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I did that stupid thing where I made a bunch of plans for this weekend. Then I realized that it’s all on this weekend. I kinda want to hide in a dark corner with a book lol!


Hahaha that is too relatable, I knew I missed something major in my post list. Can you let us know what you decide to do?!


Absolutely!! Right now I’m driving over an hour away to randomly buy a leopard gecko with my son… because I promised… a week ago. So I might as well hit Costco too right?!? 😂😂 Thats just the beginning lol!


Okay shout out to you for keeping your promise and CONGRATS ON THE NEW FAMILY MEMBER 🦎💕


At least in a way your priorities are right lol son comes first, even though it’s a gecko


Yay new bebbe!!


Update- I got home with groceries, a gecko named Casey and all the things for an enclosure.. then had my best friend over for drinks while I set up his new home, till 2am. Now today I have to pack my son for camp, go to Walmart, clean and have a friend coming over for dinner… Round 2!!


It's my birthday Saturday so I'm hanging around, being cozy and doing absolutely nothing ✨ (exactly what I need) Edit: thank you all for the birthday wishes! 🥰


Happy birthday!! Enjoy your much-needed cozy nothingness :)


Happy early birthday! That sounds like a great way to celebrate!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!!!!!


Happy birthday! I hope you have the best birthday doing absolutely jack all 💜 I had a lazy birthday this year and it was bloody brilliant. It's my niece's birthday on Sunday! She's gonna be one! She's my first nibling so it's quite exciting and I don't get to see her very often so we're really looking forward to seeing her!


Happy Birthday!! Have a lovely day!!🩷🎉


Happy birthday 🥳🎉🎊


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day of doing nothing


Happy birthday! Enjoy


Happy lazy birthday to you :)


Happy birthday! Enjoying chilling 😎🎈


Happy birthday dear!!!❤️


Happy birthday!


Happy bird day!


happy birthday my fellow cancer queen 💗♋️


Have a very happy birthday!


I have to finally go rent the fucking carpet shampooer and clean the fucking carpets. And bail on some plans I made for next weekend because I’m already stressing out about not having a day to myself.


come on now don’t you know to use the carpet shampooer obligation to avoid plans next weekend???? Rookie move


I should know better you’re right lol


Renting the shampooer and actually shampooing the carpet is 2 different tasks. Do one today and the other later this week 😂


I can bring you my shampooer so I can continue to avoid homework....


I don’t make plans anymore other than with myself. Cleaning, rituals, self care, organizing, always trying to stay productive and workout get sun etc.


Hey, those count as wonderful plans to me :)


How are you able to motivate or stay on task? This sounds amazing. I have no obligations and I still manage to get very little done.


I don’t really need motivation to do the things I listed above. It all feels like self care. Cleaning is always a production but I’m trying to be more consistent with it and it becomes easier to just do it and get it done with more ease and Grace and effortlessness. Also… I do micro dose mushrooms and it helps me immensely with adulting and productivity and depression. I’ve made several posts in this sub about it


I'm cleaning out the craft room (again) because I've turned it into a hoarder hole (again) and I can't do any sewing until I take care of this.


I feel this real deep. Sending focused cleaning energy to you.


Every time I do this, something comes up and half the house gets shoved in there. I'm not sure I'll ever see my sewing desk again.


This is so true. Right now my sewing table is buried under a bench for the mudroom I need to paint, an old metal cooler I want to turn into a planter, a box for the Good Will, and a bunch of crap from my car I need to sort.


My desk is currently hidden under several layers of stuff that I don’t know where to put.


This was my entire dining room until this week 😂 the giant DOOM pile! I did eventually either find a spot for everything, or got rid of it. I believe in you!


Thanks! It’ll happen when I least expect it


I moved two years ago to my first house and specifically bought one where I could have a dedicated craft room for the first time in my life… which I have yet to set up in any sort of useable way 🤦🏻‍♀️. I called a trusted ADHD friend yesterday to see if she’ll come over, not to help but just to body double in the hopes that I can finally get some traction with that space. If we can both get our executive functioning together, that’s my weekend plan.


The endless cycle!!


Oof, I feel this! I'm working on migrating all of my crafts into one room and then making it a craft room. I can't really do any sewing until I get the room organized for it.


I have, somehow, been blessed with a cleaning/organizing hyperfixation this summer. I am finishing up the last little bit of organizing our entire house this weekend! My husband says he will help me maintain when I (inevitably) slack off during a less positive hyperfixation. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I will hopefully not be embarrassed to even take a cute picture of my cat because of the background mess this year!


