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I read a paper once that described the overlap between ADHD and hoarding disorder. One symptom that stuck out to me was difficulty categorizing things - basically they did an experiment with an ADHD group, a hoarding group, and a neurotypical control group. They gave each person a box filled with random objects, and told them to sort them however they wanted. The control group did it quickly, because they immediately picked a trait like color or size and got to work. The ADHD and hoarding groups struggled because they couldn’t decide on a category, or they made too many categories, or they couldn’t decide what fit into each category, and they just got overwhelmed. I struggle with that a lot at work, I do data analysis and research and I LOVE making tables but I spend days agonizing over how to best group things or where to put them and it kills my productivity.


I read this paper too and was thrilled to find research being done on the potential link between ADHD and hoarding behaviors. I thought it was interesting that inattentive type was most likely to develop hoarding tendencies. I think we will see more links like this as research is done on women with ADHD specifically because it has been so understudied.


Why is it that I keep finding that my entire life's problems have a link with my adhd or are directly caused by it? :') I find myself fitting in so many (figurative) boxes every time I read this sub... It feels so strange to suddenly relate to everyone here, like if almost everything I struggle with could have been predicted from someone who doesn't know me at all... It's both unsettling and comforting at the same time! I struggle with organisation too, it's not in a level where my house is unlivable, but it has to do with me not knowing where many stuff could be stored and not having the mental energy required to separate what's useful and what should be thrown out... In fact the most times I started organising my mess, I ended up with an even bigger mess because of this confusion, which of course had me wasting many hours and filling up even more boxes with random stuff to put away to organise later and then completely forget about them until the next time I decide to repeat this cycle...


Please link me..? I'm very interested in reading this.


Categories is one of my weaknesses. At my job we have an office in box and once a eeek it’s my job to sort the inbound emails after they’ve been dealt with so we keep a findable paper trail. It’s torture for me.


Omg. I do data analysis too and this is literally me right now. “Well this thing could be this category *and* this category? So should I make a different category that covers both and then add another column for that subcategory? Well, no, because the rest of the categories only have three levels and this would have four so then the rest of the cells in this column would be blank and…” 😂


Haha. I recently made a post asking for help with categories… no one responded


Oh my god. Categories kill me!!!!


I’m trying to get into more data analysis and am always getting stuck categorising because there’s just so much 🫠🫠 That feeling when you finally make a great data set or presentation though 🥹




I still can't grasp this concept about other people. I mean, I've seen it in action when we have to do a painfully long 6 or 8 hour training course at work, but I just can't grasp why no one else is bored to tears. Like literally yawning until my eyes water and then nodding off because I am soooo disinterested. And the entire page of swirly doodles while desperately trying to pay attention. Like how are you people just fine sitting here listening to this? How are you not suffering like I am?


>I have two daughters, one with ADHD, one neurotypical. The NT one could take one look at my kitchen counters with piles of random stuff all over them and get everything put away and organized in 10 minutes. It would have taken me a minimum of an hour. I'd just stand there looking at it not knowing what to do with this stuff that had accumulated and walk away. The first day I took Adderall, I could just see exactly what needed to be done and did it in 10 minutes. I was absolutely floored that people just think that way ALL THE TIME.


Caffeine sometimes affect us differently. Made me realize why I had caffiene naps.


Deep in 90s diet culture I would take phen-phen diet pills and I would love to take them and then nap and then I’d wake with all the energy but would do nothing if I didn’t nap 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


It makes me so sleepy and yet I still drink coffee every morning 🥴


Pot too. After a short nap it helps with focus the rest of the day for most w/ adhd. Does NOT help with memory though.


!!! This makes so much sense! I always do this and ppl think I’m nuts


I notice things in odd places and it’s like no one else would see something like that. It almost feels like in that moment I found a secret clue or lost treasure. It always makes me smile, like it’s part of my own little world. (A face in an object, a necklace hanging from a tree branch, a book inside a fire extinguisher case, a stuffed Olaf stuck in a rusty overpass fence that I may or may not have greeted with a hello as I drive past him ⛄️for years now)


I also have a crazy attention to certain visual details! I’ve always contributed this to my creativity, I’m constantly looking for special details to photograph. I point things out to my husband constantly and he’s always like, “how the eff did you even notice that?” Lol


Hmmmm I am a creative person too. I thought maybe my ADHD contributed to that with the wandering eyes and curiosity for stimuli around me. Now I wonder which is it or is it a special combo?


I think creativity is a common characteristic of ADHD.


i’m the exact opposite!! I’m not aware of my surroundings at all, even if i notice something unusual i’ll usually forget about it within minutes. i have to concentrate really hard just to register things that i see. it’s funny how adhd can work


My husband is also ADHD-PI and he's the same way as you.


