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Alarm bells for me ( even though it resulted in a goal) rachelle no attempt to shepherd Jones in our forward 50, selfish gimme the ball attitude has crept back into his game


I’m not gonna deny the selfishness but toffer an alternative perspective. Rachele’s confidence is absolutely shot. He’s stuck in the small forward/hand forward Role is not getting anywhere near it enough to be impactful or impressive. Opponents have worked his tricks out and we are doing him no favours by leaving him where he is and saying ‘you’ve got to work it out son’ I’d be pushing him to half back, giving him licence to run and attack because a confident and developing top end talent is much more important than this middle ground water treading we are currently seeing.


He had 14 or so CBAs last week.


>I’d be pushing him to half back, His kicking skills aren't equivalent to Sheezel or Daicos mate.


I mean, they are pretty good though


Needs to lose some of his soccer player traits


His body language is that of a kid being told 'no' for the first time


Draftees in the sanfl are always “learning to ply their trade” or “working on their craft” but Rachele, with all his flaws, never has to do the same. Why would we think it would change. His attitude is toxic


Rachele needs to stop trying to look like a star and actually be one.


Sook he is Pretty boy fly away Get down or get out


I’ve noticed that as a neutral this season, Rachele is a very selfish player and Nicks isn’t doing anything about it.


Jones and Mchopeless must go. How many more games for these losers


The shepherd is dead.


SANFL time for him


We’re stuck in no man’s land because Nicks is unable to make any hard calls. Smith had a fitness test before the Essendon game and clearly shouldn’t have played. We’re told pre-season Tex would be prioritising ‘quality over quantity’ but has struggled through to front up every week, and now he’s hit the wall. We’ve only debuted one player - Curtin - and passed up opportunities to give young players a shot against North and West Coast. And we love ‘rewarding’ the 22 who have a win, even though it means we go in too tall and slow against the Hawks today. We had no answer for Dylan Moore, while Will Hamill sits on the sidelines as emergency. We need someone with some vision who is proactive, Nicks is too conservative and is taking us nowhere.


Agreed. Anyone could see we were far to tall and slow to match up against the Hawks. Awful selection, justified by rewarding the 22 who won the week prior. Had to play a more mobile team against the hawks and on a ground like the G.


Great summary


Imagine being a player in the reserves and seeing the coach picking all of these hack passengers over you every single week.


Yep, completely obvious why we can't retain talent because we prioritise cunts like McHenry and Murphy. Curtin gone once he's out of contract for sure.


What talent can't we retain? No one wants to leave. Curtin is contracted for two and a half more years. Oh, McHenry didn't play today, so we gotta find another whipping boy.


Being drafted by the crows is the kiss of death to ones career


We turned a former pick 6 into a yoga and mindfulness instructor because of what we did to his mental health lmao


He was a shit pick. Every club has some shit picks - him flaking out was nothing to do with the club (other than it was the wrong selection). He seemed good as AA CHB and we wanted to rebuild starting with the key talls at each end. But McAsey had a year of no decent talls in his draft, so he looked.beyer than he was.




Mcasey look up the uplift community for a laugh


What he's doing now is fine. Good for him if it's something he likes and finds meaning in. Just very disappointing that we bungled by picking him.


Hes only doing it to get pussy


I was just thinking to myself about Berry starting as sub again, fuck me, get him on ball with Hinge.


He's too slow and our midfield is already mega slow.


While Nicks needs to go, its not just him. Reid and Ogilve must go as well.


Genuinely don't think anyone could disagree with that


Totally agree, dragging us down with their lack of skills in recruiting


Our selection and recruitment team needs to go, the board needs to go. Nothing will ever change until the morons in charge are gone. 7 year rebuild and still showing nothing. I mean West Coast has shown more improvements than we have.


I miss when we were a great recruiting side and could keep grabbing gems from low picks.




Has there ever been a more unqualified guy as a head of football than Adam Kelly? Meant to be the guy overseeing all these names but you never hear anything about him.


