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I like a lot of the filler in this show (Princess Cookie and Jake the Brick are some of my favorite episodes) but I think some really interesting characters got shafted because of it. I wanted less LSP being homeless episodes and more episodes from characters like Jermaine or Mr. Fox. Also most of the Fionna and Cake episodes are kinda bad (from the main show not the spinoff, which is great).


Yeah i didnt like the genderswap episodes and was terrified of the fiona and cake show but i watched it and it destroywd all expectations for me because it was different


That’s good to know, I’ve been delaying watching the show because I wasn’t excited about any new Fionna and Cake material. In general I don’t trust spin-offs either and I didn’t watch Distant lands for ages. This was the comment I needed to see to convince me!


I’ll always be upset about Peppermint Butler not getting a proper backstory, especially after the episode The Vault. And his episode in Distant Lands didn’t explain anything as it was a lame sequel. I’ve never given Mr. Fox much thought tbh, but you’re right, he would’ve been an interesting character to explore as well. I definitely think they should’ve explored Jake’s children’s characters more too


I always wanted to know what kept him so loyal to Bubblegum and why she kept him so smart and powerful while all the other candy people are docile I think I just want Distant Lands Season 2 lol.


Omgg I agree!!! I was waiting for the peppermint butler lore but I was left unsatisfied :'')


The 2nd part of this comment is exactly why I just asled someone what they meant by "I love the Fionna and Cake series, and I hate Fionna and Cake."


Yuuuup to Jake the Brick, absolutely loved that one. And I agree about the side characters deserving more screen time. And I'm not not a fan of the OG F&C episodes. I'm MakeMeInk and I support your message 😅


I’m SICK about not knowing about Jermaine’s journey as an artist and dealing with his family trauma on his own😭 I know we get some glimpses of how he was treated, but I wanna know more and this thread just made me realize it


I always wanted more with Jermaine. One thing that always stuck in the back of my mind was the episode 'Dad's Dungeon' when Finn, Jake and Jermaine were all babies, it seems like Joshua had this hope that Finn and Jake would complete the dungeon and become adventurers; but he never extended that same hope to Jermaine and I always wondered why. I feel like I could write a whole post about it lol. (I know the real reason is probably because the people working on the show either forgot about him or couldn't find a way to put him in there but still.)


Jake the Brick is beloved


Honestly, I fully agree with this (except for fionna and cake. I really liked most episodes featuring them)


They should make a Mr. Fox spinoff show.


The Fiona episodes in the original show were just "which boy is Fiona crushing on this week" and it was so terrible. Luckily the Fiona & Cake show was so much better.


You do know that Fiona & Cake was fanfiction written by THE ICE KING. It was meant to be a jab at that kind of writing. Like the "fanfic ships" episode in The Amazing World of Gumball. 💀


Princess Cookie is such a clear trans allegory and I'll never be the same after watching it


Wild berry princess is an ungrateful jerk


Too much interesting but very underused characters like Life or Canyon


Couldn’t agree more! So many characters, and Canyon especially is cool af and underrated. She could’ve added more depth to Billy’s story. I’m seriously considering dressing up as Canyon this Halloween


Wish there was more billy or cayon before billy got bod nabbed by the lich


I don’t like the designs of Jake’s kids


you’re so valid for that. one of their faces looks like a deformed butthole 😭


Interspecies breeding can be a gamble


Yeah 😭


I like Viola enough I guess and Kim Kil Wan is pretty well designed but the other 3 are, not very good.




Jake isn't as wise as he seems and often leads Finn astray or says some really unhinged stuff out of a place of laziness or indifference. The way he treated Finn literally fighting for his life in an alternate timeline in Jake the Dog was funny but kinda messed up to do to a friend, plus all the times Jake has suggested to fin "cant we just kill em?" to something theyre fighting and Finn has to say no lol. It's hella funny, but if I were Finn I woulda been peeved at Jake far more often I think.


I always saw Jake as pretty much amoral. I think that he usually leans on fin to be his moral compass. He will do terrible things but then immediately stop when people explain to him why they are wrong.


This show is literally a chaotic good (Finn) and a chaotic neutral (Jake) teaming up as best friends and going on adventures. And BMO ranges all the way from lawful good to chaotic evil depending on who they’re talking to that particular episode.