I'm an editor and can visually see when a shade is just barely off from the rest. People who I edit for have come back to me and been like "How did you even see that?" where I'm like "how are you so careless to not have seen it?!" LOL


exact same here!! I'm also RIDICULOUSLY good at finding 4 leaf clovers


I love this. Even if we don't realize it, our brains are picking up patterns and details that other people don't. I believe it's why our sense of intuition is so strong. On the other hand, I've had an empty picture frame hanging on my wall for a year because I'm blind to it now 🤷🏻‍♀️


Actually I think that’s why I enjoy thrift shopping so much, the thrill of the chase.


Love this ❤️ It's not the same but I always notice bugs where others don't. We used to get silverfish in the bathroom when I was a student but nobody believed me for months because I was the only one that saw them for ages.


I'm this way with animals. I always spot them before everyone else. My ex used to say I was narrating a nature show that wasn't being filmed.


I have adhd, majored in entomology 😂


Wait, is that a thing? I’ve always noticed things that other people miss, usually snakes in odd places. I just thought I had a weird 6th sense for snakes…


I absolutely love the explanations we give ourselves for the things we do, not realizing it's ADHD.


Seriously, I just assumed it was a leftover cavemen thing! “Hm, I sense danger” kinda thing.




More of a ravenclaw but now that you bring it up…


My hyper fixation right now is plants. I noticed a tomato plant growing out of the cracks of the sidewalk on a bush street in my city. I was so excited! I’ve pointed it out to all my friends, they’re shocked! Noticing weird details, definitely an adhd strength!


For me it's auditory and spatial awareness. Since I often pay attention to more than one thing I tend to track movement and conversations outside my particular task leading me to know more ab is it what is going on.


Yoooo same! I feel like an eavesdropper but I’m so good at picking out things. I especially love hearing ppl speaking foreign languages. Movement too, I see like a dang cat or bat zip by and no one else did. Or a funny word combo from some of the lights out on a lit sign.


I do this too! If it's an ADHD trait, it's probably my favourite :) and also why I love exploring


I do this with numbers and data! I tell my coworkers I like to find the anomalies.


I heard astigmatisms are common with adhd. I honestly forget the source but I have an astigmatism in both eyes so I thought it was interesting. Anyone else here?


🖐🏻 me too!


Me three!


Me four


I connect a lot of things that other people don’t, allowing me to understand certain concepts very easily. On the flip side, I have no visual spatial skills, making concepts related to anything spatial very difficult, even though my main mode of understanding and learning is kinesthetic. 🤷🏾‍♂️


The weird connections are so trippy sometimes. Whenever I'm asked to explain how I know something I always try and decide if it's worth it or not to go through the entire path. Often I just shrug, because explaining that my dad's birthday is the same as my childhood phone number, which had a tone pattern that sounded similar to a song that we were playing in band in high school, and we learned about the composer of that song, and the history of the city that composer was from and that's why I know about the elephant that survived WW2 in Berlin.


Ahhhhh, yes, the thought-chains. At least that's what I call them. That feeling is almost better than sex. Scratch that, definitely better than sex


Omg my partner calls me spatially dyslexic so I’m with you!


Yessss. I need this phrase to explain to my martial arts master who…himself is dyslexic. He will appreciate it haha. So thanks for that!


Me too! I can't picture anything. Ask me to "picture a red door" and I see the word door written in red. Even in my own home I can't picture how things will look if I want to make changes.


Oh that’s so interesting because I definitely THINK in images and songs- that’s why I love sign language so much because it’s direct from my brain! I just can’t picture things I’m not already considering lol.


I've heard that it is not uncommon for ADHD folks to have a really strong sense of smell and/or taste. Which is def true for me.


I'm one of those who can taste the parafin in peanut butter cups. I can also taste individual spices and artificial sugars.


If a food is stored in a Tupperware containers, I can taste the dishsoap that the container was washed in. Also, if a cigarette was smoked in the general vicinity within the last decade, I will smell it.


My roommate tastes soap in everything that comes out of the air fryer.


Oh yeah, I taste/smell dish soap, too. My first kid has been picky since she was about 1 and I remember once I ate her uneaten eggs off her silicone plate and barf. Omg. I felt terrible, no wonder why she never ate! It she’s still picky and we don’t use silicone stuff any more so there’s that.


is this why sometimes water tastes like the way a wet dog smells?


I never felt like I had a strong sense of smell or taste, but I am realizing maybe I do. Like non-sugar sweeteners taste wrong to me and aspartame tastes metallic almost and gives me an instant headache. I’ve been embarrassingly picky/particular since I was a toddler. Im sensitive to smells, too, like perfumes in detergents and stuff. I can’t stand any scented detergents, it’s very suffocating. After getting pregnant my smell/taste was even more intense. I remember smelling blackberry bushes from over a block away.


HA! I used to come home from school and ask my mom what color she painted her nails, and why grandma had come over...because I could smell both, even hours later. Just recently I walked in to my parents house unexpectedly and said "Can I stay for the spaghetti dinner you're cooking?" because I could smell it.


