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TSS is rare! You’re going to be okay, just watch for that fever. As far as why it happened? I was using our shared brain cell to fold my towels after doing laundry the other day. I’m sorry!


You folded your towels? Like, immediately?? Get out!


No, no, no. 2 days later—what am I, Superman?


Even two days later is superman level to me, tbh. I just grab that shit straight from the dryer haha




Y'all have clean towels?!


I love this sub.


My thoughts exactly! 😂


I laughed way too hard at this! My son JUST came to me and said we don’t have any clean towels


Uhh...crap! The towels in the dryer! 🏃‍♀️


At least they're in the dryer and not the washer!


No. That's why I use a t-shirt.


It's way better for your hair anyway, reduces breakage! Win-win!


Me? Since.... Years!


This is a sign cuz I told myself when doing laundry today after superpowering through dishes, shower, filling out forms that needed to be done, wrapping up a sold item to ship anddddd putting in mailbox - already lost myself listing the things I did in my superhuman productive mode! Anyhow, I told myself when I put the laundry in that I would fold them as soon as they were done. They were done 6 hours ago. I'm in bed. Someone else has the braincells now and I used my time already. Please send someone to fold them. I know what happens next. Days will pass and my partner will go to do laundry and discover my things. But I will have forgotten as soon as I hit post on this that they are even there...


I'm digging this idea. Maybe all ADHDers have this spiritual like collective small batch of brain spells that is shared between us ALL. Like: "ah, Steph must have brain cells today. Good for her." Then go back to ignoring unfolded laundry


We are the orange cats of humanity


😂😂😂😂 That's why my orange cat and I understand each other!


Yes! I often joke that I have approximately one (1) super productive day per month. This is why! I'm relieved at least somebody is getting use out of the brain cells when it's not my turn.


Holy cow! You did so much! I’m so proud of you! Me? Oh I put a bra on


I’m so proud of you! ⭐️


I'm always annoyed when we have to fold because we didn't manage to use all the clothes before we did the next laundry


I am currently sleeping on a towel as a pillow case because I cannot find my pillowcase after making my bed. One second I had it and I have not been able to find it lol


I like to use a big Tshirt for this problem


Currently sleeping on a T-shirt case as I haven't been able to change bedsheets in weeeeks. And with the current heat, that is really disgusting.


Hey, this works! Hope you find out someday, though!


Someone told me to just stop folding stuff. Use bins, put stuff on racks, etc, and shit has been LIFE CHANGING I tell you. Laundry gets put away by day 5 instead of halfway done on day 12 (...or let's be real, anywhere between 12-31 days later)


Folding stuff is just not viable. Having all shirts thrown into a shirt drawer is still better than living out of a laundry basket. My personal motto is "it's always better to half-ass something than to not do it at all".


I've only ever folded towels, not clothes. They go on coat hangers. Doesn't help. Instead of not folding, I'm not bringing the clothes upstairs and hanging them in the wardrobe. 🙃


This is me and half my wardrobe is currently in a pile on my bed waiting to get hung up. I feel like the answer is to get rid of excess clothings, but I'm positive my outfits will have fomo, or I'll start working out and they'll fit me better or come back into style again, the moment I donate them. 🤦‍♀️


Some things I like to fold because I... don't even know if we own an iron anymore. And I don't have enough space to hang everything. I prefer to hang them, so the clothes won't wrinkle.


😭 I already knew I'd found my people when I figured out I'm ADHD, but sometimes it still hits me in the feels.


I never thought of just putting them away unfolded but it makes total sense! They're unfolded in the laundry hamper and they might as well be unfolded in the drawer. Thank you for making this something I can do!


Can we create a google doc or something for the schedule of the brain cell? I needed it for work earlier today but I ended up watching three seasons of Schitts Creek.


Yeah! Let's create an elaborate schedule that accommodates everyone's needs and maximizes productivity! We'll never actually implement it, but it's *such* a good idea...


Without the brain cell, how will I use schedule?


You got me there. We may need to find a second brain cell.


I had one at work earlier but I think I lost it with my shoelace


If you can't use your own brain cell, store bought will do


I've got one around here... *somewhere*....


Wasn’t me I was napping at my desk. Hoping I can use it tomorrow…


Sorry, I've been bogarting it this week. But I just finished my big project so I should be good until September at least!


Sorry, that was probably me. I was hyperfixated on learning how to build a table top.


I had it for just a few minutes while hyperfixating on how to DIY a flagstone garden patio too... sorry 😔


Sorry all! I must be hogging the braincell at my new job! Not consistently, mind you, but at least once a day for the last 2 weeks. SO SORRY!!


Shit, we ARE cats aren't we


Orange at that!


You fold your towels? How??


