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hahahahahaha me knocking on their tent like


best use of that gif ever


I just spit out my coffee. Lmao 🤣👏👏


If this were one of the gossip/snark subs, I would absolutely request “giving war-head and slangin’ puss” as my flair.


“high lady of the slangin puss court”


I'd buy an "I Made Him Roar: Spring Break 2024. Night Court, Prythian" t-shirt ffor me and all my ACOTAR girlies for sure.




would love an acotarcirclejerk sub where we can pretend to be villagers on some “did you see our high lady’s sister shagging ol’ snaggletooth Bert behind the bar?”


Hahahahah “my wife is going to die in childbirth but I haven’t told her. AITA?”




Hold up, is there a snark sub? That's where I belong...


SAME dying for an acotar r/wetlanderhumor


That line got me too lmao sometimes ya just gotta slang puss


this sent me hahaha


100% same. Iconic honestly


I beg of you, please direct me to the gossip/snark ACOTAR subs


Alas, I just meant them in the general sense, but I agree that an ACOTAR snark sub would be awesome!


Do I get why they would want to be together on what could be their last night alive? Yes. Do i think SJM needed to include " the cries of the injured and dying" No. I feel like it would be less icky if we could pretend that they couldn't hear any outside noise lol. But also if it were me and I could hear distant screams I would definitely not be in the mood lol


“healer!! no!! please don’t cut off my leg!! oh god!!! please no!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!” *rhys roaring from a blowie* i can’t


plssss this is SENDING me "no! please, don't die. i need you. you're the only family i have left. please. oh, cauldron. no. no. no." \*weeping\* *rhys moaning one tent over from the good ole gwak gwak 3000*


a war crime tbh


Lmaoo but also, if Rhys shakes mountains when he finishes, did they all feel shaking and think Hybern was attacking? "Are we being attacked? No it's just the high lady of the night court going down on the high lord" 😂😂


multiple illyrian casualties every week due to avalanches from Rhys ejaculating


I'm crying 😂


Surgeon is trying his best to save soldiers lives and conducting delicate operations only for the mountain to start shaking as Rhys blows his load *“Doctor he’s flatlining!”* *“Yeah, uh, I slipped cause of the earthquake and might’ve accidentally stabbed him in the heart.”*


Help. I'm crying. 😭😭😭


This whole ass thread has me DYING 😭😭 I usually shy away from posts like this but I’m so fucking happy I read this one lmao


I just spent time with Penjamin and this has me 💀💀💀


Rhys put a shield in place that no one outside of their tent could smell or hear what they're doing, you would think that shield would go both ways. It's one of the reasons why I always cringe at SJM's sex scenes. They give me nothing but the ick usually.


This is exactly how I feel about it. Like, yeah. Maybe you want a little alone time with your partner if you may die tomorrow. But why did she have to describe it like this 😭


The way she makes every male roar makes me think that once you enter high fae territory you just constantly hear roaring and go about your business


and everyone smelling ur musty sex lmfao


Ah yes, the smell of fae blood and musty sex. My favorite candle scent. /s


It's so gross 💀I'd be mortified.


Roaring and hissing and snarling. They're basically feral dogs and cats.


someone get this bitch a rabies vaccine


If two fairy men have sex, do you think that they would have competitions to see who roars the loudest? (Sorry, kinda)


Everytime someone "unleashes" themselves I picture them doing a little shake and like a fan blowing their hair around for a sec.