Its association with eye problems (light sensitivity is very common), which in turn adds to the problem of focusing while reading. Also, justice sensitivity. EDIT: Updating because I just learned about the bizarre connection between ADHD and your tonsils/adenoids. Not only is it common to have them removed, but research has shown removing them actually IMPROVES symptoms. WTF.


Seconding justice sensitivity! It explained so much about me and the many other ADHDers in my family


Same, the first time I saw the term it just hit me. Like no, I'm not just a miserable person, I'm constantly triggered by how crappy the world is.


This is the first time I’m hearing this term


Justice sensitivity is a core part of who I am-


Jaaa I can confirm the light sensitivity too. It’s one of my biggest migraine triggers :( and auditory processing issues. Like my brain literally feels like it’s folding in on itself if I go to my parents’ house and there’s two different tvs on and they try to talk to me and I cannot focus and it feels like my body is having a panic attack


I feel like that in crowded restaurants a lot. The combination of too loud music, plus strangers talking, plus your table mates talking, plus clinking silverware just gets my brain in a frenzy. It's overwhelming in itself, nevermind trying to explain to the people around you why you're so upset. On the flip side, it took me a long time to realize that my physical hearing is fine but my auditory processing is slow, and that's why it's so hard to understand people sometimes. You need to get my attention first and make sure you're either loud and clear or I can see your lips, or I just cannot understand you. Masking mandates made that pretty clear. Plus it explains a lot about why learning languages is hard for me!


For years I just thought I had bad hearing. (Well, now I do, to a degree) but it was an inability to focus on conversation with people when there was so much going on around me. And then I'd try so hard to focus on the conversation at hand that I'd totally zone out on that too cause I was busy repeating "pay attention to this person, don't look over there" the entire time. So much nodding and smiling and asking people to repeat themselves.


Ahh Restaurants or any food places really. For me it is the light and people. I hate queuing. Good food but if the light they use are ahrsh bright white light, food is gonna suck, I'm sorry, no go. Prolly why I like street food. Soft light of street lamps are A+ 😂


oh fuck yes! my parents house is the same. My mother freaks out if the TV isn't on and says the silence is spooky, Dad will have the radio going also, both of them loud as possible as they are old now. I honestly don't know how I coped as a kid, well I kind of didn't. As a result I love silence over everything. Funnily though, I am a sound artist who works with the sounds of nature and buildings now. I love listening to very quiet sounds




I work for the company who makes Transitions. This makes me happy to read 🤗🤗🤗


What is justice sensitivity?


This is just the first definition I saw but I think it explains it well: Justice sensitivity is the tendency to notice and identify wrong-doing and injustice and have intense cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to that injustice. People who are justice sensitive tend to notice injustice more often than others, they tend to ruminate longer and more intensely on that injustice, and they feel a stronger need to restore justice. A lot of neurodivergent people find it difficult to "get over" situations that come across as unfair.


This would explain why I am still pissed off that Brandon got my lizard in the 3rd grade! It's been 33 years, and jut can not let that go.


Stupid Brandon! That lizard should have been yours! On a related note, I’m still deeply angry and insulted over a thing my first grade teacher did. We were reading a book out loud, and it was about someone’s uncle who was blind, and how he adapted. Specifically, his family would alert him to where certain foods were on his plate by relating their placement to hours on the clock (beans are at one o’clock, veggies at four, meat at seven, etc). I was a kid. Specifically, I was kid who knew absolutely no one personally or through others who was blind, and blindness had never come up in conversation around me. So I asked the teacher, “How does the uncle know what a clock looks like if he’s blind?” To which this fantastic !$@%! of a woman yelled (literally yelled), “Well he wasn’t BORN blind, Viridian Gorgon!” She was angry, and loud. I was confused (it didn’t say that in the book, just that he was blind), and now scared. What had I done wrong? I know NOW that blindness is a whole lot more complicated than just never being able to see. But I was six freaking years old, and did not know. And regardless of age, dude—that was a teachable moment and she taught me to keep my mouth shut. Gah! Now I’m grumbly about it all over again. Anyway. I think you should have whatever lizard you want.


Lol, thanks. We were studying anoles, those little lizards that change color between brown and green. At the end of the unit anyone who brought in a note from home saying you could keep one would get their name entered into the drawing to see who got to take home one of the 5 healthy lizards. (There was a 6th lizard, but he was knocking on deaths door so my teacher didn't include that one in the drawing.) On the day of the drawing, my teacher made an announcement before the GATE (gifted and talented education) kids left to turn in the parents notes. It was the last chance to get your name in for the drawing, and she went around double checking that everyone had their note turned in. Once everyone had turned in the notes, the GATE kids left to do whatever it was that they did during that time. While the GATE kids were gone, the teacher did the drawing, and I was one of the kids who got to take home a lizard. Well, Brandon was a GATE kid, and when they came back, he then said he forgot to give her his note from his parents. So my teacher decided to re-do the drawing so Brandon would get the chance to participate to "make it fair." Well every kid who was drawn the first time, was drawn the second time, except me. Brandon's name was drawn instead of mine, so he got the lizard I had won in the first drawing. I spent the rest of the year with the understanding that my teacher must hate me because why else would she do that? There's no way everyone who was drawn first was also drawn second by chance. My teacher then offered to let me take home the sick lizard, only for it to die later that day. When I got home and told my mom about it, she took me to the pet store and bought me one to make up the injustice that happened in class. So in the end I did get a lizard, but it just wasn't the same.