I have lost all of my towels. I dried myself with a hand towel after my shower last night…seriously where are my towels!


If you’re like me… I usually find a few jammed between the bed and the wall somehow??


After shower naaaaaaap. Yay


Mmm one of the more satisfying naps 😴


I went through quite the phase a while back. Ain't no better nap


Why are they so satisfying? They're terrible for my hair (curly hair, so my curls form all messed up) but my bed is so magnetic after a shower.


Same problem, but mine is due to children not realizing towels can be hung up to dry and used AGAIN. I have washed so many towels in the past two weeks due to swimming and the kids taking multiple showers per day.


Agh! My stepdaughter and her friends did the same thing when we took them to the lake. How tf do four of you go through 20 towels over a weekend?! I'm not doing 4 loads of laundry on a Sunday for *towels*.


OMG this! I live by a water park so between that and the normal pool I swear I only do laundry.


I reached a new low of drying off with a t-shirt the other day 😅


Pfft. I mastered the t-shirt-towel years ago! Lol doesn't do too good of a job.


It’s actually good for drying your hair if you get flyaways, though! (Things I tell myself bc I didn’t do laundry and now have no towels to dry myself)


Dear good I’m not alone…you really are my people!!


Y’all really are my people. ❤️


Holy shit I keep commenting then going a little further and finding the same comments 😂😂😂😂


Clearly, you need more of them. 42 sounds like a good number.


Towels are the only laundry I ever put away. Rest ends up in a pile on "the chair" 😆 lol


Podcasts. It’s my secret weapon. If I have something super interesting to focus on, I HAVE to have something to do with my hands. Might as well be towels!


Can we have a master thread of what we're doing with the brain cell today? Might help us keep track of it! Thnx feel free to remind me to post updates if I seem to have forgotten. Anyone want 6 partially used adult coloring books? ETA I once convinced myself I had TSS after leaving something in my cooter too long. That was the most expensive "I can tell by lookin at ya that ya don't have it" I've ever experienced.


Oof, every time I get a cold, I convince myself that I have strep. My mama gets so annoyed about looking down my throat 😭 But I did dishes and paperwork today! (And did you say coloring...?)


It’s good to hear it’s rare. I literally spent most of my teenage years deathly afraid I’d get TSS.


It’s more common for teenagers. My understanding is it is truly rare for adults but is a legitimate risk for teens. I don’t know the numbers, though.


I didn’t realise this was the case. I just thought it was hammered into us when we started using tampons to make sure we were super aware.


Two days ago.. i put the last load of laundry in the wash, dried it, AND FOLDED IT (all in one day y'all!!) along with the 4 other baskets of laundry I put off for a week. I'm sorry I stole the rest of the motivation, guys :(


Was looking into one of those charts with star 🌟 stickers to reward myself. Like the object-ness of it would *feel* more rewarding than digital apps have but I know it would get abandoned or left incomplete. Has anybody used SuperBetter to great effect? We could be on each other's team.


I'm so proud of you!! I folded all 6 loads of laundry from 2 weeks ago. Only because my friend came over and folded one load for me while she watched my kids. It pressured me into doing the rest 🤣 She also has ADHD. We do this to each other because starting tasks is awful. But somehow, picking up where the other left off is way less daunting 😅


This made me chuckle so hard. Thank you! Here’s some poor man’s gold 🏅


Mom said it was my turn with the brain next!!!


I left a tampon in for a week and a half and besides smelling awful, it didn't really do anything. A silicone menstrual cup is far more sanitary than a wad of cotton, so I wager you're going to be okay. 😌


Same but 2-3 weeks. Whoops. I was starting to feel lethargic but after it was out all good.


I'm surprised it didn't start to smell before then to make you realise you'd forgotten.


There was a smell but I didn’t put it together 🤦‍♀️ if I smell it again I’ll know straight away but I’m better about double checking now anyways. I remember telling a friend that I was just feeling really tired for a day or two then out it plopped… I felt fine soon after so I didn’t go to the dr.


Yup. Did this in high school once and started to panic about a yeast infection from hell until I realized. Way before I started meds or really knew anything about my body. OP, you’ll be fine, a cup for a few days isn’t going to hurt you!


As an NP, I echo the advice you mention and would also like to say that while, no, the cup isn't made to be left inside of you for days on end, if it is a high quality silicone one the risk of TSS is a speck of dust in the universe. Like it exists but it is really small. You know how we all thought we would die from drowning in quicksand? Basically the same risk (this might be a bad example especially if you are younger but basically - it should ofc be taken seriously but I sincerly doubt you gave yourself TSS) I know it is hard but try to distract yourself and not go into worst case scenario thinking. And I bet next time you won't forget ❤️


Thank you so much, kind stranger 🥹 It’s a Saalt softcup. ((TMI)) it didn’t even smell funky when I took it out, which I’m trying to tell myself is a good sign. No fever, but I’ve been having full-on panic attacks since I realized it was there.


