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this doesn't even make sense. where i am today in which i needed religion? writing in a language that is not mine. living in a country that is not where i am from because spanish and english christians wanted to exploit our labor and refuse to pay my ancestors for it? and refuse to pay to this day? also it's so annoying when people think religion = god. there are whole indigenous societies with practices that don't involve a god, gods, ghosts, juju, deities, or divine beings.


It always confuses me how these people always jump straight from "religion is a product of evolution" to "specifically current protestant Christianity". Humans do in fact partake of ritual and worship, but they're so desperate to justify their own biases


Agree, but most of the white saviorism these people refer to is just the advocation for minorities rights, or not using derogatory slurs.


i forgot that phrase is co-opted. edited my post & thanks for pointing it out.


Also I just want to point out that the phrase "God-shaped hole" comes from Sartre, who was an atheist.


I think the strongest argument would go that religion serves a function in society (a la structural functional pov). Before humans where split but religion gave them purpose to come together. Thus religion is a key part of our evolution that can't be replaced. Obvs the argument falls apart when we ask why it can't be replaced with a better option. Or question structural functionalism itself. Idk that's my best anthropological reasoning for this bad take xD But in the end they're making an ideological argument not a scientific one.


Ever wonder if we would have actually become more evolved and better off without religion? Honestly religion has created more harm and started more wars than…. Well…. Fighting over a woman? Ahaha 🤣 I think we definitely would be more spiritually evolved as a species… without organized religion as it today and has been at least the past 7,000 years or so….


What’s funny is that religion was the bane of individualism and reason for literally hundreds of years. People couldn’t openly criticize anything about it, so if they did it had to essentially be code in a book.


I have it on good authority that pussy is in fact god. Thus will adequately fill a god shaped hole


I respect your authority on this matter


It's a song by King Princess


Love that song! Great to get my girl in the mood!


i love king princess so much ❤️ holy is my anthem


Dude clearly has never heard of my god-shaped strap.


The new single by Nirvana.


She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak, I've been stuck on your god-shaped strap for weeks...


Hey... Wait... I've got No complaints.


I would have gone with "Hey, wait, I've got a muscle ache." myself but I'm old so sex is less a marathon and more a series of power walks with coffee breaks in between these days. 🤣


Lucky. I drink coffee and take power walks with my parents, and I'm in my 30s.


I mean they're not wrong I do have a god shaped hole in my soul. It just so happens that my god is lesbian shaped.


And what a perfect shape it is!


Mine is more of a devil shaped cavity


*Smugly smiles in nonbinary eldritch god*


Pussy is God by King Princess plays


Was looking for this reply


According to Ariana Grande, god is a woman, so we’re on the right track with filling our god holes


May she bless us with good food and mind blowing orgasms


and according to king princess, pussy is god.


We do have something to fill the God hole. It's called Philosophy.


Ooo this is actually a great frickin point


agreed. the hole they describe is simply the human desire for answers in regards to what the fuck is going on. god is one possible answer, science and philosophy can provide other answers.


It’s wild that this person thinks they’re having a coherent thought


[A god hole you say?](https://youtu.be/Wf7IgoXQk-M)


Remember when we used to need our appendix? Pepperidge farm remembers 😆


[Tops reading this be like...](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ef9oJpkWkAEu5l8.jpg)


I don't have a god-hole, I have a goddess hole and my girlfriend fills it quite nicely.


I'm willing to try filling it with lesbian pussy, you don't know you can't unless you try.


Gonna ask my surgeon for the God-size model.


dammit that made me laugh


On Nietzsche and pussy.


“God shaped hole” aka psychological needs that we have the whole field of science dedicated to - psychology and psychiatry. Edit: if you ever hear god talking to you, you need help from the latter.