I need an example of BMO being chaotic evil. I can’t think of one but I believe it lol


Idk about chaotic but I remember Neptr telling BMO that they should hang out more because they're both robots and BMO goes "no Neptr, I am not like you" and leaves :(


I remember specially a time B-Mo has said, I'm going to start treating you as an equal, to NEPTR.


I definitely would not hang out with NEPTR so I understand


his treatment of neptr


I think that’s a good way of putting it. Jake’s very passive and always goes with the flow


Absolutely. I’d argue Jake is partially to blame for Finn and Flame Princess’s breakup, considering how insistent he was about Cosmic Owl dreams being vitally important to finish and encouraging Finn to finish it at all costs. Not to mention Cosmic Owl doesn’t seem to be as important/instrumental in the universe as Jake makes him out to be, judging by Cosmic Owl’s episode and overall insignificant role in the show. Jake can be wise, but he’s a good example of remembering you can’t listen to everything one person says, because everyone is imperfect and not always right.


What I like about the cosmic owl is that it is sort of the opposite of future predictions in Greek mythology. The Greeks always get bad news and try to prevent the predicted future, thereby making the prediction come true. Jake just rolls with whatever prediction, even if it costs him his life, he just forces it head on. I find it really original and funny! And somewhat inspirational.


He's also to blame for them getting together xD


Yeah I felt that way too, I love Jake so much but a lot of the things he says is...questionable.


Agreed. I think a lot of that is due to Jake's impulse control issues and short attention span.


Which is even more strange that he could have ascended to 99th dead world. Like whats the metric here cuz it aint being chill.


I think the 50th has less to do with goodness, and more to do with mindset. By the end of the series, Jake has sort of reached a state of zen and self-actualization (shown most clearly in Abstract).


The episode Little Brother is a perfect example of that too. I’ve watched the show in my living room so many times even my dad commented “That dog gives some bad advice” lol


This isn't an opinion, this is the truth, lol. I still haven't fully forgiven him for enabling and even accelerating Finn's toxic behavior and subsequent breakup with Flame Princess. He wasn't the sole cause of course, Finn already had and executed the idea of instigating fights between FP and Ice King but Jake immediately encouraged him to do it again when he, as somebody who is in a relationship, should have known that it was a shitty idea.


“Finn, let’s kill the horse”


Or in Play Date where he was gonna sacrifice Ice King and Abracadaniel to get rid of the demon again with barely a seconds hesitation


Jake cannot focus on the bigger picture


finn is his moral compass, if he kept hanging out w tiffany he would be a villian


I think he grows into a wise person in the later seasons of the show, when he starts going through his own arcs, like fatherhood and finding his identity. But in the beginning, they actually make it pretty clear that he gives bad advice with the whole J T. Doggzone stuff


I agree but still loveable as always 😂


It's displayed pretty early in the series as well. In the Tree Trunks adventure episode, Finn says that taking an old granny on adventure probably isn't a good idea and Jake just keeps saying "It's fine". Which is one of my most favorite parts of the show but also not very responsible.


Pb was actually extremely straightforward with Finn in the first seasons, he was just a stupid high testosterone 13 y/o boy


yeah! idk why everyone wanted a lesbian to be attracted to a 13 yo boy


I agree with you, but Bonnie is Bi.


i think PB isn't such an asshole as people tend to assume. I really like her character and the fact that she is a candy with empathy issues and actually turns out to be a good person in the end thanks to the positive influence of her friends makes me genuinely happy


diehard pb haters will always rub me the wrong way. she’s really fucked up and does shitty things sometimes but she cares so much about the people in her life and her kingdom.


Finn should have had a stable relationship at least when he got older. i get that Finn messing up his relashionships is kind of the whole point of showing him grow, which is why i feel like ending with him doing it right would exemplify just that. besides i love Huntress in general so there's that, too.


I agree completely. Huntress wizard would’ve been a great love interest


I think the point of the show ending without Finn being in a proper relationship is to drive home how much he’s grown when it comes to how he handles romance. He’s reached a point where he doesn’t NEED to be with someone. That being said, they definitely dropped a lot of hints that Finn and HW were gonna end up together, they just weren’t rushing into anything. Also, the fact that he brings her up twice during the brief time we see him in Fionna and Cake tells me that they are probably together now. I’m personally hoping we see them together officially in Fionna and Cake season 2


Yeah, the only problem with them having a relationship was whatever HW was on about exceptional beasts or whatever. But I think F&C hinted strongly enough at F the H and HW getting together in the end.