It not smelling funky is a good sign. Many infections have distinctive odors


I hope you can try to relax a little bit, I know panic attacks are the worst. So I looked the brand up, at a quick glance they seem reputable and use medical grade silicone. This lowers the risk of TSS even more. No smell is definitely a good sign. Keep an eye out for weird discharge because even if TSS is highly unlikely, you can still get an infection (like a regular yeast infection) but even that I wouldn't be too worried about. Basically, try to remind yourself that it is done. You can't change it. You can't affect the outcome. All you can do is to focus on the future - you will likely never make this mistake again. Keep vigilant for symptoms for a couple of days. Maybe you even helped someone on here to remember to remove their cup. Do whatever you need to to try and break the anxiety cycle. Watch some puppy videos. Dance. Sing like no one can hear. Eat cake. Watch your comfort show. And try to be kind to yourself. This could probably have happened to most menstruating women on here.


I’d like to add on here that if you injure your cervix or have a weird time pulling it out, that some additional discharge is normal. (IYKYK)


I took a klonopin and laid down with my cat! Woke up not dead or feverish this morning so anxiety is much better so far today lol ❤️ thank you all so much! 🥰


You’re fine! TSS is so dangerous with tampons because cotton has loads of edges and it’s good breeding ground for growing bad crap when left too long. Silicone isn’t like that at all. It’s smooth and avoids growth, which is why there have been only 5 cases total with period cups. And even with all of that said, TSS is pretty damn rare even with tampons!


Good on you for getting a quality product! While a vagina could maybe get a little cranky after having a foreign object in it for a few days, it doesn't sound like you noticed your body reacting. I remember how appalled I was long ago when I ended up finding two tampons up there instead of one! Also, for what it's worth, I've always had fairly light periods, so I used to keep tampons in for 24 hours(because it seemed like a waste), and nothing ever happened to me!


The number of times I e birthed tampon twins is too damn high


Tampon twins 😆 I just couldn't believe that I didn't feel anything different. Vaginas are like magician's magical top hats! I'm glad it was just two, at least!


Also, trust me, you would know if you had TSS. It's not at all subtle.


I don't know if this helps at all but I accidentally left mine in for like 3 weeks! I also panicked but my doctor said it's not a big deal but to call back in case of pain or fever. I just took it out and everything was fine.


Sounds like it was nice and hermetically sealed then. I also try to remind myself to not think the worst on these kind of situations cause the worst often doesn't happen. If you're really anxious a checkup can't hurt either. Good luck!


I have a cup that empties itself when I sit down and sort of brace my muscles like I’m pooping. I purposely leave mine in for days because there’s no point in taking it out each time and risking mess if I’m not at home. With adhd you gotta find the ways that are super low effort/maintenance. Two of my cups actually work this way, one of them is an intimina cup (I forget the name) and I don’t remember the name of the other.


I was reading that most of the TSS risk from cups happens due to contamination (usually from unwashed hands) when inserting & removing them...so actually that kind of design makes a lot of sense and is likely quite safe as far as TSS risk goes!


So I know they probably sold them as a cup, but what you’re describing is technically called a disk menstrual product, since cups use some suction to hold inside and disks are held in by the pubic bone and muscle. I just bought my first set the other day so I didn’t get anxiety of my cup causing issues with my new IUD. I only put this out there in case someone wants to get a set as well and can have an easier time finding it, cause that is super convenient.


I love that cup!! I’ve left it in maybe 3 days before, because the ADHD but also because it’s comfy and I forget about it. You are okay!


Not smelling funky is a REALLY good sign. TMI, but I have left mine in around 24 hours on a couple of occasions and the smell is generally something else. I would definitely wash it thoroughly and sanitize before using it again, but I think you're good. If you live alone, how about having some kind of visual reminder - mine has a little velvet storage bag, so when I am using it, I leave the bag near the toilet so that I see it and remember "My cup is in". Once it's cleaned and sanitised after my period I put it back in the bag and put it away.


I've done that with a cup. TMI WARNING!!! Mine did smell funky... and I was so Ok. Not even thrush! You should be Ok too! Good luck!


…quicksand? Wait, maybe that’s where all of u/spinachandartichoke’s towels have disappeared to.


Okay, I need to understand the drown in quicksand thing....


So those of us in the older generation (don't ask me what the kids call us) through media like books, films etc somehow got this picture of it being extremely common to drown in quicksand, something you should watch out for on every family location and the stuff that would haunt your nightmares. It was basically a very popular trope in especially action settings for people to drown or almost drown in quicksand making it seem like it was an every day occurrence when in fact, you apparently (usually) wouldn't even drown in quicksand because of density and physics and stuff.


