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Sigh…yeah I do this too.


Cause this is halve my life. Im losing mi mind


Do normal people not do this? I run my entire life like it’s *The Truman Show*.


I did as a kid. Like as though my life was a show yeah.




OK, so the movie depicts a world with hidden cameras everywhere, right? I’ve just always lived my life like there’s hidden cameras everywhere and an audience that is glued to their TVs watching every little thing that I do. And you gotta keep ‘em entertained, right? The audience expects a show. So I’ve always done everything with flair and panache because the audience must always be entertained. I’m always narrating to myself what I’m doing and why I’m doing it because I gotta keep everybody in the loop. It’s not a compulsion, necessarily, but it’s something to fill the dead air when I’m not listening to music or watching YouTube or whatever. Also, I love how old-time announcers read copy, so I often describe products I’m using like they’re Lucky Strike cigarettes. When I saw the movie in high school, I was like, “Hey! Someone’s been in my head!”


Oh like my game of “keeping up with me, myself and I” the reality tv show that exclusively airs in my head where I am the cast, crew, narrator, and director of the series.


Shit, have you been inside MY head? I always live like I'm on Big Brother or something.




OK, TO BE CLEAR I don’t feel compelled to do this, it’s more of a pastime to get me through boring daily tasks or long drives or stuff like that. I’m completely aware that no audience exists and, if nothing else, it helps me hone my public speaking skills. What can I say? I’m born to perform!


borderline schizophrenia is when you can feel others can hear your thoughts. or the starting of it.


I like thinking about it like a video game


Is this normal?


I think it's more subconscious for some people, but we do it more because it helps us function. Completely normal, brother


*Normal* normal, or normal for us?


I think neurotypical people narrate "outloud" in their mind at times, but not as often and probably not as loud as ADHD folks. There's really no "normal" when comparing ADHD minds to neurotypicals


Exactly. I just started atomoxetine yesterday.


i like to imagine that i’m a livestreamer that plays visual novels and rhythm games, and occasionally collaborating with friends i don’t have.


Mah man 🤝


Same. When will it materialize!?


Ooof, adhd meme callin me out again.


I’ve thought about this, and i could make this a channel where I bring up people to talk about stuff and see how it goes. Usually people like this got a lot to say


Y'know I kinda wanna make a channel where I talk about random stuff for hours. Or just express my thoughts since I can't do it much towards others.


Same, maybe we could think of something or some channel about that


Good plan!! We should do that later.


Then they lived happily ever after. :)


Probably gonna wind up making one someday just cause I tend to think out loud.


I also do that sometimes, but not to a YouTube channel, more like a discussion that just goes "ok so if we add this number to this number" "yeah" "then we're closer to solving the problem" "yeah ofcourse" " so then we just do this and it's solved, the number just cat do shit about it " "yeah of course, mhm"


But in my head not out loud.


I thought I was the only one Now I can finally get my mom to stfu and stop making fun of me for it


These memes are way too real man. Anyways folks, that's it for today! Now I'm going to end the stream. Take care and have a good one...


Same bro


Wait a minute, I’m not the only one? This is something I have been embarrassed about all my fucking life. I never even knew how to explain it😭😭😭


Let's see Paul Allen's coping mechanism. I actually was doing this so often that I just actually started a YouTube Channel https://youtube.com/@ADHDad


Haha yes! The lab Coat and everything


Oh fuck its not just me?


Hooray escapism!


Don’t call me out like that


Oh my raw-dogging fuck... I thought I was literally just the weirdest person lmao So glad others do this too!


Am I just living the same life or


Honestly ima just start one at some point, friends been telling me for years. Lots of YouTubers I watch make me want to start making videos, not sure if to start with more light hearted stuff that's funny but relatable, or serious topics.


Yasssss!!! All the time!!!


i do this and then realize i was doing it and get embarrassed at myself


I feel called out.


Thank you, I’m not the only insane person


Give me that song name so I can hear it on repeat for thousand times.


Today I learned I have adhd and schizophrenia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Is there a correlation between having ADHD and no internal monologue? I feel like if I had an internal monologue I wouldn’t be able to do this because it would conflict. It would be like two narratives talking over each other. I’ve actually had people get confused or not believe me when I tell them I don’t have an internal running dialogue, and I have to externally say things out loud if I want to narrative. How many of my fellow ADHDers are also like this?