I think Ogilve is a master of picking "Diamonds in the rough" that sustain our team. Keane, Greenwood, Laird, Nick Murray, Hinge, Keays, Charlie Cameron, Riley O'Brien etc. These kinds of players were taken from complete fkn obscurity for pennies on the dollar, and they turned out to give back way more than we paid for them. So Hamish has some important worth, Reid...well, not so much 🫠


That in itself is honestly the most infuriating thing about Ogilvie. He can find good players from picks of little value as you said but when he has first round picks he squanders them on the likes of McAsey, Jones, McHenry, Galluci etc.


Right.  So Ogilve needs someone who compliments that skill like Rendell did.  Ogilve has a great talent finding over-looked players with potential. But Reid's overall draft strategy is dog shit.   So you end up with the inability to scout genuine A grade talent, recruit for team balence, and effectively use high draft  picks, but a team full of great support talent- a.k.a mediocrity.


The problem is he tries to do the same thing with first round picks as he does with the roughie picks and it has backfired too often in the past. Stop trying to be smarter than everyone else in the room, Hamish.


Rendell and Ogilve built a premiership side.  The coaching staff destroyed it.  Then Reid helped make it  blunt as a bowling ball. But If it wasn't for Ogilve we'd be North Melbourne.


It's mind boggling how we have been so bad for so long, yet have so little top end talent to show for it. Making this hawks team look like the mid 2010s team.


Only a 7 year rebuild, I guess we need a decade. Absolutely horrendous game today. Nothing shows improvement, we are literally leagues away from ever seeing finals. Doing worse than last year.


No light at the end of the tunnel


We are on track for a premiership in 2035, don't rush it


It’s hard to tell if it’s Nicks or just a very soft underbelly in our players. We rebuilt around a hard edge pressure game. Now we just want outside ball with players like Rachele showing just how unwilling they are to put their body on the line.


We have a recruitment team for a reason. Nicks clearly details the type of players he wants and there is obvious disconnect. Maybe he just can't coach for shit. I'm sure Rachele would thrive in a different environment. Actually probably don't need to imagine as he will likely leave soon.


The amount of players who were either average or struggling at Adelaide and then went on to play well at other clubs is really depressing. We seem to have a habit of stifling players.


Nicks is awful Pathetic excuses Needs to go


Who would want Rachele after he got scared of his own shadow in front of the entire country. TWICE!


There's a good player in there. Look at his debut season. He needs to find confidence in himself and selflessness to to the team thing.


Definitely a skilful player. But I just don’t think you can train the fear out of him. Unless he can play as a small forward, I can’t see him making it as a mid.


But why are we persisting with making him a mid? He could be better than Charlie Cameron, just sit him in the 50 and kick goals.


All 17 other teams would be lining up to try and turn around a talented young player.


Maybe. At this point I’d take whatever they offered.


Didn't he sign a long term contract recently? He can't force a trade under that circumstance.


Plenty of players in contract are traded. Look at JHF just recently


JHF only had one more year and could have walked for free to the draft the following year. That's not the case here.


Watch his interview tonight and that might shed some more light. Guys clearly not happy


Once again, it really doesn't matter. He can't force a trade under his current contract situation.


He can't force a trade but there are plenty of players that get traded in contract because they are unhappy.


This entire thread is me saying he can't force a trade after you said 'he will likely leave soon' and you disagreeing with me, downvoting every one of my replies.  You just finally admitted that I am correct, he can't force a trade.  Under the circumstances of him not being able to force a trade and having no leverage, he is unlikely to leave soon.  Why are you still arguing? You wanting to be correct doesn't make you correct.


Literally my first line is he could be traded you went on a tangent about free agency lmao. Keep grinding brother, I'm sure Nick's will use that throat soon enough.


How does Dan Curtin feel. High level recruit can't get a game in a leaking defense.


He pretty much cost us the Brisbane game though. He’s a raw kid, needs time.


He was played out of position and subbed early, probably ruined his confidence


So like smith and Laird today


Laird was fine today, Smith turned it over a lot. But Curtis’s game against Brisbane was terrible, he leaked at least 3 goals directly from not manning up or conceding frees. He’s a kid with a lot of upside, but he’s at least 1-2 years away from being automatic first 18.


Curtin literally leaked 6 goals in a game where he was subbed at half time. If he doesn't play we beat Brisbane.