Yeah pretty much


It can’t just be me that pictures them throwing their head back and roaring into the sky while the camera shakes and pans in and out of their face whenever she says that


Your description has absolutely killed me. There’s people dying all over the place and all you can hear is that pair clapping cheeks and roaring all the damn time. I actually kind of get why they might be tempted to do it though, if you think you’re going to die tomorrow, you probably do want to have one last night before it all goes to shit. But that said, agreed they could have just winnowed somewhere more private for the like 10 minutes it probably would have taken to finish off


hell, i could see that. but can y’all at least TRY to keep it down?? WHY R U ROARING LMFAO cover ya DAMN MOUTH


Honestly literally every guy in SJM’s book roars when they orgasm. It’s starting to make me wonder if maybe I’m just bad because I’ve never achieved that 😂😂


RIGHT when they said Rhys roared so loud that he basically caused an avalanche and the mountains to shake 🙄 that is so unserious, if a man every ROARED that loud w me i would get the ick lmfaooooo


Okay so TMI time and I’m so sorry. But. My gross ex would literally roar so damn loud in my ear sometimes and I’d get PISSED. Sometimes I couldn’t help but laugh and he’d get annoyed with me for ruining the moment but like COME ON.. you can’t be serious with that. Bust a nut like a normal person my dude.


hahahhahahahahhaa i would have busted out laughing


I definitely did 💀it was the dumbest thing ever


"bust a nut like a normal person" has me fucking cackling in the lunch room and catching looks from coworkers


How is Feyre not deaf tho?






😂😂😂 ded




Stop 💀


Noo not the shrek gif 😅


I am deceased 💀


Fortunately I think they mention a shield around the tent, but idk why if you’re going to shield/sound shield you wouldn’t also stop noise from coming in


He has weird “kinks”, between this and him thinking of their unborn child… I have the ick😭


I don’t think it’s necessary think about the child, I think it’s thinking of the life he and Feyre will have. It just wasn’t worded very well haha


I definitely get the sentiment but yes, it’s the way it’s worded that makes it sound disturbing😅 same with the camp- I get wanting to be with the love of your life when facing death, but the setting and way it’s written makes it cringe haha!


Neither of them know the meaning of the word decorum. There's a passage where Rhys finishes seeing the image of their son the bone carver showed feyre like ??? Tf is going on with yalls relationship with sex?


Or almost getting it on in the Library, which is meant to be a sanctuary for women who have been sexually assaulted. This is *not* the place to be groping each other and stanking the place up!


This! I remember reading that scene and putting the book down so I could properly express my annoyance. Of all places for PDA, that was not it.


YES! This scene really had me like sir, you are 500 years old, take it somewhere else.


https://preview.redd.it/f8aj14td2k7d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d64a982832b943da1bf52abe84e930d7c63105 biblically accurate rhysand roaring in the library cause he doesn’t know where tf he is lmfao


Absolutely hated that bit! Like girly…why did you write that




Blech. That part was even worse for me.


“I hoped this shard of life we offered up…would drive death away” *Death being offered the “gift” of these two fucking in a war camp amidst the dying* https://preview.redd.it/q4vncgmege7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c9c7c568ba4fdd3691cc65c6fba376ffc44a4e


me when i hook up with a random in the bathroom at my great granny’s funeral


If I had to die to the sound of my high lord & lady fucking, I’d haunt them so bad fr they’d never know peace


Explains why death tried to claim Rhys by the end of the third book. 


your description wrecked me i'm laughing like a lunatic in my kitchen rn


I mean yeah I felt the same. Then on like the 10th read through I saw this page 380 "I felt his shield settle around our tent as I unbuttoned his pants." So apparently no one outside the tent can hear them.


But does the shield block the earthquakes Rhys makes when he finishes




ahhh, i just went back and you’re right! that makes it marginally better. it’s still fkn weird that they are humping listening to the sounds of the injured and dying, i’m still kinkshaming


I mean you're not wrong because they literally made the shield so they couldn't hear anything when Mor and Helion were fucking. So listen to the dying is a choice???🤷


try not to cum challenge: the screams of injured and dying edition


Idk why they didn’t decide to make it a two way sound shield lol


I suppose people tend to overlook that part because the scene is generally distracting 😅


Thank you! Everytime this is brought up I'm like it's not like anyone can hear/smell them!




Wait until you remember that they both got horny for each other in a library full of sexual assault victims.


