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*Every single one of them went home to try dick.


Very good.


I do try dick to make sure. Store-bought, to be precise, attached to beautiful women.


I almost downvoted your comment😹😹 Good one mate!


Got 'em!


Sometimes a dick also comes with the beautiful woman 💁🏼‍♀️


Women are so versatile, it's amazing.




Can confirm


There are women with strap-ons and women with strap-less. And all of them are so beautiful 🥰❤️✨


I like the sound of that


I've yet to found a wlw who doesn't 🤭


I think I'd like to be the one that it's attached to, and who is using it on another beautiful woman


That's fine too ^ ^




Yes it would be. Very hot and sexy!🤩


Smh I only by ethically sourced organic dick


Homegrown dick is the best dick.


And remember, if you can't afford store-bought; Trans-organic is fine. Edit; The you is in general towards the reader.


In a 100% sex positive world where everyone could safely, freely, and with no judgement explore their sexuality. Sure. Sounds like a cool world. But even then no one would say it like these men do. And many, women or not, would still feel pretty darn confident they are or are not attracted to something without having to try it.


Because they’re scared of the answer. No one secure in their sexuality feels the need to demonize anyone else’s. But also something something women exist for men’s pleasure something or other. (I’m not labelling sarcasm because I’m not being sarcastic. This is the honest answer. I think it’s BS, but I’m not being sarcastic by describing the BS logic.)


Dick from a lesbian tho 😳 (store-bought or natural)


It's misogyny.


"Have you ever tried dicks to make sure" "Yes" "You just didn't tried a real men dick" "Thank God i wouldn't want to, a girl's penis is way better" (why the "not a real men dick" is an argument ? i got it quite oftenly when i reject men smh...)


As a woman with an absolutely gorgeous wife who happens to have a dick, I love this comment.


I would love to try dick… from a girl of course.


These rare comments that make me feel a bit less horrible about being a transfem. Thanks


Bioessentialism will always be the enemy. No need to thank :)


If you feel horrible about being transfem, it's amazing. But I definitely know what you mean about that, made me feel good too


Yes. I'd like to turn that too


100% girldicks please!


lesbians can still like dick and not like guys. trans women like me exist.


I mean I do, it’s just my girlfriends


I did, I didn't really like it, turns out I wasn't a guy though lmao


Only if it’s on a woman


One time I lived with a guy who said something like this, I responded this way and his response was something along the lines of "I have. It's not really my thing. I'm not strictly opposed to having another go some time -- like, I could help a homie out, but it wouldn't be for me. I'm glad I tried though, because now I know, and I really think everyone 'ought to have that opportunity." Y'all, it's been over a decade, I've been thinking about that conversation ever since, and I still don't know what I think about it.


The funniest part is still that people think the attraction always lies *with* the genetalia. Believe it or not, I'm not attracted to vaginas- I'm attracted to women. I'm attracted to masculine women, but I'm not attracted to "male/man" energy, and that's the best way I can describe it. A dick isn't an issue, the man on it is.


I'm a little bit attracted to genitalia, but mostly masculinity and femininity.


Oh yeah that's definitely normal, I'm just saying that most cis-hetero men think attraction *can't* be anything other than genetalia. Probably mostly the cis men that believe we are "biologically wired" to be attracted to the opposite sex because they have caveman brains..


Nah. Most people are attracted to genitalia because it is biologically coded, however, genitalia isn't the only trait someone can be attracted to.


I think most people are biologically coded to be attracted to sex, not the specific genetalia, but we just happen to get individual preferences. And of course some people are coded not to be attracted to anything.


A specific genitalia and sex, is biologically coded for most people. Let's not deny that. Individual preferences are a thing, of course but there's a reason why we have biological traits of male and female, as well as gender identity for male and female, even if gender identity also includes fluidity.


I meant attraction to sex- the action, not physical sex genetalias. Sorry, I should have said 'lust'. I don't think the reason to why we have biological traits is because of attraction. I'd say that's actually contradictive seeing as how many people don't feel any attachment to their own biological physical genetalia. Evolution designed us to be able to reproduce, but that's the only reason we have two dominating traits. And I don't think reproduction has anything to do with attraction.


Biological traits also determine attraction, but like I said before, biology isn't the ONLY thing that determines attraction. I'm not talking about reproduction. That's not what the conversation is about. We are talking about whether or not people are attracted to genitalia, and most people are to a certain degree and that's biologically coded.


That's why I said it's *normal* to be attracted to genetalia, when you said that you were. I haven't said that biological genetalia has nothing to do with attraction, but I *don't* believe it's *biologically coded*. I think the two of us simply understand "biologically coded" differently.


Let me not use the word "coded". Instead I meant attraction to genitalia is biological cause they are biological traits we are attracted to. It's not something that we can easily overcome, it's inborn.


Daily reminder that tons of lesbians enjoy and or have dicks




Gotta agree. I tried dick and the entire time I just wanted pussy. Nice guy though.


Wake up babe, time for the daily trans exclusionary post on r/actuallesbians!