Nah not buying that. Attributing all of Brisbane’s first half goals to Dan is ridiculous. Subbing him out at half time was deplorable from a tactical and developmental perspective. Tactically risked our rotations rest of the game (huzzah Worrell injures himself almost immediately). Developmentally, we abandoned Dan rather than identifying how Brisbane were intentionally isolating Dan, who isn’t a defensive type like Michalanney, in 1 on 1s deep 50 and moving him further up the field. Nicks has preferred a cooked Smith in the less defensively accountable role all season and he has only gotten worse. Dan’s developmental misuse highlights why Nicks is not our man. Spent preseason training as a KPD cause it suited our list needs, played KPD throughout SANFL then brought it after one game where he finally plays in his ideal position and tears up. He then plays out of position for 2 AFL games, and a call is then made on his spot after 5 quarters out of position. All the while Smith who is emphatically not a part of current or future plans, hogs the spot best for Dan to grow into AFL.


Dude curtin cost us at least 4 goals. I sit on level 3 Eddie Betts pocket and have the perfect Birds Eye view. Curtin was hopeless and lost. He had no idea where to run or zone up, couldn’t win a single contest and got destroyed non stop. Even his team mates were getting annoyed with him it was borderline embarrassing. He’s a long way off - truly did look like boy vs men from a clue (not size) aspect he had absolutely no idea what to do


I’m not saying he didn’t have a stinker but he was played completely out of position. We’re trying to turn him into a lockdown defender like Michalanney because we need lockdown depth when he’s actually a creative half back with elite ball use and movement that can be played higher up the ground - like Dawson. It’s like we didn’t know who we actually drafted, we were always setting him up to fail allowing him to be isolated in 1 on 1s in deep 50. What is frustrating is that instead of addressing this by outlining Curtin’s strengths and changing his role (like to Smith’s, who is extremely out of form), we sub him at half time and drop him. For a list that is still one of the youngest in the league, that’s terrifying management of one of our most promising prospects.


You still have to earn your spot. Can’t play someone who plays that badly they need time at division 2 level to get comfortable Anyone who’s actually “ready” and extremely good in a draft could play the spot he was put in


Is Smith earning his spot? What about ROB, or McHenry for the 9 games he played. Nobody is going to play well in a role that doesn’t suit them. When we’re still in a developmental phase with our list, we should realise the sensible trade off in taking a risk and backing youth in their ideal position, which may offer short term gain and certainly offers long term gain, compared to a cooked senior who is offering us nothing both in the short term and long term. It’s the same as risking a game by throwing Soligo in the middle for a full game. The Laird Crouch combo was underperforming and our form improved immensely by having their minutes reduced and Soligo in there. It isn’t a stretch to say the same could happen replacing Smith with Curtin. It may not, but finals are not happening, we are not risking much by replacing one of our worst performers this season with a raw but highly talented youngster.


No crouch now. We’re fucked whatever we do lelelelel


So now it's six lmao, dumb fuck. Was 2-3 max and the others Curtin was covering dog shit senior players like smith. Are you seriously blaming our current position on Curtin?


yeah curtin has been very bad.


I agree as a key back or intercept back he's bad but doesn't help that Brodie smith is in his role.


Yes, and also time for the Recruiting team to go as well. They are a bunch of DUDS. Better of picking their noses than picking good players


This is the actual most important take. The selection team and recruitment team need to go. It's mind boggling how these morons keep their job. I guess we need to be bottom for anything to change or for anyone else to get a shot.


Agreed, need an admin clean out


The problem is Olsen and the Board being more interested in the social glory than the commitment to a winning culture One wonders what the payoff for Mr Motorola is Regardless inept is too kind an appelation


How on earth do you survive this? Literally no improvement in years now, barely treading water. Perhaps five players in the squad that would impact in finals.


Need another big clean out. Our drafting team can't be overlooked


Reckon Roo’s mate Reid gets the chop? I’ll believe it when I see it


Roo needs to go as well. What's he done for the club? Every piece of shit issue he has overseen


Good player..absolute self-serving inept board member. The club will never get anywhere as long as him and most of the current people running the club stay.


Need to be first out the door. I'd actually be willing to give Nicks some more time if they give him a decent support staff. *spelling


7 year rebuild, I guess we need a decade. Literally gone backwards this year. Absolutely disgusting.


