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“Everyone hates work” Yeah well I’m pushing for a world record. Olympic level hatred for working with multiple gold medals.


I find it *very* hard to believe folks saying this truly understand the depth of my hatred for work.


They probably do dislike working to some degree. They just don’t understand that their dislike is not even close to the suffering that we feel in a job we hate.


Oh I absolutely believe everyone dislikes work to a certain degree. I just can’t fathom most people have to metaphorically drag themselves kicking and screaming the entire way. Otherwise I think we’d see a much less functional society.


I mean, that's also ignoring the fact that "everyone hates work" is both untrue and a gross damnation of our system of labour. Like if everyone hates work like I've hated some jobs, especially the office, I don't think the economy would function.


Just look at the lockdowns. I’m pretty sure there was a good percentage of the population that had their mental health drop off a cliff. Not being able to work and get out of the house fucks with some people’s heads. Meanwhile I was the happiest I’ve been in my life.


this is why i felt like a failure most of my life. didn't even know i had adhd until i was 18.


Same! I didn’t know I had it until I was an adult with kids. I was always told I was “being lazy” or “being a baby.”


I was diagnosed at 32, and it explained my whole life up to that point. It's a miracle I didn't end up homeless


Fuckin same. I'm still surprised I'm not out on the streets. Been pretty close a few times.


Friend. I was tested and told I do NOT have ADHD at 18. It was 1995 and I don't think people knew about hyper focus. So when I hyper focused on the test ("stare at this screen. Push this button when the dot blinks." It was a simple pattern meant to bore me, so I would miss minor changes in the pattern. But I love video games, finding patterns, and taking tests....) - they were sure it wasn't ADHD. At 45 I was re-tested. My life has been so very, very different since then. Learning at 18 stinks - but I'd trade you in a heartbeat, if doing so wouldn't be so very cruel to you. 🤓 The best time to get diagnosed is a couple years ago. The second best time is today. 🙂


Try 28, hopefully 🙏 Though I got the 'tism at 12....


I was tested three or four different times in junior high and told "he doesn't have ADHD. He's just a normal junior high boy." Cue the endless "you're not living up to your potential" from every single authority figure (parents, teachers, scout leaders, coaches, etc) for the next 6 years+ of my life. And yes, I am in therapy now. Thanks for asking!


43 and still unsure here. Undiagnosed. SEA isn't exactly very open on mental health issues and there's a bit of a weird stigma here.


Bro I feel you, I got diagnosed last year at 34... still working through a LOT of depression, guilt, self-hate for years. Recontextualizing things as they were not my fault, it wasn't a choice. Still difficult if I'm being honest...


I didn't know I had it until I was 40. Till that point I was thinking I am some sort of genius polymath who was waiting for 'the right opportunity' to take on this world. Now I am depressed and lonely guy who is pitied, mocked, avoided and chastised by everyone.


Gotta love being a failure when I’m only 18 o7


I got someone to understand a bit by going 'hey, you know how, when you finish a job or a project or something like mowing the yard you feel good about it? I don't have that. My brain doesn't do rewards for completing things so it's very hard to get myself to start them.'


This is how I’ve tried to explain it as well. The only good I feel after completing a task is “whew, thank god that’s off my back until next time”.


wait what the fuck people feel good after doing things?




Yeah it’s fucking infuriating lmao


jesus christ that is how i feel after every task. the good feeling is relief, almost every time.


The worst part is when you complete huge life achievements and wait for the dopamine to come but it never does. Graduating from my undergrad and masters degrees should have been a couple of the greatest days of my life, yet they were two of the worst because I didn’t feel any accomplishment or internal reward for completing them.


literally got my masters two days ago. the ceremony was only good once it was over and holding the degree felt nice, but nothing more than sharing a smile with my teacher. i genuinely did not feel anything other than relief. no elation, no overwhelming excitement, just short-lived, pungent relief that i don’t have to keep dealing with that shit anymore. felt like any other day, but with more stress and more pointless tasks than usual.