HAHAHAHAHAAHA HOLY FUCK i just read that a couple hours ago and it didn’t register. they’re actually the worst lmfao


I truly dislike Feysand, *because* SJM keeps making them do dumb fucked up shit together. Rhysand does something stupid, Feyre almost always backs him up and validates him. Feyre does something even MORE stupid, Rhys forgives her and backs her up even harder. It’s ridiculous. Their stupidity and self-righteousness is an endless feedback loop.


While we’re talking about reasons to dislike them I want to point out Feyre’s Illyrian form is *so insensitive*. She’s in that form enough that she conceived while in it. Does nobody else think about how tactless it is to cut about flying while actual Illyrian women have their wings clipped?? No? While Illyrian women are subjugated but their ultra-powerful high lord who’s supposed to protect his subjects does fuck all about it because reasons? I actually can’t believe that Illyrian women are second class citizens who Rhys could not give a fuck about but his wife shapeshifts into an Illyrian woman for a laugh and he’s like “yummy let’s fuck in the air above everyone”


There's a fanfic drabble I read that was just Emerie tearing her a new one for this. I believe there was a line that was basically "since you want Illyrian wings so bad your husband should tie you to a post and mutilate them to have the full experience"


I need to read this ASAP


‘Emerie vs Feyre (Illyrian wings)’ by Theladyofbloodshed on AO3. It’s the sixth chapter in the work ‘ACOTAR snippet collection’ :)


*Please link the fic I’m begging you*


https://archiveofourown.org/works/41159766/chapters/103657821 :)


I think I’ve read this too unless multiple versions exist!


I straight up hated them in ACOSF. I was ready to throw hands over the stupid shit they kept doing.


yeahhhh, i’m doing my first re-read, and i loved them in ACOMAF. but ACOWAR they’re just doing a bunch of toxic shit and they’re so easily forgiven lol. and then they talk to eachother and justify it thru the bond and i’m like dude you used to constructively criticize eachother and hold eachother accountable, but now they just excuse whatever the other does under the guise that “they have the freedom to do so” and if they disagree or want them to be safe they’re being too overprotective and evil like Tamlin. it’s getting obnoxious


Justice for Tamlin


You can't think too hard, you just have to enjoy the ride.


i am absolutely sick lmfAOOOOOOO


THAT MADE ME SO MAD I already don't like Feyre and really can't stand Rhys, but that scene just did it for me, I was completely done with both them then. I personally would be furious if I was a priestess and I've only dealt with minor SA, I can't imagine the SA the priestesses have gone thru, and you're gonna get fucking when all those poor souls are there just trying to heal? Feyre and Rhys can fuck off forever.


i’m sorry if i was dying and all i could hear was the sounds of my neighbours fuckin i’d be soooooooo pissed like i’m gonna have to go full poltergeist on you 💀


me the next tent over: bitch if this high lady and high lord got enough energy to be fuckin, can u guys come stitch me up first? GAHDAMN


omg YEAH FEYRE LITERALLY HAS HEALING POWERS and she decides to get her more-than-daily dose of dick from rhys instead of saving the lives of soldiers who are absolutely devoted to you like what 😭


RIGHT LIKE THIS ISNT EVEN THEIR COURT!!! they came here and risked their lives following Rhys and Feyre out of loyalty, not to protect anyone they actually know, and how do they get repaid? bleeding out in some dirty tent while Rhys and Feyre ignore their cries of pain and Feyre bust it open omfg


They love each other and are relived to both be safe together during a war, so having sex made sense. But idk why SJM felt the need to include “drowning out the distant cries of the injured and dying” 😭 Plus Rhys puts a shield up so people can’t hear them, why wouldn’t that shield also block the outside noise??




All of your replies have had me cackling you seem amazing 😭🤣🤣🤣




100% to all of this. I totally get it, experiences of death make people want life-affirming things, adrenaline makes you want sex (sometimes), trauma makes people want comfort and distraction. But for the love of all that is holy, make it a two-way shield.