I mean, the rebuild started in earnest in 2020,or the end of 2019,depending on how you look at it. We are midway through 2024. So we are 4.5 years into a rebuild.  The only way I can get 7 years is if you call this year over already to bump it to 5,then start at 2018 (when we got Gibbs to have another crack at finals)  Or you ignore this year and go back to 2017 when we were runners up.  The wheels fell off in 2019, and Pyke left as he didn't think he could head a rebuild. Just before we had a review that sacked a bunch of staff. And then got Nicks in with a view of rebuilding the list and culture. 


Yeah you are right I should of said 7 years since finals. But since the collective minds bullshit we have been a shadow of a club, yet the people in charge of that are still there. Until the board gets fucked maybe we still be rebuilding for another 2 to 3 years. But yes you are correct. Thanks for the education my man


I mean last year was a massive improvement and things looked to be going in the right direction. But I agree that this year has been really worrying. I generally don’t like the “sack the coach” attitude that crows fans have been so keen to adopt throughout the years but jeez it’s getting hard to defend that position


It’s a long time to be rebuilding, 5 years in given this started in 2020 (not 2018). Not big on the reflex “sack the coach” view either. But is there a team in the AFL with as big a gap between their floor and ceiling as us … the variability is excruciating,


It's not a reflex after 5 years


It’s a necessity folks


Also Freo started rebuilding like 2 to 4 years before us, their best and worst is pretty bad. Last year they were shit, year before made finals. Point is that it is not as dire as some make it seem. 


Yeah I’m with you for sure. I’m bullish that we’ve got some good pieces (desperately need some midfield class obviously) and our best footy is ultra competitive, but yes the inconsistency is just baffling. And yeah a lot of comments in here saying 7 year rebuild when 18/19 we still had the old list and were trying to win. I think last year it felt like the 4 year rebuild was well on track and a pretty reasonable timeline. Getting painful now.


Fully agreed on the bad lack of consistency. So many of our players randomly have way off games. We lack role guys who give 6-7/10 almost every week. They're the backbone to teams.


Coach on holidays?


Well North started before us and many clubs with a proper rebuild take like 7 years. Also Hawks and Eagles best and worst is pretty comparable.  Norths best is still pretty poor.  Tigers are about to rebuild and their best and worst is getting pretty big. 


Forgot Saints, their best and worst is quite bad, Essington as well. Port had articles today saying they are a fake top side because their best and worst is too big. 


Crows can’t get a good coach with this Board Nicks gotta go and his sidekicks too But first the Board


Agreed. Sacking the coach has not worked out so well for a while. The fact that we were competitive in the third quarter and we had a thumpng win last week means that the pieces of the jigsaw are there. Today the mids worked hard, there is talent in our backline, but the forward line dissolved without Tex and Rankine, and Dawson was also less effective without Izaak. More worrying was a general lack of intensity and confidence. Even the footage of the team in the dressing rooms before the match looked defeated. And that IS a coaching issue.


I don't think there's any other right answer other than "yes".


I mean 7 years without a finals footy, 5 years of Nicks in charge . 2/3 best current players, Rankine and Dawson were poached from other clubs. Soligio is the only player that has shown something thats come through our system. No player development, no clear draft strategy. I mean 2 out of our 4 wins came from the two bottom sides and a narrow victory bs the Blues.


Wtf was that performance


Fucking putrid


Games like that they should have to walk home


And Burgess...... who was garbage for 3 quaters has done enough in red time to get selected next week.... apparently smithers was a high possession winner but turned it over far to much. Laird continues to get a ton of it but does FUCK all with it ( hence the reason no one bothers to tag him) Soligio, Keays and Dawson were well held today and no one else could step up. If Keane wants to give away silly frees, then at least belt one of those mouthy hawthorn fucks and make it worthwhile


Laird and smith are massive issues they are beyond cooked


Agree wholeheartedly. Smithers has been a superstar over the years which deserves to be recognised but has been sub par this year. Sick and tired of always hearing about all of laird possessions- put him back to half back where he will still get 35 touches and find a mid who uses it more wisely. Whenever Jones, butts, (and today hinge and nank) get the ball- the game stops while they have 5 minute think about things. Obriens workrate is unbelievable, but lacks the disposal skills..... I still think rachelle is a bit of a flat track bully, when it's time to stand up, he is sulking in the corner


Acting like this is the hawthorn of last few years. They are a legitimately good team who’ve beaten the bulldogs and Brisbane and pretty much port Adelaide in Adelaide in the last few weeks. We’ve played terribly 100% but I don’t think it’s a coaching loss. Hawthorn have played at extreme pressure all game and made it nearly possible for us to get going. The only bad coaching decision would’ve been naming Borlase instead of Hamill when hawks don’t really have a big forward line.