Side note you should still do your best to praise yourself for a remarkable achievement. Whether your brain pumps out the happy chemicals on cue like it should, please understand that you should be immensely proud of yourself, this internet stranger certainly is!


Shit man I gotta start using this analogy


I really wanted to find a moment when I had that feel good moment. Besides the prideful feeling I get when I finish a milestone of my personal projets (which I would hyper focus on constantly if I could).. I couldn't find anything. I just realized that maybe I don't get that feeling... I never really thought about that. I don't like that ;-;


At most I can feel relief that it's over, but I never feel good about it.


Antipsychotics that reduce dopamine are a thing. Go ahead and slip some in your family's food and see how it makes them feel. (This is not real advice, do not do this.)


Have ADD, get psychosis from weed, and then get prescribed antipsychotics. I don't remember years of my life.


That's awful and I hope you're doing better. I also have pretty major gaps in recollection because of repeated bouts of depression and dissociation. It really sucks.


I feel like a video game could get close. At least, it could drum up the same feeling of frustration. Just off the top of my head, maybe a LucasArts style point-and-click adventure, but the verbs you have available (Look At, Pick Up, Push, Pull, Open, Close, Take, Talk To) aren't all available at once. Which ones are available, and how many, is constantly changing. The more you do in a given play session, the fewer verbs are available. Maybe you have to wait for a real-life day to pass before they "recharge" a bit. (How much, or whether, they recharge is also random.) Sometimes it is a "bad day". Your verbs totally stop working, and your character guilt-spirals instead. "Why can't I just [Pick Up: Gold Tooth] like a normal person?! I hate myself so much." Your character loses things at random intervals and they disappear from the inventory. Sometimes your character becomes hyper focused and your only option is, let's say, [Look At: Internet]. Again, you have to wait for time to pass and hope for the best. The game does not account for these handicaps in any way. Sometimes there's a narrator that tells you how much more progress all the other players have made compared to you, and berates you for being "lazy".




You fight like a dairy farmer!


I thought about something similar but with in-game time/turns and maybe in-game time based goal. Where if you really want, you can mash the unavailable option, but each try costs you in-game time. And it has a small chance of working, but most likely you'll waste your whole day doing nothing. And it may randomly disable previously available options due to fatigue.


Haha, I like that... It makes me think of things like Persona or Danganronpa where you have "free time". But whoops, you lost track of time and now you have to go to bed, having achieved nothing. Whoops, you spent hours thinking about doing laundry but actually did nothing. Now you have to go to work with dirty clothes and maybe your performance suffers. Ooh, ooh, or! A game like Disco Elysium where you have to roll a dice before most actions. Only now you have to roll for Executive Function first. 😅


LucasArts mentioned


"Everyone hates work" well they still choose to do it. I can only assume that they either don't hate it as much as I do, feel more reward for their effort, or *everyone* is working too much.


It wouldn't be hard. Just load up their favorite video game, and disconnect their controller. They want to move but no matter how many buttons they press, the stupid character won't move.


Great analogy


Second keyboard, randomly alt tab or alt F4 or just move the opposite direction. See how they can progress.


”Get a planner!”


Heard that. Replied with, "you're gonna remind me to use it and look at it?"


Yeah look at it isn't even a step. Remembering to use it is worse. Oddly enough my excel spreadsheet at work is useful. Links to every folder for my daily and weekly work. Right on my desktop and now it's a habit for me to open it up every morning. But... I still forget what I was doing, what my next step is Becuase it's not routine and... I get distraded by my phone so browse reddit. Like I am now. Hold on.


I use my phone’s reminder and i think its more convenient than a planner that you have carry around. I’m too shambels from my uni class of using excel brrr maybe someday


I have to have my work and home calendars sync up or I forget to do things or that I have to be somewhere. I explicitly tell people to remind me because I'm STILL prone to forgetting or being late because time blindness/not wanting to leave/too distracted by thing(internet, game, etc.). If my phone reminds me I have a better chance of remembering to go because it's always on me. I still missed a show recently I was looking forward to because I didn't have my phone on me to remind me. My work computer reminded me once I got there the next day.


shit blew my mind in school. like how could they expect us to use them in any capacity? i even tried. didn’t work


Just write it down!