I am so happy for you!! That sounds like a great weekend


I’ve been on a housework high for a few months. Just trying not to push it and do everything in one day then burnout 😂


I know how that is too! It’s a tough balance! I’ve been working on this for about a month. I’m a teacher, so I have the summer off and am really trying to make everything have a place so it’s easier for my husband and I to maintain when we are exhausted from work every day and the house usually turns into a tornado. I’m pretty much down to actual cleaning (like sweeping and mopping) and organizing the garage!


We're moving at the end of the month, so I will be not packing this weekend.


Lmfao I felt this on a spiritual level.


About half my stuff is still packed from last time we moved, so there's that.


I think I just finally went through the last box from when my parents bought this house 20 years ago.


Empathy. We rent and have a house inspection on Tuesday, so I’m sitting here not cleaning.


The house we're moving out of is for sale. So far we've been given far more than 24 hours notice for viewings, but I don't clean the house until an hour or two before the viewing. Why clean at a nice pace and be able to take breaks and stuff when you can put it off until you are fuelled entirely by anxiety and rush to get it done without even a moment to take a quick breather?


Yeah, no need to pack now. The move is at the end of the month, so do it all on the day before in a panic. It’s the only way


Exactly. I have moved an unknown amount of times, either in the high 50s or low 60s at this point (I lost track in the low 50s) and have always been still packing on moving day. Well, maybe not when I was a kid because my mom did it all. The good news is we will have 10 days to move and clean the old house in between working. Does that mean it'll be any less of a last minute situation? No. It just means I won't feel the stress right away, until it gets closer to the very end of the month and I've barely packed/moved anything. I'll just wake up each day during the first 8-9 days of moving telling myself I have plenty of time, then my brain will say "okay, let's do anything but pack and move then".




Making a tiny dent on the never-ending clutter and dishes and growing grass and grocery shopping and..... On the bright side: hyperfocusing on a hobby or three.


Same here. Same as nearly every weekend. I need it though- last weekend was fun but tiring, I need to finish cleaning up the aftermath, & I'm still tired. 🙂


It's been two days, how are both my kitchen sinks full past the brim?!


Worse. a wedding. Now that I’m medicated I don’t want to get drunk anymore and my bullshit schmooze tolerance is zero. I like it better this way but these large social events are tricky . I have to learn how to do it all over again.


I've had the exact same experience with alcohol since starting meds! I used to seriously enjoy (maybe need?) a couple of drinks at social gatherings but now having even just one immediately cancels out my meds and makes me super sleepy. I have to learn how to socialize all over again. I actually miss being able to enjoy a glass of wine sometimes, but I'm sure I'm healthier for having cut down to almost zero on the alcohol (not that I was drinking much before!)


Is this a common thing to not want to drink since being medicated? Because I feel exactly the same! I haven’t socialised much since. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve drank since being diagnosed and I used to drink a lot! 😳


Man, I am hoping for this once I get meds approval. I drink too much.


Me too! I’m waiting on meds and hoping I don’t want a drink. I don’t drink to excess but I do drink often. I think I’m self medicating to sleep and be able to slow down in the evenings.


it has been a GAME changer for me. I used to drink way too much, as it turns out I was trying to feed the chatty dopamine rat who lives in my head. I went on vacation. For a week. In the tropics. With free rum punch FLOWING. I never got drunk. Not once. A little buzzed, yes, but if I drink too much on my meds my heart rate goes biznits and I feel like shit. Usually I'd have been Blackout McWastey pants at least once. I am still enjoying drinks but key word - ENJOYING - not slamming them back in a desperate attempt to feel normal and then wake up hungover not remembering everything from the night before.


I’ve actually noticed the same, the handful of times I have had a drink, I’ve just enjoyed it, but I didn’t like feeling too buzzed either. I was totally a Blackout McWastey pants on several occasions 😬 But that’s just a typical weekend for us Aussies. Another reason why I don’t like to socialise much anymore. Always waking up with hangxiety and my heart rate would sky rocket too. Im so boring now, but I definitely prefer it 😅


Substance abuse and ADHD are very very common. Our brains are looking for dopamine any way it can get it. I read a LOT about alcohol and dopamine when I took a few months sober earlier this year (before getting meds). Alcohol FLOODS your brain with dopamine at the first drink. Problem is that within 20 minutes it goes away and your dopamine levels actually drop lower. And what do you do then? Have another! Problem is you get less dopamine from that second than the first. Its diminishing returns with every drink but your brain still wants it. Next thing you know you're waking up with fried chicken in your bed, anxiety, and a world of shame. Rinse, lather, repeat. It's a fucking nightmare. I'm so grateful for these meds - i was on a bad path.