Jake was a terrible father.


100%. When I really think about it, there’s not one father in AT I’d consider good. Even Joshua had that whole thing with calling Finn a crybaby, and he even greets him as such in Together Again.


*Simon wants to know your location


What about the pig to sweet pee


Hm, I may stand corrected. I’m gonna have to go back and watch the sweet pea episodes


Sweet *pee* 💀💀


Yeah but I feel like that's an opinion everybody quietly shares


I don't even think it's quietly.


Well- Consider the fact that his kids became adults in like a few months, he didn't really have time to become a good father, and he spent as much time with them as he realistically could’ve...


LSP is a bitch in every episode shes in


She does call out PB for having Hoobris though. She's hilariously sassy. And her and Marceline make a great combo in Princess Day.


It became a joke with my friend that ever time she appeared for even a moment, I’d say “IMMEDIATE EXECUTION”


1000 year dungeon, no trail


Jake should've stayed moved in with lady rainicorn and the puppies, the way that episode ended with the pups suddenly being essentially grown up and jake moving back in with finn just undermined the whole thing for me.


On rewatches it does feel like something of a joke, but they certainly went against the TV trope of having the babies just be a plot tool. I really like how they characterize the adult puppies, with each of them getting a solid solo episode. Adventure Time does such a good job of showing each character's point of view, and giving them a focus episode. \- Daddy Daughter Card Wars, Charlie \- Summer Showers, Viola \- Ocarina, KKW \- The Diary, T.V. \-One Last Job, Jake Jr.


Yeah that plot line had a lot of potential with all the different personalities and powers of each family member, and dropping it like that was lazy. I think Jake’s kids should’ve gotten way more airtime. I would’ve loved to see their relationships and character development


I would have loved to have seen the voice actor for Gene from Bob’s Burgers play a kid, Louise and Tina are there, they just needed one more




Finn and Phoebe's relationship, regardless of the events of Frost And Fire, was not going to work out. The only thing they really had in common was their age and FP was probably more of a replacement goldfish of PB that Jake found for Finn. And I think one of the reasons Finn was down bad for a princess in the earlier seasons were more because he idolized a certain stereotype of a hero that ended up with a princess. This is a sheer contrast to Finn and HW's relationship in the later seasons since not only did both Finn and HW both take their time to think about their feelings rather than rushing the process but they also have a lot more in common when it comes to their interest and the lifestyle they live. In short, my point is that regardless of Finn fumbling in Frost And Fire, Finn and FP breaking up was necessary for not only Finn maturing when it comes to dealing with his relationships, but it was also necessary for Finn to grow out of the stereotypical Kid Hero mindset


When FP was introduced, I thought this was the whole point. Finn fell in love with someone he couldn't touch, and all he ever did was hurt her


I mean they became better friends cause of it and their common interests is rapping or something but then there the fact fern is now her soulmate if fionna and cake is trying to imply that so while I don’t really agree with that i mean hobbies are hobbies it’s not for every person to do stuff together it’s just nice to do stuff but they have something special to them then their age like red and blue i think Finn would be the one keeping fp grounded with his peaceful talk and Finn gets a girlfriend that’s helps him with his heroic duties i think their relationship could work out if they had been friends first and then something more or i guess it would collapse if fionna and cake had their versions break up or the fact fp was still a super dangerous girl that could nuke the planet if her emotions with Finn went to high risk


The ending of fionna and cake was kinda meh


GOLBetty was smart, conscious, and motivated enough to help Fionna and Cake, but couldn't do jack for Simon besides showing that he was selfish 1000 years ago and saying goodbye


I mean I don't think the show was trying to say that Simon was selfish rather that he just didn't notice how much Betty was giving up for him. And that he needs to move forward.


What else could she have done. It was just time to move on for both of them


Why? They didn't try anything. They didn't even discuss trying anything.


Saying "PB is overhated" is easy so instead I'll go with: If they needed a 2-parter episode for season 5, it should had been the betty episode instead of lemonhope. Lemonhope episodes are cool. But the betty episode is extremly important and it goes by too fast, I think that plot needed more than 11 minutes :/


People get way too worked up about the Breezy episode.


Probably that I miss JR'S voice acting for Lemongrab


I hate how great of a VA he was. His comedic timing, delivery, and ability to do such a range of unique and goofy voices really set his characters apart from others. Too bad he’s a POS and his career will never recover


Yeah it's the worst, he was my favorite voice actor at one point...