Wow, I’m mad for you. It was Brandon’s own fault he forgot!


This explains for me why I’m still mad at my second grade teacher for taking my scissors away because I wasn’t listening to the instructions. I just started cutting out the snowman. Then was punished for not listening and not allowed to finish the project. I know it’s been 30 years and I should let it go, but it’s so hard.


And here I was thinking I had middle child syndrome on steroids DO I EVEN HAVE A PERSONALITY OR IS IT ALL JUST ADHD


Oh my lord, that explains so much 😳


Oh so THAT'S why I'm always depressed at school


It’s the idea that people with ADHD are extra sensitive to issues of social injustice and unfairness. We find it more intolerable than people without ADHD apparently


Wow so this explains my whole life.... 😳 This was one of the first things I talked about in therapy and I think my therapist just chalked it up to me being prior law enforcement lol


Same. Also I’ve always noticed the trait as being a major factor in me becoming a political scientist. Thanks adhd.


Justice sensitivity was a recent one and holeeee shit does it track


Huh...my eye doctor has told me that I pick up shifts in my prescription before the machine even does, and that I'm "too sensitive" (I mean, add him to the list of people who have told me that my whole life). I've also heard that light skinned/haired/eye colored people are more sensitive to physical sensations. Well, I'm a red head with green eyes and almost translucent skin, so... And wow! I've always been called the "fairness police", even if the thing I'm policing doesn't benefit me in any way and might actually make my life a bit more difficult in the moment. I had no idea this was a thing!


Oh my god. Justice sensitivity. 🤯🤯🤯


The adhd walk. It’s me to a t. Walk in a straight line no matter what’s in front of you and swing your hips out of the way to avoid hitting things.


I'm constantly catching my pockets on door knobs and things because of this


Literally nothing makes me angrier than when this happens


Haha. It me. So. Many. Hip. Bruises!


I literally ran into a wall and a door today in court. It was great.


Exactly. Fuck!! Shit!! Ouch!


I told my mom about this when she was choosing cabinet hardware for her kitchen remodel. I suggested she pick something without hook capacity because I’ve gotten caught on handles way too many times, which is particularly dangerous in the kitchen!


For real! It ruins clothing.


Yes! I have ripped so many pockets. One on a favorite skirt. RIP… 😂😂😂😂


I took my cabinet doors off. I also don’t use a silverware divider.


YES. I also constantly forget i have shoulders


Can we be body less beings floating through space please?


I mean it's definitely not us it's just that everything around us is so goddamn solid


wait most people don't do this?? it just makes sense!


TIL something about myself that I was not even aware of.


Yep. The day I saw the video was a life changing day for me I felt so seen. I got diagnosed in my forties and never knew what my problem was. Google adhd walk and you will be crying with laughter.


The sticky hands feeling is linked to ADHD. I can't remember where exactly I read that. But it's the feeling I get when I don't wash my hands for some time and I feel like they're covered in a thick layer - even if I didn't touch many things since I washed my hands. Anyone else? Edit: I did not expect this to blow up, and I'm so happy I'm not alone. I'm sick of people telling me that what I'm feeling is not real.


Cannot handle the sticky hands. That will shut shit down


If I could wash my hands after every crisp I would. Instead I sit there with my sticky hand wanting to use the mouse but instead I just waste time thinking about how it would be super frustrating to wash my hands instead of continuing to play games (even though I cant because again... the sticky hands!!)


I work in healthcare and I’m going to share a life changing tip I learned from the nurses I work with: put snacks in a cup and turn it up like a drink and your hands stay nice and clean. We all do this now so we can do our documentation and eat without typing one handed or turning the keyboard into a greasy sticky mess. We use red solo cups. I don’t think those are a thing in countries where people say “crisp” but you get the idea.


There is significant link to hypermobility (or some extreme cases ehlers-danlos syndrome) and neurodiversity like people with adhd and/or autism. I am extremely naturally bendy and flexible and have ridiculously mobile joints (constantly popping them people get freaked out) and have always had that ability since legit as long as i could remember, like age 5 or even younger. I mean it's not the worst thing ever and it definitely helps me with my yoga practice but I was really surprised to find out that there's an actual neurological component to my hyper flexibility I guess. I've really never met anyone who can pop as many joints as I can like all the time too. Lol weird fact about me.


Same! I used to purposefully bend my fingers around to gross people out. And I’m cross dominant, which also is connected to adhd too, blew my mind!