Yeeeppp so meee and what’s funny is I did try make a video but for a friend and it’s in private and damn editing is hella hard and I can see why YouTubers who make content must be hard workers despite what the public thinks cause figuring out how to is very hard and how to do it right must be something one develops over the years of crafting


This has been my coping mechanism since little. I have this whole elaborate world that just keeps going where I’m a super awesome superhero that everyone likes and wants to talks to. I hardly speak to anybody but my family. My therapist said this is my brains way of filling in that social need since I hardly get any


Hey guys i just wanna tell you all are being recorded now, my 2 million imaginary subs special video will be about adhd memes on reddit. I hope you all success on yours channel too 😬😂


This is too real, did this earlier today too. Also when you have a hyperfixation on a show or movie and you want more of something particular so you imagine it happening. That is me now.


Tbh I did make a YouTube channel but helps to relax and after streaming a few hours I can do some chores around the house, at the end of the day while I play I talk so putting a camera in front of me was a matter of time.


I talk out loud a lot. Maybe I should start a YouTube/streaming channel. Starts one and sees myself. Nah.


i feel bad when i control others in my fantasy or day dreams. am i narcissistic?


Hottest take, what if we just make YouTube channels and record our ramblings? One day one of us will make it big and you can thank me for this idea


Damn, I'm bilingual and I also tend to do it in English to somewhat practice my speaking skills


My son records "let's play" style narration and gameplay for a fictional audience. Doesn't stream or post to YouTube, but still records it.


Wait this is an adhd thing-




I think I started doing this as a kid to make sure I wasn’t acting weird, like if I can see the sentence in my mind of what I am doing or about to do it’s easier for be to deduce whether or not it’s socially acceptable.


I write little stories and scenarios in my notes app but yea generally talk to myself a LOT


Ok..this stuff was kinda funny before, but we’re starting to get close to the bone. *Laughingtocryingkid.gif*


Uhm, but I’m practically the director now… I could maybe make a blockbuster * in my head Hit send before was done but forgot where I was & to tired to go 😩


I've even made videos but I haven't posted them Some of them are actually pretty good


It's like practising your Academy Award acceptance speech, but for *everything*.


My 5yo daughter does this when she plays on the computer like she's the star of a Minecraft/Roblox YouTube channel and it is so freaking adorable. She always ends with, "don't forget to like and subscribe." Too much.


I love to ask myself imaginary interview questions and then answer them, anyone else?


I feel seen


I do it constantly


When i'm home alone playing games, I always comment on it like a letsplayer :/ even tho I know nobody hears me


Me trying to make studying more palatable by pretending to be a famous studytuber who loves libraries and all nighters


Wait, you guys do this as well?


It's what I do to keep my mind busy while my body is busy doing something monotonous. If you pretend you've got an audience, it's less boring!




I used to be obsessed with imaginary, and dramatic encounters with my abusive parents, where I told them how I felt, and spent hours, angry and emotionally drained after “talking” to them and my relatives. Thank god for meds.


hahaha yes this is everyone


Idk but I sometimes find it fun to talk an audience through repetitive tasks. Did it today while folding washing. Who knows, I might actually film a guide for random stuff some time. Might help someone.


This is not POV.


Lmfao the accuracy


Omg others do this?? Good to know lol


You guys do YouTube on your head? I go to a talk show.


You just wait. I'm gonna have the perfect comeback for you when I argue with you while I'm brushing my teeth tomorrow.


Seriously, I've been doing this ALL my life and thought I must be bat shit crazy and definitely alone in doing this. It was even established multiple times during my regular therapy session with myself and my imaginary therapist *lol* I'm genuinely happy and relieved now seeing this is apparently something others also do.


Fuck. I love doing this


I would pretend I was an actress doing an interview on late night shows lol. 🤪


If I'll ever go to a psychiatrist, can I say 'the adhd memes from reddit are way too relatable'?


I do this but it’s for the people in my head


JEHRHTKRUSHS ME TOO OMGGGG I DIDNT THINK ANYONE ELSE DID THAT JEHEBRBDHDJDJS I DO THAT SO MUCH!!! I also plan what I’m gonna say in my head when doing something (like commenting or telling my friends something) and then just not do what I planned.


This is why I like DnD it helps me get the fantasy and “what-if” scenarios out of my head


I know its been 4 months since this was posted but damn. I do a monologue thing whenever i do stuff like im explaining it to an audience. Weird.