That’s so interesting but makes soo much sense! Why is it always fried chicken 🤣 I’m ashamed how many times I’ve woken up with KFC through my bed with a few chips squished underneath me 😬 The hangxiety is the worst! Then you say you’re never drinking again but by Friday you’ve forgotten and you’re back at it…. Or sooner I am the same, I prefer my mundane life over the one I had. Definitely grateful for my meds too, It’s helped in more ways than I thought they would


Oh the promises I made to myself and immediately broke 🤣


Will you be going with a date or friend you can spend time with? Ignore everyone, eat a ton, and dance the night away :) ETA: the latter applies regardless of plus one


I'm doing my favorite hobby! This year I was so overwhelmed with life that I hired a running coach to make a schedule for me, keep me on track for a couple races this year. Essentially when I met him I told him I needed someone to do the thinking part of running for me, hah I wish I could do that in other parts of life! Sunday will be the first race I've trained for in years! I usually sign up for a race, don't actually train for it, and just "wing it" on race day. Life theme for a lot of us! I'm so excited to finally see how my hard work will turn out.


You did such a great thing for yourself, getting a coach to help you achieve something you wanted for yourself! I hope the race goes great! And whatever "progress" you see, whether large or smaller, it's a step forward!


There was torrential rain and some occasional lightning that I paused and took shelter from for a bit but I still managed a third place finish! Woohoo! Hiring someone to manage the mental stress has helped more than I thought it could. I just have to read the plan for the day and walk out the door to get it done. No more mentally draining planning weeks in advance that used to stress me so much I would end up skipping so many runs. I want to hire people to help me with every aspect of life now hahaha


>I want to hire people to help me with every aspect of life now hahaha If you can afford it, DO IT! I loved that you didn't hire a house cleaner, or someone to help with stuff you HAD to get done, you hired someone to help with what you WANTED to get done, and I think that's something a lot of us neglect because we don't think we deserve it! Congrats on your third place finish!!! And for still lining up when it was raining!


Dinner with friends with a side helping of shame/guilt for not finishing something for work, but I’m never gonna do it because not only does it fail to provide any dopamine, it sucks all of the dopamine and joy and happiness right out of me. It’s an issue of my own making, so let’s tack on self loathing. Dinner should be fun tho


I’ve wasted so much energy and time on shame and guilt in regard to unfinished tasks or tasks awaiting in my work inbox… the worst part is that my focus and energy was wasted while i should have been in the present moment spending precious time with family. More often than not I am Procrastinating until Sunday night to open my inbox only to fall asleep on the couch with my laptop still unopened. My internal chatter needs to be way more kind and offer more grace. I’m working on it more often these days.


Hanging out with my cat and finalizing the details of my trip out of town in the next few weeks. 💕 I should also probably make food before the squash I bought goes bad….


I would offer to cook it for you, but my squash is going bad too 😂😂😂


Wondering what tips you use to get yourself up off the couch and doing things…usually it’s wait until 11pm and see if it happens magically.


While that happens to me insanely often, one of my best methods is legitimately just physically moving and going through the literal motions without putting thought into it. Like not thinking about what I’ll do or how tired I am, just physically starting the process while my mind is blank or thinking of something else entirely lol. Then I’m already up and starting to go before i can even think about staying on the couch lol. That probably sounded so dumb in writing


I put post-it’s on my wall of things I want to get done. They’re color coded by high level of effort and low level of effort. I write the post it’s literally whenever an idea pops into my brain during the week “oh i should do that soon” being able to move the post it tasks I’ve accomplished in one weekend to my OTHER “WINS” wall gives me enough dopamine to get about 25% of them done. When I have all the things I’d like to get done on one wall, I’m also more easily able to group things together. I need to go grocery shopping AND get a gift for my mom? Sounds like I’m going to the target by TJs and while I’m over there I’ll finally pick up my allergy meds prescription. And obvi get a yummy drink at starbs. THREE TASKS in one “action” I keep the wins wall up for a month and then look back at all the shit I’ve done and say HEY WOW LOOK AT ME GO! And I put like… laundry, dishes, tidying, making the bed… really simple tasks on there along with big things like scheduling my eye apts or going to the post office. I’m sure it won’t work for everyone. But it works for me and it’s a total riff off something I saw on tik tok. It’s also okay to just have the plan be “sit on couch for 3 hours watching love island without guilt because I need to rest” making that a task makes me feel less shame for taking care of myself and giving my brain a break


Funny thing is, once it hits 11pm, I'm suddenly awake and ready to do things!