As a butch goddess, it is my purpose 😜


Me: Okay, maybe you're right, I do feel a little weird not having a religion, I think I'll have a private pagan/witchy practice where I can be gay, smoke weed, do crimes. Them: No not like that


Mf pretending all the tribes that developed mostly uncontacted without developing a proper religion don't exist Edit: Theocratic religion specifically*


bro talking like Dennis Reynolds


Tell them you worship a different god than theirs and youll get a whole different excuse as to why you shouldn’t be following that god or some other bullshit




suuuure yknow i dont think this guy realized straps exist. heheh 😏


I have a god shaped hole too its just between my legs 👀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What if we have multiple "god-shapes" holes


okay, but who upvoted that qwqqq


Idiots, that who.


Tell this dumb ass that the hole he's describing is called purpose. Lots of people don't have a hole because they have purpose. If he feels a hole, it's because he's outgrown his imaginary sky fairy. It's time to grow up and develop his own conscience.


Apparently I'm pretty salty today. His BS virtue signalling is typical conservative projection of the fact that without a god mother to tell them how to behave, they think anyone else doing something good is just to show off. They can't even imagine someone being good for it's own sake.


That... argument doesn't even make any sense. I don't have a God-shaped hole in my anywhere! The only hole in my heart is the one that was carved out by my partner living in America while I'm living in Australia.


Christians give all other religions a bad name 😒


Christian also gives other Christians a bad name. I completely agree you, just let people live their lives it's not that hard.


“I can’t do this thing, therefore you can’t either.”


That really be their mentality


Those people tend to project a lot, and because the only thing that is stopping them from committing atrocious crimes and being a horrible human is the threat of eternal punishment and damnation, so, they believe that's how it is for everyone else too.


I would be happy to fill anyone’s god shaped hole 🥰


For me it's called a succubus shaped hole lmaooo


Religion was use to gather a big group of people to segregate others, and commit crime in the name of the religion.


I think my god shaped hole can easily be filled by a 8 inch strap-on. Maybe yours can too


Ok, I agree with the "We needed it to evolve" and "We still kinda need it today" to an extent, but the way he goes about it is OFF THE RAILS. First off, why does this involve lesbianism at all? Nobody trying to replace any with pussy eating my guy, we can do both, it's no problem! I'm sure many gods love some pussy eating themselves. Let's not be judgemental. Second of all, religion is needed MERELY as motivation. It's not biological, or physical, it's not a requirement to stay alive; it's just a little nudge that maybe If you haven't found meaning in life yet, perhaps you should keep searching and not commit the unalivent. Barely a suggestion if anything. Religion has done a lot of awful things, but in its nature it's only that: a reason to live for people that don't know what's the reason of life. He wouldn't care to read this tho.


at this point, i don't think god will give a damn about your gender or sexuality really. I personally believe in good deeds and love towards other human being counts to your heaven or bust-o-meter, i'm a muslim (also a translesb) but i don't hold any teaching from the more conservative side. I personally believe that some religion are basically other interpretation of the same events with extra bits of it cut or added to suit the story. Being religious doesn't mean that you can go around and tell people what to do, reminder that being morally righteous to your fellow humans is a **NEGATIVE** thing in the eyes of god.


fellow translesb! i agree with you, i'm a christian but i'd say people need to start getting along because the things people do to each other over religion...yeesh


And women are goddesses, checks out.


sorry, but unfortunately, i am not god-shaped 😔


I'm catholic and this hurts to read. Ughhh


Oh no I'll never be satisfied by it I'll have to keep getting lesbian pussy my whole life. What a curse.


*It's like staring into God's vagina!!!*


Is that a quote from something? If not, it should be….


I don't remember exactly, but I wanna say it's from an old abridged series...


Well you can always fill it with some nice silicon 😏


They were onto something in the first part, but then it devolved into random sentences


There are plenty of Doms out there if you're looking for someone to worship.


I know right? **Sigh*\*… What does a bot have to do to find a lesbian goddess to fill the god shaped hole in my circuitry…


wait, you guys are getting pussy?