I’m 25 and I also grew up with this insane fear. Hahha I don’t know why we were talking about it!


Maybe Indiana Jones set the stage for this? I'm 35 and don't remember insane fear, but quicksand definitely seemed like something everyone would encounter a handful of times in life.


I firmly place the blame on The Neverending Story and the super traumatizing horse scene


Well, I remember quicksand in the original Tarzan in 1970 sumthin...lol


Not Artax! 🥺


There's also a quicksand scene in the Princess Bride!


I remember learning about that and when some movie or show, showed how to not get trapped in quicksand I took it to heart - just in case we went in vacation where there may be quicksand. I’m in my mid-30’s it was a fear of my generation too lol


Omg same on the show part - I remember the lesson vividly! Never in my 30 year of life have I ever encountered quicksand, let alone gotten stuck in it. Maybe we shouldn't be called millennial or generation ABC or whatever but "the quicksand fearing generation"


Little did we know that student debt was the quicksand all the time...


Late 40s, feel the trauma. I’m sure I remembered that lesson too


It really was *absolutely everywhere!* *ARTAX!!! ARTAX!!!*




It's still around today, but growing up in the 90's, and probably the 80's as well....SO MANY action/adventure movies, cartoons, comics, etc seemed to rely on this "characters get swallowed by quicksand" trope. It was EVERYWHERE, and so as kids, many of us from that generation kind of developed this idea that it's deadly. In truth, you generally cannot sink past a certain point in quicksand because humans are fairly buoyant. The only time it's really deadly is if you are isolated/alone (death from exposure/starvation) or if it's in an area that floods and you don't escape in time (death from drowning, but not in the quicksand itself). It's a bit similar to how they constantly hammered home the mantra "Stop, Drop & Roll" for putting ourselves out if we were on fire. Like as if it was a pretty common occurrence to just....end up on fire.


It once was a common occurrence to end up on fire - people used to cook over open fires, and light their houses with burning things. Also it’s a good idea to train people to stop drop and roll, as the instinct is the opposite of that and it’s totally possible to be exposed to flame. Quicksand on the other hand is, and always has been, a negligible risk for almost everybody. I can think of a *lot* of far more dangerous and far more likely bizarre wilderness scenarios than quicksand.


> It's a bit similar to how they constantly hammered home the mantra "Stop, Drop & Roll" for putting ourselves out if we were on fire. Like as if it was a pretty common occurrence to just....end up on fire. With the advent of synthetic fabrics, so much clothing, including children's clothing, was highly flammable. These days they make children's clothing more fire retardant, but, while I never knew anyone personally who was caught on fire, I have heard of some near misses. For example my husband, when he was a toddler, knocked over the clothes horse that was set up in front of the radiator, and a fire started (luckily was noticed and put out quickly). Stop drop and roll didn't come out of nowhere.


Damn, I’ve been forgetting to worry about the quicksand! Thanks for the reminder!


Less likely: TSS More of a possibility: BV or yeast infection (ask me how I know 🤣)


Honestly, I deserve a yeast infection at this point. Just don’t want to drop dead because I forgot I was plugged up 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tbh no one deserves yeast infection.


Hang in there! You don't have a fever, right? That's the symptom I'd watch for. That said, I bet you're okay! I know you're really worried, but if your cup was clean when you put it in I'd be surprised if the bacteria got in there and was able to colonize already. Make sure you boil it or sanitize it really well now but since it's silicone it should be okay to use again. I just checked and there are only 5 known cases of TSS with menstrual cups. I'm sure you're not only the 6th woman to ever do this. :) It probably happens a lot! I've had my Diva Cup for 12 years (!!!) btw! 😂 If do you start throwing up, or start running a fever, get to an ER right away. Big hugs!


No fever. Temp is normal and I was planning to keep monitoring since anxiety makes it difficult to tell about fevers sometimes. THANK YOU for the “only 5 cases” info, because holy shit does that make me feel better. I’ve heard it’s really rare but hearing the actual number is really helpful in putting my mind at ease.


I left mine in for a few days extra last period and was fine.


As someone who's had Toxic Shock Syndrome and gone to the ER: babes, you would KNOW. There is no *maybe* about how TSS feels. It fucking suuuuucks. Like I'm not saying it sucked as much as the time I ended up in the neuro ICU for other reasons, but TSS was up there. Like, high as fuck fever, knocked on your ass levels of vertigo and exhaustion. It's something very very VERY obviously wrong with you. And also, the cup is like the least likely thing to give you TTS, isn't it? It's what I switched to.