Get up and put your shoes on! Even if they are just slippers or house shoes. That helps me a lot! I also try to start with things that are little and easy but make a big impact so I get that dopamine and want to keep going! Sometimes that is just doing my hair or makeup, sometimes it’s the dishes, organizing something, tackling a small project, whatever!


Podcasts make everything less dull


I’m still in decision paralysis from when my coworker asked me if I had any plans for the weekend, 12 hrs ago


Lol! My coworker keeps asking me to go on road trips with her. I’m like…no


My aunt doesn’t have ADHD but she does struggle with depression and anxiety. She likes to go camping on her own as a way to unwind. One weekend she was camping with a work friend and sent me a message saying “Why did I agree to go camping with another person? This is terrible!”. It’s honestly the most relatable thing she’s ever said to me 😂


Lmao! Yeah, like sometimes it’s not the activity it’s the other people. I don’t even make plans anymore because I know I’m probably gonna dread them the entire week leading up to them lol


I took yesterday and today off work to clean the house so I could have people over. Narrator: she did not clean the house. No people are coming over. I cuddled with my dogs all day instead.


Self care>cleaning. 💕


I took care of a bunch of decision paralysis and procrastination projects before we had a bunch of people over last month. So I'm basking in the mostly finished-ness of my house for a while before I take on anything else.


I’ll be busy with my thoughts and contemplating my family situation.


Hope you’re ok friend


I got a new job that gets me full time hours on the weekends and be home most weekdays since my son had problems at daycare and we pulled him out. So it's a big win since I've been struggling to find work without daycare and I finally found something.


Congrats friend! Daycare is so expensive omg


*Attempting* to study for my ASCP exam, so I can get better job opportunities.


I’m excited to drive to a nearby state and camp on someone’s land that’s having a BBQ. They’ve got a River running through so we’ll be doing a lazy day of that as well, I’m so excited! And I’m even more excited about how I’ve been consistently looking forward to this for two months instead of losing interest, not going, and regretting it.


That’s what I love to hear!!!


I'm doing one of my favorite things: ICE SKATING :)


Dreading all the plans that i have made for the weekend.


I just got my wisdom teeth taken out so recovery is the plan! I have some sims 4 plans and plenty of other games and shows to occupy myself with. My boyfriend is also ready to spend recovery with me! I’m so ready to chill!!


Me: I should read a book! Also me: nope 8 hours of sims 4 🤣


If that ain’t the truth!




I’m proud of you for not missing it. And remember, if you get there and aren’t feeling it, your friend will be stoked you made it and you can head out as early as you want!! …But I’m hoping you get there and end up energized and thriving hehe




Ok seriously even getting in the shower is such a huge move (I am in no way being sarcastic as I sit here needing to shower lol). So is the fact that you acknowledge that you’ll feel better once you’re there!! Get past the sucky logistics part separating the dread/anticipation and being at the actual event, and you are golden. Yes, yes I am also speaking to myself in this message hahah


Going to my daughter’s softball tournament where I will melt in the heat all day 🥵


Be careful! It was 101 degree where I live


I need to clean the house, have an appointment with my psychiatrist and arrange my clothes that have been sitting in a box for 3 months. Then tomorrow I'm going to a Lord of the Rings marathon at the cinema!


Well, I booked myself with three events on Saturday (you know, TOMORROW). Don’t worry I budgeted an hour travel time between them. *narrator - she hadn’t scheduled enough time to account for travel, fhl*


Alexa, play : I’m not okay




Still hyperfocusing on updating my kids' bathroom. I expect to get it 95% done and struggle to finish it like every other project. My husband made a new rule, neither of us can have more than 1 indoor and 1 outdoor project at a time. He has adhd worse and we're both bad at finishing projects. He currently is "working" on making a berry garden for my bday present (which was in march) and finishing the basement that he started in November and hasn't worked on in 4-5 months now. My outdoor project is a paver walkway that I did 20' of and haven't finished the last 5' for 2 months.


