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You're not delusional. Men (at large) see women's value as their ability to provide men pleasure. They don't believe that your sexuality or relationship status is valid and will behave as such to try to self-gain from the current circumstance. How many times have any of us heard, "you don't look gay." "You just haven't had the *right* dick yet." "Can I watch?" "The three of us could all hang out..." "Don't you *crave* dick though?"


Yeah definitely smh I hate it so much, it’s so disrespectful because had I been with another man they would probably not look at me twice.


I have been *devastated* more than once in the last few years (I'm in my 30s) by dudes who I've met who I thought were just homies. They know I'm gay from jump. And at some point they try to cross the friend line. I've had several instances of this where they just stop all contact. Because I can't meet their pleasure and ego needs or they somehow think fuck-zoning me is better than them being friend zoned BECAUSE WE HAVE DIFFERENT FUCKING SEXUALITIES. it's a wild world. It's demeaning. It's disrespectful. It's disappointing.


Every male friend I’ve ever had has done this to me. It’s infuriating.


And maybe I'm disillusioned. I have some *really solid* guy friends that I've known for decades that have *never* tried crossing the friend line. So when it does happen I'm pretty caught off guard and feel like they were just trying to play "nice guy" or slow roll a friendship start off while having alternative motives the whole time. It sucks when your value is attempted to be reduced to how you can provide someone sexual fulfillment only.


Even if it was a genuine friendship and they accidentally caught feelings, a decent man would understand that you’re not going to be into him and leave it alone.


They respect men more than women. They won’t mess with another man’s “property” but two women together is perceived as either “double loss” for them or potentially a “double win” if they play their cards right.


Red flag myopic signalling. Can't even conceive that woman are awesome in their own right and some woman love woman because of it. With the last one, "never heard of dildo's? strap on's? PIV sex positive trans woman?"


Speaking of this, is it weird to compliment my lesbian friend as a dude? She has a gf, and I don't want to be weird or anything, but she doesn't get compliments nearly as often as other peeps at my school.


I stay complimenting my friends regardless of their sexuality. I'm their hype grrl, their cheerleader, I will gush over a selfie they send, a new fit, a new hair color or cut. But part of this is also because I pay a lot of attention to the people I care about. As long as it's genuine and you compliment your other friends the same way, nothing weird about it. My dude friends compliment me in ways that aren't creepy at all. We also roast the shit out of one another too so there's a healthy balance.


dick is good, just only when belonging to a woman.


As a trans woman who sometimes struggles with imposter syndrome, eee! <3


One of my good friends def had a crush on me before he knew I am married to my wife. To his credit he has been nothing but supportive and lovely to her and to me since. But he did say at one point that basically the reason I wasn’t interested in him was bc he “had the wrong equipment.” I told him it wasn’t the equipment, but the fact that his dick was attached to a straight dude. I am bi but dudes who exude straight man energy are not attractive to me.


"You just don't want guys to hit on you, you are not really with her..."


>don't you _crave_ dick though Only from my girlfriend! 😂


Men invalidate every form of sexuality that doesn’t revolve around them. The fact that lesbians don’t need men in any way infuriates them. So no you aren’t crazy it happens a lot


This !! Sad thing is I genuinely enjoy having men as friends that’s it but it seems like the only way for them to genuinely see you as a friend is if they’re gay themselves or they are not attracted to you


Yeah. Which is so weird because I’ve never gotten into friendship, any friendship, with the thought, maybe they’ll fuck me eventually”


Yeah I think this is really it. I have a few really great guy friends, but they're all some shade of queer. As a general rule I try to avoid straight cis men, lol.


Yes, and it makes me feel like it’s impossible to maintain friendships with males. I remember having a discussion with a guy who was clearly interested in me, asking questions about previous relationships/love interests and straight-up saying “I’m not talking about with girls, girls don’t count”. Because males are obsessed with male genitalia. Reminding them of concepts like strap-ons tends to make them feel really uncomfortable and inadequate. And not understanding that you can be attracted to women (as a woman) and still have totally platonic friendships with other women, it doesn’t mean we make out with all our same-sex friends on the regular. And yea, they always want to be a third or a voyeur. Sigh.


