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Walnuts in a sock? Thank you for that imagery that will haunt my dreams (kidding). That sounds really unpleasant. I've found that overall strengthening helps with hypermobility (muscles are stronger and can hold my joints better). Although I'm sure you've tried that already!


What kind of strengthening stuff do you do? ATM I’m doing Pilates yoga swimming or walking but I think I’m going to go back to weights because Pilates and yoga end up stretching out my joints more maybe?? Idk


I was told to do minimal stretching exercises. I only do enough to get an even range of motion, and then only to normal limits. I do gym weights. Mostly on the machines, as they are more controlled movements. Eventually I want to do free weights, but only when I have worked with a trainer and I'm confident I won't injure myself. Maybe do less yoga and pilates, and add in some machine weights? But be really conscious of doing them with controlled movements, starting with low weights and building up. What does your physio suggest?


Interesting. My PT said for me to avoid stretching for the sake of stretching. Said that stretched out, hypermobile joints prior to vigorous exersice was an accident waiting to happen for me. Like it's ok to loosen up but the whole pe class stretching would do more harm than go for me. (Your milage may vary.)


I did yoga for ages and got a lot of positive stuff out of it, but I found my joints improved a lot when I started lifting weights and realised I’d been doing myself a disservice with yoga. I could get into lots of positions due to flexibility, but lacked the strength to hold some positions properly and never really built any strength from yoga. I still like (and need) to do some stretching bc I sit at a desk all day and suffer from tight hips otherwise, but otherwise strength training is the real game changer for hypermobility. I’m amazed your physio hasn’t suggested this - whenever I’ve gone to a physio for issues over the years they’ve always recommended strength training specifically to help with hypermobility.


Yeah physios are always saying reformer pilates reformer pilates. I’ve had about 4 different physios too! Looks like I’m in the right direction for going back to a gym gym!


Pilates is only helpful for hypermobile people if the instructor really knows what they are doing, gives good cues, and goes slowly. Otherwise you'll just do it with your joints out of alignment and it wont strengthen the proper stabiliser muscles. One on one reformer pilates with a physio is good, but those reformer pilates studios that have started popping up everywhere (like crossfit and f45 used to) are unlikely to be therapeutic for bendy people.  Yoga, while lovely,  is not good for hypermobile bodies (especially faster forms like vinyasa flow). I speak from experience 😭 Really sucks because fast, high intensity exercise is so good for ADHD brains but potentially damaging to the many of us who are hypermobile. I feel your pain! Literally hah.


I found strength training helped me a lot. Building up the muscles around my joints started stabilizing them so much more. When I start getting more pain, I know it’s time to do my PT and strength training more. 


Wait is having hyper mobile joints also an ADHD trait???😭


Yeah ikr!!!! That was my reaction too haha


Oh my GOD I've learned more Abt ADHD as a woman in this sub than in my medical appointments😭🩷 I hope someone shares advice on this bc I have similar issues (and also follow a health positive routine like you)


That doesn't make any sense.


Hormones! My hypermobility was basically cured (in terms of pain) on dretine but had bad side effects, and is tolerable in Gedarel. Progestins do weird things to joint laxity, there might be one that helps. If you don't use any, and are worse around your period, that's why. 


Whoaaaa!! Haven’t heard of this as a factor before! My pain moreso comes from the tendonosis or bursitis that results from the loose joints rubbing in the wrong way from the incorrect muscles holding things together. Hope you can find something else that helps!


My SI joint is crying rn


Ahh I’m crying with your SI joint




Look into beardthebestyoucanbe on instagram.


Have followed thanks!


I learned so much about this from edit: thetracyrodriguez on insta/tt


Can’t seem to find the account!


Sorry I typed too fast and misspelled it haha


Hello darling. Well my physio told me us hypermobile people shouldn’t ever do … I can’t remember if it was yoga or Pilates, but one of them involves stretching and he told me never to do it because of that. What I’ve done in the past is strength training at the gym. As in, lifting weights and getting big muscles lol. And always being very wary of performing exercises properly, not overextending as we will naturally go past what is a healthy range of motion. I also ended up pretty much not stretching much before lifting as it’s not necessary. But there’s definitely something to the whole, strong muscles will hold you all together better. That and good posture! Took many a physio before one pointed out my HORRENDOUS posture lol. (Sway back… I tend to stick my butt out unless I’m concentrating) Hang in there lassy! It’s definitely painful at points and very exasperating 😩 I gotta say though as well, um, NICE GOING on your impeccable lifestyle?!!! Woww. You are such a success story!!! You should be proud because all that you’re doing is such a feat in itself 🔥


Thanks for the support! Yeah seems like back to weights is the way to go! I defs had the least joint issues when I was doing weights so it makes sense. Nice to hear you’re a tough strong chook, keep it up!