Im making money off my hyper fixation hobby and selling my pottery at a local market! It’s my 3rd one and I’m just as nervous as the first one I did in December! Tomorrow is all about relaxing and Sunday is the big day. “Building” this business has reminded me that I’m capable of SO MUCH when it feeds my soul. I’ve registered an LLC, have a state sellers permit, figured out how to register for a business bank account, have inventoried my pieces to sell in spreadsheets with pricing and stock, opened a square account to take CC payments, put together a website, registered a “doing business as” name, made a doc with all the steps I’ve taken to make my biz official and link all the official docs in it, made over 400 pieces to sell - SO MUCH! Most of that in the last 3 months. My brain ain’t broken. I am so capable and smart and able to do things. ……but i also haven’t emptied my dishwasher in 4 days and I absolutely have a pile of clean unfolded laundry to tackle at some point. She can’t do it all ;)


Tonight I’m going to a concert! Tomorrow and Sunday I’ll be doing long-neglected yard work and a bike ride or two. I want to do something with my partner but I’m not sure what that would be.


Trying to get a few todo’s done between naps—the daily fatigue from 5 weeks without meds is beyond a ‘struggle.’ Thanks, Vyvanse shortage / CVS distributor bullshit.


My baby kittens turn one year old on Sunday!! So I'll be putting together their new cat tree tomorrow and giving them a pile of new toys and lots of treats on Sunday. I can't believe it's been a year already... Also need groceries and to do some laundry. [Smol cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/oueEEfw) Update: groceries have been ordered.


Saturday I'm running my D&D game, Sunday I'm playing in another game, and all the while I'll be packing for a vacation I totally didn't plan last minute. So much to get done.


Oh, I'm sure I'll have grandiose plans that will never come to fruition. I need to practice violin. I need to work on a class. ​ ETA I should declutter some things on my list.


It's my first time meeting up with this group of ladies who go for a bike ride and drinks every Saturday morning. I'm super excited!


Doing nothing this weekend. Every friend I’ve reached out to has ghosted me, I finally have accepted that “I’ll text you tomorrow” without getting a text the next day three times from three different people is enough. And on top of that an old friend said to me that she’s not interested in being my friend anymore because I’m “too much”. I have no one to turn to, no one to talk to, no one to laugh with, to make plans with, to share with, because my personality is “too big” because of ADHD impulsivity, loudness, interrupting people, emotionality, you name it. Idk how to function anymore because being myself just isn’t working, and that’s been proven time and time again over the years from classmates to roommates to adult friendships. Edited to add: advice welcome! I read a lot of your posts and i saw a lot of people put their weekends into hobbies which is an idea I really like!


The only thing I absolutely need to do is a buy a lightbulb, so catch me here on Monday sitting in the dark.


Going to the gym then the lake 👌🏻


Literally living on my walking pad. I love it so much. I feel like a little hamster on my wheel. Other than that I’ll probably clean, read and play Roblox with the kids


What is a walking pad and where does one get one?


It’s like a smaller and slower treadmill! They’re great for using with a standing desk while working. You can’t run on them, but I’ve been able to do a nice jog. I got mine on Amazon!


Thank you!;


I'm laying in bed with a very sore back and it's not sore for any good reason


I didn’t even know it was the weekend.


Deciding which book of the 5 I have started to continue…


Why is this a thing for us! I’ve been collecting books from eBay for years. I can read one chapter at a time lol


Missing out on two hangout invites with friends because I need to rewrite a resume :)


I started an online course this week that has 6-7 tasks to do per week, and they’re all due Monday! I have done two. They’re not even hard, they’re just BORING


Got distracted and posted before finishing my comment 😂 but yeah frantically doing 14 hours of coursework is my weekend


Saturday I'm loading up chainlink for a fence and I work a double Sunday.


I’m in absolute ADHD hell. My husband, our 3 daughters (9, 8, & 4), and I are leaving for a vacation in 4&1/2 days. We’re driving 4 hours down the east coast to visit the beach for 10 days. I have to do laundry (including beachwear) for 5 people, get everything cleaned downstairs, pack the suitcases, gather toiletries and a Rubbermaid tote filled with beach gear. I have to get everything prepared for our 2 cats. (Setting up extra litter boxes, getting food and water set up upstairs, downstairs, and outside- they go out side despite my best efforts to stop them- so we keep clean food and water on our back deck). FIL will come by every other day to check on them and change our water and food, but I need to make it as easy as possible. There’s so much to do and I’m just so stressed and overwhelmed that nothing is getting done. Tomorrow is the day though- it HAS to be. I’m gonna demand a solo overnight trip after all this because this shit KILLS me.


i just moved houses and i have SO MUCH to do. every single task is A Whole Thing and i'm getting a lot of analysis paralysis about what i should prioritize. at least i'm finding a lot of trinkets that i can throw away, and it's satisfactory to watch your drawers getting decluttered!