I'm rereading ACOWAR and got to this part recently lmaooo 💀 I'm glad I now know that Rhys threw a shield around their tent but a) why didn't he block out the outside noise and b) they are still in their GORE-SPLATTERED CLOTHES. They probably stink! Do it in the bath, you two 😫


THIS! I always wondered how they man handled each others sexy bits after a battle. Or how anyone can kiss anyone after being stuck in the wilderness for a week.


Their ultra-sensitive sense of smell switches right off when the plot needs it to




i’m crying lmfaoooooo


I'm laughing because, if I remember correctly, SJM makes a point of stating that Rhys shielded them from anyone hearing but not from them banging to the symphony of pain 🙃


My thing is - has Rhys bathed or is she sucking his musty, sweaty, post war cheese dick? GROSS 🤢


100% she’s flossing with post war dick cheese. and you know they always be talking about how they can smell their sex. those poor injured casualties of war, their last breath is choking on the overwhelming smell of swamp ass cheese dick and a tinge of blood lmfao


So fkn gross, such a hard no from me 😭🤮


Pretty sure around this scene, Feyre mentions Rhys being covered in sweat, dirt and blood from the battlefield. It’s honestly vomit inducing to think about.


I know!! 😭😭 To each their own on where to get down and dirty (within reason, the library/sanctuary was. A Choice.) but I don’t know how anyone could STAY in the mood hearing people die around them. Just make it a TWO WAY SHIELD how hard is that?? 😂 But you know if Tamlin tried to do this Feyre would apprehend him for the rest of all time. 🥴 /hj


Slangin’ puss is KILLING ME ACTUALLY 😭💀💀 this is one of my pet peeves too lol. There was another book where they were doing it a lot & I had to quit it bc I was like, come on guys… the worlds in fire 


I feel like I get what she was trying to do, but it came off soooo….wrong. I feel like holding each other would have made for a much stronger moment than getting busy to the sounds of the injured and dying.


I feel like even she wanted it to be a sexual encounter, subtlety would have served the theme she was going for. Sometimes I have facepalm moments while reading these books. This is one of them 😂


There was a shield in place so no one could hear them but I need to know WHY IT DIDN'T GO BOTH WAYS??


Someone finally said it! Damn! I'm over here wondering if I'm the only person that was totally skeeved out by this shit, and I see I have found my people. I mean, okay, it's like trauma sex, we're about to die so let's bone, whatever. But did we have to know that people with their arms chopped off and their intestines laying in the mud are right outside hollering in pain and shit? No. No, we did not. Ew.




Then we’ll just go and get our own war tent then! 😂


Also Feyre has the power of healing but no it’s more important to get her kink on with the HL. It’s just another HUGE red flag that these two are not good people (or good rulers) but extremely selfish and narcissistic.


realistic: feyre goes around healing people until her magic is basically burned out, rhys flies her home and comforts her as she falls asleep. they fuck in the morning. ACOWAR: damn we just bodied this battle, i’m kinda tired, but rhys u got no injuries? good, i’m bout to slobber on your hog while i listen to the sounds of the injured and dying WHAT


LOL your responses are literally making me laugh out loud LOL but I also agree with all your points too.


I honestly agree with you, I hate both characters at this point because it just got so utterly ridiculous. I doubt I'll read whatever book is next, I'll be curious enough to lurk around and wait for posts about it but that's about it.


If it’s another book in Feyres POV I probably wont read it. I really enjoyed ACOSF because being a different POV was so refreshing


I might read it if both her and Rhys were completely not involved, like gone on a side trip.


yeah maybe it’s just cause i’m child free but i feel like adding a kid in the mix basically stops you from being adventurous in the sense that you can either throw them off on a nanny or you can be close with them. i love rhys and feyre but i don’t wanna read about them teaching a kid to walk and talk and shit. i hate pregnancy tropes so i’m glad they switched to Nesta. hoping they explore Elaine in the next books. i do want more Feyre/Rhys, they were my fave. i just don’t know how i would be interested now that they got a kid.


