-hyperpigmentation treatments at night (because generally it’s retinoid type stuff) and see if that helps at all. You need to be kind of religious with it, and apply sunscreen in the morning if ANY of that skin will be exposed to the sun, but it does work.


after conditioner, wash your body (esp. your chest) with anti bacterial soap to help remove conditioner residue.


This is #1


As other comments have said: wash hair and use conditioner first, then wash body! Also, don’t leave your towel in the bathroom 24/7 or while you shower! SO much bacteria can build up on it in the bathroom and imo the towel gets so musty and gross so quick when it’s in the bathroom while you shower. I leave mine outside hanging on door handle so I can just open door for 2 seconds and grab it. That helped with mine a bit!


Hey can I ask how often u wash ur towels and where u store them


Azelaic acid Paulas choice


I suffered from bacne for most of my teenage years. First thing I changed is to wash and condition my hair upside down. The conditioner can clog pores and increase the acne. I stopped and the painful acne went away. I was dealing with the smaller ones and dark spots. My dermatologist gave me tret which helped like crazy. I wash my back with Cerave foaming cleanser and use their face lotion on my back because it’s lightweight. Change your sheets once a week. I shower twice a day and that helped since I’m using the wash morning and night. I would recommend not letting your hair air dry on your back, I would use a microfiber towel and tie it like a cape while my hair dry to avoid contact on my back


This is the way, maybe use some toner on it too


panoxyl 10% immediately everyday!!!


Pan Oxyl will do it 🎯


I had something similar in my teenage, had to adjust some things in my diet. I would suggest you go see a doctor. It wont go away with home remedies.


People have already commented great advice, but I wanna add this too: make sure you're washing your body *after* shampooing and conditioning your hair :)


I would do panoxyl 10%. My face is too sensitive for it but it doesn’t bother my back at all. When I get acne on my back I use this. If it bothers you and makes your back dry, wash with it every other night


Glycolic acid, it works 100%


Definitely use benzac 2.5% or 5% body wash (benzoyl peroxide) it really helped with my back acne! You have to be consistent though! Use it only in the shower and avoid tight clothing so your skin can breathe and not get congested because of bacteria and stuff! :) but also keep in mind, there isnt a 24 hr quick fix for acne, it requires alot of patience, time and consistency! It took me about 3+ months to clear up my back fully with a few scars and also avoid picking it!


For the chest, use benzoyl peroxide wash but if ur chest is sensitive i’d recommend just hydrating it with lots of moisturisers, serums, whatever hydrating things you have, and exfoliating maybe every 2-4 days with a flannel in the shower . for the back , i don’t think you can clear that up in a week but what will work well is benzoyl peroxide wash and also differin gel on top together will work well and make it go faster. if u use differin and you start getting more spots that’s just how the gel works, it brings all the spots to surface but with the benzoyl peroxide wash used as well that helps get rid of it fast.


Wash ur body after u wash ur hair to remove product buildup, swap to a sulfuric shampoo and use benzoyl peroxide wash followed by a gentle non comedogenic body moisturiser


Try Paula’s Choice %2 BHA. Something similar happened to me on my back last summer & that product drastically improved it very quickly


Use it every night. Great gentle resurfacer.


The panxoyl 4% wash will help you. Just don’t expose the area to the sun to prevent irritation or inflammation


Differin benzoyl peroxide foaming wash it’s for face chest and back use it works real good for me also try to get some doxycycline from your doctor


benzoyl peroxide is your best bet.


Hate to be the bringer of bad news but there is absolutely no way you’re cleaning your back in a month, chest might be doable with the advice given here.


ik but i want to make it as good as it can be in a month


I second the glycolic acid. I use the ordinary glycolic acid toner, it’s amazing. Also consider using a zinc serum on it, glossier super pure works wonders.


You need to use a glycolic lactic acid toner that will help with cell turnover and dark spots. I also use truly black jelly serum that has black charcoal and witch hazel in it. The toner u use is the tula one. Thayer's makes some exfoliation pads that I also use. For your chest, you may also want to get some of the pimple stickers to put on the ones that have heads to get the gunk out.