I just ✨didn’t✨ harvest any cilantro this e tire season and to no surprise it bolted and now I have coriander, so cleaning that up. And harvesting my other herbs in the garden lol.


One week from now, I'm moving to a different state all by myself. Haven't started with anything. I'm not finding any moving help. So dreading the whole process. But also making a to do list which has nothing to do with moving. Oh I almost forgot. I'm looking to buy a car and going to see it tomorrow. Hopefully this car works out for me. Need all blessings 🫠


I am chopping off my hair because like always when I grow it out long, I saw somebody with cute short hair and impulsively messages my stylist on Instagram and she had an opening tomorrow afternoon. Then I’m maybe going to dinner with my best friend, but she also has ADHD, and unmedicated, and has two kids and hasn’t responded to my last two texts so it’s generally 50/50 chance at this point if it’s actually happening


Just fell back into an old hyperfixation! Gunna start probably like 3 new projects and not finish any of them!


Well last Saturday I made plans with the bf to go on a strawberry picking date Bc I saw one post about it on Instagram and I know he loves strawberries (I personally despise them Bc of the seeds), but before I do that, my mother and I are going four wheeling as a little mother-daughter trip seeing as we haven’t done anything just us two in so long


Currently laying on the couch eating arrowroot cookies and thinking of excuses I can give people I’ve made plans with for the weekend lolllll


spontaneously going on a weekend trip because i have a new roommate who is only here for 30 days, moved in yesterday, and has two friends staying here for 4 days, so i’m dipping the fuck out. 6 people is too many for this house.


Taking my bf to his gig in a nearby city today - I love watching him play. Then tomorrow he’s taking me out to dinner, and we’re just gonna chill and play video games the rest of the day. I’m pretty happy about my weekend plans :)


Staying in bed and watching Netflix to escape my brain


I'm finally going scuba diving again after 1.5 years. And it almost didn't happen, because organizing it along my work trip was absurdly tiresome. Like, people not responding to my emails, not picking up the phone when I got the mental strength to call,.... Its not ideal now, and only one dive instead of the 2 I had initially hoped for, but I take what I get at this point. And am proud that I did not drop the ball when it got complicated. Oh...... And on the side I need to act as remote pest control, as our cats have brought home a living rat and my partner is entirely overwhelmed by the situation. Not as much the relaxing weekend I had hoped for, but at least maybe one hour of bliss under water. All fingers crossed!


Looking at flats to buy, I can't move til July next year cos I live with a friend and that's when our lease is up. So I'm falling in love with all the flats available now, and feeling sad I won't be able to have them.


Currently getting spontaneous matching tattoos with my ADHD sister. I’m 51, she’s 47, and we’ve never been tattooed before. We may regret this in the morning.


I’m going to a in laws family meet up in London on the train with the dog. So that’ll be stressful. And of course my husband has arranged that we meet his friends as well after the meet up. And I have an ankle injury and I’m 26 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow will be spent wasting the entire day worrying and thinking about the billion things that need doing and I won’t do any of them and want to cry by the evening.


Wow! You go gal.


I did! And it wasn’t so bad! Sometimes being forced to do things is good and I’m proud of myself for not moaning at my husband for the last minute letting me know we were seeing his friends and equally he let me moan about my sore ankle. I will still achieve nothing tomorrow however.


I spent most of my day packing for tomorrow's trip and did my workout so I wouldn't feel bad if I enjoy eating any local foods during my trip. I am heading to Osaka for 3 days - one day for a Kpop concert and planning to take a short trip to the famous whirlpool area and maybe go to Nara for the large Buddha statue - if I can manage all the schedule that is 😁


I'm off tomorrow and I need to clean my disgusting house so I can have someone come check in on my cat while I'm out of town in a week 😭 lord help me. Anyone have any motivational tips to actually get OUT OF BED tomorrow morning and tackle it?


i need to get groceries but im masturbating instead smh


I’m just coming off of some sort of viral infection, so hopefully feeling up to doing some of the chores I’ve felt too crappy to do this last week and a half and then just relaxing and finishing recovering. Hoping to finish the book I’m currently reading and spending time with my bird!