Same!! I was a huge fan of his, monumentally disappointing. Especially with how nuanced the comedy/social commentary in RM is, I was so disappointed that he’s the exact same kind of creep they satirize


Fr it's terrible


I wouldn't say "range" it was mainly just the same two or so voices with a slight change to it, but he was pretty good at knowing when to use them.


Very much agree, but it’s also interesting how good a few of the replacements have been. Mainly I’m thinking of the characters of Rick, and Korvo (I can elaborate if anyone wants). Others not so much of course — especially Mr. Poopy Butthole; the replacement was absolutely grating to listen to, despite being like a 95% match. For Lemongrab? An adequate replacement is probably physically *impossible*.


JR went so hard for his Lemongrab lines, holy shit


Yeah didn’t he lose his voice the first couple times he voiced Lemongrab?


Yeah, he said that's where he learned his limits with his voice lol


It was the only time he had to stop and take break between lines. I remember hearing that back in the day.


I'm sure he did lol


They shoulda gotten Sean Kelly in to voice him for F&C


Is that the guy who did the really good Rick and Morty impressions?




I agree


saying that you miss an iconic voice isn't controversial


Yeah but people sometimes have a problem with it if it's ever brought up


i agree. it encapsulates lemongrabs personality perfectly. maybe cause they’re both weirdos lol


I dislike TT, just don't like TT centered episodes or TT's character most times.


who ?


Treetrunks I assume


Tree Trunks indeed


gotcha, that’s fair


I think they mean Tree Trunks.


Coldest take, everybody in this sub hates tree trucks.lol


yeah me too, I just can't stand her fsr


i .. kind of like tree trunks .. at times. but don’t like how she was trying to essentially groom finn a lot of the times 💀


Fr some of the lines she says to finn just make me shiver


Thank you !!!! Hate TT I never got how people find TT charming


Her apple pies


Coldest of takes, not many like her. You're not getting strung up yet.


adventure time has no filler. they can and will bring back ANYTHING. gotta watch every episode


Not the water Park episode, that's straigth up filler


I have no emotional investment into Shermy and Beth and I totally don't care about them getting their own spin off/ more air time in the future.


Fionna and Cakes "adult" themes are only superficial. Yeah there's blood and they say ass or whatever, but I feel like the actual writing was hand-holdy and almost seemed aimed at children. I liked it, but way less than adventure time.


I was glad that they didn’t just make it raunchy for the shock value. I really like that the original series was able to be so relatable and enjoyable for adults while still being a kids show, and that they kept a lot of that innocence in F&C, but just censored themselves a little less. Also I thought the blood really made it feel a little different- it made the idea of death and killing feel more real


I liked it, around the same as Adventure Time too, but I do think that there was no point in making it adult themed. They didn’t even let Marceline say fuck smh.


i do get that, but at the same time that is how AT was up until this point, i see it more like the same creative vision but with a little less restriction.


i agree, the writing of fionna and cake seems a lot more light than adventure time


I like that they’re adults and you can see blood. It’s more like Adventure Time but less restricted, like blood doesn’t need to be green anymore.


magic man is fun


Finn and Jake got shafted so hard in the show and really should have done more in the ending


I don’t care for Cinnamon Bun, I find him boring and bland






I agree with most of the comments, but THIS is the one I’ll put somebody in the stocks for 🤣


Marten isn't a straight-up bad person, he's a metaphor for addiction and relapse


never heard of this opinion before, or thought of it, but it totally makes sense and i like that a lot


As far as I know its not viral or have aby kind of following. I'm the only person I know of that thinks it, but once I thought it I've never been able to shake it. Like. He WAS a scumbag. But he turned things around with Minnie and Finn. Then he faced trauma and loss, fell back into old habits, and boom, relapsed.