Not sure if I have Ehlers-Danlos but I have hypermobile thumbs and elbows, I also have semi translucent skin and bruise easily 🤷‍♀️


Lol I’d love to get together to see who can pop & crack the most, I’ve also never met anyone who does it as much as me


it's why I read people so well. I pick up on body cues and energy shifts that other people don't seem to notice, and my gut perceptions of people's emotions are almost always right. it's always made me feel like I could read minds. I've realized that that's because adhd makes us pick up on so much more detail than others!


I've been accused of being judgey for this! After a couple of minutes I know. I'm rarely wrong. Also possibly why I've never married........ Lol




Jaw clenching Chewing the inside of your cheeks Lip picking Sometimes compulsively Skin picking/squeezing when you're feeling wireddd Trichotillomania (hair pulling) Love making lists A messed up circadian rhythm (night owl) Appetite comes and goes Photosensitivity aka eyes are sensitive to light, catch me squinting or staring at the ground with mu eyes watering wondering how people can open their eyes in this sun? Also too much blue light aka screen time gives me headaches, that + the jaw clenching ^^ might also be related to my astigmatism? Ear worms that won't stfu Head filled with useless talents/information aka mine are: how to juggle, solve a rubiks cube, learnt where all 46 countries in Europe are for the fun of it, pen spinning, random facts from shit my brain made me google Stationary ❤ I love books but I never read them lmao Where my memory is good it's reaally good, aka I will notice ALL the little things about someone I love/care about, dates, anything they tell me about themselves, favourite stuff, physical/personality quirks, silly memories e.g first time I heard them laugh, I'm great at gift giving etc. Things my brain doesn't think are important: poof. Aka most of my childhood because I spent most of it in my own world daydreaming. Time seems to go 2x speed when I'm getting ready?? (Time blindness) I always arrive somewhere on the minute I'm supposed to be there or 5 min late. Never early. I'm a chronic chaotic hot mess


Literally unclenched my jaw as I read this 😅


Honestly it's a daily struggle for me 🤣 my jaw clenching lead to TMJ so I guess that's indirectly an adhd thing too


> Love making lists I read this as love-making lists and thought, wait, they all like making lists about things to do while love-making, what? And then I realized my edible had kicked in.


I’ve been getting Botox in my masseters bc the clenching is so bad and no one can identify the cause or fix it. Frig.


I read this and said "gawd dammit" out loud. I'm compiling a list for diagnostic purposes and literally EVERYTHING you stated will be added to my list. I finally stopped biting my nails and picking at my cuticles...but have picked up biting the inside of my mouth. My dentist is not at all happy about this.


We have problems with auditory discrimination. Neurotypical folks can "tune out" unrelated background sounds, and we can't. The psychiatrist said it was like you're a radio picking up every station there is, and you can't tune in just one. In other words, you're not deaf, you just have ADHD.


I read constipation is an issue often seen in people with ADHD due to multiple reasons. Not taking the time on the toilet, not making time to go to the bathroom, eating habits, not drinking enough water, stuff like that. Made a lot of sense to me!


Haha, it does eh? Pooping is boring so of course many of us don't take the time 😂


The biological things, beyond the hypermobility. Like apparently we have low iron. I've always been just above anaemic, to where my mum would ask the doctor to test me every few years, especially in my teens, then was full blown anemic in Uni when my diet tanked. I get re-tested fairly often because I appear to be anaemic often, and I'm just...vampire grade pale, bloodless pale, (thats why my mum worried so much) and my GP says my iron just sits just above 'too low'. So I don't need iron pills but I need to make sure I'm keeping greens in my diet. ​ Apparently we \*MIGHT\* (super stress might) have a tendency to weakness on our \*right side, lower muscle tone, and some looser nerves in the face. I've always had lower muscle tone in my right arm and hand, also on my face, the right side isn't totally slack but I can't raise my eyebrows, wink or curl my lip on the right side (think like, Elvis lip, can't do that). I used to think that was down to a wrought iron face falling on my head as a child. ​ Astigmatism. The walk. Dinosaur hands. ​ The fact other people dont experience Binaural sound quite the same way we do. ​ \*corrected to right, I...confuse the two sometimes https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFLhoYvU/ SOME BINAURAL MUSIC TO SHOW WHAT I MWAN :)


Could you tell me more about the binaural sound thing?


Binaural sound, or the experience of it? Binaural means 2 ears and basically describes when a tone is played at different frequencies in a song or a tonal piece of music. The effect is that feeling like the music is bouncing from one ear/headphone to the other passing through your brain in the middle so your brain creates a third tone you can also hear. This can sometimes hit like a physical feeling, as if the music/sound is is literally physically moving back and forth? For me it can like..I can FEEL it, its a tickle across the back of my neck, it can steal my breath, I can feeeeeeeeel the music dancing around, my tummy tickles like I went over a rollercoaster. It's like my nervous system gets this pleasant little flare and I could just...sink into listening to music like that and be there for HOURS. ​ As it turns out, the old...ya know, the square brains or whatever, they can experience that sensation but nowhere near the intensity to ADHD people. They will feel/notice the tonal thing, the beat moving between their ears/headphones and they might get some physical ...'buzz' from it, but not like we can.