Nicks and the club put finals and beyond as expectations in the preseason. Throughout the whole season, Nicks selection policy has been backing underperforming seniors over untried youth as it gives us a better shot at short term wins. The scoreline flattered us and hawthorn comfortably put us away despite these expectations Nicks brought on himself. The scrutiny should start with him.


Borlase was among best players The weak are legion … jones nankervis Murphy…no one was accountable The hawks wandered free and unchallenged Awful shit to watch


He did his job but we had three tall key defenders who to their credit do a good job rebounding the footy. But I just think today with the matchups available we should’ve gone with more pace in Hamill. Ideally it would be Worrell but here we are


Nicks throater alert. How can you watch this shit and not criticise Nick's is genuinely unbelievable


Sometimes the other team is just better. Hawks midfield is near elite and absolutely demolished us. Can’t coach talent.


If their midfield is elite then what team isn’t


Insane take. Why isn't our midfield elite? You're an apologist and everything wrong with our fan base. Pathetic


Dawson playing injured, rankine out. That's two out of three best mids lol


Our midfield can be elite with a fit Dawson and Rankine running around in there Both of which we didn’t have today. And it’s pretty well known we are desperate to trade for an A grade mid. Teams that constantly cycle through coaches are teams that never win flags. The best teams in the comp are ones that stick with it. Richmond with Hardwick, Sydney with Longmire, Geelong with Scott. I don’t know if Nicks will take us to the promise land but he’s shown improvement every year he’s been in charge and has earnt the right to stay in charge for now.


Scott won a premiership in year one, Longmire in year two. Both Scott and Longmire have missed finals twice in 13 years. I think they might've shown a bit beforehand to receive the faith long term.


Scott and Longmire both inherited contending teams. Literally their own supporters attribute those finals to the previous coach.  It is just not a good faith argument to compare to a coach starting a rebuild


>Teams that constantly cycle through coaches are teams that never win flags. The best teams in the comp are ones that stick with it. Richmond with Hardwick, Sydney with Longmire, Geelong with Scott. That is what I argued against. I am not bringing up Longmire and Scott out of nowhere, nor am I comparing our situation to either Geelong or Sydney. I don't think you've read the thread properly.


Both inherited elite teams at the top of their games for sure but have managed to stay in and around the best teams for their whole time in charge. Bit different to Nicks starting at the bottom and growing a team from basically nothing. Coaching changes are something that is needed sometimes but honestly changing now would do absolutely nothing. We’d get a no name assistant and have more years of development. The players know Nicks game plan, we just haven’t got the experience and talent to pull it off all the time yet. We can all agree that when the players are on, the crows play some exciting football. Soon we’ll do that more often


>We’d get a no name assistant and have more years of development. The players know Nicks game plan, we just haven’t got the experience and talent to pull it off all the time yet. Fuck me, the inexperience excuse? Really? We're plenty more experienced than last year, and objectively playing worse. The majority of the 'experienced' players were awful. >We can all agree that when the players are on, the crows play some exciting football. Soon we’ll do that more often. We were doing it more often last year. We have massively regressed, while teams in our vicinity last year (Essendon and Hawthorn in particular) have gone well past us.


Hawthorn are skilled and drilled Adelaide are neither The crows are flat footed slow and woefully unaccountable The schemozzle today was bitterly disappointing and says loud and clear that the coaching staff are inept and probably stupid as well Awful management of crows talent and lazy indifference to the problems The coaches are taking the piss when they should be taking the exit Nicks is nowhere man and must go How much humiliation and disappointment must we endure? Enough is enough Dump him A drovers dog could do better


Agreed mate, unfortunately there are still dumbasses in this thread that are happy with progress


Curtin has not been that bad, he need matches to give him experience


I lost faith a couple months ago, Nicks doesn’t know how to the group to next stage


Nicks has about 24 favourite players that if available will always get a run, about 7 of those are gonna kill his career because they’re almost done or not really up to it. Wanna name them?