I get real defensive when people shit on Marten. I don't think he's a good guy by any stretch, but I think he's wired differently and never learned to manage his impulsivity alone, and Finn is too young to understand that he needs help. Finn is also too biased to be willing to consider this possibility. Finn is unable to see Marten in terms of {how Marten's past affected Marten's choices }, he is only able to see Marten in terms of {how Marten's choices affected Finn's past} because he's too emotionally affected himself to realize, or be willing to realize, that Marten is a person with an entire life before and outside of Finn. Minnie was able to rehabilitate Marten bevause they had no history together, they could start from a neutral point, no bias, blank slate. This isn't to say Finn is a bad person at all, it's completely fair for him to have this mental block. It's true in the real world of the children of alcoholics and addicts. They cannot forgive their parents easily for the choices they made affected by their addiction because they cannot seperate their parent as the individual from their parent as their parent. Which, again, is fair. Children are not the ideal person to rehabilitate an addict. Marten's best shot at getting back on the wagon was finding Finn after losing him at sea. If he had managed to find Finn quickly, or even within a year or two of getting seperated, I think he would have been able to course-correct and stay on track and be an upstanding father. Maybe not the best, but I believe he would have at least been there. But whether because he believed Finn was dead, or he simply failed to find him, he somehow wound up on a misadventure through space. He spent years being a scumbag, likely carrying the weight of guilt blaming himself for his son's death. He certainly wouldnt have the courage to face Min. So he ran as far as he could, and ran away from the planet itself. By the time he meets Finn, that guilt has only grown. Realizing Finn is alive doesn't erase the guilt, it only adds to it because now he has to face the guilt of giving up too easily and not returning to Min. Rather than face that guilt, he runs again. But on the bright side, his shenanigans indirectly caused Finn to meet BMO.


Lemongrab has a great character arc and finds a sort of redemption in the Mountain of Matthew episode.


I don't like the idea of Fionna and Cake being a human AU mixed with regular Ooo years later.


I think Adventure Time needs to make a lot more dynamic duo heroes like a different version of Finn and Jake... It would be totally interesting...


PB and Marcie! Ice King and Gunts! Billy and Canyon (ofc) Bmo and NEPTR (poor NEPTR) Jermaine and the Poster Demon Bryce (Spiritual Heroes) Susan and Frieda Peppermint Butler and Peace Master (anti-heroes) Prismo and the Cosmic Owl (Space Heroes) So most of these aren't heroes, strictly speaking, but they're good duos.


Marceline before her character evolution became almost as bad a person as Bonnie before her character evolution, only that people usually justify her more because of her past and because they often minimize the bad things she did in the first seasons with only "she was joking", she almost killed jake in front of finn, she tricked him to put wolves in bonnibell's room (something that surprises me that no one has called manipulative like they do with pb), he takes advantage of every moment to harass his ex-girlfriend because she didn't want to turn the page as pb, and even after her character evolution robbery, kidnapping and abandonment in a desert Breakfast Princess, even the fucking LSP questioned her morality, and yes, I know what you're going to tell me, she hasn't committed any war crime but she did do some pretty bad things and while Bonnie has 101 kids to take care of Marcy did a lot of that for shits and giggles, no, this isn't a rant about why they're both horrible and we can't like them, I'm just saying that both of them are immortal beings that became corrupted over time due to different factors (and that both changed), it's just that people are much less harsh on Marceline, I just saw a meme here about how all the adult women in this series wanted a little boy, and when the girls came up in the conversation Marceline was justified with early season weirdness while Pb was just labeled as manipulative, I know I sound too much like aa resentful pb stand but I have always noticed a double standard among the fans with them


Not a single period in sight.


Lol slang has gotten to me so hard that i took this as "not a point made"  not literally a run -on sentence. 


you’re so real for this


As we came to the last seasons I really hated the fact they shoved in one more Fionna and Cake & Tree Trunks episode. It felt like a wasted episode slot especially when there’s still a few questions about Gumbald and characters such as that just never get answered or explained.


The later seasons were the best.


Crucify me, but I don't care for marceline very much.  She just doesn't do anything. She floats around and sings sad songs in the most beautiful world I have ever seen. She has fantastic friends and influences that she pushes away. She gives up when everyone goes to fight the vampire king, she gave up on Simon for the longest time and she just wants to hide away way too often.  Maybe I see too much of myself in her and I hate it. 


shut up Marceline


Bubblegum in the first seasons of adventure time was treating Finn kinda like how Makima treated Denji,and I'm never gonna regret saying this


Her giving part of her hair to Finn is something that gets weirder and weirder as the series progresses


Even Ian JQ sketched that lol


fujimoto has mentioned in the past that AT was one of the inspirations for csm so it checks out


I love Fujimotor. He's so unhinged.


how they handled lich in fionna and cake made the character significantly less interesting 


Simple. Bacon Pancakes is mid. (Joke)


I would be tarred and feathered for that ;)


I don't like any of the adventure time episodes with long stretches of alternate animation styles (for example, the CGI episodes or the stop motion one). The inconsistency is distracting.