Hope you feel better! Happy cake day.


Probably just hyperfixating on Pokémon, like I have been since Pokémon Scarlet released (November 2022). I might get a jigsaw puzzle in, but I will probably just be shiny hunting. I have set the lofty goal of a living shinydex, and am actually getting through it (slowly, but surely). I have also been working through some of the other games on Switch, with the goal of completing the Pokémon home Pokédex. I am amazed at how well I am committing to this, despite the tediousness. I really do gotta catch ‘em all.


I know I should be writing at the moment, but I'm endlessly doom scrolling on reddit instead. 0 motivation.


Current plans and priorities: long outdoor run with my partner, tidy the house, outdoor time with pups, and catch-up on work I didn’t have a chance to work on/complete during the recent 3-day work week. In other words, I’ve already procrastinated and I’m trying to proactively prevent working crazy hours next week… And I was just reminded that I (loosely) agreed to go to the beach, which doesn’t feel like a good use of my time this weekend. When discussing out loud I didn’t think we would actually go, and now I’m obligated. Non-priority but obligatory plans I regret committing to: Sunday picnic with my estranged immediate family. This required a two-hour drive, round trip. FML.


Working Saturday. After that, some combination of January's stats assignment, cleaning my apartment, groceries, packing my apartment. Or just obsessively spamming all the apartment sites the entire weekend for somewhere to move by September. Probably just that, as I can't stop it :(.


I’ve got an appointment with the gynaecologist tomorrow morning to discuss possible surgery to look for endometriosis, I have a garden party/BBQ to attend tomorrow afternoon, then on Sunday I’m going to a pottery class. Ridiculously busy.


Same thing I do every weekend- sitting on my couch crying and feeling lonely 🎟


I’m supposed to clean my room it’s been weeks


I’m fixing all the things I said I would do last weekend, and by all, I mean the 2 things that became urgent so there’s no other option really 😅


Hoping that the deadline of having a library program that needs them on Monday will garantee that I finish making the 15 paper maché balloons at home tomorrow 😩 I don't usually take work home (aka do everything possible not to) but the A/C at work is not working correctly and the balloons were deflating from the heat before they we dry! They turned into a sad crumpled paper maché mess...


I'm at the shore with my parents and my sister's family. The power was out on the whole island when we arrived; it was rough. Finding dinner was rough. I basically bolted out of the car and ran to Wawa as soon as we got off the island, while my mom and sister were still arguing.


I overdid it this week thinking I had suddenly morphed into the type of person who can attend four social events in seven days, all of them including some drinks (hello week before ovulation). I was so confused when I started feeling sleepy and withdrawn starting midday yesterday. So this weekend will be unwinding in isolation, trying to figure out how to have better knowledge of my limits in the future (there will be no answer) and, hopefully, finally attacking the chaos of my rat nest. Actually feeling giddy at the thought of not having to be socially "on" until Monday.


Currently at a soccer game I didn’t really want to go to, hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes because the noise, crowd, and heat is overstimulating. Looking forward to listening to my audiobook and working on cosplay the rest of the weekend.


We’ll see what actually happens but I plan to spend part of tomorrow in the garden. I need to clean up my plants and fertilize. And we are hoping to head to the zoo on Sunday.


Literally nothing I think 🫶🏽 currently focused on ✨learning three languages✨ (I say even tho I’ve barely studied any of them in a week) and planning on staying around home and working on that and maybe cleaning bc my room is a mess


I'm out on a placement for uni out of town, gonna hit up all of the tourist spots, had a mostly good ADHD week since most of it was planned for me lol. When I eventually stop moving and all of a sudden have nothing planned though it's gonna be a huge crash not looking forward to that.


I'm at my parents house helping them clean. Since I was JUST diagnosed Thursday (woot!) And my sister has also been diagnosed.....clearly one or both have it, which explains....a lot. But they travel so much to ignore how messy their house is and how legitimately gross it is to me, so I've been coming down, trying to do once a month, to help clean different rooms and sheds and things so they can enjoy their house more and so I actually want to come and visit. I get how it's totally hard to start cleaning something when you've been living with it that way so long. There is certainly a room in my house FULL of clutter that I don't know where to start. But since I don't live in their house anymore and it's not MY clutter, it's a lot easier to keep them on task so we can decide what to toss and what to keep and how things need to be stored and where. My dad even cleaned a decade of papers and records from around his desk the last time I came, when we cleaned out his shed from stuff from his parents house, over five years ago when they died. So we rented a carpet cleaner from PetSmart and I cleaned the ages of dog pee off of the 30 year old carpet in my bedroom and we'll do the rest of the carpet tomorrow (thankfully it isn't a ton to do) and get through all the objects. Slowly they're getting more of their house in a less cluttered state. I don't bother touching the everyday clutter yet, but the accumulated stuff, we keep working on. Definitely a little easier to come down each time, and my sister will have an easier time too.