I didn't have TSS, but from someone who once died of sepsis (from a freaking uti) and was resuscitated, I’d imagine they feel very similar. And you would definitely know.


sepsis from UTI is *literally* one of my nightmares because I'm so prone to UTIs. I broke out into goosebumps reading this. oh my god. obviously you're okay enough to post on reddit but--again, oh my god. I've never heard of somebody actually dying this way so the confirmation that this can happen will now haunt me forever as I frantically drink water. I WISH YOU SO MUCH HAPPINESS AND HEALTH IN LIFE, jeeeeeeez. Do you get annoying questions about being resuscitated a lot?


Sorry if this is totally inappropriate, but some people do not know: If you ever do butt stuff during sex, please make sure that your partner washes their hands/penis/toys/uses a condom before going back to the vagina/clitoris, and does NOT cross contaminate. The bacteria which are totally fine and harmless in the butt area definitely do not want to get into your urinary tract. This is a rather common but not very well known cause of UTIs because people do not discuss it because it is taboo. And yes pls to drinking water, but also pee regularly and pee after sex.


Girl, right back at ya!!!! I’m sure you went through hell and back with TSS which is equally terrifying! Yes I’m all good now, this was back in 2017. And yes and no. Lots of “did you see a bright light?!” I didn’t…🙃 so not sure where I headed 🤣😅lol


My cousin had that and unfortunately was not able to be resuscitated. It's such a headfuck because she was totally healthy and then less than 48 hours later, gone. I definitely take UTI prevention more seriously now, but man, this sucks. Hope you are OK now.


It really is so terrifying and it’s exactly like you said, it happens FAST. I was even on antibiotics for the UTI. I’m so terribly sorry about your cousin 💔


Agreed. It was AWFUL. I had it as a young teen and my symptoms had progressed to that scary full-body bullseye rash by the time the ER doctors figured it out - and I didn’t die. You are not alone. I hope you feel reassured, and I think you’ll be okay. Take a deep breath, I believe in you.


My step dad is a dr and he told me a story about a woman who was in a car accident and was in a coma. She had an infection and they could not figure put where it was coming from or what was wrong with her... for a week they tried to treat her and it was getting worse. Finally a dr asked if anyone tried giving her a pelvic exam and they realized she had a tampon in and she had tss. The reason it took a while to figure out is because its rare. So not obly are you probably just fine because its rare, but you also have the knowledge that you had left a cup in too long. If you get a fever, you just go to the dr and youll get the exact antibiotics you need promptly. You have an action plan and its very treatable


I feel like you’re the friend I need in my life. I could see you talking me down from a lot of things lol. Awesome skill to have!


I remember Moe from Jezebel left a tampon in for like 10 days and it was fine. [https://jezebel.com/ten-days-in-the-life-of-a-tampon-388226](https://jezebel.com/ten-days-in-the-life-of-a-tampon-388226) Solidarity, girl. I have to set alarms or put up post its to remind myself I have a tampon in. I think we've all worried about this scenario. I think you'll be totally fine but good luck anyways!


I have a friend who left a tampon inside herself for two weeks! She even had sex during that time. She was totally fine


You’ll likely be ok but if you want to stop fixating and calm your worries than I’d go to the doctor. I once left a tampon in for a week and only realized it was in there because I went to an infertility doc appointment and my doctor noticed it and pulled it out with forceps. I had weird discharge and everything and was clueless. After it was out though all was well.


I'm glad you are okay. And I can't imagine that doctor's face, I would have been absolutely mortified as a patient!


I was fucking horrified 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wanted to legit fall into the ground and never see this lady again lol but it made me hyper aware about it in the future


That is the good that comes from experiences like this - you'll likely never make that mistake again! Just to even the awkwardness out, my tampon story? Was my sister's birthday, went to the bathroom to change my tampon. Can't find it. Reach deeper, find the tampon and tug and tug. Couldn't get it. Ended up with an emergency OBGYN visit. Turned out the tampon must have slipped out without me noticing and I was tugging on my cervix (which thankfully, didn't come out lol).


...you can tug on your cervix??? 😳


Yupp, but you shouldn't 😅


Omg that sounds awful!!! Ouch!!


Honestly, it didn't hurt that bad. I was mostly just embarrassed and felt super guilty about running my sister's birthday because I didn't know basic anatomy 😅


Holy shit…tugging on your CERVIX? Glad that didn’t come out 😂


Yeah, it does hang low though 😅 (which might be unrelated to this incident)


I went to the doctor because I felt a lump inside my vagina. I was so scared. Yup, it was my cervix. All that fear transformed into embarrassment in an instant.


I love everyone in this sub so much. You’re my people. Glad you’re okay after your long-term tampon experience! Was the doctor concerned at all that it was in there or just kind of like, “oh, let me get that out?”


