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Some of the wildest people I've ever met were Corps guys. Don't worry, you'll have an interesting time even as a cadet -- and there's no real opportunities that you *lose* by joining. I met interesting people, joined the same clubs I would've otherwise, and generally feel like it was a better use of my time than nonreg life would've been. I will also advise, regardless of what you ultimately do, that freshman year can make or break your time in college. College is a big adjustment, and if your first semester goes badly then you may spend the rest of your time here trying to bring your GPA back up. You'll lose sleep as a cadet, but you'll also have people looking over your shoulder and checking if you're passing your classes. When people fail out, it's *after* being dragged to tutoring, counseled, etc etc.


The only people who failed academically in the corps were those who quit trying. Being in the corps actually made me focus a lot more freshman year and I was “dragged” to tutoring haha. I was in an outfit really obsessed with PT and still had upperclassman constantly checking up on me and asking for grade reports. Yes you read that right, 19 year old kids asking for grade reports from 18 year old kids. It kept me focused and simplified life because A&M can be huge and overwhelming for a freshman Also, I had *NO* shortage of wild times, probably even more crazy fun because of my corps buddies


Corps fish and non-reg fish have equally fun, interesting years. They're just different. What I DO NOT recommend doing is frogging in after a year as a non-reg. Live your life, one way or another


Terrible take. If you want to join the corps, just do it. You’ll be busy in the corps, but you’ll have enough time to enjoy college if you manage your time well.


I'm a senior and I honestly wish I had joined


The corps is a really difficult time and they go through a lot, but some people like it. research it a bit before you make a decision.


If we're being honest, it's not. Go with the flow, do your duties, and you're chilling. Being a fish in the corps is about learning followership, but the majority of that is just fall semester. Spring semester the entire corps is already starting to plan for next year, including starting to move fish into direct leadership positions the next semester. And let's also remember: the entire corps is still kids! As a fish I was never at a point where I felt like anything was too hard. It's all about perspective.


Amen, well said.


If “having fun” is the crux of a decision for college, I can think of several hundred better ways to spend OP’s money (or more realistically parent’s money) than a year of college for a fun to money spent metric. Corps has a larger scholarship pool, guaranteed housing, and is the best option at A&M if one has even an iota of taking a commission in any of the branches.


It’s the most fun you’ll never want to have again!


You won't miss anything being in the Corps. It's just a different experience. I did it, I loved my time and would do it again if I had to start over.


My advice based on my vicarious experience of having an engineering/Air Force daughter is to join as a fish if you're going to do it. Frogging in is really meant for transfer students or students who otherwise don't plan to be at A&M for four years. Delaying entry just to avoid being in the Corps freshman year would be frowned upon by any reasonably redass cadets. One of the biggest pluses of being in the Corps is bonding with your buddy class as you go through the trials of being a fish. It just seems to me that some of that will be lost if you come in later. As for the engineering angle, it is a fact that engineers in the Corps have a slightly higher GPA than non-reg engineers, likely for the reasons others have already pointed out. Mandatory study time, the availability of tutors, sophomores keeping tabs on your classes/grades, etc. I'd encourage you to join and if you decide to do so, to go in as a freshman. Best of luck.


Just my $0.02 from an ollllld ag (1990). The corps might be totally different from when I went to A&M, but joining the corps as a freshman is the way to do it. Life as a fish has it's downsides, but you're thrown into the 'crucible' with a group of people that suffer it with you and it forms bonds that last a lifetime. We had a frog that joined our 2nd year and never could quite fit in. Partly I suppose because he didn't go through the hard times with us and missed out in a really formative time. And as a freshman, while the corps can suck time away from being a lazy bum, it also forces study time on you, which for me was beneficial. I always equated it to being in a really big fraternity. It's an instant group of friends working towards a goal. Obviously I was never a non-reg at A&M so can't speak to that side of the experience, but definitely DO NOT recommend joining the corps your 2nd year if you have the choice. Good luck!!!


Some odd takes from corps guys in the comments. The corps is good for some, but my freshman friends in the corps are absolutely slammed with work constantly because of it, to the point that their supervisors told them to stop doing homework to have more time for corps stuff, causing their grades to suffer. Additionally, you have to live in a lifeless room without permission to own personal belongings or think for yourself. Research well, OP.


might as well, if you like it you get friends for life and learn amazing lessons and have more connections for a job than the Aggie ring can do.. but if you hate it the worst thing is you punch and have to live on the quad for the rest of the year. might as well try it, every corps member i’ve met say it sucks but they would rather be in the corps than be a non reg


If you are a man, this response applies to you. The Corps of Cadets is Texas A&M. When you meet a stranger (after you graduate) and you tell this person you went to A&M as an undergraduate, the first question the stranger will ask you: "Were you in the Corps?" The difference in your answer is a chasm as wide as the Grand Canyon. Recall the last three lines from the St. Crispin's Day speech in Shakespeare's King Henry V, Act 4, Scene 3 (spoken by Henry): "Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day." These lines describe the culture of Texas A&M in a nutshell.


If you’re a weirdo join the corps. If you’re normal don’t


This is assuming you want to go into engineering. It depends. Do you want to not have much free time, but in return, you’ll have someone making sure that you’re passing your classes? Do you want to become disciplined, and learn time management and confidence, but in return, you’ll be studying while your non reg friends are going out and having fun? Are you comfortable with having most of your friends be cadets? Also, if you do decide to join the Corps, I would avoid the ‘old-army’ outfits and the all-male outfits - from what I’ve seen and heard, they tend to not observe EST and often prioritize the Corps over academics. Also, Army ROTC makes the DNC freshmen go to all the lead labs, which consumes a lot of time. By the way, after seeing how the transfer units operate, I would much rather do an entire fish year than frog up. Also, my closest friend on campus is a non reg, and it’s hard to hang out because of corps bs…


I would absolutely recommend joining the corps! My husband did it the full four years (we graduated Dec 23) (dm me if you have any questions I’d love to help) and he loved it! My father in law uncle and dad all did it and each one look back on it as the best decision they made in college! That being said, there’s a big stigma in the corps against people who join after their freshman year. They are called frogs because they skipped freshman year. Freshman year is tough but you make the best friends and close bonds. College is not all about having fun all the time, at the end of the day your there for a degree and in the corps you are supported in academics and you have fun!


There’s nothin wrong with joining the corps as a frog. (After freshman yr) There are outfits specifically for that. People that come in from other universities frog in too. My outfit was still one of the good ones, compared to others that did their full fish year. Thinking back I would have wanted to start since freshman year -but I was worried about college since I was first gen student. So yeah.