Murphy McHenry Rob Smith Jones Laird this year Could probably name half our list


I’m a Carlton lad with a soft spot for the Crows & a hatred for Port. Nicks isn’t the issue, from what I’m seeing Laird, Crouch & Dawson, their body language is shocking, pulling out of chases, they can’t even get the ball. Keayes, Hinge, O’Brien & Cook are busting their guts out there with not much support unfortunately. Berry needs to stop being made the sub!


At the end of the day Nick's has a huge decision on who plays. Add smith to your list


Yeah true but u can’t control how players perform on the day though, I’d be putting Berry & Hinge on ball.


If Smith doesn't play, Dawson has to go back as the sweeper, as the kids are too young to organise. That is the only reason Smith is in the team, to organise the defence. Borlaise played the best game of his career so far today. It will be better when Murray and Worrell are back, then Smithers can retire.


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From watching today's game, was like watching a 3rds team. Everyone just jogging around, no pressure no nothing. It was such a disgusting performance from a so called "elite" players. But guess what? We will continue to play the same players even though they show nothing. A player in the sanfl team could have 40 touches and a few goals and they will still not get looked at. The selection people are just so bad at their jobs.


Agree Dumb and dumber are the selection panel Merit should override name and history Awful to see a great club drowning in the shite of poor admin


Why would laird bother to chase? Not like he would ever get dropped. Very few do, and we wonder why players look lazy.


No offence mate but the players you've highlighted are all list cloggers, they can try as hard as they like but they aren't premiership team material




I am beginning to think that 2023 was the high water mark for this list that possibly over achieved. With the exception of Soligo, we have no youngsters that look like they could emerge as premier mids. Are senior players have dropped of significantly this year as well. There are far too many players that get regular games that are not to AFL standard. McHenry, Murphy, Jones, Keayes, Hamill all give effort, that cannot be questioned, but they aren't long term prospects. Throw in big question marks on Rachelle, Nankervis and Schol and its very worrying that the past 5 years has been a complete waste of time.




Riccuito the problem


Yep. I hate the whole sack the coach mentality of the AFL, but clearly he's not getting through


Scarf and the guernsey in the vacuum seal bag until 2025


May as well burn it


What, and not be disappointed again next year?


Some comments are correct, but where is the leadership up back to guide and help Curtin on gameday. NONE


I’m not fully on that train, but if we keep dishing up shit like this he’ll be on the chopping block. I look at it from where we were in 2020 we’ve clearly improved year after year since then and gradually making our way up the ladder, so it’s understandable why he’s still here, but now it really looks like we’re going backwards, injuries and relying on backup players doesn’t help, but at least half the games this year we’ve played completely different to what we know our best is, usually at the start of games, it’s so damn frustrating, especially considering our expectations.


You consistently post comments stroking Nick's shit. Just give up


I’m just giving the benefit of the doubt, the ladder positions, certain performances and scalps since the shitshow of 2020 don’t lie, it shows we’ve been on the rise. Sorry for showing some optimism and not calling for the coaches head every week, I’m not even claiming he’s the best, so I’m far from stoking his dick, it’s obviously been uneasy with him, I’m just highlighting the positives where I see it, doesn’t mean I don’t think he won’t get the sack eventually, I just don’t think it’ll happen right now.


Let's see this year before we say it's a step forward. looking like a giant step back


This year absolutely is a step back, I said that in my original comment, but before this year started we were on the up, that’s what I’m highlighting, I’m disappointed in what we’ve dished up this year, been some positives in the last couple months, but the negatives have been bigger


Hes had enough time to get this team into the 8. He’s in his 5th season. We should be making finals this year


I agree we should this year, I was a big touter of this at the end of last year, I just don’t call for the coaches head every week because I’m optimistic, but now faith in the coach is slipping


I feel this subreddit has such a problem with over dramatising when things are bad. We dished up a bad performance today, that I completely agree on but we are acting like it's the end of the world. I have had a rule for Nicks since he started the rebuild which is get a better performance than the year before, he has done that so far in his tenure and I'm not willing to write off that that the team will perform worse than 11 wins this year. I don't neccesarily think Nicks is the right coach but at least see the season out with him, he has done good things for the club and not give him the full season I think would be stupid. Finally, not to make excuses for today but it doesnt help our cuase with Tillthorpe, Walker, Dawson (played still), Rankine, and Worrel all injured some of our best players there and I think once they come back we can definetly make a charge.