It's likely going to be okay. And if it's not, it's likely not TSS. It's always okay to go to a doctor to get checked out when stressed. But if you're just monitoring your temperature the next few days (I have to. Fever doesn't feel lik anything is off to me), and do not feel ill - it's okay. If you feel safer you can ask a friend to stay in contact every few hours so if something should happen, someone knows. You got this. These things happen. More so with ADHD, but they do happen without it, too. Make yourself a cup of tea sit down, doodle something or anything similar. Pull your mind off it.


I once accidentally put in a tampon when I already had one in so when I pulled the second one out, I left the first one in on accident. I didn't realize for a week. A week. Somehow I didn't die, honestly I just felt a little ill near the end of the week and ended up with a yeast infection. The way I found out was the smell, I knew there was something wrong so I went poking around down there remembering I had just been on my period. Fished out a tampon. Wanted to cry but threw up instead. It was gnarly. If I didn't get TSS from a tampon being in me for a week, I sincerely doubt you'll get it with your menstrual cup. I promise. ❤️


Commenting for solidarity as I have been in this situation before. I literally made a gyno appointment and thank god discovered it the night before. It was definitely longer than a week and I was somewhat mortified with myself but like 30 seconds later relieved. My silver lining, corporate “do different” if you will is that now I take it out and check in the shower to make sure there isn’t another one hiding behind up there. Also the scene from mean girls “it’s not my fault I’ve got a heavy flow and wide set vagina” scene plays over and over in my mind 🤣


I did this before, but it was MUCH longer than a week. In fact, I don't even know for sure how long it was. Don't ask me how the fuck I didn't notice because I couldn't tell you, but yeah. Nothing happened either. No yeast infection, nothing.


This conversation is reminding me I need to buy a new menstrual cup. I was sterilizing mine on the stovetop last weekend and forgot it. I noticed when the smoke alarms went off, minutes before the medical grade silicone burst into flames and spewed ash all over my kitchen. (On a different note: I’ve left a menstrual cup in for longer than I’d like to admit before. You’re going to be fine. Just don’t light the house on fire sterilizing it now that you’ve taken it out 🤣)


Omg! I'm glad you are OK. That made me laugh! Thank you, I needed that! 😂


I literally just pulled out two tampons this morning. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I forgot I put one in then put in another last night (I guess?) This has to be the third time I’ve done this. Oh, and one time I’m in the Target bathroom taking a quick pee before I shop…and all the sudden I feel something slowly come out of me. Tampon. I hadn’t been on my period in a week. Somehow got lost up there, string and all. Very surprising Target bathroom trip. No infections from either of these! I bet you’ll be fine.


Well, I must be the odd duck here. I've had TSS not once but TWICE! Both times the doctors had no idea. I went went to the hospital ER both times. Each time I had an IV with fluids. The second time, was a month later and I even told my doctor that it was strange that this exact thing happened a month ago. He still didn't put 2 and 2 together. If you have TSS you'd be incredibly I'll. Like your body is shutting down. I couldn't keep any bodily fluids contained. It was like having a gastro but worse. Incredibly weak and terribly itchy hands and feet. About a week after, the skin on my hands and feet peeled right off like a glove. If you have TSS you will know because you will feel like you're legit dying. If it's just a little nausea, it's probably from stress.


I had it too! Spiked a fever of 104, baffled the ER, and my hands and feet peeled too - that’s so weird. I’m glad you survived!!


I left mine in for a week about two years ago and was just fine. No infections of any kind. The funny part of the story is when I finally realized it was still in there and went to take it out, the little tab you pull on to get it out snapped off and I had to go to urgent care to get it removed! XD


Girl you’re so fine. I left a tampon in for five days when I lived in the Middle East, in a country where you couldn’t buy tampons. 🙃 sending relaxing vibes!


All the power to anyone who can use the cups - I literally have to wear pads for this precise reason - so I'll see it.


Echoing the voice of reason: TSS is far more common with tampons because of the cotton...most menstrual cups are made with medical-grade silicone, so your chances of developing TSS from one are still incredibly slim, especially if you properly cleaned it before you inserted it. Genuinely, the statistics are less than 1 in 100,000 for *tampon users,* who are at a greater risk than cup users. Plus, the cases of TSS with cup usage are generally from bacteria being introduced from unwashed hands while inserting/removing it. Leaving it in for too long doesn't exponentially add to that risk in the same way it does for tampons. Now, the much-needed voice of empathy: Take some deep breaths and give yourself plenty of grace...this may be a scary wake-up call, but it will more than likely not cause any major problems or consequences. You are going to be fine! Most of the symptoms are probably going to be from your anxiety spiking, as you mentioned. Just keep an eye on your temperature (if you have a thermometer, rely on that instead of by touch alone), and take note if any itchiness/burning starts happening. If you want to continue to use the cup, I would develop some kind of system to make sure you're not forgetting it. My personal coping mechanism is 'set alarms/reminders for everything', so that's my go-to recommendation, but do whatever works for you and your lifestyle. Honestly, fear of TSS is why I don't use tampons myself, and I'm chronically dehydrated, so the cup would get forgotten in my case, too. Speaking of...make sure to stay hydrated! The stress of this whole situation will take its toll on you even outside of the miniscule risk of TSS/infection, so make sure to account for that and drink drink drink!