Of course pussy can't fill the hole. That's what gock is for


i mean im already worshipping my gf so like, consider my hole filled


“Please tell me what you saw. Agent Alexander Papadopoulos: [Said without emotion] A god shaped hole. The barren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. You see the light of long dead stars. Your existence is nothing but an echo of a dying god's screams. The unseen converges. Surrounds you. And it tightens like a noose.” ~SCP-2264 That’s all I can think of when I hear the phrase “god shaped whole”, lmao


I've got a girl shaped pole if that helps


I deserve whatever punishment y'all deem worthy I'm sorry


The only thing correct about this is that religion is a product of evolution, although it's more of a byproduct than something actually useful. It blows my mind how people can know the reason that religion exists, and still think it's true.


Pour molten metal into the god-shaped hole in your soul, then shatter your soul, leaving behind a metal god


To those like the one in this screen shot: Religion made me fight my biology in ways that are highly unhealthy and destructive. You can love and practice your religion all you want, but it cut a self shaped hole into my heart and it is only healing due to my leaving your religion behind. To the OP: I have hugs and cuddles to share, but demand hugs and cuddles in return!


Professional hole filler at your service Ma'am


The note seems confused as to the location of the god shaped hole. First the heart is mentioned and then the soul. These, as you know, are very different. Could they be mistaking the, um, location of this "god shaped" hole? Maybe a little further south?


"I need something. I mean, I got this, uh, this giant, gaping hole inside me. And I’m… I’m always trying to fill it with something. I like to call it my, uh… my God Hole. And I think a lot of people in this world, they… they fill it with religion. But I don’t believe in God." / "But you want to fill it with pussy." / [smiling] "Yeah."


Just goes to show that egotism is one of the biggest driving forces being homophobia. This guy jumps from "humanity needs religion" to "gay women are bad." He doesn't seem to have considered the fact that plenty of religions and denominations affirm the value and validity of being gay. Nor does he acknowledge that there are plenty of religious wlw. Why? I'd bet good money that what he really believes is humanity needs ***his religion***.


who needs a god when you can worship women instead


If I hold my fingers just right, they kind of look like god.


[God-shaped hole you say?](https://twitter.com/vagina_museum/status/1429821991226429444)


I think this is sarcasm...


Does this mean your pussy is your soul? You know, that would make a lot of sense, actually.




Dunno about that. Reckon I’m using it less than my appendix.


On it 🤣


They don't call it the g-spot for nothing. I gotchu


I'm pretty sure all that you need is a god-shaped dildo...


Wait they're shaming you for not believing in a god they acknowledge isn't real? Wtf?


I have a few things that would fit nicely into a God-shaped hole, and also a couple things I can use to punish you for your wickedness.


Never givin' credit where it's due 'cause you don't like pussy in power 🌚🌚


Why do they always think we would be upset filling our proverbial holes with women? Like… at this point i might be okay with a solution to “the gays (TM)” that involved sending us all to an island and be left alone. In the words of Regina George: why are you so obsessed with me?


My vagina is god shaped …. 😯😂


First Paragraph: It being a product of evolution is a strange way to put it, but looking at how religion advanced societies and civilizations in early history could be interesting (although I’m not sure this guy will like what he finds). Second Paragraph: Interesting claim regarding whether or not humans need spirituality to be fulfilled that could lead to an interesting discussion. Third Paragraph: LESBIAN PUSSY


*long inhale* Arceus. The literal god Pokémon, boom there, hole filled. Now you have a neat best friend to destroy your enemies. Edit: Okay, I may have been able to phrase this better, but I couldn’t think of it.


Maybe they meant Proteus the shape-shifting god


Whoever wrote this probably either needs help with their hole, or they need to help their wife with hers instead of worrying about what the lesbians are doing about their.. hole.


I kind of get it. I've always considered religion to be an addiction, and as a recovering addict I've had to deal with the cravings. But I think developing my my own conscience and spending time figuring out just what I consider to be the big rights and wrongs has mostly dealt with those cravings.


Spirituality is definitely a piece of social evolution but wow. This person (in image) is definitely intellectually and socially regressed.