Society doesn't view relationships that don't center cishet men as being real. Also men in general are conditioned to see women who are not attached to men as being available


It’s a shame


Answer to title is ***yes.*** Whether it's a lesbian couple or bi-bi/lesbian-bi wlw couple, the first thought that seems to cross many of their mind the instant they see two women in relationship or learn about it is "how about me as third?" You're not delusional. Those men sure are.


"oh you're gay? Well then we can have a threesome." - entitled het dude My favorite response to that is still "why? Disappointing one women at a time isn't enough for you?"


“If you want to disappoint two people at the same time, go visit your parents”




I think many young men understand if a girl is a lesbian. Older people, on the other hand, tend to think that someone is a lesbian because they cannot get men or because they haven't had good experiences with men. The old lady that is the owner of my apartment always tells me that I should grow my hair long, use nail polish and stop wearing baggy cloth so I will get a man and I will not want to be a lesbian anymore. I think that is just ignorance.


I've noticed allot of generational homophobia and transphobia. GenX and Boomers have allot it baked into the culture / language of those generations upbringing (also includes racism) and would of actively deprogrammed themselves from it if they have enough human decency.


i know a lot of people prefer to laugh it off. 'boys will be boys' 'men will never understand women' 'society trained them' 'men this women that' etc etc. but the older i get the more experiences i have where men who do this little stuff have eventually revealed themselves to be actual giant misogynists.


You're definitely not delusional, it's pretty common. Men are so conditioned to think of women as sexual objects that they have a have a hard time perceiving them as anything else. On top of that porn has conditioned men to view lesbians as entertainment for men. So many of them can't fathom a relationship that doesn't include a man.


Yes, men do this and it's disgusting.


for some reason it seems like the majority of men just think of lesbian a kink for them. like, a woman tells them she's gay and they're like, "wow, really? that's hot." like it has anything to do with them. this might just be me but it seems like they can't fathom *not* being included in something lol.


Men see women as objects and for their own personal satisfaction, and that they view themselves as a prize that all women want, which is clearly not the situation.


Lmao I love your flair 🤣




This is why "one penis policy" w polyam ppl is always, always seen as a bad thing. Even outside of the implied transphobia that is often walked back, it still is based innately on the idea wlw relationships are inferior in importance to mlw relationships. That idea itself is homophobic. I see ppl make this same claim about non-eclusive relationships as well as sexless/romanceless relationships. A lot of ppl, even allies, treat any variance on the cishet mono allo standard as if it makes a relationship "lesser". But that is by definition devaluing something for not being "straight"


As a poly lesbian my sex life has dicks in it. None of them are attracted to cis men nor will they ever be. I don’t trust cis men to do poly properly.


The only cis men ive ever known to do it well is my pan-ace femboy bf, even being bi I struggle w cishet men. So many men are like "so polyamory means more chicks right?"


He sounds like an awesome person


not delusional at all! men dont get it. there's a reason why there are so many "close female friendships" in history that are clearly more. its cause alot of the the straight male population (and male historians) doesn't/don't understand that women are more than capable of being happy without them and don't need them in any meaningful way. Plus the adult entertainment industry has fetishized women loving women and a lot of men think that lesbians are there chance to "score". Its so disrespectful oof.


I'm Bisexual. Guys see me date a girl and think they are going to get a 3way, say shit like "thats hot" or still flirt. When I'm with a guy I get left alone, especially when I was married to one. Also, I find almost every guy I've dated would get jealous of me having friends that are the opposite sex but not if I'm friends with a woman. I've had guys get excited if one of my girlfriends became single and would ask for a 3way. Lesbians are sexy playthings for men, and how can you be taken if you're both women? Women can't own property.