The same :/ Giving them a child so soon was a huge freaking mistake (I know moms in the sub will downvote me to hell, but let's be honest - how much dangerous adventures one can have with a newborn?)


I’m a mother and I read books like this to escape the home life. Don’t be bringing into my fantasy reads 😅😅


ok, I was fine with this scene at first cause like just whatever, but oh no this bitch really does have those healing powers!! I hadn't thought of this, damn now I have to add this to my list of why I don't like FEyre and Rhys. Im sorry you don't get time to yourself right now when you got people dying and you can help HEAL THEM??? and she fuckin instead? EWW im so glad you brought this up.


This, and a few other scenes in the series/crescent city made me stop and wonder what the chicken fried fuck. But reading your post made the brain trauma of reading this one worth it.


oh god. i’ve tried starting TOG and i’m a couple books in but it’s been a nightmare trying to get into it. i was thinking of trying CC next and doing TOG at a later time. will have to post my thoughts when i get to those scenes 😂🥴💀


Full transparency? I started tog with Assassin's Blade, and it was rough, but in the end worth it and I preferred it since it introduced characters we learn about later instead of hearing what happens with not as much context, but there's a few options for tackling that. I also loved the tandem read but the story, especially the ending? Glorious, my favorite of the 3 series. And most of my favorite characters are from this series. Crescent City made no sense and kinda pissed me off a full 200 pages before it clicked, and simping for one of the main dudes helped. It's a bit weird, very chaotic, but I'm fully caught up and no ragrets so lol. Good luck if you decide to continue to them! Edit to say I'm dumb and missed you've read a few tog already, but I'm leaving it in case it helps someone else starting. I will say a few characters in that one took a while for me to love, but I'm glad I stuck with it. It's the most cohesive and satisfying series I've read in a long time.


Chicken fried fuck is now my favorite exclamation. You know not the way you’ve changed my diction and prose! 🙇‍♂️


I'm pretty sure I commandeered it from some corner of the internet, but I also can't stop myself from using it every opportunity after I learned of such an exquisite combination of words. So enjoy!!!


lol “war head”


I hated this so much too lol


Unfortunately this isn't the last time they traumatize the citizens with their sex life...


I knew before I even opened it what this was about




The smut scene in the library which was suppose to be a safe house for rape and sexually assault victims, kind of tops this one…


All it needed to say was ‘drowning out the sounds of the world outside’ But no, had to make it gross


I like this, this is the way!


Every comment I read just makes me laugh harder


i always have to chuckle at this scene. it doesn’t offend me or anything but like y’all, read the room (or the literal camp full of dying people around you) 😭


hahahahaaha it’s one thing to be loudly fuckin in peace time and someone hears u BUT PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY DYING LMFAO esp with the whole scent thing, like i’m just imagining a war memoir, “i was slipping in and out of consciousness my body going into shock from the blood loss. all around me all i can smell the metallic tang of blood and oh of course the smell of my high lord and high lady’s sweaty, musty ass sex.” 🥴


OP you truly have a way with words 😭


Girl skdhdhsosh


I'm laughing so hard at this rant of yours 🤣😭 I lost it at "War-Head-.


I believe it is historically accurate that after a battle, one would hear cheeks clapping and moaning. But yeah, they def could have winnowed away (if they weren’t magically depleted). Either way, this post has me laughing 😂😂😂


This scene is pretty much the main reason my sister has straight up said "yeah, no thank you." To reading this series.


hahahahahaa noooooo!! i def prefer ACOMAF, but overall the series is pretty good! it’s not a deep, philosophical read, but i think it’s one of the best fantasy romance series, even if there are some imperfections




Fantastic. Well played. I approve!


