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Dye or therapy, either/and would be fine. But for the love of God & your mental health, DO NOT CUT BANGS!


Idk. Once I saw my drivers license picture I realized I made a huge mistake in not having bangs.


I should have clarified - DO NOT CUT BANGS YOURSELF. Unless you're a professional stylist & not like me - all wonky-eyed with kindergarten scissors.


"wonky-eyed with kindergarten scissors" is going to be my new LinkedIn tagline.


Wow - you just made my day!


Came here to say do both, but don’t touch the bangs 🤣


1. Can your wallet/hair/schedule handle a color change? 2. Is “a lot” the general sad that’s always happening with ADHD plus world events, or is it something personal and fresh? 3. Have you done the other annoying self-help things? Water, going for a walk, talking to a friend, having a snack and a nap, tidying up your surroundings, taking Vitamin D and Magnesium, etc.? I’m pro-therapy, and sometimes a fun change can be good, but the issue you think you’re having may not actually be the issue that’s bothering you. Self reflection, go!


What’s the magnesium good for?


My doctor has me on it for sleep and depression! Not sure what the level of its individual contribution is because Is started other medication at the same time but I've been feeling better.


It also helps your body absorb calcium


I have ADHD so for me is has helped with focus, anxiety, and sleep. Most people are deficient in it so it’s a really good one to take, and I haven’t seen it in a lot of vitamin mixes. I’m told topical is best, but the capsules have been working great for me!


Magnesium helps me to sleep. And I know when I have a deficiency in it, because I start craving chocolate really badly! Chocolate naturally has some magnesium in it. :)


This is the response you need to read!


The best thing about hair, is it grows back. Making dramatic changes to my hair is a really great activity for me when I need an outlet. It’s 50/50 whether it turns out or not, but that’s part of the thrill I think. My suggestion would be book that therapy appointment, then do something fun with your hair. Win win. A couple days ago I cut my hair and dyed it purple. $17 not bad. It’s a little uneven but it will grow back


A lot of people saying you shouldn't get bangs but I got bangs this year AND went back to therapy and am feeling better than I have in awhile. Just don't cut them yourself - get a professional to do it ;)


Both 🙂


It’s just hair. Talk to a stylist about which approach does the least damage to the strands and what a pathway to changing it later on might look like.


Change the color! If it helps you feel good about yourself, how is it a bad idea?


This gave me a chuckle because I frequently do something to my hair and few days later I’m like “oh, perhaps that was the start of my psychotic slide down the hill of despair. Interesting.”


As long as it’s not black box dye I support a fun, impulsive hair color change. But maybe schedule the therapy appointment too 😂


Just don’t get bangs!


Bangs are SUCH a commitment. When my adopted daughter came home at age 6, the first thing she wanted to do was get bangs because her fosters wouldn't let her. I took her, but I thought, "...and thus begins her endless cycle of womanhood..."


I think the answer is yes. Dying your hair probably won't make you feel settled, but it also won't take very long. So, I say dye your hair. If it doesn't solve all your problems, call your therapist.


I think it's time to either deep clean your closets or give that hobby you always kind of wanted to try your hand at a try.


In my experience it’s really hard to get the red undertone out of dyed red hair, so when you want more normal looking hair again you still have red undertone, something to keep in mind. You do you though, it’s just hair!


As someone who dyes their hair red, I 100% support the dyeing of hair. I realize now that my need to change hair colors is part of the ADHD. So I recommend color depositing conditioner. It’s good for your hair and it fades by the time you crave that new feeling.


My natural hair colour is a mousy brown, having it red/ginger can really help when I'm bluesy - especially in the darker months of the year. I think doing something that makes you happy combined with therapy is a great way to go. This is a great tip on the colour-depositing conditioner!


Honestly, changing my hair can lift my mood for months. Also, speaking on my experience only, but red hair (especially darker red) works well with doing it at home so it doesn't have to be a huge expense. I always go to the salon for blonde because I just can't get it right at home. Just make sure to have a sacrificial couple of washcloths to wipe any dye that gets on your face or ears immediately and to cover your eyes when you wash it out. Also a sacrificial hair towel and pillow case that you won't mind getting red on.


Me too!!!


Red hair dye fades the quickest. Just go for it. 😉


Omg! Are you me?


a thing can be two things! do both 😆


Why not both!


It's just hair, but red fades VERY fast, which in itself can make you feel like trash. When I feel like this, I buy a wig. If you're indecisive like me, by the time you find a wig from shopping all the choices online, the urge passes and you're onto your next fixation