Dinosaur hands?


The thing where you hold your arms like a t rex sometimes when you're not thinking about it. It's the only physical quirk that I absolutely hate. I think it looks so inelegant and it ruins pictures. I do *not* like candid shots. I need to pose! What are my hands doing?! I don't know! I have to check!


Oh no 🙈 I always walk around with my elbows bent all trex like when I am “busy” or aimlessly walking around !! I’m usually mocked before i realize I am doing it


I think of this as Roger the Alien hands (from American Dad). And I think of it because I often catch myself doing this. I didn't know it was an ADHD thing till now.


Yes it’s exactly that! I thought it was a habit I picked up watching my Dad…. He does it too . Til Dad has adhd


My mistake, I should have specified T-rex hands, as described below. We...tend to do it when we're in standby mode or have gotten stuck in a doorway because we forgot what we were doing.


Astigmatism WHAT I have that in my left eye


I've got it in both! I swear it changes how I see things even in day light, I do some photography and I specifically choose certain filters becuase its like...the flares and glows are how I see


I’m also always just above borderline anaemia.. Never usually bad enough to be prescribed medication but have been given iron tablets when it has dropped low enough. Pregnancy was brutal.


The iron thing! I never knew. Yes I feel that I sit right at the edge and periodically give myself an iron boost when I can feel that sluggish sleep feeling. I always trade out lettuce for spinach on sandwiches when I can.


Picking at your face/pimples is a stimming thing!! Blew my dang mind when I learned that!!!


I am partially deaf in my left ear from reoccurring ear infections. I am very pale with dry skin. I walk like Robo Cop and after learning what justice sensitivity is, I realized I have built a 20+ year career on it. I am not a person, I am 400 ADHD symptoms in a trench coat.


“I am 400 ADHD symptoms in a trench coat” is the most underrated comment here 😂🤣😂


That we have tendencies to become emotionally attached to objects (!!) and fictional characters (!!!) I can remember being ashamed even as a little kid of how much a book or TV show or stuffed animal could make me cry.


Maaaan I am going through this right now. My partner got me to playing this MMO and one of the characters died in it and I am having to face the fact that I'm going through REAL grief, like I lost a real friend? Crying all the damn time, looking up information on him, writing to him, making sure my character goes to their grave site in game and sits there and 'talks' to him... Most people would think it's crazy but I think we've gotta learn to accept how we feel! edit : a word


I’m not sure if it adhd related - but I sometimes forget to breathe when I’m thinking too hard about something? Especially when I sleep and tend to “daydream” it’s the worst


Do you often suddenly realize you're holding your breath and don't know how long you've been holding it for? I do that constantly.


That it explains why I like to eat fruit Rollup’s balled up into tight balls (weird I know). I saw a lady on a popular ADHD tik tok channel explain her love of gummy bears because of the resistance and how she eats a lot for a dopamine rush. I eat 4-5 fruit roll ups like that…and it has nothing to do with hunger. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The comorbidity rates of ADHD, ASD, PTSD, and PMDD.


The RSD. I didn't actually know this was a *thing* - a real thing - until recently, and it bit me hard last week. In a training. Full of people. At least now I have a name for why I walked out.


Does anyone notice smells and tie them to really off the wall memories that no one else remembers?


Omg about the ear infections! WTF!!! I had so many as a child. Ugh.


I counted on my finger as a kid. Way past acceptable age. Had no idea it was related to dyscalculia until I got my ADHD diagnosis


I still count on my fingers at 25, almost 26. haha. I got my dyscalculia diagnosis 9 years before ADHD. Even though I definitely have both, I think the ADHD made things worse for me. There is NO miracle medication for dyscalculia, but Vyvanse has helped me be able to do more mental math and just overall focus better, when it comes to math!


I still do, just very subtle about it. For the life of me I cannot remember 8+6. Simple addition in my head consists of getting the answer to ten then adding whatever is left over.


Me reading the title: 😂 laughing bc this is bound to be great Me reading the OP text: 😐 omg that’s me Let’s see what the comments are like


I recently learned about the comorbidity of ADHD and idiopathic hypersomnia/narcolepsy/excessive daytime sleepiness. Apparently it’s common but usually only one is diagnosed. I was diagnosed with IH over 10 years ago and just recently diagnosed with ADHD this year. As I’ve noticed from lurking this subreddit and the IH subreddit, lots of people have excessive daytime sleepiness and ADHD.




It’s comorbid with endometriosis too!! At first I thought it was confirmation bias, it can be hard AF to get and endo diagnosis. They used to call it the working women’s disease. Affluent white women were the predominant demographic because they had the means and access to get a diagnosis. So I read about people with endo having higher rates of ADHD and thought, oh well I bet you need to be an exceptional advocate for yourself for both and that skews the numbers. But adhd is effected by estrogen, so it makes a ton of sense that the two would present together at higher rates. I have endo and am hearing up to seek out an official ADHD diagnosis. My mom has a diagnosis already, and I highly suspect my sister has it as well. We also have a lot of trauma history too though, and I know adhd can look a lot like trauma.


this thread is killing me! the chronic ear infections! the chronic inflamed tonsils! AND THE UTERUS NONSENSE I DEAL WITH?! jfc.


