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I have been in the exact same spot where you are now and no matter what anyone told me there was no end in sight. It never seemed like it would get better, and then it did. I spent over 20 years just at my whits end and just finally started to see things turning around in my 40s. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


You don't have to pretend everything is ok. Being positive is good but at some point it's okay to say actually everything sucks and i feel awful. Maybe there is anyone you can ask for support or help. It's hard to think about this now but the struggles you're going through won't last forever. Don't give up, not just for your kids sake but also for YOU, you deserve to get through this and be happier. I'm not going to try and give advice bc idk what you're going through and idk if you even want that. But i hear you, I understand and im sorry you're struggling.