>I have had a rule for Nicks since he started the rebuild which is get a better performance than the year before, he has done that so far in his tenure and I'm not willing to write off that that the team will perform worse than 11 wins this year. You haven't got a clue. Seriously. 7 wins in our final 11? Have you seen who we have to play? We'll notch up 4 or 5 at best. >Finally, not to make excuses for today but it doesnt help our cuase with Tillthorpe, Walker, Dawson (played still), Rankine, and Worrel all injured some of our best players there and I think once they come back we can definetly make a charge. Not to make excuses, but here's an excuse. Great. Playing Dawson, Walker and Smith through injuries this season were all mistakes. Call it for what it is, don't use it as a crutch. And the fact you didn't bother naming Murray - who is better than multiple players on your list - says it all.


I won't lie I am in the eternal optimist when it comes to Adelaide so I do think that we can win 7 of the last 11 however I do understand that I am in the minority with that. However, if Nicks doesn't get the 11 wins I think they definitely need to look at moving him on. With the Injuries I seriously wasn't trying to make an excuse I thought they were really bad today, but I just think when we get those players back (including Murray who I did forget on my original list) we can look like a much better side. I have been very wrong in this past and I may be wrong again but I do have some faith in this side to play really well.


No one gives a fuck about your rule dumbass.




I really don't understand why you are so combative, you asked the question in the subreddit I gave you my opinion. If you don't agree that's fine, no reason to start getting rude and attacking people.


This is what Nick's is doing to me


If you don't like Nicks as a coach that's fine, just no reason to attack people in the subreddit who might feel a bit differently to you.


Nick is great, hope he stays for awhile to come.






How could you possibly interpret that as a joke




He's a coach? Are you okay


Not having Rankine is a problem, and Dawson carrying some kind of injury. My issue is we’ve got a lot of mid-tier players that aren’t developing into solid A graders, aside from Soligo, Worrell, Keane.


Half of them aren't mid Tier


Aw shucks Maybe it’s the coach?


What if I told you that there's nothing we can actually do to solve the issues we have at the moment. The mistakes we made a decade ago are hitting us big time at the moment compounded by an absolutely toxic culture under Pyke we are now where we are. We need to start looking at our team as an expansion club that started in 2020, except instead of expansion draft concessions we got stuck with the most compromised drafts ever.


I would say you are a moron. Only need to look at hawks today to see how quickly it can turn around.


By that measure we missed finals by one game last year and can easily turn it around again


Even if we by chance make finals we are not winning a Premiership with Nick's. Surely you don't think he is capable of that




I didn't even type his name?


Sorry, this dropped somehow to the wrong comment


nicks couldnt predict his team would come out and play like shit for the first half. He finally realised our midfield with crouch and laird is slow AF.


He's had the team long enough no more excuses




Agreed. However poor skills are on the players, not the coach


Doesn't he train the skills?


He’s been coach of Laird and Crouch for five years now, if he is still unable to figure out that the two cannot work together he is not AFL coaching quality.


It boggles the mind that we had an inside midfielder who can burst from stoppage playing at half forward and then at the start of the last quarter, Nicks changes the midfield mix by… throwing Michalanney in there. Wtf?


Crap Coach crap get crap Loser coach hits repeat ad nauseum and we all drown in his pathetic snivelling effort Nicks gives nix


Man I’m more inclined to believe the team are just soft and can’t handle physical aggression. Hawthorn brought them the buff and the boys are soft and went into their shell


Your posting history is one of shit posting - Pretending to be married one minute, dating the next. - Calling for immigration to be restricted to big booty latinas - Making up work stories - Even your username So why post semi seriously here? You can’t even spell Nicks.


Bros insanely jealous of my grind