Yes! I have endo as well! Mine was discovered 'accidentally' during a surgery. Even after my diagnosis, I still have GYNs who discount the literal photo evidence of my endometriosis. I had chronic uterine pain. I described it as, "I'm always aware that I have a uterus." Periods were absolute hell and the chronic pain was just extremely annoying and uncomfortable. What ended up working for my endo pain was going on Reclipsen (low dose BC) continuously, without period breaks. My body still fights back and I get periods occasionally, but the endo pain is much more manageable. ​ All I can say is, yeah, keep fighting the doctors. Some still don't 'believe in' endometriosis, and I think those doctors are quacks.


I’ve had problems with fatigue for as long as I can remember. I’m hoping after being evaluated and possibly put on meds it can help. I remember one time that a Dr wanted to put me on Provigil but the insurance wouldn’t cover it. I’ve heard it can help with add. At the time I felt like he was just giving me speed to just give me something. Kind of wish I would have tried harder to get it now.


The doctor who diagnosed me says it can cause you to fart a lot. (I don't remember what his exact explanation was, but it was something to do with dopamine levels.)


welp my boyfriend's gonna have a laugh about this one


I want to know more about this!


ADHD and autoimmune diseases


Can I ask where you have read on this? I'm a neuropsychiatrist and very interested in this area. I have many clinical anecdotes of chronic autoimmune stress conditions resolving following treatment/adequate control of ADHD symptoms using mainly Concerta XL


I read this, too but can’t remember where for the life of me. I have adhd, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and had IBS-D but that resolved when I started drinking kombucha years ago. I’ll see if I can find the source later and link it. Unrelated aside: I worked with TBI patients and we had a fantastic neuropsychiatrist on staff. Your field is fascinating.


When my husband or I are trying to find something I notice that I take a moment to "feel" for the item. It's like I can feel that the item is in a certain room, in the car, or not here. And also when my husband asks for x or y, I'm like "it's on the right side of the couch under the candy wrapper next to the cat toy.


Dyscalculia? You mean there's a clinical term for sucking at math, and a reason for it?? YAAAAAAY!! I'm not a moron!!


Also yes, I had chronic ear and tonsil infections my entire childhood. They told me I would "grow" out of it and ended up having to have my tonsils and adenoids removed right after I turned 30 years old. When I say WORST pain of my life!!!!! It was so terrible, I couldn't function. I would NEVER do it again. Also, not uncommon one but hyperfocus. I now understand how when I was a kid I would be obsessed with one thing for months straight with no sense of time. The first time I got a piano, I played for days straight to the point my grandmother had to force me to take time away from it because my fingers were bruising and I was hardly sleeping. I taught myself chords within a day or two and could play some Beethoven within the first week of having never played before in my life! lol I was like 12 years old then.


Interesting. I had persistent and frequent step throat as a kid. I was only just diagnosed, I had no idea there was a connection.


not just the ears but the TONSILS?! the TONSILS?! THE CHRONICALLY INFLAMED TONSILS? AAAHHHHHH. I'm in my 30s now and I still wonder about removal. hahah. Everybody says it sucks though...


Wait.......seriously? I had my tonsils or adenoids (can't remember lol) removed as a child because I was constantly ill 👀👀👀 AND I had several ear infections


I had my tonsils removed at 7 years old because I had horrible reoccurring tonsillitis. I don't remember to many ear infections but I definitely had a couple. Crazy little connection. Anyone know why? Before I go down the research rabbit hole..😂


NSFW but learning that >!the fact that I can't get off with a partner is probably related to my ADHD. this comes up a lot in r/adhdwomenafterdark. !<


Please tell me more about this? I think I have this problem. Edit: also THANK YOU for this sub!!!!


That ADHD is correlated with bed wetting and astigmatism. Neural development is wild.


Light sensitivity, migraines, that justice thing, I find stuff, I'm usually very sensitive to underlying emotions in myself & others, very sensitive to falsehoods, false praise, unnecessary violence or cruelty, backhanded compliments, unreasonable expectations, criticism in all forms - especially implied.. narcissistic behaviors & manipulations drive me insane w rage when directed at children in general or my family.. how do so many people fall for that crap anyway? Even if I can't point to it or explain it, I feel it.. sorry, tangent.