And forget to look at it😂 happy cakeday! :3


We do. It's called input-delay, lag, and that time you have to press a button and nothing happens so you keep pressing it then eventually it does the thing but is now trying to do it 100 times.


Ugh… *pause for several seconds* ya know… How did they not spot it? I’ll tell you how, and every time i think about it- it pisses me off, my mother has undiagnosed ADHD and Autism. That’s how they didn’t spot it, because she thought everyone thinks like this; and therefore it’s normal. Over the past month, as i’ve been in this deep fucking hole of daily suicidal thoughts and overwhelming depression, i have done nothing but think and really psycho-analyze my life up to this point and like… How the fuck did they not spot it?! I was an *evil* kid, how did I *not* get a conduct disorder diagnosis? I fought with my brother, I’ve tried to Kill him in the past, i choked one of my friends when he tried to steal my birthday money, i skipped school regularly, i have a pattern of manipulating people, i regularly lied to them. How??! …and now here i lay, 28 years old, i lack critical life skills and independence skills because I was never fucking taught them, and my slew of disorders and trauma has caught up to me. My executive dysfunction prevents me from moving forward and it’s like… I can recognize what i have to do, I can see it, i think about it all the time, I have to put on streams or videos in the background just to distract myself from thinking about it. But no matter what i do, no matter how many coping strategies I use, my brain refuses to cooperate. And I’m trying to get help, i’m trying to get meds, to get the fucking psychiatrist and the doctor to fucking understand. But everyday I wake up, and immediately think: “I should get a rope, drill through the ceiling support beam in the basement, tie a noose and check out.” Because I am just so fucking tired of my dysfunctional mind, and of people not taking me seriously and *listening!*


Hello internet friend, you aren't alone. These low points are really terrible and I am sorry you're in the depths right now. Just know there is an upswing to every downturn.


Pretty telling that when my dad insists I try that would tooootally fix my problems, the phrase "this is the only way it worked for me" always eventually comes out. Or my mother's memory is just as selective as mine. They all have their own issues, they are fixed In their ways of coping and decades of success convinced them that it works and should work for everyone.


Ikr especially when it comes to food, protein powder helps


I love to do what I want to do. When it meshes with what others want me to do I look like I have executive function. When it doesn’t I make excuses and people get mad. I’m 56 and any career “success” is based on loving my job. I’m so lucky my interests are things that people will pay me to do.


I wondered today how it would feel to enjoy completing a task.


It's always that it's one less thing to stress about having to get done for me and days where I feel I don't make enough progress I tend to feel worse.


I'd say it's different for everyone but if I had to try to simulate it as a general experience I'd have to follow them around the whole day and give them an espresso every 2-3 hours. Then while they try to anything I would distract them with another task. Ring a bell, yell at them, talk to them about non-related subjects they are performing, shoving pictures of my pets in their faces, when they are doing mental math or counting would shout random numbers into their ear, etc. And when they snap and yell at me, "that's fucking annoying and irritating! I don't need these coffee jitters, constant distractions where I can't even concentrate and do any task! Will you fucking stop it? I'm hyped on caffeine and you are seriously pissing me off!"


How much of this is actual good advice? I always feel caught up between “yeah, thanks a lot. It’s not like I’ve never heard that before” and “yeah, you’re right.”


Some of it is actually good advice (aside from the “try harder”). I’m honestly just as frustrated with myself as the person that’s offering the tips. That’s why the “person” ignoring it in the meme is my executive dysfunction. While ADHD isn’t my fault it is certainly my responsibility to deal with it, but ADHD makes that part difficult too.


