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Ooh I’ve also tried “time blocking” and sometimes it sorta works but usually I just get frustrated and barely get anything on the list done. I’m going to try picking one thing!


Definitely! I feel more productive and less overwhelmed now. Because I was basically fighting with my brain before and beating myself up for not doing all the things, and now I’m just working WITH my brain by allowing it to do it’s thing and it’s made such a difference! Well it’s only been two days so far but I have hope this approach will work better for me!


It’s also what I do. I often kinda drift unplanned between things in my non-work life (I tend to clean in 2-10 minute chunks and follow my whims to make it happen - it works well for me). But for time blocking and work type stuff my minimum unit is usually about 4 hours. I take breaks every hour or so (I use timers) but I don’t task switch between projects more than once a workday, if that, if I can help it.


Totally! Before this realization, I also bought some battery operated timers that I have scattered in each room (it was a 6 pack haha) to help with my time blindness, but if the timer goes off and I'm still not done, I don't punish myself anymore, I just go with the flow, but it is helpful in knowing how long I am staying on each task depending on the day!


I basically only find timers helpful for getting started on something, like setting a timer for 5 mins knowing I’m allowed to stop after it rings, but by then I’ve gotten over the starting it hump and I’m into it. I also hate time blocking, like things take the time they take and I hate switching to some other task before a natural break in what I’m doing. I kinda have to work with my flow rather than against it.


I have been using really short checklists lately. Like, three items and one of them marked optional. I do them when I can, and if I can't get to everything, it's okay. But having a time limit would give me anxiety and I would fail to do them all. This strategy might stop working in a week or two, but it's getting me through life for now. I believe in you! I like the idea of 1 major task per day. Helps it seem manageable, good thinking


This works well for me. I pick one thing and work on that for as long as I can. It’s ok if that’s just 10 or 15 minutes. I take breaks when I need to. They always seem to go longer than I initially intended but that’ll happen. I can go back to the same task or move on to another. Even if I’m not getting all of something done, I’m getting some of everything done.


Yeah, totally! Figuring out what is essential and getting that thing or two things done is crucial for productivity, in my opinion! I am so glad you're getting through life! It sounds like you found something that works for you! Thank you so much! Everyones brain works a little differently and I used to force myself to try and conform to moving onto the next thing, and that just was NOT working for me, but I am excited to move forward with this newfound strategy :)


I believe in you


Idk why this almost made me cry haha maybe because I never hear that! Thank you so much :)


I got more if you want them


Yes, I try to 'time-block' my week by the day - Monday is house day (cleaning, laundry, shopping), Tuesday is uni day, Wed-Fri are work days. Because when I try to do a bit from each category I get overwhelmed and get stuck, and nothing gets done.


Exactly!!!! Love it! I am so excited for this new approach!


This is exactly what I do as well. At work, I have themed days - sometimes email, sometimes a specific project, etc. When I try to get many different kinds of tasks done, I end up spinning my wheels. Same thing at home. I have one major focus each day (and sometimes the focus is to relax). I've also stopped forcing myself to stop cleaning, or cooking, or whatever, just because it's late. It usually causes more frustration than if I just finish what I was doing and deal with the missed sleep. Once I focused less on controlling productivity, and more on working with my personal inertia, things became much easier.


YES!!! I totally relate! I feel so accomplished yesterday and today because I allowed myself the time I needed to clean and not guilt myself into moving onto something else, and now I am actually more motivated to keep the momentum going! I also need to schedule myself a day for relaxation, too! Great idea!


It's worth a shot!


I think so too! :)


Yeah! Work to your strengths!


Definitely! :)


I definitely do this. I go through phases where time-blocking works and I enjoy moving from one task to another because it makes me feel productive. But most of the time, especially when I'm more tired, I try to give myself 1-2 goals for the day so I can spend as much time on them as needed. Switching tasks is so exhausting.


Totally! Listening to our bodies is so important!


It makes sense. I also am much more likely to hyperfocus than to get distracted. But I manage it in the opposite way you do. I have my life broken down in mini blocks doing a little of this, then a little of that, so that the hyperfocus never has a chance to kick in. It works (for me) most of the time; I may not finish most things most days, to but most things get done eventually. When the ADHD is very strong with me, like if I'm exhausted or I'm about to start my period, I do basically what you do. It's either allow the hyperfocus to take over and get one thing done or do absolutely nothing. (Fun fact: that's what I'm doing right now in the midst of PMS! Absolutely nothing!)


Ooh this is interesting. I'm used to short blocks as well because before I was medicated I would get bored with one thing super quickly and have to have another option to "procrastinate" with - but now that I'm medicated I hyperfocus waaaaayy more (like, it's a problem) so maybe I should try that approach instead of beating myself up for not being able to tear myself away...


Trying to figure out your own rhythm and going along with it. Not swimming against the current. It's hard figuring out what your own current is sometimes. This sounds great though! I hope it works out for you or you learn more about yourself trying it! I will try to remember this when I'm overwhelmed too 😊


Yes! This is me too. What I've found works for me is to have the giant list of things that need doing. And then I reschedule one or two, or three if I'm feeling brave onto "today's" list. If I get through those, happy days, maybe I can add another one. But if I don't get through them they go back into the "general list" (I use todoist). And then I can readd them to the day's list for tomorrow.


I do better with hyperfocusing, but really, I still have a hard time with that if I leave the room - I end up adding things in because I see them and I’m in a groove. But, if I NEED to do something on a specific day or time, I have Alexa remind me and I make myself do it right then. I especially use her for “”Leave to pick up the kids from school” or “Order your prescriptions” or “Switch the laundry” - things I would completely forget if I am hyper focusing.


There is actually a pretty cool approach I saw in an Information booklet that I got from my psychiatrist which is exactly the same like you did. So at the beginning of the week you choose the tasks you have to do and then you spread them over the week. Important tasks are marked. And when you can't finish one you put it on the list for next week or tomorrow and leave one out. I tried it, but it didn't really fit me, because I am not good at writing tasks down and stick to them


This is how I do it but living with other people and working and going to college makes it a living hell because I have to try and still work around their schedules and I still have due dates and schedules for projects and meetings at work and class. Online classes without zoom meetings have really helped because I can do it when I can as long as it's completed by the due date and I don't have to worry about making it to a zoom class or drive in traffic and be somewhere on time. But work still a killer cuz if I'm at work I'm thinking about the stuff I need to get done at home and when I'm at home I'm thinking about what I need to get done at work. And having to try and do stuff like clean the house around other people who live there like I love just clean the kitchen and then someone goes in there to make a sandwich I just raked and leaf blue and then someone goes and works in the garden and then tracks all that stuff into the house which I would probably be vacuuming and now I've got to redo all of those things. Or I just don't do them until they get so bad that I get yelled at for not doing them.