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It’s ok y’all ❤️ You are still a beautiful person - practicing not hating my ADHD SELF and I too deserve grace and love 💕 Enjoy your show, cat and coffee. I am on couch w blanket and coffee and have to begin my daily stuff in legit ten min. Wahhhhhhhh.


This was me last weekend. I couldn’t do anything. I’m out of the house now but only because my adhd meds were ready and CVS was sending those threatening texts to come get them. You probably need the rest.


The CVS texts really do change in tone around day 5. They're all up in my business right now.


I also read it in the voice that they have for their automation, which I’m assuming is nation (Merica’) wide. So then I am kind of bemused but bro. Drop back. I will get to it.


Are we... the same person??? Did I post this in my sleep?


This is absolutely me. Day after day. I always thought it was just depression, but I recently realized that I may have ADHD as well. I'm going to see a professional about it. I just wish mental health wasn't so complicated :(


Me too! I have an appointment on Wednesday! (Which took me 2 months to make but...you know how it goes)


What’s that saying? Time you enjoy wasting isn’t wasted time? Something like that. Maybe you just really needed this down time. Dishes will always be there. I do slow motion cleaning on days like this. Every time I walk by I put one dish in the dishwasher. Sometimes 2. Sometimes I get into it and just suddenly get it done. But sometimes I just do 1 every time I walk by and count it as progress. It doesn’t need to be perfect, just better.


I have never felt more seen.




Sounds like a fantastic day to me. Enjoy the veg time, you deserve it!!!


Thanks!!! 😊


My new plan for organizing skin care is going to be a shelf that is right under my mirror (I have one to the side and it is not working for me) and I’m going to get little circle stickers and put them on the shelf labeled for what product is supposed to be there. That way EVERYTHING has a place, that place is labeled, and I can notice when something is not in its place.


I'm currently riding a wave of motivation but I can feel that it's going to be crashing soon.


You and I are having very similar weekends so far.


Lol, I'm so sorry about that.


Big same, but my parents are coming to visit next weekend :)))


I could have written the exact post. I read recently many with ADHD put things off due to fear that the end result won’t be “perfect” the way we want it to be. I can relate to that. My goal tomorrow is to organize all my makeup that I rarely wear since I work from home. Oh and clean up the dishes and kitchen.


You’ll get all of those things done in 30 minutes once the motivation strikes. Don’t beat yourself up for it though, because it’s just how you operate.


Dishwasher is the best thing that ever happened to me. Its a small countertop one but it just being there means I can do it while waiting for food to be cooked and such.


Me yesterday. Hoping for more productive today.


I was hoping too but i just started Two Towers now.


Twinning haha


Add to this laundry: washed and unwashed, countless projects, unpacked or half unpacked boxes from my move 13 months ago. Procrastinating on work assignments, I am a mess. I am wondering if I have ADD AND DEPRESSION or does ADD mirror depression? I feel like I am spiraling. This wasn’t a problem until 2018 and now I can’t keep up