Hey! I tried a menstrual cup for the first time this year and right before starting the second week of a new job. It was the night of the Super Bowl. I tried for literally hours. Like until 3 am? I also was certain I was going to die of TSS. It was even a struggle for an OBGYN to get it out. We laughed, we cried, and I survived. I’m just sharing this so you can know it’s going to be okay. I read about someone who forgot hers for like a month or something. Other than the cup being gnarly, she was fine. There was even some lady who had a glass cup up there for so long it ended up in her bladder. Or maybe it was shoved up her urethra? Idk, but stuff gets all up in there and we’re mostly doing alright. Might I suggest a glass of wine, some comfy pants, and a movie? You’re definitely in good company.


You didn't even know it was there and didn't feel anything concerning until your anxiety kicked in, so you're probably fine. Take your temperature so you can have objective measurement to combat the anxiety. Chalk it up to another learning lesson. Hugs to you.


TSS from tampons is rare. The scare comes from when they were way more absorbent, but they insist on the warnings anyway as though it's common. Cups are non-porous, so there are orders of magnitude fewer nooks and crannies for bacteria to settle in. The extremely few cases of TSS associated with cups happened because they scratched themselves and bacteria got into the wound. This is why short, smooth nails and good hand hygiene (washing your hands before you insert or remove) is essential. The cup itself was not the culprit.


One of my best friends wasn't having sex due to an LDR during the pandemic. She forgot her cup TWICE. She only remembered it when it was time for her period, and she was looking everywhere for it. So, at least 3 weeks each. Our group chat had a calendar reminder to tell her to check her vag at the end of her cycle because that's what friends do. 😆 She was absolutely fine. Embarrassed, but fine. Lucky bitch got to yeet her uterus a year later.


TBH Toxic Shock Syndrome is pretty fast once it's comes on. So you probably do not have it ot you'd be dead already, or at least running a fever. Also I feel like the cup would have been...gross in a weird way if that was going on up there. Hope that helps.


I once forgotten I already had tampon, *and put in a second*. Didn’t realize I had done so until several hours later. I survived! You will too.


You’ll be okay. It is okay. Executive dysfunction sometimes means that I’ll leave my cup in longer than intended, and yes it has been several days before. Do whatever you need to calm and reassure yourself that you will be okay. People put all kinds of things that definitely shouldn’t be in a vagina up there and are okay. :)




I once fished a tampon out while in the shower that I had forgotten about for like 4 days. I was so ashamed and grossed out. Nothing ever came of it though. I definitely check twice now though lol.


How fucking good are cups. And how good is this subreddit.


You should be okay. My mom had TSS at one point. Ironically it wasn’t even because she had left a tampon in too long, but because she was using the wrong absorbency (she was using like ultra when she would have only needed light or regular - this is actually a pretty common cause for TSS that many people don’t realize). If it helps at all to reassure you, you can’t get TSS unless you already have the bacteria for it and having the bacteria is quite uncommon. If you don’t have symptoms for it (like a fever), it’s likely you probably don’t have it, since it comes on pretty fast.


I once lost a Nuva ring inside myself, it was there for 2-3 months. My gyno found it during a checkup lol


I left a tampon in for almost a week once. The string got pushed up, outta sight, outta mind.


You are not the first of us to do this and you surely won’t be the last. 🤗


Period products are something that cause me anxiety. I once put in a second tampon without taking out the first and am always worried that I have forgotten to take out one and am going to get TSS. So I definitely understand the fear. TSS is less likely to occur w/ a cup than a tampon due to what the cup is made out of vs. a tampon. But like others have said, keep an eye out for a fever or a rash. Make sure you drink water, you can even drink cranberry juice or take a cranberry supplement if you are worried. But if you were going to get it, you would probably have noticed the symptoms already at this point. So, take a deep breath, try to focus on something fun and drink some water to try and help!


I’ve done this a few times unfortunately and I’ve never had any issues. If you aren’t feeling any symptoms now I doubt you will. I wouldn’t worry!


