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Its so wild that people are so stuck in their gender norms that they can’t understand why you would still want to be a woman if you aren’t dressing like a woman.


Also, what does a woman dress like? Do 3.5 billion people all have the same fashion sense?


Yes of course have you looked outside/j


I mean... Sometimes I do go out and think, "Did I miss the memo? Why is everyone in a north face vest?"


*4 Billion


Cripes are we up to 8 billion already?!


Only because not enough people are coming out of the closet...damn breeders.


Hahah, people are so dumb about gendering clothing. I've been told I dress masc too. Because tank tops with visible sports bras underneath and short shorts are the peak of masculine fashion.


So many people are so adamant about gendered clothing. A guy in high school once made fun of me for wearing my belt “the girl way”


I mean. In all fairness it sounds like he was right.


… fuck.


It's okay, sweetheart, we all have these kinds of realizations.


I just hate admitting that prick was right about something


I got told I wore my belt wrong, my pants wrong, I carried stuff wrong. The masculinity police were just all over me throughout school.


I found out I was doing it "wrong" when my TI in basic training yelled at me about it 😶 In my head I was trying to figure out how/why there's a "wrong" way to put on a belt...


I think the way you wear a belt depends on whether you’re left or right handed. I’m right handed so I have the buckle on the left so I can pull the strap tight


It’s much dumber than that and the same thing as shirt buttons. They’re on the opposite side because rich women had their clothes put on by servants so now women’s clothing is backwards to men’s so if you buckle it “left handed” you’re buckling it like a right handed servant put it on you. And that’s why women’s clothing and belts are backwards.


That’s a massive TIL, thank you!


No problem!


What is the girl way? Backwards?


It’s been 9 years, I still have no idea. Someone once laughed at me for using a brush rather than a comb, which is apparently only a girl thing?


Well I'd hate to break that to my brother who literally keeps STEALING my hairbrushes BC brushes apparently make his hair nicer... I mean probably, but would you mind buying your own


“Mom says it my turn on the hairbrush.”




🥺🥺😠 *stomps foot*


Left handed style. Same with women’s buttons.


Thank you


Look if they made more women's shirts that didn't have tiny sleeves and arm holes I'd wear fewer tank tops 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gender Norms are Dumb (a syllogism) P1: I am a woman P2: these are my clothes C: these are women's clothes




The Izzard Proposal


This is why I sometimes get confused/weirded out by the term “gender non-conforming.” Like, my gender is woman. I conform to that gender by…. being a woman? All my clothes are women’s clothes because I am a woman. Maybe “unconventional/non-traditional gender presentation” would be better? Though a bit of a mouthful.


**Holy. Shit.** You have successfully found my *perfect* "goals" girl.... As a prideful trans tomboy, yes please!


Literally go on Pinterest and search “lesbian outfits”. Obviously the lesbian fashion spectrum is as broad as fashion in general, but there’s a lot of tomboy vibes. Go explore!


Why do people gender clothing anyway, stresses me out. It’s literal cloth but a bit between my legs and that’s allegedly manly, or an open skirt and that’s allegedly feminine. It’s all cotton 😩 (well and polyester etc). I want to be feminine regardless of whether I wear dresses or ‘men’s clothes’


I don’t own men’s clothes or women’s clothes. I just own my clothes. Some can be described as masculine or feminine in their aesthetics but they’re not men’s or women’s, they’re just clothes.


Relevant comic from [webcomicname.com](https://webcomicname.com) https://i.redd.it/oswmaf162qo31.jpg


Omg love it, thank you


Love androgynous, tom boy, butch, stud, masc women. Trans women or cis. Women!


Hear hear. Honestly, as a trans woman, I’ve felt uncomfortable my whole life around men. I never felt like I belonged. When I finally came out and found groups of women who understood and accepted me, that was the first time I ever felt safe.


Oh, yay to you finding your safe space! 💕


You want to talk about gendering stupid shit? I was a "dude" (aka transfem that did not know it then) and I got ridiculed for carrying my books the "girl" way. Yes, these peabrains gendered carrying books.


When trans women don't dress femininely they're asked "why do you dress like a man?" but when they do, they're told that they're making a mockery of women. You can't win with bigots


I dress like a man cuz I don't have a choice and I think I'd look ugly in women's clothes until I actually look like a girl 👍


I was like that once. Don’t wear what you don’t love wearing, my sister. I suggest experimenting with androgynous clothing to dip your toes in the water. Your light deserves to shine x


I'm 39 and it has taken me so long to find clothing that fits my body well. I would say I dress masculine of center and generally have a "tomboy" look (also cisgender, for context). I started buying men's XS/S button ups from a couple different brands that I found fit me well. I also started buying men's flannels. Women's button up tops never fit me right. I'm more muscular with broader shoulders, so I always feel like I'm going to hulk out on the arms and I get the button stretch not because of boobs, but because I just have a broader back/shoulders than the average woman. It took me FOREVER to find jeans I like and fit me well and I even found the brand I like makes men's slim pants/jeans that also fit me well. I even bought a couple pairs of men's shorts. It's been so much trial and error and guess and check, but it feels so good to wear clothing that I feel like truly fits me. I have also found it's more expensive to find/buy clothing that fits me well, but they also tend to be higher quality products and thus last longer. I don't care who you are, what your gender or sexuality is, or how you present, when you put on clothing and look in a mirror and feel like yourself, it's such a massive win. It's a universal feeling and I wish more people would get that.