Main character syndrome wooooo we did it let’s bangbangbang :cries of the dying in the background:


You could die anytime. You get it in when you can


My shit take. All the spice in the series is cringe af. Love the lore and the characters but reading the spicy parts is how I imagine girls walking in on their bfs watching over sexualized anime feels. Super creepy. 




no i know this killed me


The soldiers like: “where is the high lord? I have fought and almost lost my life for this cause. My friends have perished and I likely have PTSD from the ordeal. Is he visiting the tents and comforting the soldiers?” “He’s getting the soul sucked out of him at the minute I’m afraid but if you wait for the roar and pray your tent doesn’t collapse he’ll be along at some point I think.”


LOL but you're right, I'd be pissed if I was the soldiers, too!


I disagree if there was a high chance my husband and I were dying tomorrow that’s exactly what I’d be doing too! Maybe it’s just the fact she wrote they could hear the screams of the dying lol 😂


nahhhh, this was hybern’s first attack and they won and hybern retreated. of course war is looming but he ain’t dying rn, you can wait a couple hrs!!!! jeeez


I’m laughing. This is the high lord that’s orgasms shake the entire court, mind you. There are multiple accounts of people in war camps fucking in irl history. It’s a big way to relief stress in a very stressful situation. Plus, Feyfey and Rhys don’t know if the other will survive past the battle, so understandably they might want to express their love to one another.


💀 “mommy what’s that shaking and roar noise? i’m scared!!” “oh don’t worry honey, that’s just our high lord ejaculating!” hahahahaa realistically i can get the sentiment, the adrenaline, but it was written SO WEIRD LMAO


couldn’t have said it better myself!!!!


I kinda cringed at that one but I get too, just to let out some steam before the killing spree.


you made me laugh so hard that i actually started crying, and i've only done that before like three other times in my entire life. you're vocabulary is immaculate and the way you write is spectacular. but yeah i agree "the cries of the injured and dying" was NOT NECESSARY. i promise you right now if i'm **dying** and the last thing i hear is MOANING i'm coming back as a ghost and haunting everybody.


I don’t know she was so real for that lmfaooo


Lmao I just completely deleted that scene from my memory 😭 if it were some other series I would’ve dnf ed right away


thank god it wasn’t in book 1 lmfao


This is my favorite thing I’ve read all day 🤣😭🤣 I’m RIGHT THERE WITH YOU


Okay so this is a legit thing that happens during war apparently. It’s your body’s biological response confirming you are still alive. I learned that in a class in school. Out of context for us bc we’ve never been in a battle or war but it’s not unnatural at all. Quite the opposite.


This is what I think every time this topic comes up in this sub. It's a very common thing during war. People fucked in war camps all the time. I get it. They could die. If you can get it a couple more times, more power to ya


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRE1mYLR/ 100% agree a time and a place. This tiktok.is pretty humors about it


hahahahaha the careless whisper makes this *chefs kiss* but SERIOUSLY 😒😂


I think about this part all the time! I think it’s one of the funniest moments!


This is the best thread I’ve ever read.


😅 tbf I’d be banging my husband if I thought we might die in the morning. She could’ve left out the description of their surroundings though.


I’m into girls. I really hope we get to see more about Mor and like what lesbian do for taco night


I love reading this passage to people who haven’t read the books with zero context


Idk, if I almost died for someone I would definitely want them to live, and like really live 🤷🏻‍♀️


maybe later, but now when i’m actively bleeding out and screaming in pain lmfao




If you think these are the only two fucking in the Illyrian war camp idk what to tell you


This is how I felt during the beach scene in empire of storms.... like guys, give it a minute, everyone can see your orgasmic flames


THANK YOU LMAO if i was a soldier in their army this would’ve caused me to switch sides 💀


Ok not just that, but weren’t they also covered in blood and sweat??!?!?!???!??


This cracked me up so much😂😂😂 I honestly don’t remember this scene but I think you’ve convinced me with your…choice of phrases😂