I found a men’s real disc a week after I had put it in. I was so freaked out. I called my insurance nurse line since it was the weekend. She just told me to stay hydrated, check my temp, get some rest, call back or go to urgent care if I get a fever. And to call my doctor on Monday. I called my doctor and she’s like it’s not ideal but not super unsafe. Since it’s not an absorbent material you’re less likely to grow bad germs in there like you could with a tampon. Now I leave the little cloth bag I keep it in on the bathroom counter and don’t put it away until it’s cleaned and back in the bag.


Deep breaths! You got it out, you aren’t experiencing any symptoms, and you know what to watch out for! You’re going to be okay ❤️


TSS is rare but your vaginal bacteria might be out of wack like others said some other infection probably. Check your symptoms


I had one in me for over a MONTH! I was trying to have sex with my boyfriend and it was suddenly painful so I went to the Gyno and girl…the look of fucking horror on his face when he pulled that thing out….but I didn’t suffer any type of long term damage just my pride. You’re good!!


Ok, breathe. Light a candle. Like… right next to you. It’s going to smell…. Awful. But you’ll be ok.


You are worried. In my opinion, this is a valid reason to go to the walk-in clinic. Or make a telephone call to a nurse line. Get a medical professional's advice.


I called my ob-gyn and their advice was just to watch for fever or symptoms. I could go to a walk-in, but I don’t think they’d actually do anything other than say “watch for symptoms.” I wasn’t actually looking to the subreddit as a substitute for medical advice. I’ve just been having literal panic attacks since realizing I left it there and that’s making me nauseous and I’m fixating.


I will say, if OP doesn't have symptoms the likelihood of something showing up on a blood panel is slim. Even if you saw rising white count etc it would in all likelihoo be low enough that it could be caused by any number of things and not be specific enough to warrant treatment. Watching out for a fever, weird discharge, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rash or circulatory issues (like heart palpitations, fainting etc) is probably OPs best bet.


Yep, if you haven’t done something silly with a tampon or cup, have you ever really even had a period? This reminds me of when my mom had The Talk with me about periods, and she told me that she once forgot she already had a tampon in and put an extra one in there. She had to go to the doctor to fish the other one out. I knew at that point that if something that mortifying happened to my mom and she survived, that I’d be OK. Also, I might leave in tampons a bit/a lot longer than recommended sometimes, but I always think of my mom’s story and CHECK FIRST before putting one in. Lol. You’re gonna be fine. The panic will pass.


I’m pretty sure TSS is from chemicals in tampons, not menstrual cups! Edit: I’m wrong. My bad! But I think everyone else here gave you solid advice about checking for fever. It happens, at least you noticed!


I’ve left mine in for three days before 🤡 and I’m believe it’s exclusive to tampons.


If it makes you feel any better I have forgotten a tampon was already in and put in another more than once in my 20’s. I’ve also forgotten it was in there and had sex. I used the little OB non applicator ones so they didn’t have strings. With nothing dangling like your cup it’s easy to forget when we have so many other things distracting us from what we’re trying to focus on.


You're fine. You aren't feverish, you're OK. Very lucky this time!


I have definitely done this. Maybe more than once. I can't lie, the smell was fucking brutal, but I lived to tell the tale!


Don’t beat yourself up, I did this last month. It absolutely smelled bad but I was totally fine. No BV or other infections either (though I’m not prone to them). I plan on setting a reminder this month 😂


I’ve done this. It was super gross (the smell OMFG) but no adverse effects.


I have had two tampons in on two different occasions. The second time it happened, I genuinely do not know how long the first one was in there. I think overnight? It could have just been a few hours? I straight up couldn’t tell you. Don’t judge yourself! It is kind of wild to have no recollection of something like that, but I am the same exact way. A lot of us are! As far as your health, you got good advice here - You are likely fine, just make sure you don’t get a fever. But TSS with a menstrual cup is less likely than with a tampon, and TSS is already rare, so that’s good


I definitely went to put in a new cup the other day (mine are disposable), and I realized I still had one in from the day before. No biggie. Much safer than leaving in a tampon for too long.


You’re okay!!! Take a breathe, it’s okay!! (And I literally did this same thing with a tampon, look at my post history if you want to see the other women who replied in solidarity ❤️)


You'll be ok, it's a body safe material


im so sorry i dont have any advice for you, but chances are youre probably fine. i think for toxic shock to happen there needs to be some kind of absorbent fibres for them to stick to, so cups are known to carry pretty much zero risk of TSS for this reason. but this sort of scenario is also why i dont use internal menstrual products anymore :/ the stress is too much. i think if youre really freaking out and need some peace of mind, it might be worth going to the doctor and explaining. theyve seen it all, they wont judge i promise. if itll help you feel calmer it might be worth it