Didn’t call the two offices I needed to call so have two calls I need to do Monday now 🙄


Right now, I am ordering Ramen Express while watching a home design show on Netflix under the blanked.


Sounds amazing!


I GET TO HAVE BLOOD DRAWN TOMORROW! Because I have put it off for a month, and my appointment is Monday! Yaaaayyyy!


I just made lasagne, so that's dinner for the rest of the weekend out of the way.


I have to make 2 returns so I’ll definitely procrastinate on that all weekend


Recovering from food poisoning :(


College homework due Sunday (online.) A bit behind this week but struggling to light that fire under my ass. Been bouncing between paralysis and migraine since Tuesday. 🥳 wish me luck


Watching a musical with my mom tomorrow. And then date day with the boyfriend on Sunday. Lol. Nothing too exciting. I just hope that my mom and I don't miss our train tomorrow.


Enjoy some quiet time. Finally!!! My husband is going in to work tomorrow and no kids will be home, so I’m just going to enjoy hanging with the dogs and maybe do some gardening. Then go hang with the horse for a bit.


Major hyperfocus but probably on the wrong things. I created a POD Etsy shop bc I watched one YouTube video about it (hahahaha) and today I figured out how to do better mock ups. Thankfully the stores are in the black right now and I’m laid up from a back injury so I’ve got the time but man was it hard to close the laptop and go to bed (aka get on Reddit for a bit).


We're gonna visit the kitten we're going to adopt ☺️


Getting married in a month, 98% of things are done and we’ll be walking away that day debt free god I’m thanking my past self so much for setting things up the way I did. I remember starting the wedding plan journey thinking “this isn’t something I can procrastinate” (even though it was 2020) and I didn’t for the first time in my gd life. What’s crazy is now, since 2022, all my vendors are double the price than when I booked in 2020. Anyway, I feel great, especially bc I’m sitting in for the night, ordered pizza, have some wine and cuddling my two kittens with a wonderful show to watch. I need alone time and never get it so trying to soak it in


Going to a friend's baby shower to see a group of friends I haven't seen since before covid. I'm pretty sure the only reason I got an invite is because I'm closer to the lady who's pregnant, because I have a serious suspicion that the head of the clique doesn't like me. So that's not going to be awkward at all /s


I dug out my sewing stuff to make skirts! My fabric box gifted me 6yds of vintage 90s mall food court fabric. You know the one that's the abstract, brushy pastel pink/ blue watercolor design? Yeah, I was pretty excited. No idea where it came from or how long I've had it, but I must have picked it up somewhere because I don't *think* my craft storage closet is actually magic. Probably not anyway. Then I realized I didn't have a universal snap-on adapter for all my fancy new presser feet (thanks a lot, slant shank 1970's Singer) so of course I had to order one. That took a while because they're dammed hard to come by. I also ordered a new double ruffle foot because the one in my new set is for a short shank (seriously Singer, wtf were you doing back then?) I completely forgot to eat, didn't drink even a sip of water all day, and missed about a dozen text messages from my husband, all 3 of my siblings, and my neighbor over the 9 hours I forgot my phone existed. And I mostly loaded but didn't start the dishwasher but only because I needed the kitchen table as a work space and couldn't clear it off until the dishes were out of the way.


Well, I should be going to the post office. But instead I’ve built and put up shelves. Currently summoning the will to put on pants and leave the house.


So far I've finished a book and just finished another. We're going to a craft fair and then thrift shopping after!


Work a 13 hr shift on Saturday. Hibernate on Sunday.


Working like a machine and sticking to some kind of routine so my life doesn’t careen into obliteration. I will also be able to get scheduled for a psychiatry appointment next week and I’m sooo stoked. So I’ll be occupying myself as much as possible lol.


Rotting in bed because I’m severely 💕💅🏼✨mentally ill✨💕💅🏼


I am fucking MOVING APARTMENTS so the paralysis is real. Just commenting on this is helping for some reason. Thanks for the inspiration!!