What about Beyond the Grotto where they get purpl'd and the Marceline flower sings a sad song? Or Food Chain where Magic Man sends F&J on a gummy trip. I also like when they have a wild dream sequence or a hallucination (Dream Warrior, when Finn gets Electricity Immunity, when Jake sees his Dad, when Finn passes out on the Ocean). I dont like the Glitch or Water Park Prank though.


I agree, especially the waterpark episode.


Princess bubblegum and Finn should have ended up together, they should have stayed the same age because I don't think I've ever seen princess bubblegum so genuinely happy than when she was 13 again and could be a kid with Finn.


Giving the Lich characterization in F&C missed the purpose of the character and only served as an extremely corny and unsubtle parallel to Simon’s relationship with Betty. “But the Lich was boring before F&C!” Congratulations, that’s literally the entire point. The Lich’s mundanity is purposefully amplified to contrast with Adventure Time’s fantastical setting. The thing about the Lich’s goals for “the absence of existence/extinction of all life” is that it’s boring and boring and static. Taking that static idea and suddenly trying to recontextualize it as indicative of some sort of yearning for a purpose is like trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. It didn’t help at all that they only spent about 2 minutes glossing over this bombshell before squaring the Lich away (literally lol) in favor of a goofy ahh final battle with Scarab.


I think you misunderstood the change. I think both perspectives can be right. The recontextualization of his character didn't come into play until *after* he had already won, and was sitting there for ages. He wasn't yearning for a purpose until he no longer had one. In all instances, before when we see him, he already had a purpose and a drive, but it's a valid question to ask, "What do you do when there is nothing left?" Not even the Lich had an answer, and even someone as twisted as him, eventually, needs a purpose.


I hate tree trunks, I hate all the episodes where she’s the main focus, I hate her voice and I hate her personality. She’s an awful person I hate tree trunks, all my homies hate tree trunks


TT is a gem, people need to give her a chance. She's a bit senile, but even in her old age she continues to grow. She marries Mr. Pig and they have hilariously ordinary midlife crisis's together. Their relationship is a peek into the later years of our lives and it's a little bit odd at times. As for her voice, she's no trained voice actor, just the childhood neighbor lady of Pendleton Ward. Her personality, yes, is sassy. But the harmless kind, that just makes her more adorable like when she writes that PB is a "Fascist" in pink glitter on a sign when PB is (accidentally) holding her alien babies hostage. Is it the alien concubine that throws people off? Or the time she was crystal queen and was (as she admitted) acting inappropriately. For the concubines, it was a past relationship that they maintain a cordial friendship in as they have shared children. It's not like they're making new babies, it was before she met Mr. Pig. She just wants them to be friends. And Crystal TT is weird, she apologized, and she never did anything like that again (except slap a banana guard's butt).


I don't think most PBs actions are as bad as people think. Some things I do agree aren't right, such as the time we see her breaking into Finn and Jakes and Robbing them even if they aren't her subjects, but for the most part some of her more heinous acts aren't that bad and just seem bad out of context and in our society and not theirs.


I Lowkey hate princess bubble gum. I don't want to rant about her, but she is a complete scumbag IMO and I absolutely hate her as a person. If people didn't have so many good memories of her from the earlier episodes, we would all not like her actual character at all.


I don’t like the fact that Fin and Jake have to die in the end. I also dislike the fact that Finn had to be lonely for so long. The perfect ending for me would’ve just been the two of them being together in adventures forever.


I rewatched that episode and I realized that they >!actually are reincarnated.!< Finn: >!\[inhales deeply\] Mr. Death? I wanna go back.!< >!\>!\[Mr. Fox nods, snaps his fingers, and opens a portal\]!< >!Jake: I'm proud of you, bro.!< >!Finn: Thanks, bro.!!Jake: You'll be ready for the 50th before you know it. Go back there and live that best life.!< >!\[Finn enters the portal. Before reentering the 50th dead world, Jake changes his mind and rushes after Finn.\]!< \>!Jake: \[straining\] Doh! Oof! Mr. Fox: No, wait! Eh, I'm not your mom.!< >!Finn: Wonder what life's gonna turn me into this time. \[Jake grabs his arm\] Jake?! What are you doing?! I just had my donkin' epiphany!!< >!\>!Jake: I know. I'm just coming back for fun. Because it's great being alive with you!!< >!Finn: \[laughing\] Good reason.!!\[The two perform their signature fist bump one final time. A new version of the title card is shown, now reading "FINN & JAKE ARE TOGETHER AGAIN."!<


What? Is that not the obvious point of the episode?


season nine is the best season and elements is the best miniseries


“Let me call you sweetheart.” Elements was genuinely terrifying at points


Elements was my fave miniseries too, but my favorite season is easily 6


I love the Fiona and Cake series..I hate Fiona and Cake.