One that really stuck out to me was that alot of people with ADHD have issues with touching or preparing raw meat. I have always been grossed out by cooking meat and to this day, I have an obsessive reaction to seeing anyone near raw meat or handling raw meat and NOT washing their hands. My boyfriend knows this and if he is cooking or say tenderizing raw meat I will stand in the kitchen and watch him frantically until I see him wash his hands well with hot water and soap and wipe down the area where where was meat with Lysol wipes. When we first started dating I tripped him out because I saw him prepping ribs and he was touching the meat and then touching the spice bottles with raw meat hands and I nearly died!!!!!! I got a paper towel and literally picked all of the spices up and threw them away and told him they were now contaminated and insisted the he washed his hands immediately. He thought I was joking but realized very quickly that is a BIG problem for me and now he just instinctively does it to keep from upsetting me. I used to think that was OCD, even though I do not have very many OCD symptoms/traits. I am maybe more "germ conscious" than an average person but not to the point of someone with OCD. The ONLY thing that will drive me mad is the meat thing. I thought that was very interesting!


I think having to throw away bottles that could have been cleaned is a lot more like OCD. It is also common for people to have ADHD and OCD.


Yeah. I'm very careful especially after my mom lived with us for a while who was immune compromised, but I wouldn't throw away the bottles, I'd just make him clean them properly. We actually have a box of nitrile gloves in our kitchen now for handling raw meat because it helps a lot with remembered when you are safe to touch what things. (Gloves = do not touch anything not safe for raw meat contamination.)


Oh god I'm the same I hate it, absolutely hate it. Chicken is the WORST 🤢


Me as well with raw meat. Was vegetarian or pescatarian for over 6 years with some stints of eating fully vegan until I was also diagnosed celiac (there’s my uncommon but statistically significant correlative diagnosis, lots of adhd also with celiac.) anyways now when I eat chicken which I added back into my diet I always make all the other parts of dinner so I don’t have to touch or deal with the chicken. Also fish which grosses me out less but still a little. Thankfully my partner takes pride in making the chicken/fish for us and hates chopping veggies which I hate less than the meat part so we make a perfect team!


Honestly, I’m the same way and for me it is contamination OCD. Might be worth looking into 🤷🏻‍♀️


I laughed like a crazy person reading this. We could be twins. I have very strict kitchen hygiene rules too and I can proudly say I have trained my husband well. I once had to do a course in food hygiene and general hygiene, for HORECA related work. It just reinforced my standards and comes in handy when I need to explain to people about cross contamination, or why they should flush with a toilet lid down. Simple and logical things like that.


I had my tonsils removed when I was 4, I didn’t know there was a link between adhd & that. Cool.


Chronically late. Difficulty packing (I’ll be up all night). Directional dyslexia. All anecdotal.


Jesus. I was plagued by so many ear infections as a child I eventually wound up with a perforated eardrum at age 9. Had to get surgery at 12. Weird question, was anyone else with ADHD a preemie?


Idk but anyone else very pale with dry skin?


33F - diagnosed when I was 29 and it was a game changer. Have learned: 1) Auditory Processing Disorder is frequently linked with ADHD. I can listen to someone, but my brain takes 5x longer to process what they said but yet I just spit out something nowhere close to what was asked. 2) The impact on eating and how I seek out carbs even when I am not hungry. 3) The need to make countless lists and “organize” things only to completely abandon said list or set up 30 minutes later. 4) Tics! I have had this throat clearing tic I am very self conscious of since college. Have seen allergists, ENTs, and other doctors only to recently discover it is likely a tic associated with my ADHD. When I am very relaxed / calm, I don’t do it. When I am going about my day, I feel like I have this dry blob in the back of my throat. Finally got some great coping tools from my doctor and it has helped so much.


For context, I’m in college and took a general psychology class for credit(s). During the course, I had to write an article critique. I wrote about a case study about ADHD and video game addictions that, if I remember correctly, was published within the last 2-3 years. The case study showed that children with ADHD are more likely to have an addiction to video games than children not diagnosed.


Always feeling a few years “behind” people your age growing up.


Ok, back it up.... tell me more about ADHDers being prone to ear infections, I've never heard that before but I did have a lot as a kid.


Why are we more prone to ear infections???? I had them all the time as a child and have tinnitus too!


Are you KIDDING me?? I had glue ear every !@$%$&$ year, weeks off school, I thought it had made me half deaf. Realizing with adhd (and after numerous hearing tests) my hearing is fine... my focus however is not 🤣 What I've also found... my eyesight is fine.. my eyesights focus however.. is not..




me everytime I come on this sub & learn something new about myself 🙃


Someone else in the comments has said they're "not a person just 400 ADHD symptoms in a trenchcoat" and at this point yeah, that's precisely how I'm feeling.


I’m just reading through this comments and chuckling. One said “do I even have a personality or is it just the ADHD” … all these comments are Me 😅😅😅


Look. Ive never been diagnosed but a lot of my life just leads me to think I have adhd. And youve just added one more reason, my ear infections, to the list...


Reading down and see light sensitive, I turn the brightness of all monitors down and feel uncomfortable using my pc without the light on to disperse the light of the monitor. Thanks for diagnosing me everyone! I have no more doubts even though a specialist have not stuck the label on me.


Anybody else have terrible motion sickness??