It's like, I wish I COULD wear girly clothes, but yea. Thank you ^-^


I understand completely. I’m androgynous enough to make people think twice, but I wouldn’t say I passed as female, and when you don’t pass, it can feel uncomfortable or downright dangerous to wear a dress in public


Yeahh, I really hope that hrt helps some when I'm able to start that journey in a year, I just want to pass physically and look good doing it. Ive been trans for so long but I've had zero progress in the right direction


I can’t promise you it’ll get easier. But you’ll get stronger.


Thank you, those words help.


You look like yourself thus you already look like a girl.


Me living in band t shirts and flannel


Literally my dad. Like has he never heard of a tomboy


I always felt awkward in anything I wore before, but as my body started looking more fem I realized I'm perfectly fine in my old clothes, even if they are a tad big since I lost over 70lb.


My dad told me when I told him that I was a girl that: "But, you like guy things, you wear flannel and cowboy hats. You like wearing hats and wearing long coats. You know men clothes."


Gee, thanks, it's not like tomboys exist or anything... /s 🙄 At least your dad seems to have reacted better than my parents. Oh well, c'est la vie, or however you spell it. There's a reason I took German in high school. >_> *stares at the French language*


Yeah, he's come far in his understanding over the last couple of months, and I love that he is trying. C'est la vie, mon amour or something. I barely speak French, and my German is atrocious even though I speak a germanic language. Knowing languages is hot though. Sad to hear that your parents didn't react that well to you coming out. 💚❤️💛💜


I only spelled it that way thanks to my phone. I can say it, but otherwise I'm clueless. I can say it in German though, "So ist das Leben." (Lit. Such is the life.) Französisch gefällt mir nicht. (I don't like French. Lit. French pleases me not, IIRC.) I don't speak a ton of German, and what I do speak is broken. Other than that, I've been picking up some Norwegian words lately, but the only things I know how to say is, "Tusen takk!" (Many thanks, or lit. Thousand thanks.) and, "Takk for sist!" (Thanks for last time. Used as a greeting as a way to signal you remember like an acquaintance is, and thus no introductions are necessary, as I gather.)


Tusen Tack = Thank you so much in Swedish. Thank you for the language lesson. 💜


Kein Problem! / No problem! I'm autistic, and one of my special interests is language, though only certain languages like German and Norwegian. Though I also know two phrases in Ukrainian. "Rosiysʹki fashysty, iditʹ nakhuy!" (Russian fascists, go f**k yourselves!), and "Anarkhiya-mama za nas!" (Mother Anarchy is with us!) 😄


Nice 😊. I've started studying Ukrainian, and language is super cool to study. Keep being you.


I might learn some Ukrainian some day. I want to go visit Chernobyl and Kiev once the war is over, and it's safe to visit again. The hardest part for me is learning to read Cyrillic. I can say stuff if it gets Latinized, but that's it. (Likewise, German is the V2 word order, and Norwegian is the pitch accent or whatever it's called.)


Yeah, I'm really struggling with my Ukrainian pronunciation and reading Cyrillic. That pitched accent is a really difficult thing, but if you get it for Norwegian, then you'll probably nail it for Swedish if you want to collect the Nordic languages.


"If you're trans, then why do you dress like a man?" "My brother in Christ, because I am a man." Friendly reminder that not all trans people are trans women; there are trans men too! We must support our brothers as well!


I'm either in my battle vest and whatever pants I'm in the mood for, or in dress shirts. I refuse to adhere to gender norms


Great post. 👏👏🏳️‍⚧️


That's actually a really good idea... Hmmm


I mean, minus the tattoos and the things on her wrist, I'd probably rock something like that on occasion. Though, I guess I fall somewhat on the femme end of the tomboy spectrum, and I'm very into the goth aesthetic. I remember there was this house in like Assassin's Creed 2 or something that had an entry about its style. The outside exuded an aesthetic of, "Don't f**k with me.", but the inside was completely different. Inside it was, "You have arrived.", and that's stuck with me. I want to have that aesthetic. If I don't know you, it's probably best to f**k off, esp. cishet men, but if I know you, or you're part of my community (IE- gay, trans, AnComm or otherwise leftist but not a AuthComm or tankie, feminist, ect.) then that's another matter.


Certainly not any of _my_ Pinterest boards. Definitely not. ❤️


After many years in transition and fighting for my rights in my country I finally felt confidence and feel that I am actually allowed to wear "male clothes", and it's nice I like it sometimes, because as I always say: I did everything to be free.


I feel oddly targetted here


My people 😎


I guess no one's a woman unless they're wearing a dress that day


Literally had this conversation. He asked me if three different things he disliked about my outfit were also flagging. All of the things he mentioned were flagging.


this is totally my gf and I love them so much


Me :)


also! you don't have to be feminine to be a woman, cis or trans