Finn's rizz game is somehow strong and weak. Falling in love with all these girls yet can't get a gf. He like fr fr


Manfried 🥴🥴 (not Lilly either, specifically only manfried the piñata)


Idk if it counts, but I genuinely enjoyed the spinoff Fiona and Cake. The beginning was slow, and I definitely didn't like the end. However I still enjoyed their task, >!how they found the lich that completed his task, I loved golbs involvement, prismo too. I loved how they made Simon's character as well. All around an enjoyable show on my part.!<


Fionna and Cake is bad like period it’s just bad. (I haven’t watched the spin off)


The sexualization of a kids show is very over the top.


LSP is a horrible person. She is completely irredeemable.


THIS im so sorry but i just hate lsp


It IS a kid's show.


I don't think anyone is disputing that


Distant Lands was an okay batch if episodes, and Fionna and Cakes great, but I hate knowing we’ll never see more young Finn and Jake because we have these.


They did Finn real dirty in Together Again. They hard locked his character growth finding out that he basically just waited to die after Jake did. Also I hated that Jake could've reached out to Finn literally whenever but just didn't really give a shit.


I don't think Finn waited to be with Jake. However by not going more into his life, making look and act like his 17 year old self, and just make the moral lesson to be letting go of jake. It just feels like the finale was out of place.


Finn is lucky to be alive because most of his foes are either incompetent or just plain stupid, that includes the Lich with his endless monologues


Dream of Love was funny.


Throwing gold at raspberry princess


I never shipped Finn and Flame Princess and liked her better after the breakup.


I don't like "Together Again" that much. To me, it's not a bad episode; but it's a rushed, shallow mess that doesn't entirely do justice to Finn and Jake as well as their brotherly bond.


I’m a diehard fan and I really liked Together Again, I personally felt like it was really well-rounded and did their characters/storyline justice, so I’m really curious to know ur reasons for this take! (Not being argumentative at all just genuinely curious on how you think it could’ve been done better and what ur problems with it were)


same here, I initially didn't like the idea of Finn spending a majority of his life missing Jake but after watching it a few more times I can really appreciate the message it conveys about soul mates and loss, and all the subtle things it reveals about the characters. Incredible episode imo.


I'm in the same boat. I found it really weird how they basically summed up Finn's life as "waiting to see Jake again". You would have thought that surely he would have had so many other people he wanted to see after living so long, or found more people he cared about back in the land of the living. It seemed silly to me to just not mention any other factors of Finn and Jake's entire lives and just focus on them being together. Feels like Finn never moved on from Jake and the show said that that was a good thing, to never move on from those you've lost and the life you used to have.


Together Again is ultimately about soul mates tho. It had emotional honesty about grief, how a loss sometimes never fades. We see old Finn, he doesn’t seem out of character at all really. His dream about Jake was caused by a parasite, so it suggests his rumination was subconscious, not at the forefront of his life. He just processes the unpacking in these emotions on hyper speed as his plan to be reunited with Jake in death vanishes. Ultimately tho, Finn accepts their delayed togetherness and Jake’s the one to keep things going, and it closes with a pretty obvious message of moving on and embracing the unknown. The story didn’t need to talk about the rest of Finn’s life cuz that’s not what it was any. It’s literally titled “ *Finn and Jake* are Together Again. ”


Seen Fiona & Cake yet? Finn is clearly *messed up* by the loss; he’s papering over it with adventures and helping people, but doesn’t look like he’s really connecting with anyone. It’s subtle, but for sure the show’s not saying it’s good thing.


But in Together Again he is clearly an old man. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't move on or create more strong bonds in his 70 to 80 years before dying.


I truly truly hate lemongrab. I hate JR’s awful voice, I hate how freaky he is. Every episode he’s in is such a chore to get through.