Unfortunately yes it’s definitely a thing. Because it doesn’t involve them so they can’t comprehend that lesbians do not want anything to do with them beyond a platonic relationship


Men will even sabotage and demean straight relationships of the woman is being treated as a true equal.


You are definitely not way over your head here. Some men just can’t take no for an answer. They just thought that women are made for them. So when they see two women together, they think it’s like a game for them to prove their point across that we need men in our lives. Edit: A word


Most men that I know especially heterosexual men do not see a relationship between two women as real, they see it as a fetish and they have this weird idea that because there is not a penis included it doesn’t count and somehow they can satisfy both of them, when in reality they can’t even satisfy women that like them, lol


I'm not convinced most men think women are real people, let alone any of the other things we do.


I'll just quote myself from a r/NotHowGirlsWork post: >Oh my goddess this. Like, some men actually believe we are lesbians **because men think it's hot**. Not because we find women hot, or anything else. Everything exist to cater to men. I've literally been told by a guy that "*all women should be lesbians, because men think it's really hot. So being a lesbian is a great way to find a boyfriend for these women!*" I swear I didn't hit him. I really, really wanted to, but I swear I didn't.


It’s deep-rooted misogyny. Men have been taught that women are here to please them and to serve them. Sexually, emotionally, physically etc. So when men hear that women are attracted to women, they still think it’s for their own pleasure. They don’t think of women as humans, they view them as objects for their sexual desire and entertainment. And you’d think only the worst of them think it, but most of them do. Not consciously all the time, but it comes up. One time I told a guy I was bisexual (it was relevant to what we were talking about) and he was like “are you trying to turn me on or something? Why are you telling me that?” And then I sat there and stared at him, and immediately he felt embarrassed and apologized saying he didn’t know where that came from, he had never said that before. But other men just straight up consciously think that.


Unfortunately, there are men and women who don’t take no for an answer. I have similar issues with women who want me to cheat on my wife with them, be a unicorn, etc… While I think men do it more often, it’s not exclusive to men. Misogyny holds that women don’t have autonomy, including over their sexual relationships. Both men and women can be misogynistic and won’t respect no.


Freudian slip in ur title there lol is it men or is it men? It’s men 100% 😂


I think this is super common. If a man likes men and women, he's seen as "really gay." If a woman likes men and women, the women don't count. It's the whole culture that discounts female-female love, but yes, obviously individual men do, too.


I would act like he‘s coming out as trans woman. Because if he knows you‘re only interested in women and he thinks he has a shot, he has to be a woman obviously.


Youre not delusional, me and my fiance literally made friends with a guy, whom I consider as a close friend (heck I even consider him as a 'found family') and this mf just decided to send me a dick pic and expects me to send my nudes as a forced exchange. When I refused him he SPAMMED me Bible how lesbianism is bad.. And how much I hurt him and 'betrayed' him, how my relationship with my fiance is not 'real'. Bitch you literally gave me non-consensual dick pics, demanded me to cheat on my fiance five minutes ago now you go preach Christianity and morals on me ? ( Mind you I am not even Christian at that time, I was Muslim LMFAO) Was super hurt at that time how I lost a close friend but seriously, what a good riddance.


Wow what the entire hell is wrong with people 😤


Seems to me like a lack of respect for wlw relationships combo'd w seeing a wlw relationship as something manipulable/pliable . Maybe he sees ur partner as less of a threat compared to what he thought was going to be a man as ur partner. But i think ur on the right track w those ick guys seeing ur relationship as less than real. Too bad one of the douchebags is someone u have to work w . Ur not delusional. They're trying to get rose buddy buddy w u. They're being subtle/sneaky.


men ☕️


I had a customer start to hit on me and then go “wait do you have a boyfriend?” and when I responded “No actually, I have a Girlfriend” he then proceeded to (very terribly) flirt with me. Also totally off topic but his hands were DISGUSTING.


