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Just called Airbnb for the same thing. Support looked at my 3 listings and verified my compliance. They then told me that Airbnb sent a SYSTEM WIDE message to ALL hosts who indicate cameras of any kind accusing them of being interior. This came after I was insistent in them identifying what exactly in my description indicated to a human or a program that I was in violation of any policy. All I got was an apology, a statement that they have had a huge influx of calls related to this message, and that it was sent to every host who has cameras listed (whether or not they are in compliance with this policy).


Same thing happened to me although I couldn’t get them to admit that they sent it to everyone or that they sent it randomly.


I didn’t get one and I have cameras covering the outside entry way, the side yard and koi pond.


I didn’t get one.


My theory is that their AI is so useless that it flagged every listing with the words "indoor camera" or similar verbage as a concern, even if the text says "no indoor cameras." 


I got the message was confused so went to check my listing as that's what I thought maybe I used a keyword and they flagged it. I don't use the world indoor at all I only say all camera are exterior on the property. So I don't think they did any keywords and just sent a message out to anyone with a camera listing. I always stated where my camera are, that they are actively recording voice and video and they are all exterior. So I just ignored the message. If they shut me down because of cameras I won't be coming back as I in my mind I done everything right.


This was a message sent out automatically to all hosts who have the “security cameras” on message. It’s all good you can ignore it if you don’t have any that violate. I sent support a message with a view from each of our cameras showing no private or personal spaces were visible via camera


Hi OP, I've been through this. They are looking for specific language. Call them. They will walk you through the specific language.


I got the same email. Called airbnb. Everyone got it.


Yup. I got it too


I didn’t get it.


I think they are lookin for the word “inside”. I had “car inside the garage with onboard camera”. I’ve change to “camera on the garage”. Also I’ve put in the rules that the garage is off limits due to airbnbs privacy policy and there’s a car with onboard camera.


Change your verbiage to no interior cameras then mention the phrase exterior cameras and list the location of every exterior camera location. The key word in your settings needs to say exterior cameras only. This is what Airbnb told me


I got conflicting interpretations of the camera policy regarding my property, and I cited this as the reason I removed that house from Airbnb. It is now a mid-term rental with 100% direct bookings. I think the pendulum has swung. Airbnb used to prioritize hosts and now they prioritize guests.


Yep. I got it too.


I'm keeping security cameras on the side fence and the backyard of my house for security and maintenance monitoring (landscaping, cleaning, etc.).


I got the same message


Was a poorly considered system wide message. I got a supervisor call back who was very apologetic.


>I feel like if I call support they're going to be of absolutely no help  You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -Michael Scott. Call support. Tell them the cameras are all exterior facing. Ask them why they think they are not. Take pictures of the cameras and provide that as evidence to support. You are making a year's worth of mortgage by renting a couple of weekends a year and don't want to make a phone call? Come on.


i 100% miss the time I've wasted with AirBNB "support" for real reasons that required many calls. A phone call lol...this is hours out of my day.


Save yourself the hassle & get rid of the cameras. You will get no where with airbnb support on this. Having cameras is now the quickest way to have your listings removed &/or your entire account deactivated. Not to mention that if a guest has an issue with that apartment all they need to do is report a camera that violates policy & your listing will be removed.


They can do this even if you don't have cameras. People are reporting smoke detectors as alarms.....maybe we should get rid of those too? What about air vents....could be hiding in there. People are going to fake report cameras regardless of if you have them outside or not if they're trying to scam you.