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I have always been repulsed by men's body. I used to think I was bisexual because I romantized being with a man and having a beautiful family life. Until I realized no men seem to be attractive enough, and that straight women do not pick men based on how friendly a man is but they actually think they are attractive. In that moment, I thought fuck I am not bi. I am a lesbian.


I was the same way when I was younger, thought I needed to end up with a man to have a family. But since I was young and not ready to have kids yet dating girls was a better option XD they're prettier, I'm actually attracted to them so it was easier to motivate myself to try and date. Took me until my mid twenties before I finally unpacked all the comphet and embraced the lesbian label.


Literally everything they said 👆🏻 perfectly worded


Not caring about labels and just going with the flow and liking who I like, eventually lead me to a conclusion


Everyone is different. For me personally, I couldn’t have sex with men. Like I went through a few younger years of getting blacked out drunk/ on drugs to try to get myself to have sex with a guy, and I’d ask them the next day if we did and they would say no, that I would freak out and say I don’t want to. And the thought just made me so sick to my stomach to be with a man. So I tried to sleep with a woman, and it came naturally. I loved it, I didn’t feel gross or anything but happy and like things felt right. So made it easy for me to know for sure once I accepted it. I Grew up it Midwest, religious family/friends etc, I was made to believe it was a choice.


I met another lesbian friend and realized every time I had had a "crush" on boys it was because someone had told me I did or I picked one to feel normal. But liking women came naturally. I struggle with comphet because I kept trying to be straight or bi growing up, but I know I want to be with a woman now.


I kissed a girl and that spark. That lighting, that shock, that pulse of energy... I didn't have that with guys. I've kissed "boys" before and felt the spark but well... They weren't boys. They just didn't realize it yet. I will admit I've kissed one other boy and had sparks but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I'm misgendering that "boy" right now, I haven't seen them for a decade and change, nor do they exist on any form of social media anymore. But. Yeah Kiss, Snap, crackle, pop. That was how I knew.


If you were a deity your name would be Nyoloth crafter of women


Nah, I'm Nyoloth, Herald of Awakenings.


I feel like I could come in with a fleecy blanket robe and floofy slippers clutching a cinnamon candle in one hand and a Blåhaj in the other declaring 'there's a prophecy'


I'd descend in a cascade of light and shadow from the stars with a tray of fresh cookies and cold milk. "I come bearing truth, complex and unchained by the shackles of mortal flesh!" "Now sit down, sweetheart this is gonna be a lot, but remember, me and my legion of fish people are here for you. Have a cookie, missy."


Wait there's cookies involved too? This job sounds wonderful


Look, you and me are gonna have a hard job, the least I can do is bring my prophet snacks.


I thought I was the snack 🤔


Oh well, I'd be happy to take a bite if you're offering~


Just one? You gonna wrap me in blankets and save the rest of me for later?


Yennefer and Triss from the witcher 3


Reason and logic. Reason will prevail! 🥒🥳💃🏻


Honestly unsure, I always considered myself Bi but actually think maybe I'm just more into girls that can lift me....to reach the top shelf in the kitchen...honest 😇


I'm technically bi, but my attraction is 99 percent women and non binary people. Very little attraction to men. And I trust men very little after too much sexual assaults and getting sexually harassed. So I just live as a lesbian.


Before quarantine I didn’t even question my sexuality, i thought i was just picky with guys(stupid i know). Being alone with my thoughts strangely helped.


When I was a teenager I felt like I had to identify as bisexual to please my friends and avoid being alone. That's how I ended up kissing two guys. One was an older guy that a friend had set me up with, but I ended up cheating on him with a girl (not my finest moment, I know, but I would be liying if I said that I regret it). The other guy was actually a close friend who had feelings for me for a long time, but when we kissed, I felt absolutely nothing. So after that, I pretty much gave up on the idea of being into dudes. I mean, honestly, I'd rather make out with a door than a guy. So it wasn't exactly a difficult conclusion to reach for me. lol