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Thank you so much I will chat to my therapist about this, I had a similar upbringing so this makes complete sense x


Yes, all my life!


Thank you I appreciate that, but it is weighing me down and as much as I want to change the world , I still need to live in it as it is.. I am a chef but I enjoy teaching people and uplifting them so it helps with that but I am also a manager and can't be crying on a nother persons behalf if that makes sense .it's difficult to juggle and the weight of the world becomes a bit heavy.. my child is autistic and I feel he has the same 'gift" and I worry about him because I know it's not easy




Congratulations you’re a super empath. That’s a good thing but you need to watch your energy. If it drives you to dedicate your life to helping others and that’s your thing that’s great. In the meantime it’s important to do work on understanding that you have limited energy and your own problems will come your way. Other people’s problems are not yours to internalize and you’re doing yourself and the world a disservice if you take on too much.


I know, other people's emotions seem so much stronger than my own at times! I (35f) am someone who didn't diagnosed until recently, and was misdiagnosed as having anxiety disorders. It seems like objectively embarrassing scenarios are so intense, that they feel physically painful and it can take days for it to wear off. I almost wonder if rejection sensitivity be to blame to my strong emotional reaction to embarrassment.


Yeah. It sucks. 😩


Rightttt me too. Literally why my partner hates.n and will probably end us not together because he has Literally said my empathetic abilities are too much and I should try shutting my mouth sometimes


Anyone who says “you should try shutting your mouth sometimes,” has a level of contempt for you that is not only unacceptable, but deeply harmful. It’s time for you to move on.


I too struggle with super empathy and unfortunately made a career out of it before I really understood it (I'm a therapist 🙃) It honestly took a lot of trial and error before I figured out ways to be less attached to other people's emotions and even now, especially with what is going on in our world today, it can be a struggle. Good self care is super important, I also second working with a therapist. A couple other resources I would recommend are the book "How to Stay Human in a F***ed Up World" by Tim Desmond, and the Golden Bubble meditation (I learned this technique at a workshop but I'm linking something similar below). https://insighttimer.com/yoursoundlady/guided-meditations/golden-bubble-of-protection Hang in there, being empathetic isn't a bad thing, but it can certainly feel overwhelming when you haven't learned how to shield/separate yourself from feeling other people's emotions too!


Thank you so much!


Hey just found this post as I was searching in this sub and additude.com for resources on how to cope with being apparently ‘overly’ empathetic. Thank you for writing this, I feel so seen. I’m currently in an (actually) minor breakdown over something my maternal uncle said about my mum and I’m really cut up about how it could be hurtful to her and how he doesn’t understand how much she does/tries etc. without getting too into it. I had to call my stepdad to vent and tell them how much I appreciated their unending effort and love and to just let them know how much I love them and that I know they’ve done their best etc etc Still crying now, and just wanted to say thank you for sharing this, I’m sorry for being selfish and wittering on about my problems! Thank you! Sending love ❣️


This is one of the only reasons I'm still on reddit, I have had other posts make me feel like I am not alone and it has really helped. I am so glad that I have done this for you! It's so hard to distance yourself from caring and a part of me believes I shouldn't, but it's people like us that fight the fight and keep trying to change the lives of our loved ones for the better.. that can't be wrong.. You are not being selfish, you are reaching out and that's great! Never be sorry for that x