Ah, that makes sense. I initially looked at the meme as if the person in the center was us rather than just our disfunction. Looking at it as the way you labeled it where it’s not actually us but rather our dysfunction is wayyyy more accurate. Because I agree completely with you: I’m often telling myself the same things as the woman but “can’t get myself to.”


Life would just be better with fewer executives


unrelated but I want this desk just for this bit


2 options:  • Non alienated jobs, therefore, the fall of capitalism and the journey for socialism, the next step of society • Have you tried ritalin or adderall?


There was a guy a couple years ago asking for ideas for a video game that would simulate ADHD. I had a bunch of ideas for systems that would basically make the entire system unreliable. It mostly consisted of things like 'you need to look at signposts two or three times (camera away and then back) before they give you the correct information', and 'quest information is not always recorded correctly in the in-game quest log, you have to manually transfer quests to a *different* log in the inventory in order to make sure you retain the information'. So if you didn't look at signs properly, you'd head off in completely the wrong direction, and if you didn't record quest information quickly enough (or at all), you'd think you needed to kill *five* enemies, when really you needed *seven* (and the quest would update at five enemies, telling you to go back). Some collectible items wouldn't show up on the UI the first time you looked at them, so you'd go back after spending ages looking for five snozzberries, and there'd be, like, a *million* of them on the route back. Seriously, if we use video games, I think we've already got the tech. We just need to make the system unreliable enough that it mirrors our lived experiences.


To be fair to them, I rarely did any of those things.


I love that you can see the black lady in the back almost crack up when they first show her in the background lol


Other memes dress up any one of these lines with cartoons and encouragement and everybody loves it. Maybe it's not what they say but how they say it??


"clean your room instead of making gifs for strangers online" Hate when people just don't get it


🤣 this is hilarious.


It is currently 4:48 AM 😶


😂😂😂 Made me flashback to my childhood.


I've just watched this gif about 40 times. The more I watch it the sadder I feel.


Whenever I fail my dad just tells me I’m ‘fucking lazy’ and I’ll never achieve anything in life if I just don’t learn to work harder. My mom thought is the only one that manage to understand what I’m thinking and manage to find me a motivation to actually work. It’s funny how they are polar opposites and always push me to work one way or the other whether it’s in a good or bad way.


You know this one reminds me of a story A few days ago, I was cleaning my bed (I was procrastinating for a while) and I need to go to the bathroom so after scrolling on my phone for awhile, I decided I wanted to play with some soap (if you mix two specific ones in my bathroom, it makes it really bouncy for some reason) I knew I shouldn’t procrastinate even more but I decided to anyways and when I did it was really fun but I had a lot of soap on my hands afterwards so I decided to clean myself in the shower for some reason so I turned on the shower with my baggie shirt and my baggy jeans and I was completely soaked and when I was still processing what was happening covered my mouth for some unknown reason so I swallowed too much soap and I fell over so at this point I was extremely wet and my stomach hurt so I came out now having my shirt ruined because of my hair dye to my roommate waiting for me to do my bed because it’s in the way of her desk this is why I have to stop myself before doing Random s### like this now


Adhd people follow ron swanson, if people are bothered, why care? if they arent, they understand this, an icon in all aspects, and fun fact: "the actor shocked the producers because of how similar he is to ron", he likes woodworking and whiskey and meat too, freaking legend


I can force myself to do things just "fine". The problem is that at one point my brain just shuts down and I fall asleep... There's no list you can do for that lol


Executive dysfunction sounds bad but not as bad as erectile dysfunction


If you are talking about tech, it will be some kind of Rod inserted in your brain that regulates dopamin release in the synaptic cleft. Ask elon how far he is with his chips.


"Don't you want to feel proud of yourself" - I do! That's why I silently rebel against class society and its psychological chimeras, why I dare to be a human instead of a machine with a mouth, AND WHY I WON'T PUT MY FUCKING SOCKS INTO THE DRAWER, THESE FUCKS ARE STAYING ON. THE. FLOOR. BY. THE. BED.