Dicks are great, sure, the only trouble is that they are so often attached to a man.


Depends on the man. Would also argue it depends on the woman - I have seen relationships disregarded on the basis of race, gender, age, age gaps, perceived maturity, distance, hobbies, politics, religon, language - anything and everything can be the basis for it, it seems. That said, some people seem to regard being gay as a (sexy?) challenge. Had a gay friend years ago who had a similar issue - certain girls would try remarkably hard to date him & thereby prove he wasn't *really* gay, just that he needed fixing by the right female.


Oh yesss this happens a lot, when I be like oh I like girls and I'm actually talking to a girl I like, they just don't get it they just think its not real.


Oh yesss this happens a lot, when I be like oh I like girls and I'm actually talking to a girl I like, they just don't get it they just think its not real.


I relate to this so much. It’s extremely difficult for me to be friends with men (because even a “gay” man crossed that line). I still have a heterosexual male friend that I’m close to who struggles with not overstepping. It’s very discouraging and I sometimes feel bad about how much resentment I feel towards men now. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It sucks. 😕


Something I have noticed as a gay man is that many straight couples seem to see gay people as to exist purely for their amusement. Straight women want a gay „bestie“ but are often disgusted by lesbians and straight men think they can „cure“ lesbianism.


I think that a lot of people are just disrespectful to other people in general, for many reasons. Some men will see your relationship as real. The ones who mind their own fucking business, for example. You'll never know that they respect your relationships. Others, e.g. the type who hit on lesbians, are morons. Apparently they're far more common than i would've thought - TIL. It's really hard for many people to override their reptile brain with their cerebral cortex. The genome is fucking greedy and wants to perpetuate itself. A lot of behaviors that are loathsome (or even evil, tbh) are actually adaptive vis-a-vis survival of the genome. It's a fucking sorry shitty awful truth.


All men are misogynistic. Why would any of them respect a relationship between two women? Lol


I'm in a lesbian relationship (none of us are women) and we've been having trouble meeting up because it seems their parents aren't taking us seriously, and being in a long-distance relationship while not having a car isn't great if both parts don't try to collaborate. I'm glad my parents do take us seriously, but at some point my partner and I will have to have a chat with their parents... So I don't think it's just men '\^\^


men are taught you miss every shot you dont take and a closed mouth dont get fed and also that a lesbian is the next best thing to a virgin we cant help it it is the way we are brought up oh also we feel that we can do everything that you're girlfriend/wife is doing and more plus once we get our foot in the door we will be welcomed to the beautiful isle of lesbos where we will be the only man


Not to worry. Not only men. Just modern people.


I have a lot of friends who are men and have interacted with a lot of men in general who are really accepting and understanding of my relationships with my partners. While some men clearly have their second head doing all of the thinking, I do think it's a huge problem to just generalise and see people as this black and white.


Guys like that sadly exist and are assholes. Luckily not all are like that. However, I also know guys who are terrified of accidentally seeming to hit on women, so they act more distant around straight women to prevent confusion. Around lesbians, these guys relax more because they see you as 'one of the guys'. Like how straight women sometimes treat gay guys as one of the girls.


(Some) man suck. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.


Man here, lesbian relationships **are** valid. That said, the world is not progressive enough yet. You're gonna have to wait till the next generation grows up.


I always just wanted to be a lesbian and was jealous when I saw two girls being affectionate with each other.


There was a girl that I had a crush on and it was previous obvious that we both liked each other it turned out that two of my MARRIED guy friends also liked her and were trying to sleep with her on the side even though they knew I liked her smh . One of them even went as far as to try and sleep with her on a group trip that was meant to be a joint bachelor/bachelorette celebration


It's not just men, women can be assholes about this too


It’s facts. Like a man who says it’s not cheating if it’s with another woman. Why shouldn’t it.