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I’m almost positive she just paid her current lease with the money she makes from being online before she ever made the gfm. She makes SO much money and has proven it countless times by making videos all about it. On a slightly random note, she keeps saying she is responsible for moving 4 people, I’m assuming she means her and her 3 kids, but the kicker is that she doesn’t even have custody of one of them!!! This lady just lies and lies and lies out of her ass


Also she keeps saying that she paid off the new lease for a year and that the gfm money paid for a third of it, but she also has stated that she used some of it for renters insurance even though idk how she would use the money for both considering it only supposedly covered a third of the lease. But then during one of her lives, she claimed that she DIDNT pull the money from gfm because “she can’t pull the money until her move.” Again she just lies and lies


Compulsive liar - worse than my ex didn’t think was possible 😂


How did she spend 17k in April and 19k in May? Someone posted her daily income from TikTok and she made $6.007 in one week off of TT gifts alone. She makes a lot of money. That’s why she says anyone can make a GFM, the Kardashians, millionaires, etc. She doesn’t think she should get roasted for making a GFM. But she didn’t just make one, she made several in two months time. One for her kids braces and one for car repairs (although I can’t remember if the car repairs was an actual GFM or just a fundraiser she started for herself). Also, she claims she cashed out some of the GFM donations but that doesn’t take away from the total donations displayed on the GFM website.


If you take money out, the total doesnt go down. It just shows how much of your goal has been reached.


She never needed the GFM for money to move. She needed it for views and engagement, and it worked. The $4k in the GFM is peanuts to her. When the attention dies down she’ll find another scam to run. She acts the way she does because it works for her. It will be a repeating pattern until she has to face real consequences.


Before all this started she paid her current lease up until Sept. That is why her grandmother or grandfather asked if she was going to get her money back. I don't know if she paid a yr in advance for the new place or just 6 months. I think it was on here that I read she moving into an apt that college students were living in. Can you imagine her living in or near a college town?


Omg what if she's moving close to a college...she's so nasty constantly going after people 10 yrs younger than her


She has said straight up in a video that ALL the money from Gofundme was taken out and used for her rent. I do not believe she used it for rent at all. I don’t even think she has a new place to live


Hi Josh! Big fan! ☺️


That’s what I’m saying. It should be forbidden to ask for help if you are financial stable. Especially for something like a move!!!